Thought Leadership

A Good Time to Experiment…Boldly

Soumitra Dutta is a Professor of Management at Cornell University and the Chair of the Board of Directors for GBSN. Previously he was the Founding Dean of the SC Johnson College of Business at Cornell and Chair of AACSB Intl. He is also the President of Portulans Institute and co-chaired the Global Future Council on… Read more >

Student Career Growth in the Current Environment: Four Key Practices

Nearly 25 million jobs could be lost globally due to the coronavirus, according to the UN labor organization. Indeed, a Google search “unemployment coronavirus” returns a steady stream of other harrowing statistics from country to country. These data reflect the daunting realities being faced by graduating students and the career relations professionals who support them.

We reached out to several GBSN member schools and asked to speak with students who have been successful in landing jobs. They felt fortunate and were quick to give credit to the school-based career professionals that helped them. From these conversations, we distilled four key career center actions that were particularly impactful in the current environment.

World After COVID-19: Sangeet Chowfla, GMAC

Sangeet Chowfla is the President & CEO of the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). In conversation with Soumitra Dutta and Dan LeClair of GBSN, he discusses the importance of connectedness and trust, as well as the changing value equation in higher education. This interview was conducted 9 weeks after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. This is an edited transcript of their exchange.

COVID-19 in Africa

Dan LeClair is the Chief Executive Officer at the Global Business School Network. Widely recognized as a thought leader in management education, Dan is the author of over 80 research reports, articles, and blogs, and has delivered more than 170 presentations in 30 countries. Connect with Dan on LinkedIn and Twitter @drleclair

Online Teaching in Times of COVID-19

As part of GBSN’s commitment to providing a platform for digital information sharing and learning across our industry, we have been hosting a series of webinars focused on how schools are dealing with challenges relating to the coronavirus pandemic. GBSN, in partnership with EFMD and XOLAS, presented a webinar  on April 1st, Stepping Up Your Online Game. The webinar featured a panel discussion with Benjamin Stévenin, CEO of RimaOne and Founding Parter of XOLAS, Mark Fenton O’Creevy, Professor of Organizational Behaviour, The Open University and Martin Boehm, Dean, IE Business School.

A Short Guide to GBSN Online

Indeed, the last month of coronavirus living has helped me to understand and appreciate GBSN as blended organization, one in which our essential work on the ground and face-to-face is complemented and supported by our work online. But it also helped to realize that we haven’t talked enough about our digital work. So here is a short guide to GBSN online, with some notes about how each has been useful in the current crisis.

Chairman’s Corner: A Time to Shape our Future

Soumitra Dutta is a Professor of Management at Cornell University and the Chair of the Board of Directors for GBSN. Previously he was the Founding Dean of the SC Johnson College of Business at Cornell and Chair of AACSB Intl. Email:; Twitter: @soumitradutta; LinkedIn: soumitra-dutta;

Reflections on GBSN in the First Months of 2020

Twenty-twenty already has been a very active year for staff team supporting the Global Business School Network (GBSN). In Nigeria we co-hosted a workshop with Lagos Business School and the African Academy of Management (AFAM) on the role of business schools in Africa’s sustainable development. Then we went from the Yabacon Valley to Silicon Valley, where we contributed to the fifth annual African Diaspora Investment Symposium, and onward to Cairo for roundtables convened by the AUC School of Business to look ahead on occasion of its 10th Anniversary. We also participated in AACSB and EFMD annual deans conferences in music city and the fashion capital of the world, Nashville and Milan, respectively.