
14th International Research Workshop – Methods for PhD


PARALLEL MORNING SESSION 1 (7 – 9 September 2020)

  • Data Analysis with Stata
    Tobias Gramlich, Hesse State Statistical Office
  • Qualitative Research Methods
    Dr. Fabian Hattke, University of Hamburg
  • Grounded Theory
    Dr. Gilberto Rescher, University of Hamburg
  • Writing your Literature Review
    Paul Vickers, University of Regensburg

PARALLEL AFTERNOON SESSION 2 (7 – 9 September 2020)

  • Data Analysis with R
    Dr. Marco Lehmann, UKE Hamburg
  • Case Study Research
    Dr. Kamil Marcinkiewicz, University of Oldenbourg
  • Introduction to Data Mining and Quantitative Text Analysis with R
    Dr. Pascal JĂźrgens, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
  • Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)
    Dr. Jonas Buche, Leibniz University Hannover

PARALLEL SESSION 3 (10 September 2020)

  • Questionnaire Design
    Prof. Dr. Daniel Schnitzlein Leibniz University Hannover & DIW Berlin 
  • Multi-level Modelling with R
    Dr. Daniel LĂźdecke, UKE Hamburg
  • Academic English Writing
    Dr. Jonathan Mole, Europa-Universität Flensburg
  • Spatial Data Analysis with Stata
    Prof. Dr. Timo Friedel Mitze, University of Southern Denmark


  • Wenzel Matiaske, Helmut-Schmidt-University
  • Simon Fietze, University of Southern Denmark
  • Heiko StĂźber, Institute for Employment Research

Fees & Credit Points

499 Euro (with accommodation and meals)

It is possible to get a certificate on 5 credit points (according to the European Credit Transfer System).

Workshop Venue

The workshop will take place at the Akademie Sankelmark, Akademieweg 6 in Oeversee (near Flensburg), Germany. The health, safety, and well-being of our lectures, the staff at the Akademie and the participants are our top priorities. All necessary measures are taken to ensure everyone stays healthy. Further, we will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and switch to an online workshop when necessary.

Contact & Registration

For any questions don’t hesitate to contact the workshop committee (

Please register for the workshop on the workshop website.


  • Helmut-Schmidt-University/University of the FAF Hamburg, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
  • Institute for Employment Research (IAB), The Research Institute of the Federal Employment Agency in Nuremberg
  • Akademie Sankelmark im Deutschen Grenzverein e.V.


Learn More & Register

“What goes into deciding whether to welcome back students?”

Date & Time:

Wednesday, August 19, 2020 | 9:00am EDT


In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, MIT, like all universities and colleges around the world, was tasked with determining if and how students would begin the fall semester. MIT sloan ultimately decided that the educational experience will be a “hybrid” curriculum consisting of the three main instructional models: fully remote, in person, and hyflex (a session in which some students are participating in person and some are participating remotely.

Dean Ezra Zuckerman Sivan will discuss the different considerations and factors that played a role in the curriculum design and the school’s decision to provide students with a safe and flexible learning environment.

VIRTUAL CONFERENCE: 18th International Conference on Private Higher Education in Africa

Theme: Invigorating African Higher Education Institutions’ Response to COVID-19 Pandemic.

Higher education is affected by coronavirus whose consequences are expected to continue for unforeseeable future. African higher education community needs to find innovative and creative ways to invigorate the response to the pandemic to mitigate the risks associated with it. St. Mary’s University will hold its 18th international conference which will bring scholars, researchers, practitioners and decision-makers together virtually to debate on the common agendum – responding to COVID-19 – on September 08, 2020.


