Virtual Events

Global Entrepreneur in Residence Program: Closing Session


April 22, 2021
11:00am -12:00pm GMT


This session will be hosted on Microsoft Teams.


Emma Martens

The GBSN Global Entrepreneur in Residence (EiR) Program is a new collaborative effort with Lancaster University Management School and AUC School of Business. An initiative, built on the success of the initial pilot, is designed for graduate and undergraduate students and faculty to work closely with Entrepreneurs in Residence from different GBSN Member schools. The program is designed to help students and faculty improve communities through the research they do and the training programs they conduct.

Join this closing event to witness the student teams final presentations. In addition, learn more about future plans for the GBSN Global Entrepreneur in Residence program.


Hala Barakat, Director, Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation CEI School of Business, The American University in Cairo
Opening Remarks
Sherif Kamel, Dean, School of Business, American University in Cairo AUC
Introduction to Review Panel
Brian Gregory, Teaching Fellow, Lancaster Management School, Lancaster University
Introduction and Admitting Teams
Richard Baguley, Managing Director of GDR Communications Ltd and Lancaster EiR
Ghada Hafez, Associate Director, Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation- CEI, School of Business, The American University in Cairo
Review Panel and Feedback
Dan LeClair, CEO, Global Business School Network (GBSN)
Dr Sophie Alkhaled, Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship
Lamiaa Kamel, Founder, CC Plus
Closing Remarks
Dan LeClair, CEO, Global Business School Network (GBSN)
Conclusion and Program Plans
Brian Gregory, Lancaster Management School, Teaching Fellow, Lancaster University

About the Pilot Program


GBSN together with Lancaster University and AUC School of Business are launching the Entrepreneur in residence program (EIR). An initiative for AUC graduate/undergraduate teams, to work closely with a Lancaster University’s Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR) who is steeped in the way of life of the small-and-medium-sized business (SME) world. 

The objective is to generate a simple comparative analysis/ document/report and highlight best practices, and new techniques in the EIR’s field (details below) in both regions and come up with recommendations on how to impact the industry

Learning Objectives

Teams who join this program are expected to be able to:

1. To interact with actual startups in Egypt and internationally, experience their process and challenges

2. To start interacting with different elements in the entrepreneurship ecosystem

3. To examine issues related to management of entrepreneurial ventures

4. To discuss the challenges and opportunities for entrepreneurs in Egypt and internationally

6. To examine and analyze emerging online business models and digital marketing tools

Competency coverage

Students will develop and practice several competencies and transferable skills, including, but not limited to:

  • Written and oral business communication skills, focusing on startup context
  • Teamwork and collaboration skills
  • Analyzing different business models of startups
  • Developing, analyzing, and writing business cases


The end result is expected to be three comparative analysis presentations all related to industry and the startups in the media and PR field. All researches will complement each other’s to give a full view of the industry’s challenges, opportunities, solutions and growth plan and to be presented in the final online event, that will be attended by members of GBSN, Lancaster, AUC School of Business, industry representatives from both countries

Student teams will receive certificates of participation in the international program from the partner entities.

Program Structure 

Three teams will be selected to work on the pilot project with Richard Baguley, Managing Director of GDR Communications Ltd and Entrepreneur in Residence, Lancaster University Management School. The project included 8 online sessions over the duration of two months. All three teams worked on a comparative report for the same field (Media and Public Relations), but from different perspectives. 

Richard Baguley introduced the field, provided an overview of the industry and shared his own entrepreneurial story. Student teams were expected to complete two assignments in addition to the final presentation; i.e. research of the field in Egypt/MENA area vs. UK/Europe that includes challenges, opportunities and the future of this field, in general and in specific startups. The final session will be when the teams present their comparative analysis reports and their findings to a review panel. The event is open to the public.

Register for the Session

The final session will be when the student teams present their comparative analysis reports and their findings to a review panel. The event is open to the public.

Management and War: How Organizations Navigate Conflict and Build Peace


War and conflict are a reality of life throughout the world. While much is written about the impact of violence and disorder, how people and organisations adapt to these environments is still poorly understood. This seminar will look at the often hidden story of organisational actors managing through and beyond violent conflict, building businesses, delivering services and navigating change processes in environments of violence and peacebuilding. In this, it argues that ethno-political conflict and war are organisational as well as a political processes, and that moving beyond conflict cannot be successfully achieved without a recognition of organisational actors as key to that resolution process. The seminar will draw on data from three cases: Northern Ireland, The Basque Country and Bosnia. 


