Thought Leadership

Greetings from Guy: The Power of Working Across Borders

Abuja, Nigeria Spoke at BAZE University   Bangalore, India Visit to Indian Institute of Management and Infosys. Attended the Confederation of Indian Industry Conference Berlin, Germany Attended Online Education Berlin conference and hosted GBSN Experiential eLearning Summit: Shaping Global Leaders Through Practice &Partnership Brazzaville, Republic of Congo Discussion with Government officials about creating a new… Read more >

Should Universities and Business Schools Focus on the Present or the Future?

This blog was written by Jon Foster-Pedley, Dean and director, Henley Business School Africa. Jonathan Foster-Pedley recently participated as a panelist in the Parliamentary Debate at the GBSN/EFMD Joint Conference in Africa. Four panelists were to argue for or against the following statement: “the house believes that the business schools should serve as visionaries shaping… Read more >

Austin Okere’s address on reimagining the business school model at the GBSN/EFMD joint Conference at Accra, Ghana

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The Importance of eLearning in Higher Education

I returned from an eye-opening conference held in Addis Ababa about e-learning focused on the developing world. Rebecca Stromeyer, a member of GBSN’s Board of Directors organized this even, which attracted some 1,200 participants. This was the 10 th anniversary e-Learning Africa. I take my hat off Rebecca, whose passion generated a worldwide community of… Read more >

Treasure Troves of Data about Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship looms large in the rhetoric of politicians and members of the international development community. Countless initiatives around the world aim to encourage entrepreneurship and all GBSN member schools offer entrepreneurship programs. Ernst&Young (EY) have just published an “Entrepreneurship Barometer” which compares policies of the G20 countries that have a bearing on entrepreneurship. Surveys that… Read more >

Training Talent in Africa

In 2012 GBSN partnered with the Association of African Business Schools and two foundations in launching an exciting organization, the African Management Initiative. Its ambitious aim: to help train African managers on a significant scale. In June AMI asked 136 Kenyan Human Resources professionals : “If you could help grow the staff in your company… Read more >

Austin’s Notes: GBSN Advisory Board Member Writes an Article on Millennials, Zero Distance and Grassroots Innovation

Austin Okere is founder of CWG Plc, the largest Systems Integration Company in Sub-Saharan Africa & Entrepreneur in Residence at CBS, New York. Austin also serves on the World Economic Forum Business Council on Innovation and Intrapreneurship and is also on the GBSN advisory board. Millennials, Zero Distance and Grassroots Innovation I recently attended the… Read more >

eLearning Africa Takeaway

The three-day eLearning Africa networking event that took place in Cairo, Egypt this May was a success. With GBSN being proud partner at this event, we were glad to know that over 1,045 delegates attended the event. There was 204 conference speakers, who gave presentations exploring latest innovations, best-practice examples and issues regarding technology and… Read more >