GBSN Member Opportunities

Lingnan University Associate Professor, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Opportunity

Lingnan Strategic Faculty Recruitment 
Lingnan University aspires to excel as Asia’s leading liberal arts university with outstanding teaching and learning, scholarship and community engagement. In line with the University’s Strategic Plan 2019-2025 to build scholarly and research capabilities in designated strategic areas over the next few years, with a special focus on cross-Faculty collaborations in multi-disciplinary research and teaching programs, we now invite applications from around the globe for various interdisciplinary academic positions at the rank from Postdoctoral Fellow to Chair Professor. 

The University is seeking to hire a full-time Professor/Associate Professor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Candidates should have an international reputation of interdisciplinary scholarship in one or more of the following areas: (1) Innovation Management; (2) Entrepreneurship; (3) Strategic Management; and (4) Public Administration. A strong interest in any of the following will be an advantage: (1) cross-disciplinary academic activities; (2) development and management of innovation- and entrepreneurship-related programmes; and (3) joint research activities with internal and external scholars. 

The appointee will join the Faculty of Business and will be expected to teach relevant courses at all levels, work on quality research projects, apply for internal and external research grants, contribute to relevant undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, and such duties as may be required. The appointee would also collaborate with the Faculty of Social ScienceSchool of Graduate Studies, the Office of Service Learning, and the Teaching and Learning Centre on relevant, inter-disciplinary research and teaching matters. 

General Requirements
Candidates should have a PhD degree in the relevant discipline. For appointment as Professor, candidates should have a distinguished record of publications in leading journals and academic achievements, and experience in academic administration. For appointment as Associate Professor, candidates should have at least five years of relevant experience and a sound track record in research and scholarly activities. 

Lingnan University is fully committed to the pursuit of excellence in both teaching and research. Candidates are required to provide evidence of quality teaching and information on their research records. Administrative experience in university departments would be a distinct advantage. The appointee is expected to have a strong commitment to teaching excellence and services to the Department, the University community, and to engage actively in quality research and publication. 

The conditions of appointment will be competitive. The rank and remuneration will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Fringe benefits include annual leave, medical and dental benefits, mandatory provident fund, gratuity and incoming passage and baggage allowance for the eligible appointee. 

Appointment will normally be made on an initial contract of three years, which, subject to review and mutual agreement, may normally lead to longer-term appointment with possibility of consideration for substantiation. For appointment at the rank of Professor, appointment with substantiation will normally be considered. 

Call for Performances: GBSN Beyond Virtual Conference

Be part of a vibrant hub of exchange, learning, collaboration and discussion by submitting a student performance for GBSN Beyond.

The arts are a universal language. While they appear in different formats and genres, the arts have the power to connect every individual, every community, every nation across the globe. The arts allow us to overcome the barriers of language and geography, and unite us around the healing and joy it brings.

GBSN Beyond: Virtual Conference Reimagined utilizes a versatile events platform to convene members of business, academia, and civil society to collectively tackle some of the complex problems our societies across the globe are facing.  GBSN Beyond features three parallel track experiences during the month of October leading up to a 3-day virtual conference, November 15-17. These tracks engage Learners, Educators, and Leaders. Each parallel track includes a core learning experience with various sessions, networking opportunities and workshops. The virtual conference will feature keynotes, panel discussions, lightning talks, workshops, and networking activities that generally focus on four themes: humanitarian logistics, climate change, healthcare, and human rights.

GBSN Beyond provides attendees numerous opportunities for engagement, and we as an organization have always prided ourselves on delivering unique and innovative experiences. Entertainment has always been a priority. This year, GBSN Beyond will feature a Music. Art. Heals. Performance Series. Through this Performance Series, we hope to overcome barriers of language, religion, culture, and geography, and unite our global audience around the healing and joy performing arts brings.

These performances will be highlighted throughout the entire GBSN Beyond event experience. This includes the parallel tracks in the month of October and during the Virtual Conference Nov 15-17.

Help us bring performing arts to our global audience. 