Dr Christina Bache,
Visiting Fellow, London School of Economics and Political Science, IDEAS
Chair, United Nations, Principles for Responsible Management Education, Working Group on Business for Peace


Dr Joanne Murphy,
Reader in Leadership and Organisational Change and Co Director of the Centre for Leadership, Ethics and Organisation, Queen’s Management School, Belfast.

Dr Joanne Murphy is a Reader in Leadership and Organisational Change and the Co-Director of the centre for Leadership, Ethics and Organisation, Queen’s Management School. She is also a Fellow of the Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice and a Senior Fellow of Northern Ireland’s policy Think Tank – Pivotal. Her research explores leadership, change and organisational development in political volatility, including environments affected by ethno-political conflict. She has worked extensively with business, government, not for profits and police and security organisations to build leadership capacity, management change and achieve resilience.  Her new book – Management and War: How Organisations Navigate Conflict and Build Peace, was published in August 2020. Joanne’s full profile can be accessed here.


Wednesday, April 7, 2021

  • 11:00am Washington D.C.
  • 4:00pm London
  • 5:00pm Geneva/Cape Town
  • 8:30pm Mumbai
  • 11:00pm Singapore

The Center of Global Business Annual Forum: The Future of Everything


The Center for Global Business’ Annual Forum is an event occurring every spring that brings together distinguished voices from the academic, policy, diplomatic, and business communities to speak on a different theme each year.

This year, save the date for the 3rd Annual Forum on Tuesday, April 13. Kislaya Prasad, academic director of the Center for Global Business, will lead a discussion with Mauro GuillĂ©n, author of “2030: How Today’s Biggest Trends Will Collide and Reshape the Future of Everything.”

About the Speaker

Mauro F. Guillén
Author of 2030: How Today’s Biggest Trends Will Collide and Reshape the Future of Everything
Dr. Felix Zandman Professor of International Management, the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

Mauro F. GuillĂ©n is one of the most original thinkers at the Wharton School, where he holds the Zandman Professorship in International Management and teaches in its flagship Advanced Management Program and many other courses for executives, MBAs, and undergraduates. He combines his training as a sociologist at Yale and as a business economist in his native Spain to methodically identify and quantify the most promising opportunities at the intersection of demographic, economic, and technological developments. –


Tuesday, April 13th, 2021

  • 5:00pm Washington D.C.
  • 10:00pm London

Social & Sustainable Finance Research and Teaching: The Role of a Business School in Building an Inclusive and Responsible Society 


May 20, 2021

11:00 am–12:00 pm (EDT)

5:00pm – 6:00pm (CEST)


This event will be hosted on Zoom.


Emma Martens,

Montpellier Business School would happily present the Microfinance in Developed Countries Chair. The Chair Holder, Dr Anastasia Cozarenco, will share her experience, how the project arose, leading to the creation of this Chair in 2018. She will also explain why the chair recently broadened its scope, research and teaching activities to become the Social & Sustainable Finance Chair.

Building on the Chair’s activities, Montpellier Business School launched its Yunus Centre for Social Business and Financial Inclusion in 2019. Dr Elsa Kassardjian, the Development Manager, will talk about the challenges and opportunities of creating and maintaining such a Centre. She will present in particular a project funded by the European Commission, MBS’s Yunus Centre is involved in.



Thursday, May 20th, 2021

  • 11:00am Washington D.C.
  • 4:00pm London
  • 5:00pm Geneva
  • 8:30pm Mumbai
  • 11:00pm Singapore

Experiential Learning for Skills Development


April 21, 2021
8:00 am – 9:00 am EDT


This webinar will be hosted on Zoom.


Emma Martens

To ensure we provide the best in education, we consistently focus on creating a learning environment that will allow students to directly encounter real-life situations that will test their skills, knowledge, and emotions. Universal Business School’s 80% experiential learning module allows students the flexibility to react to conditions rather than merely thinking about how to respond to in a scenario. 

