GBSN for Business and Human Rights Impact Community

Interested in joining the community?


Julianna LaBelle,


Find our FAQ here

Global integration, political uncertainty and growing inequality have increased public scrutiny of business operations. Business schools need to better prepare future leaders for the challenges of this modern global business environment. They also need to demonstrate that the values and principles of their education are aligned with public expectations that business contribute to a fair and prosperous global economy.

Realizing this vision will require moving beyond dedicated business ethics or corporate social responsibility classes to a model that incorporates social considerations into the core of business curricula. 

The Global Business School Network for Business and Human Rights Impact Community (GBSN for BHR) is a collective of business schools and scholars who are committed to integrating human rights into management education, founded in 2017 by the NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights, the Geneva School of Economics and Management, and the Alliance Manchester Business School. GBSN for BHR is an interest group under the umbrella of the Global Business School Network (GBSN) and supported by the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative of the UN Global Compact. 

GBSN for BHR supports the integration of human rights education at business schools through research, teaching, and institutionalization.


The GBSN for BHR Impact Community follows three main objectives:

Catalyze business school engagement to incorporate human rights into their research and education (e.g., through branding, marketing, advocacy, and interactions with the private sector).

Foster knowledge exchange to share ideas, strategies, and resources for the integration of human rights into business education (e.g., through peer- to-peer communication, networking opportunities, and collaborative initiatives).

Enable collective action within business education, other academic disciplines and beyond academia, to advance and protect human rights globally (e.g., through research collaborations, student initiatives and competitions, and educational materials). 

News and Upcoming Events


GBSN for BHR is interested in learning how human rights are currently represented in business school teaching. The individual answers will not be shared with any third parties.

About GBSN for BHR


Dorothée Baumann-Pauly and Mike Posner, who co-lead GBSN for BHR, also chair the PRME Working Group on Business and Human Rights.

  • Dorothée Baumann-Pauly

    Director, Center for Business and Human Rights
    Geneva School of Economics and Management; NYU Stern School of Business
  • Mike Posner

    Director, Center for Business & Human Rights; Jerome Kohlberg Professor of Ethics and Finance
    NYU Stern School of Business

Research Clusters

GBSN for BHR offers several thematic research clusters that serve as working groups and knowledge hubs. These are the current clusters and cluster leads:

Accounting, Finance & Investments

  • John Ferguson

    Professor in Accounting | Accounting, Finance & Investment Cluster Lead
    University of St. Andrews
    United Kingdom
  • Yingru Li

    Senior Lecturer (Accounting & Finance) | Accounting, Finance & Investment Cluster Lead
    Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow
    United Kingdom


  • Dorothée Baumann-Pauly

    Director, Center for Business and Human Rights
    Geneva School of Economics and Management; NYU Stern School of Business
  • Berit Knaak

    Senior Research Associate | Agriculture Cluster Lead
    Geneva Center for Business and Human Rights, Université de Genève

Climate Change, Human Rights and Fair Transitions

  • Karin Buhmann

    Professor | Climate Change, Human Rights & Fair Transitions Cluster Lead
    Copenhagen Business School
  • Stephen Park

    Associate Professor and Satell Fellow in Corporate Social Responsibility Academic Co-Director of MBA Programs – EMBA Business Law | Climate Change, Human Rights & Fair Transitions Lead
    UConn School of Business, University of Connecticut


  • Lara Bianchi

    Assistant Professor in Business and Society | Gender Cluster Lead
    University of Nottingham
    United Kingdom


  • Sandy Chong

    Consultant and Adjunct Professor | Leadership & Governance for Extractives Cluster Lead | Founding Chair of SDG Business Forums
    United Nations Association of Australia

Modern Slavery and Supply Chains

  • Charles Autheman

    Consultant and Professor | Modern Slavery & Supply Chains Cluster Lead
    HEC Paris


  • Björn Fasterling

    Professor, EDHEC Augmented Law Institute Researcher | Technology Cluster Lead
    EDHEC Business School

Geographic Expansion

The GBSN for BHR impact community currently includes over 120 business schools across the globe from 37 countries (Oct. 2023) and is regionally expanding, e.g., in Latin America and the Gulf region. 

Resources and Previous Events

GBSN for BHR Gender and Agriculture Cluster Workshop

Getting Started – Human Rights in Business Education

The Case for Human Rights in Business Education– A Tool Kit

Business schools offer the ideal venue to explore 21st century human rights challenges, both in teaching future business leaders and conducting cutting-edge research. Adding human rights to the business school curriculum provides an exciting opportunity for new forms of collaboration. GBSN aims to serve as a resource and community for schools implementing recommendations in this toolkit.

Interested in Joining this Community?

Individuals interested in joining the GBSN for BHR community can sign up through the form below. Participation in the group is meant to be inclusive – participating in the GBSN for BHR community does not require your school to be or to become a member of GBSN.

For more information about the GBSN for BHR community, find our FAQ below.


For questions or feedback, please contact Julianna LaBelle, Member Engagement Coordinator, at