Submission Categories

Because of the virtual nature of this year’s conference, artists are encouraged to submit their work in one of the following categories:

  1. Pre-Recorded Performance Collective
  2. Live Video Performance
  3. Single Location and Solo Short 
  4. Outside The Box

Submission Category Details

Performance Category 1: Pre-Recorded Performance Collective

Submissions should consider the following guidelines:

  • 20-30 minutes in length
  • Between 2-4 performances included in the collective. Diversity in talent and style is encouraged.
  • Properly edited, produced and recorded with multiple camera angles

Chosen “Category 1” performances will receive a stipend estimated between $400 – $800 for the entire team of artists and complimentary passes to the virtual conference. 

Performance Category 2: Live Video Performance

Submissions should consider the following guidelines:

  • Performances chosen will be performed via livestream from performer’s location(s) through GBSN’s conference platform
  • Performances chosen can be performed to one or multiple cameras, i.e. multiple people in multiple locations
  • 10-12 minutes or less in length

Chosen “Category 2” projects will receive a stipend estimated between $200 – $300 and complimentary all-access passes to the virtual conference.

Performance Category 3: Single Location and Solo Short 

Submissions should consider the following guidelines:

  • Projects chosen will be performed via livestream from a single location through conference platform
  • Projects chosen will be performed to one camera, i.e. a single individual or multiple people in a single location
  • 5-8 minutes maximum in length
  • Solo pieces of any format including: Stand-up comedy, Solo Performance Artist, Live Poetry, Web-Cam Style, Documentary Style, etc.
  • Multiple artist pieces of any format including: drama, comedy, musical theatre, etc.

Chosen “Category 3” performances will receive an estimated stipend between $75 – $175.

Performance Category 4: Outside the Box

  • Submitted if all three (3) other categories do not fit for your performance. 
  • If your piece doesn’t fit in any box, then submit here and create your own!

Chosen “Category 4” projects will receive a stipend commensurate with other stipends given and complimentary all-access passes to the virtual conference.

Together at Home

The GBSN Beyond Team dances along to The Mortimers & The Ex Vampires Group from Monash University in Australia at the Awards Ceremony during the 2020 Conference.

Monash University, Australia

Chor Der Leuphana University, Germany

Goa Institute of Management, India

How to Submit a Performance

Performances should be submitted through this online form. Submission must include the following:

  • Performance Title 
  • Performance Category 
  • Brief description of performance submission (500 word max)
  • Name(s), contact information of Performer(s) and name of Institution. If submitting a group performance, please indicate one main point of contact
  • Artist’s Statement describing the applicant’s philosophy and vision (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Biographies for artistic personnel (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Links to websites, as applicable
  • Performance File and/or Samples (Accepted file formats include word document for written submission, .mp4 file for video submission, .mp3 file for audio only submission)

Additional Details

  • Performers can submit more than one performance submission. Every effort will be made to ensure diversity is represented in the performances selected.
  • GBSN reserves the right to recommend changes to performances upon consultation with performers.
  • Performers must provide consent to conference organizers to publish the performance on the Hubb platform and to share the performance online.

Important Dates & Deadlines

  • 19 July, 2021 – Call for Performances Opens
  • 20 September, 2021 – Call for Performances Closes
  • 22 September, 2021 – Selected Performers are Notified


Questions regarding the Call for Performances and the submission process may be sent to

Call for Poster Session Contributions at the 29th CEEMAN Annual Conference

CEEMAN invites faculty members and researchers to showcase their work at the traditional CEEMAN poster session related to the overall theme of the 29th CEEMAN Annual Conference, “Management Education at the Crossroads“. The conference is taking place on 22-24 September 2021 in Trieste, Italy. The poster session will take place in the hybrid format, allowing participants to join online or in person.

The poster session is an opportunity to display innovations faculty members and researchers have implemented during the last years. Even when these innovations are still at an experimental phase, presenting them to the CEEMAN community will give the chance of finding support and receiving valuable feedback, and a publication in the Conference Proceedings.

Poster session co-chairs:

  • Claudio Rivera, RTU Riga Business School, Latvia
  • Zoltán Buzády, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary 

Details about Posters and Submissions

The goals of the poster session are:
(a) to raise the visibility of new, emerging or proven, successful pedagogical innovations of faculty members at CEEMAN member and partner institutions
(b) to promote the exchange of new research findings and tools
(c) to foster networking among faculty members and researchers
(d) to create a new platform for publishing and disseminating research findings, teaching materials and solutions

CEEMAN encourages you to submit your proposal for a poster presentation in one or several of the following subtracks:

  1. Your teaching case study,which you have developed yourself and already use in your teaching practice;
  2. Your research work,which may be a fundamental or applied research project, or alternately your concrete, new research findings which have a clear reference to their application in management/business teaching;
  3. Your teaching tool & technique, which you have developed or adopted successfully in your course/program;
  4. Your other experience, which you would like to present and is relevant to the conference theme.