UBS’ two year AICTE approved PGDM program is designed to train aspirants for multiple business roles at different scales. With the global immersion program, students also gain the chance to receive international exposure to develop an intricate understanding of the international market. The program has been designed by 60 CEOs and is refined by 30 Senators who are leading industry professionals. 

The program follows the Experiential Learning Waterfall, which allows UBS to optimize the learning process towards 80% practical learning. Each course is embedded with:

  • Live Decision Making
  • Leading And Executing Live Revenue Generating Businesses
  • Simulations And Experiments
  • Case Blazer (50 Hours Non-stop Dynamic Case Study Competitions)
  • Global Immersion Programs In Europe And Asia
  • Live Projects In Companies
  • Student Boardrooms
  • Industry Ceo Workshops
  • Student Mentoring By Industry
  • Research Projects
  • Economic Review Sessions
  • Thinkathons
  • Quizzes
  • Conferences And Symposiums
  • Shadow Techniques, and
  • Global And Indian Internships

UBS’ Experiential Learning Waterfall ensures that our student’s gain the ability to grasp complex concepts, put them in practice, develop learning agility and assures that fundamental business ideas are ingrained in them. Join us to learn more about how UBS’ uses its experiential learning waterfall.


Wednesday, April 21, 2021

  • 8:00 a.m. Washington D.C.
  • 1:00 p.m. London
  • 2:00 p.m. Geneva/Cape Town
  • 3:00 p.m. Cape Town
  • 5:30 p.m. Mumbai
  • 8:00 p.m. Singapore


  • Tarun Anand

    Founder & Chairman
    Universal Business School


This webinar is free of charge. Click the button below to register.

Women Know Global: Closing the Gender Gap in the Global Economy

Join the Center for Global Business and executive director Rebecca Bellinger for a conversation about making strides to position women for success in the global economy. Hear from women leaders of global organizations that drive change, influence policy, and create programs to close the gender gap and support women in the workforce.

From four points of view, the panelists will address:

  • What programs, resources, and incentives are in place currently to support women in the global business ecosystem.
  • How traditional systems and norms obstruct women from the paid workforce and what is being done to address the issues.
  • How equal economic treatment for women benefits everyone, economically, and socially.

Panelists include:

  • Simona Scarpaleggia, Global CEO, Edge Strategy
  • Linda Scott, Author, The Double-X Economy: The Epic Potential of Empowering Women
  • Margo Thomas, Founder and President, Women’s Economic Imperative
  • Elizabeth Vasquez, CEO and Co-founder, WEConnect International

Registration is required to access the webinar.


Thursday, March 25

  • 12:00 p.m. Washington, D.C.
  • 4:00 p.m. London
  • 5:00 p.m. Geneva
  • 6:00 p.m. Cape Town
  • 9:30 p.m. Mumbai
  • 12:00 a.m. Singapore


This webinar is free of charge. Click the button below to register.

CEEMAN IQA Webinar – Relevant, Excellent and on the Move

Management education is quickly evolving as the world undergoes several major changes such as the COVID-19 pandemic. It must adapt to several different challenges, such as new customer needs and new competitors. This increases the need for stakeholders in management education to truly understand what the successful business schools of the future will look like.

This webinar will focus around the following ideas: relevance and excellence in both teaching and research and an institutional dynamic which continually moves the institution to the future through innovation and change. Attendees can expect to leave the webinar with a greater understanding of how to identify current gaps and the change processes that will have to be deployed to effect such changes.


Wednesday, March 31, 2021

  • 8:00 a.m. Washington D.C.
  • 1:00 p.m. London
  • 2:00 p.m. Geneva
  • 3:00 p.m. Cape Town
  • 6:00 p.m. Mumbai
  • 9:00 p.m. Singapore


This webinar is free of charge. Click the button below to register.

2021 EFMD Middle East and Africa Conference

This conference tackles the specificities of both Africa and the Middle East regions in common plenary sessions and in separate tracks, specifically targeting relevant issues for both regions. The conference addresses topics such as ongoing trends and new developments in management education, inside, and outside of the two regions. It promotes an active debate between regional actors and participants from other regions of the world.

Business school professionals that attend the conference will develop higher levels of insights on how to approach challenges in the upcoming years, while also strengthen their networks across the regions.


