Thought Leadership

Bridging the Gap between Academia and Employers’ Expectations

Are business schools imparting the skills employers need most? In 2003, soon after GBSN was launched, one of the first things we did was question how companies/employers in developing countries rated local business school MBAs. I was then working at the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation, and we leveraged IFC’s extensive network of developing world… Read more >

Riding the Tide of Disruption in Higher Education

This is a modified excerpt; please find the original article here In an article posted on Dialogue Review, authors Dr. Mark Farrell and Dr. John Davis addressed the two main triggers of disruption in education: technological change and cost pressures. These disruptions are forcing universities (especially those deemed ‘non-elite’) across the world to evolve if… Read more >

Tools for Teaching About Business at the Bottom of the Pyramid

A few years back I was fortunate to sit in on a presentation by the late C.K. Prahalad, who, together with Stuart L. Hart, published the seminal 2002 article “The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid”. Professor Prahalad put up a slide on the screen of a typical Indian village. It looked somewhat like… Read more >

Higher Education in sub-Saharan Africa: Why the Neglect?

Our CEO and founder, Guy Pfeffermann, recently contributed an opinion piece to the 2015 eLearning Africa Report. He focused on the challenges facing higher education in sub-Saharan Africa and explored possible solutions. Below you can find screenshots of Guy’s opinion piece, to read the entire eLearning Africa Report please click here. Guy Pfeffermann is the… Read more >

Higher Education Included in Sustainable Development Goals

The Spring Meetings of the IMF and World Bank are attracting thousands to Washington, DC, this year, an unusually large number. This year is particularly important for international development because it ushers in the United Nations’ new “Sustainable Development Goals (2016-2030)” as the “Millennium Development Goals (2000-2015)” come to an end. The draft SDGs may… Read more >

GBSN Panel at the Innovation Arabia 8 Conference

GBSN has been invited to put together a session for the Innovation Arabia 8 Conference happening in Dubai on February 16 – 18 at the Hamdan Bid Mohammed Smart University. The session will be at noon on February 17th, and will be a plenary session of the conference. Innovation Arabia 8 will be held under… Read more >