The potential contributors need to:

1. Submit your poster presentation abstract by 10 July 2021 to (with email subject “CEEMAN Poster Session”). Your submission should indicate the sub-track of your poster (teaching case study / research / teaching tool or technique / other experience), what is your poster presentation topic, what aspects you plan to present and how it relates to the conference theme. All submissions will be reviewed by a selection board for possible inclusion in the conference poster session. 

2. Prepare an online poster and if attending in person, also bring one paper poster or any other brief visual presentation (sized A1) about their pedagogical/research work, which will remain posted throughout the conference.

3. Present their ideas and proposal in an open session to other participants of the 29th CEEMAN Annual Conference in about 10 minutes on Wednesday, 22 September 2021.

4. Submit a high-quality photo of their poster work and a final write-up of their presentation for publication (two pages) by 18 October 2021 for publication in the Conference proceedings.

We recommend that each poster includes the following elements:

  • A clear statement informing everyone on ‘What is this poster about?’
  • An outline of the related topics or elements
  • A recommendation where and how the proposal object can be used in teaching/management education
  • Your name, affiliation and contact

Please note that many tips and tricks on preparing a poster presentation are on the internet.  

Conditions of participation:

The cost of participation in the poster session only (without attending the conference) is EUR 150. All poster presenters are entitled to a 10% discount for attending the 29th CEEMAN Annual Conference (covers attendance of all conference events, conference materials, coffee breaks, lunches and dinners, transportation between the venues as specified in the conference program). The fee does NOT cover travel, airport shuttle, accommodation, participation of accompanying persons, or sightseeing tour.

Important Dates/Deadlines

  • 10 July, 2021 – Submission Deadline
  • 22 September, 2021 – Conference Presentation Date (virtual or in-person)


For any questions or clarification, please contact poster session co-chair Claudio Rivera at (with email subject “CEEMAN Poster Session”).

For more information about the conference, logistics and conditions, please visit:

Legatum Foundry Fellowship at MIT

The Legatum Center at MIT presents the Foundry Fellowship, a first-of-its-kind leadership program for Africa-based founders who have scaled innovation-driven companies and find themselves at an inflection point in their entrepreneurial journey. The Foundry is a place where Fellows reflect on their entrepreneurial journey, rethink their future leadership roles as entrepreneurs, investors, and thought leaders, and renew their commitment to building entrepreneurship and innovation-led ecosystems. 

Launching in 2021, the Foundry Fellowship will bring together leaders who have demonstrated a commitment to bringing about change through entrepreneurship and are ready to build the leadership skills to carry them into the next phase of their entrepreneurial journey. 

The Fellowship is open to entrepreneurs from Africa who have founded and scaled for-profit innovation-driven companies on the African continent, with a preference for entrepreneurs operating in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, and Uganda.

Fellowship Summary

The Foundry Fellowship is a fully-funded six-month program. Fellows will complete an interactive curriculum designed to:

  • Increase their leadership acumen; 
  • Explore pathways to impact as entrepreneurs, policymakers, thought leaders, and investors;
  • Exchange practical knowledge with MIT faculty and students; and, 
  • Engage in multi-stakeholder networking opportunities in the MIT ecosystem.

The learning journey will culminate in a three-week in-person immersive program in which Fellows will have the opportunity to engage with MIT faculty, investors, thought leaders, and policy influencers. This immersive experience will give Fellows insight into how to design cutting-edge programs, implement practices, and create policies that are transferable to their markets. Fellows will also have the opportunity to showcase their ventures and lessons in innovation with MIT faculty, staff, and students.

Note: The Legatum Center’s goal is to offer an in-person immersive experience in line with the regulations of the U.S. federal government, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The Legatum Center will support individuals who are offered a Fellowship with the visa application process by providing an invitation letter and reimbursing visa fees. 

Eligibility Criteria

The inaugural cohort will include 15 entrepreneurs from Africa. Fellows will be identified through a selective application and nomination process.

Candidates should have a demonstrated history of impact, commitment, and concrete connection to the region and have already achieved considerable success with their ventures. 