Tuesday, March 9 through Thursday, March 11, 2021

10:30 am – 2:45 pm CET

Thriving in a New Era of Globalization: A Conversation with BCG’s Arindam Bhattacharya

How are organizations adapting to the disruptive forces transforming globalization, such as economic nationalism, technological transformation, environmental crisis—and, of course, the Covid-19 pandemic? For nearly two decades at BCG, Dr. Arindam Bhattacharya has worked closely with some of the world’s leading global companies, helping leaders to navigate the complex and rapidly changing environment. In this GBSN cross-border webinar, he talks with GBSN CEO, Dan LeClair, about that experience and his new book, Beyond Great, and offers insights into the future of business education as well as business.

Great performance in the 21st century is all about delivering consistently strong returns to shareholders—right? Wrong. That may have been true in the 20th century, when the rules of the business game were predictable, but not today. That world no longer exists. As BCG’s new book Beyond Great shows, the world has been transformed by three powerful, disruptive forces: social tension, economic nationalism, and technological revolution.

This event is designed for business school students, faculty, and administrators. 

To achieve business advantage, leaders will have to make bold changes on three major fronts.


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

  • 6:30am Phoenix
  • 8:30am Washington D.C.
  • 1:30pm London
  • 2:30pm Lagos
  • 3:30pm Cape Town
  • 7:00pm Mumbai



This webinar is free of charge. Click the button below to register.

Gender-Smart Entrepreneurship Education and Training +

Building Entrepreneurial Ecosystems to Support Underserved Entrepreneurs


March 23, 2021
11:00 am–12:30 pm (EDT)


This roundtable will be hosted on Zoom.


Maddie Handler,

This roundtable will showcase a multi-country project that mobilizes evidence-based insights in the development of entrepreneurship education and training as drivers of economic empowerment of girls, women and other disadvantaged groups (e.g., youth, informal workers). The GEET+ is the work of Telfer School of Management’s Professor Barbara Orser and Dr. Catherine Elliott. The tool has been selectively applied in Canada and the United States.  Led by the Women’s Economic Imperative (WEI) and funded by the International Development Research Centre (Canada), the pilot project is being launched in Peru, Mexico, Kenya, and Nigeria. 

Join this roundtable and learn how the WEI international team of collaborators and experts is working to: 

  • Strengthen pathways to build viable and bankable women-owned enterprises. 
  • Enhance the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education and training within universities and community-based support organizations by addressing biases in solution design and sector knowledge about equity, diversity and inclusion.
  • Refine measurement and assessment criteria to support gender equality in entrepreneurship education and training. 
  • Facilitate knowledge sharing among academic, industry, non-governmental and government stakeholders, including the catalyzation of networks where they do not already exist.  

Attendees will leave the roundtable with an understanding of how entrepreneurship education and training can influence perceptions and better address systemic biases.     

Understand how entrepreneurship education and training can better address biases within course content, design and delivery.   

Share information about the Gender-Smart Education and Training Action Strategy (GEET+) as an assessment tool.

Grow from lessons shared about shifting perceptions in education, training and business communities to better support women entrepreneurs.

Women’s Economic Imperative (WEI) is a global, non-profit committed to promoting women’s economic empowerment (SDG 5) and inclusive economic growth for the benefit of all. Founded in 2018, WEI responds to the Call to Action of the United Nations Secretary-General’s (UNSG) High-Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment. WEI’s mission is to catalyze and advance women’s economic empowerment through entrepreneurship and advocacy. WEI’s work is supported by a global network of experts, influencers, partners, researchers, and stakeholders.

The Telfer School of Management is committed to driving the design and delivery of inclusive entrepreneurship education and training to enhance the UN Sustainable Development Goals of gender equality and women’s economic empowerment. Telfer’s Inclusive Entrepreneurship scholars are informing research, practice and policy to strengthen entrepreneurial ecosystems around the world.


Tuesday, March 23, 2021

  • 11:00 am – 12:30pm ET
  • 8:00am Los Angeles
  • 4:00pm London
  • 5:00pm Lagos
  • 7:00pm Nairobi
  • 9:30pm Mumbai

Registration Information

This roundtable will be hosted on zoom. To participate, please complete the online registration form where you will be prompted to create a free account in order to complete. You will receive a zoom meeting link with your confirmation. Seats are limited, secure your spot today.


Presented by:
