Target group:
The EFMD Annual Conference has been designed for all those interested in management education and development. It brings together EFMD members, companies, educational institutions and other associations, offering various perspectives and discussions on the conference theme.
Conference theme:
What brought us here might not get us there! After more than 2 years of turmoil, reassessing of where businesses and business schools came from and where they want to go appears more relevant than ever. The programme will therefore look at this theme starting with the individual – what does transformational leadership look like? – then look at organisations – how does the current and future world of work look like and how do we have to adapt it? – and finally look at the wider societal context around issues such as the climate emergency, sustainability goals and the wider global context, where equally a rethink of strategies and actions may become imminent.
Visit the conference website for more information: events.efmdglobal.org/events/2022-efmd-annual-conference/