  • Have founded and scaled a for-profit innovation-driven company* on the African continent, with a preference for founders of companies with operations in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, and Uganda;  
  • Applicants who have founded and scaled a company outside of Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, or Uganda should have a demonstrated interest in supporting economic growth in at least one of the aforementioned seven countries; 
  • Are at an inflection point in their entrepreneurial journey and are considering the next phase; 
  • Are prepared to dedicate time and space for their own self-discovery and leadership development to achieve the next milestone;   
  • Are able to participate in regular online sessions and cohort activities, from September 2021 through March 2022 (note: additional time is required for readings and exercises); and,  
  • Are able to commit to a three-week in-person session in April 2022.  
  • Founders from the same company may apply, but each founder must complete a unique application. Each founder will be considered independent of a co-founder.
  • MIT alumni and current degree candidates are welcome to apply.   

*Innovation-driven companies are based on a technology or process innovation that allows them to scale across regional and global markets. 

Nominations & Applications

The Legatum Center is accepting nominations and applications from interested entrepreneurs.

Nominees will receive an invitation to complete the application process. A nomination does not guarantee acceptance, nor is it required to apply. Eligible entrepreneurs may submit an application without a nomination. Nominations must be submitted by May 20, 2021.

Applicants, including nominees, must submit a complete application before the application submission deadline on June 10, 2021, at 11:59 PM EDT. The application includes the following components: 

  • Personal demographic information and contact information; 
  • Details about your role as a founder and your company; 
  • Essay questions on your interest in the Fellowship program; 
  • A resume outlining your educational background, professional experience, leadership positions held, and community engagement;
  • A 3-minute video essay [prompt provided in the online application form] and;
  • Two letters of recommendation. 

Applications will be reviewed by a committee and Finalists will be invited to participate in a panel interview.  

Key Dates and Deadlines

  • May 3 – May 20, 2021: Nominations are accepted
  • May 3, 2021: Application opens for all nominees and qualified applicants
  • June 10, 2021 at 11:59pm EDT: Application deadline
  • September 2021: Final selections will be announced


Email with questions about the Legatum Foundry Fellowship.  

Learn more about the Legatum Foundry Fellowship and the Legatum Center at MIT by clicking the button below.

INSEAD International Teachers Program Scholarships

INSEAD is offering two scholarships to faculty from GBSN member schools in developing countries to join the International Teachers Program 2022 cohort. Eligible candidates are faculty enrolled at GBSN members schools from developing countries.

Two successful candidates will receive the GBSN Scholarship, which covers tuition fee, personal coaching, educational materials, accommodation and meals (equivalent to 10,600 EUR).

The application period is open until 1 August, 2021.


The ITP Programme was started to respond to the new challenges business school teachers face we designed a programme that involves one remote module and one face-to-face module. Given the amazing success of the virtual module delivered in January 2021 INSEAD has decided to keep this format for the ITP 2022 cohort.

  • Module 1 virtual (4 to 8 January, 2022)
  • Module 2 face-to-face at INSEAD Fontainebleau campus (4 to 8 July, 2022)

Founded in 1957, as one of the world’s leading and largest graduate business schools, INSEAD offers participants a truly global educational experience. The ITP programme – delivered by world-class teachers, for teachers- is dedicated to helping you, as a business/management school faculty member, enhance your skills, capabilities and mind-set.

Who Should Attend?

  • Faculty at career inflection points, such as having recently won tenure or been promoted, who are now interested in devoting a greater share of their time to further developing their teaching.
  • Faculty at any level who care about real excellence in teaching, including junior faculty who have at least two years of teaching experience.
  • Faculty who have achieved competence in teaching one kind of audience and would like to extend their skills to other audiences.
  • Faculty and others whose responsibilities include faculty development and/or the development of excellence in the classroom across their institution.
  • Other professionals working in business education who are not faculty (e.g. corporate universities, training organizations).


The ITP experience is designed to help you succeed in your academic career. As we all know, there are complex, often competing and sometimes even contradictory criteria for “success” around the roles and importance of teaching, of research and scholarship and, increasingly, around administrative duties.

Previous participants have found the programme hugely beneficial, allowing them to take their teaching to the next level – whether junior faculty building their confidence and network, or more seasoned faculty who have recently won tenure or are being promoted and looking to invest more time in their teaching.