Sub-theme 1. Higher Education Institutions’ response to COVID-19 pandemic

  • Higher Education Institutions’ response to COVID-19
  • Teaching, learning, assessment and research practices during and post-COVID-19
  • The role of indigenous knowledge in solving the COVID-19 challenges
  • The role of technology in higher education during and post-COVID-19
  • Sustaining post-COVID-19 academic quality
  • Online education and challenges in technology
  • Capacity development of teaching faculty in a post-COVID-19 transformed system

Sub-theme 2. Higher education institutions’ role toward inclusive and sustainable youth
development and employability

  • Lessons and strategies toward youth development: inclusiveness, entrepreneurship and employability during and post-COVID-19
  • African higher education towards meeting Agenda 2030 and 2063 for sustainable livelihoods, disability, gender and health
  • Importance of national strategies for regional Higher Education
  • Internationalization of Higher Education in Africa

Sub-theme 3. The profile of Private Higher Education in Africa

  • Access, relevance, quality, challenges and opportunities
  • Accreditation practices of Higher Education institutions in Africa
  • Research and technology in private Higher Education in Africa
  • Strategies to minimize PHEIs’ dependence from tuition fees
  • Public-Private partnership in the African HE space
  • The profile of PHEIs in a specific regional or national context

Sub-theme 4. Lessons and strategies towards effective networking and global engagement

  • policies, strategies and practices for effective linkage between higher education, business/industry, and other key stakeholders
  • collaborations, joint research and innovation in Africa
  • Knowledge management in Africa
  • Effective use of media in Higher Education

Sub-theme 5. The role of higher education institutions in ensuring serene Africa

  • Issues of identity, diversity and gender
  • Multiculturalism and green environment for prosperous and peaceful Africa
  • Democracy and rights in multicultural societies
  • Higher Education Institutions’ social climate
  • Climate change and its effects on education


International Content Expansion Series: Connecting Your Classroom to the World


Join FIU in Connecting Your Classroom to the World. COIL connects teachers and students from two or more countries to work on meaningful projects together using common communication technology and the Internet. FIU CIBER will host a webinar each week in the month of August. Please stay tuned for details on the upcoming webinars and opportunities offered through CIBER.

How to Register:

Register using Zoom ID:  937 3967 9281

E-Confluence 2020


25th July 2020


This is the 7th Edition of Confluence 2020 organized by IFIM Business School, Bengaluru, India.

Theme: How Higher Education Institutions can reboot the Economy?

The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the social, economic, geopolitical, business and learning environments. It has thrown new challenges to the well-established norms of earning a livelihood, interacting with friends and family, interacting at the workplace, and learning at schools and colleges. Countries, States, Business establishments and institutions of learning have been forced to adopt new ways of working, learning and delivering their respective obligations. This has dramatically impacted the normal. Supply chains across commodities, products and human resources are decimated and need to be re-invented. The Coronavirus has thrown a challenge to humankind and we must once prove our resilience. 

The future of every economy is determined by the quality of the new generation that it produces. This new generation has been conventionally trained and educated by a learning ecosystem consisting of pre-schools, schools, and higher education institutes. The new generation is further mentored, coached, and developed by the industry and society to don the role of business and social leaders who eventually then drive the future of the economy. 

The conventional education system has been hit hard by this pandemic. Academia has been rattled and is desperately seeking quick and easy solutions. 

It is time for the Organizations, Academic body, Social Influencers, and Industry leaders to pause and apply their minds to answer the following emerging questions. 

  • Is this the end of classroom teaching and online learning pave way for resurrecting the economy and then sustain it thereon? 
  • The traditional and established experiential learning pedagogies such as internships and immersions are being threatened. Do we need to reinvent them? 
  • Placement cycles which were the feeders of trained human resources are losing steam as the credibility of offers is at stake and the traditional campus interviews are becoming inconvenient. Do we need to find a new model? 
  • Will the legacy formulae of ROI cost of education/Placement Packages continue to be the normal? 
  • Are such lockdowns & social distancing here to stay, if yes do we need to train and educate our students differently? 

These questions need to be thought through, debated intensely, and answered thoughtfully to rebuild a learning ecosystem which will help address the new normal and reboot the economy which is now at a standstill.


  • Chief Executive Officers /Chief Human Resource  
  • Leader Campus Recruitment & Campus Recruiters 
  • University Relations Team 
  • Talent Acquisition & HR Professionals 
  • Career Services Professional 
  • Founders, Co-founder, and Entrepreneurs 
  • Director, Head & Manager- Placement Officers/Chief Managers
  • Chancellors & Vice Chancellors 
  • Directors & Principals 
  • Deans & Senior Faculty Members 
  • Researchers 


09:50 AM – 10:00 AM (10 Minutes)Inauguration Ceremony
10:00 AM – 10:10 AM (10 Minutes)Welcome Address
Dr. Ashwini Kumar Sharma
Pro Chancellor at Vijaybhoomi University
Ex-Director General – National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology (NIELIT)
10:10 AM – 10:40 AM (30 Minute)Inaugural Address by the Chief Guest
Dr Anil Sahasrabudhe, Chairman AICTE
10:40 AM – 10:55 AM (15 Minutes)Setting the Context
Sanjay Padode
Chairman, IFIM Business School (CDE Society)
President- Vijaybhoomi University
10:55 AM – 11:05 AM (10 Minutes)Inauguration Vote of Thanks
Jayant Shah
Confluence Chair
Executive Director – Academy of Indian Marketing, CEO – AIM Parasuraman Centre for Service Excellence
11:05 AM – 12:05 Noon (60 Minutes)Panel 1 – Changing teaching and learning norms

Dr. Avantika Tomar, Global Solution Lead, Mercer, UK
Alok Mishra, Director, Niti Aayog, Govt of India
Prof. Manoj K Tiwari, Director, National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE)
Vikas Gupta, Managing Director, Wiley India
Vikram Chaudhary, Asst. Editor, The Financial Express
Dr. Navneet Sharma â€“ Dean, Vijaybhoomi University (Moderator)
12:05 Noon – 12:35 PM (30 Minutes)Networking Breakout |Q&A
12:35 PM – 1:35 PM (60 Minutes)Panel Discussion II – Impact on Early Talent and Campus Opportunities

Kisha Gupta, Head of Global Academic Relations at Infosys
Amit Sachdev, CHRO, Tata Insights and Quants
Shruthi Alva, HR Director, Automation Anywhere
Priyanka Srivastava, Editor, Education Times – Times of India
Prof. Rakesh Mediratta, Dean, IFIM Business School (Moderator)
1:35 PM – 2:05 PM (30 Minutes)Networking Breakout |Q&A
2:05 PM – 3:05 PM (60 Minutes)Panel Discussion III: The ROI Factor: Graduate Fresh Talent & Employer

Sushil Joshi, CHRO Adani Group
Ramendra Verma, Partner & Head, KPMG INDIA-EGYPT JV
Somasekhar Mulugu, Associate Editor & Chief of Bureau, The Hindu Business Line
Mithun Appaiah, CEO & Executive Director Innovative Foods (Sumeru)
Dr. Asit Barma, Professor & Chairperson – Marketing, IFIM B School (Moderator)
3:05 PM – 3:35 PM (30 Minutes)Networking Breakout |Q&A
3:35 PM – 4:00 PM (25 Minutes)Way forward
Dr. Atish Chattopadhyay
IFIM Business School
Vice Chancellor – Vijaybhoomi University
4:00 PM – 4:25 PM (25 Minutes)Valedictory
Dr. M.P. Poonia ,
Vice Chairman – AICTE
4:25 PM – 4:30 PM (05 Minutes)Vote of Thanks
Ms. Surekha Shetty
Director – Student Services
IFIM Business School

Global Trade During COVID 19: WTO Response

Date & Time:

Monday, July 27, 2020
12:30-1:30 p.m. EDT


Join Kislaya Prasad, academic director of the Center for Global Business as he hosts Emmanuelle Ganne of the World Trade Organization to discuss the “Global Trade During COVID 19: WTO Response.” Topics to be discussed include how global trade has been impacted by the pandemic, WTO’s responses worldwide, tools it has to support the economic recovery, and how countries are thinking about the future of trade, through the lens of an expert from the WTO.


Emmanuelle Ganne is a senior analyst in the Economic Research and Statistics Division of the World Trade Organization (WTO) where she leads WTO work on micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and blockchain and conducts research on MSMEs, global value chains, services, and digital technologies. She is the author of a recently published WTO book entitled “Can Blockchain Revolutionize International Trade?”. Prior to this, she held various positions at the WTO, including as counselor to Director-General Pascal Lamy, and in the Accessions Division where she assessed trade policies of governments wishing to join the WTO and advised them on how to improve their business environment. From 2015 to 2017, she worked as vice-president and managing director for Europe at the Allam Advisory Group (AAG), a team of former C-level executives and senior diplomats that specializes in helping businesses expand their operations globally. Ganne is a 2009 Yale World Fellow.  

IMTA Russian: Latest Experience and Trends in Management Education

CEEMAN is glad to support IMTA Alumni Russia Club in organization of the online meet-up of Russian-speaking IMTA alumni and their colleagues (not only from Russia but also from other countries) interested in teaching.

Overall topic: transition to distance and online: reflections and experience exchange; trends in management education.


Please write to if you would like to share your experience.

Click here for more information.

IMTA Global: Insights for Teaching and Learning

Join an interactive session with IMTA alumni from around the world who will share their latest experiences related to management education. A great opportunity to get to know IMTA community and spirit, learn from colleagues, and share your own insights.


Please write to if you would like to share your experience.

Click here for more information.

Next Stage: Developing a Sustainable Online Strategy- EFMD

Next Stage: Developing a Sustainable Online Strategy- The Journey From Survival Mode to Effective Online Learning

Event Details

Register for the free interactive Networking webinar and let experts from the EOCCS Community Anne Swanberg, Karine Le Joly, Ginny Gibson and Stephanie Lambert take you on a journey where you will meet and interact with peers who have been dealing with the crisis to reflect on the challenges, where you will learn more about the range of capability and resource required to deliver online education and explore the future- what will business education look like in the future and map some possible scenarios.

So, step back, take stock and move forward!

Target group:
This webinar is designed for Deans, Executive Directors and Programme Managers


Attendance is free but requires registration in advance.
This webinar will be run using Zoom – video communications software.

To have the best Zoom experience, we recommend you to have installed the latest version of Zoom Client for Meetings. If you are not familiar with Zoom, please make sure you connect 15 minutes prior to the webinar. You can test the tool via this weblink.

They will admit a maximum of 40 participants to this webinar to enable an interactive experience for you. Registration will close as soon as this number has been reached.



  • Anne Swanberg: Associate Professor, Former Dean Teaching & Learning, BI Norwegian
  • Ginny Gibson: Professor Emerita, Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK
  • Karine Le Joly: Director of Digital Learning Strategy and Innovation, HEC Paris, FR
  • Stephanie Lambert: Undergraduate Tutor, Department of Management, London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom


Simonne MacDonald:

Click here for more event details.

2021 EFMD MBA Conference


When designing an MBA programme, it is important to think about the entire customer journey, and to think specifically about its three main phases: 1) pre-programme 2) in-programme 3) post-programme. Using the concept of a “journey” as the red thread, we want to discuss the key design principles that naturally lead to a coherent, connected and meaningful experience for our customers, as they journey from being candidates, to students, and finally to become our alumni. The objective is to see the connections across all three phases, how one impacts the other. Each MBA programme must create its own unique journey, there is no one template or best practice example to follow. The conference will thus focus not on the “what” but on the “how” of designing a meaningful MBA experience.
This event is aimed at MBA Directors and business school staff involved in part-time, full-time and executive MBA programmes.


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