Our goal is for you to find your ‘best self as a teacher’ – finding your best teaching style from the array of different methods available.

Program Dates

Module 1: 4 – 8 January, 2022 – Fully Virtual

Module 2: 4 – 8 July, 2022 in Fontainebleau, France

Scholarships for GBSN Members

INSEAD is offering two scholarships to faculty from GBSN member schools in developing countries to join the International Teachers Program 2022 cohort. Eligible candidates are faculty enrolled at GBSN members schools from developing countries.

Two successful candidates will receive the GBSN Scholarship, which covers tuition fee, personal coaching, educational materials, accommodation and meals (equivalent to 10,600 EUR). Travel costs, insurance and visas required in Module 2 are the responsibility of the participant. 

To apply for one of the two GBSN scholarships, all application materials must be submitted by 1 August, 2021.

Admissions Procedure for Scholarships

Interested applicants must submit the following items to submit a completed application to the program. Please note DO NOT SUBMIT APPLICATIONS FOR SCHOLARSHIP TO THE INSEAD WEBSITE. The following materials should be completed in the GBSN member portal.

  • Complete the online application form
  • Submit a short biography (including at a minimum: name, position title, years of teaching experience, educational background, speciality, research focus, etc.)
  • Expression of interest letter

Please note: Applicants must be proficient in English. Scholarship attribution will be granted and communicated by the end of September 2021 at the latest.


Contact INSEAD or GBSN immediately in writing should you need to cancel your place.

Call for Contributions: 8th Responsible Management Education Research Conference

Poverty and Prosperity: Implications for Advancing the SDGs and Responsible Management Education in a Post-Pandemic World
International Business School at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Suzhou, China; 19th – 22nd October 2021


China’s achievement in eradicating extreme poverty is a huge contribution to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the plan of action for a better and more prosperous world. Poverty and prosperity in a post-pandemic world will still be a topic requiring further
contributions through leveraging various stakeholders’ engagement and wisdoms. We are pleased to invite the members of the global PRME community to join us the 8th RME Research Conference in the beautiful city Suzhou, one of the first group of “Cultural and Historic Cities” of China as well as one of the most economic-developed regions of China.

We invite contributions from a wide range of disciplinary traditions that explore responsible management issues from both conceptual and practical perspectives, and we encourage contributions, which are multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary in nature. We welcome contributions that can be of a conceptual, qualitative or quantitative nature.

Contributions to the conference, i.e. to its streams, can be submitted in the form of abstracts (up to 200 words), extended abstracts (up to 1,000 words), working papers (research-in progress)(up to 2,500 words) or full papers (up to 6,000 words, excluding references).

The conference will feature an AMLE Paper Development Workshop (PDW). This PDW provides a space for members of the RME community to receive feedback on their research in-progress pieces and to further develop them for possible submission to AMLE or other relevant outlets. PDW places will be limited and competitive; those submitting working papers who wish to be considered for inclusion in the PDW should indicate this during the submission process.

The submissions window opens on 7th May 2021.The link will be available on the conference website on this date. To be accepted, contributions must be submitted only through this website. All submissions must be in English.Each accepted contribution must be accompanied by at least one full conference registration at the speaker rate.The submission deadline is 31st May 2021.

Track Options for Contributions

  1. A Plenary Coalition Building Roundtable
  2. Research and Teaching for Poverty Alleviation
  3. One Belt – One Road (OBOR) Initiative in a Post-Pandemic World: Implications for Responsible Management Education
  4. Circular Business Models as Enabler for Prosperity
  5. Fostering Responsible Management throughout International Supply Chains in a Post-Pandemic World
  6. Poverty Eradication and Prosperity through Sustainability-oriented Innovation
  7. Entrepreneurial Activities Within the Context of Poverty Reduction
  8. Utopica or lofty ambition: Why and how responsible entrepreneurs choose to terminate their entrepreneurial career
  9. Gender Inequality and Poverty
  10. Prosperity by Global Partnership
  11. Value Driven Leadership after Pandemic

For details about each track contribution and contact information for track proponents/co-chairs, click the button below to access downloadable PDF.

Conference Dates and Venue

  • October 19, 2021: Arrival and informal get-together in the evening
  • October 20 and 21, 2021: Conference
  • October 22, 2021: Topic-related field trip (optional)

International Business School at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Dushu Lake Science & Innovation District, Suzhou, China

Important Dates and Deadlines

  • May 7, 2021: Submission window opens
  • May 31, 2021: Deadline for contributions submission
  • July 9, 2021: Notification of accepted contributions
  • September 5, 2021: Deadline for early-bird registration
  • October 10, 2021: Deadline for regular registration

For more information on the conference, click on the button below or send an email to

MIT Legatum Fellowship: 2021-2022

The Legatum Fellowship is a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs studying at MIT. Each year the Legatum Center builds a cohort of 20-25 students dedicated to building and scaling ventures in the developing world and provides them with tuition funding, travel, and prototyping support, as well as access to mentors, special seminars, and other cross-campus resources. Current and incoming students are eligible to apply. The application deadline is March 12, 2021.

Program Elements

This Fellowship is intensely action-oriented and suits the student who is fully committed to becoming a principled leader and improving the lives of others through entrepreneurship.

  • Curriculum: Through our customized educational experience, students develop practical skills for navigating complex business environments, making principled business decisions, setting and reaching venture milestones, and building and leading teams globally.
  • Mentorship: We have an Entrepreneur-in-Residence dedicated to helping our Fellows navigate their entrepreneurial journey at MIT. We have also built a network of domain experts and mentors to provide guidance, encouragement, and specialized advice as needed.
  • Community: MIT has a rich entrepreneurial ecosystem comprised of faculty, investors, potential partners, new technologies, and both aspiring and experienced entrepreneurs. The Legatum Center serves as a community hub, helping students navigate the pockets of MIT to secure the precise expertise and resources you’ll need to optimize your entrepreneurial journey.

Financial Support: Each Fellow receives funding that can be used to support their school tuition and stipend. Students in their graduating year can access up to $50,000 for tuition; other students can access up to $25,000 with the opportunity for follow on funding in subsequent years. Fellows also receive grants to support travel to emerging markets during the summer and winter breaks in order to build professional relationships, conduct primary market research, test prototypes, or run pilot studies.


In order to be eligible for the Fellowship, applicants must either be:

  • A current MIT Student who will still be enrolled for the year-long duration of the fellowship
  • Admitted to begin a (full-time) degree program at MIT in the fall semester of the coming academic year


Legatum Fellows are expected to be fully engaged participants in the Legatum Center community. Expectations include:

  • Completion of a for-credit management seminar that focuses specifically on the challenges and opportunities for entrepreneurs in the developing world
  • Completion of one additional MIT course related to entrepreneurial leadership development
  • At least one trip to the intended country of implementation to either conduct primary market research, test a prototype, or pilot the business model
  • Participation in peer-to-peer training sessions
  • Demonstrated willingness to learn and adapt the venture as necessary
  • Participation in pitch events at the end of each semester
  • Regular check-in meetings with the Legatum Center staff
  • Participation in MIT’s entrepreneurial ecosystem through student-organized clubs and conferences
  • Commitment to being an entrepreneurial leader in a developing country post-graduation

The Applicant

We are looking for principled, innovative leaders who have a track record for driving change and can demonstrate a commitment to improving lives in the developing world. The ideal candidate will bring a deep level of know-how to his or her venture (whether related to a technical field, geographic area and/or industry sector) and thus have a competitive edge to lead their venture to success. Ultimately, we are looking for self-motivated visionaries who are also dedicated to experimenting, learning, and growing in order to maximize their entrepreneurial success and impact over the course of their career.

Venture Criteria

We evaluate ventures based on three key criteria:

Stage: Ideally, we are looking for ventures that are ready to be deployed on the ground. However, for students in their first year at MIT or enrolled in one-year programs, we also consider ventures at an earlier stage provided the applicant has identified a problem and developed a plan to test key hypotheses in preparation for launch. In other words, we want our Fellows to be beyond the “exploration phase,” theorizing about a problem or challenge they think exists. Fellows should understand their customers’ pain points and be confident in their ability to solve customer needs through their product or service. Considerable primary market research (PMR) and/or a pilot is highly desirable before applying. During the Fellowship, we will challenge students on their current business assumptions, requiring them test and adapt their business models, products, and team, so that they are ready to implement their ventures full-time upon graduation.

Impact: We are looking for emerging market ventures that improve lives. This will be achieved through the business’s innovative technology or service as well as through increased economic prosperity, local job creation, and improved ecosystem conditions. We have a preference for for-profit business models but are open to all venture concepts that have the potential for considerable scale, sustainability, and impact.

Innovation: We are looking for venture concepts that build competitive advantage through an innovative product, process, or business model. Innovation-driven entrepreneurs face great risk, but when they succeed, the payoff for both the entrepreneurs and the regions they serve are even greater as their scaling operations lead to exponential growth in revenue, jobs, and impact.

Evaluation Process

Applicants must complete all required fields in the online application form.

  • The online application form will also require you to submit the following:
    • References: Please provide the names and contact information for 3-4 professional references. They should be able to speak to your potential as a principled entrepreneurial leader and/or your commitment to impacting change in the developing world. Legatum staff will only contact references if you are invited for an interview.
    • Resume/CV: We ask that you provide the most up-to-date version of your resume or CV (1 page max).
  • Applications will be reviewed by Legatum staff, as well as a committee of MIT faculty and industry experts. Evaluations will be based on the eligibility, applicant, and venture qualifications described above.
  • Applicants who make it to the final round will be called for an interview.
  • Interviews are by invitation only. Whenever possible, Fellowship finalists are interviewed in person. For those finalists based outside of the United States or unable to visit campus, interviews will be conducted by phone or Skype.

Open House Opportunity

We will be hosting an Open House event on Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 5 PM EST where students can learn more about the program, meet current Fellows, and ask questions about the application process. Students can register to attend here:

Important Dates/Deadlines

  • February 25, 2021 – Open House
  • March 12, 2021 – Application closes at 11:59 PM EST

If you have any questions regarding the Fellowship, please email

Details, FAQs, and an application example can be found at

International Case Competition, AUC School of Business

Competition Overview

The AUC School of Business, Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CEI), El-Khazindar Business Research and Case Center (KCC) and Business Association (BA), are launching an online 24-hour International Case Competition (ICC).

The International Case Competition aims to empower innovative undergraduate students and university networks to raise their awareness of steps taken in the entrepreneurial ecosystem and engage in developing solutions to enhance the business operations of emerging startups facing the current challenges provided by the outbreak of COVID – 19.

This year the ICC would run on a virtual platform for 2 consecutive days on March 26 & 27, 2021. Students will come up with innovative solutions and creative breakthroughs to ensure providing a unique experience not just to participating teams but also to the startup. The ICC 2021 case tells the story of a recently established startup. The startup’s concept mixes tradition with technology to improve the quality of life of city dwellers.

You will have the chance to win a monetary prize!!

Details on Eligibility

Please note:
1. Participating teams should consist of 3-4 undergraduate students.

2. You cannot register as an individual you have to be in teams.

Further details will be communicated to the teams through email.

Application Information

To apply, visit:

Key Deadlines and Dates

– Registration Deadline: Monday, March 22, 2021 at 11:59PM (Cairo local time)
– Opening Ceremony and Introduction: Friday, March 26, 2021
– Competition day: Saturday, March 27, 2021
– Case presentations and closing ceremony: Saturday, March 27, 2021

More Information

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Global Case Writing Competition, University of Michigan

WDI Publishing and the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business are accepting submissions for the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Global Case Writing Competition. Entry forms are due by November 23, 2020, and final submissions are due by March 24, 2021.

Competition Overview

WDI Publishing and the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business and its Sanger Leadership Center are joining together to launch the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Global Case Writing Competition. Open to university students and educators from around the world, this competition is seeking academic case studies about a DEI-related business dilemma within one, or across multiple, business disciplines. It is designed as a catalyst to generate new teaching materials that increase student understanding and inspire critical thinking for implementing effective DEI within businesses and organizations across the globe.

The contest is divided into two tracks, each of which will award prize money of $10,000 for first place, $5,000 for second place and $2,500 for third place, and an honorable mention, as deemed by the competition judges. The top three winners for each track also will be honored with the publication of their cases by WDI Publishing or the Sanger Leadership Center.

The competition’s first track involves the creation of a traditional business case study and an accompanying teaching note. The second track requires a submission for the Sanger Leadership Center’s flagship Leadership Crisis Challenge. An LCC case is based on a traditional case study, however, is written and designed as a real-time, role-playing event that offers students a rigorous opportunity for action-based learning.

Details on Eligibility

  • Individual students or student teams (graduate or undergraduate) may enter but must enter in collaboration with a faculty member or instructor from an accredited university/college, in the U.S. or internationally.
  • Individual faculty/instructors or teams from an accredited university/college (in the U.S. or internationally) may enter.
  • Others may enter, but must do so in collaboration with a faculty member or instructor from an accredited university/college, in the U.S. or internationally.

Application Information

To apply, visit:

Key deadlines and dates:

  • Nov. 23, 2020: Entry forms due. (Entry form only, NOT final submissions.)
  • March 24, 2021: Final submission documents due.
  • June 2, 2021: Public announcement of winners.

More Information

Dean of the School of Sciences and Engineering, American University in Cairo

The American University in Cairo (AUC) is accepting applications for the position of Dean of the School of Sciences and Engineering.

The deadline to apply is January 10, 2021.

Company Description

Founded in 1919, The American University in Cairo (AUC) is the region’s leading English-language University and the center of the social, political and cultural life of the Arab world. With a community of students and faculty members representing more than 60 countries, AUC is a crossroads for the world’s cultures and a vibrant forum for reasoned argument, spirited debate and understanding across cultures. AUC offers 36 undergraduate, 44 master’s and two PhD programs rooted in a liberal arts education that encourages students to think critically and find creative solutions to conflicts and challenges facing both the region and the world. The University boasts the largest English-language library collection in Egypt, the fully equipped Kamal Adham Center for Television and Digital Journalism, three modern theaters and 13 cross-discipline research centers. The University’s modern, 260-acre New Cairo campus represents a major investment in the future of the city, the country and the region–a state-of-the-art facility for advanced research, innovative teaching and civic engagement.

Chartered and accredited in the United States and Egypt, AUC is an independent, not-for-profit, equal-opportunity institution. More information about the university can be found at

The School of Sciences and Engineering (SSE) has approximately 2,370 undergraduate and graduate students. The School employs 107 full-time faculty and 145 additional staff members. The school houses ten departments with thirteen undergraduate programs, fifteen master’s programs, two PhD programs, and the Yousef Jameel Science and Technology Research Center, Center for Applied Research on the Environment and Sustainability, Center of Nano-electronics and Devices and the Engineering and Science Services. The undergraduate programs encompass Actuarial Science, Architectural Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Construction Engineering, Data Science, Electronics and Communications Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, and Physics. The master’s programs encompass Architecture, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Computing, Construction Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Global Public Health, Mechanical Engineering, Nanotechnology, Robotics, Control and Smart Systems, Petroleum Engineering, Physics and Sustainable Development. The PhD programs are in applied sciences and in engineering. More information about the school can be found at

Job Description


The Dean provides leadership and executive management to the departments, centers and units that comprise the school. The Dean is responsible for strategic planning, budgeting, development, implementing and evaluating programs, assuring external funding to support research and the growth of the school, developing faculty, and maintaining accreditation and professional standards.

The Dean is responsible for managing the school’s faculty, staff and students, and creating innovative opportunities to ensure the development and progression of student educational experiences. The Dean must demonstrate a deep commitment to diversity while supporting curriculum development and research enterprise. The Dean is expected to lead and coordinate the school’s governance, including the school’s administrators’ selection, oversee the faculty and staff selection and retention processes, and coordinate the school administrators and staff’s professional development. The Dean is also expected to enhance scholarship while ensuring students’ and faculty’s academic quality and providing collaborative leadership to faculty and staff.

The Dean will lead the school toward achieving University goals and promoting the school by enhancing external relationships. The Dean is also expected to evaluate overall departmental/school productivity in instruction, research, and service responsibilities. He/She is to supervise and support departments in a manner that promotes excellence in instruction, scholarly and creative productivity, and service at the University.


The Dean reports to the Provost. The Dean directly supervises the department chairs and directors of centers and units and the administrative staff supporting the Office of the Dean.


The successful Dean candidate will be an experienced academic leader with interpersonal and leadership skills necessary to set and achieve ambitious goals. He/She will possess an outstanding record of accomplishment in research, teaching and administration, and will demonstrate uncompromising commitment to academic and educational excellence, to the highest ethical standards, and to the creation and support of a vibrant and broadly diverse community of faculty, students and staff across SSE.

The successful candidates will demonstrate how they meet the following:

  • An earned doctorate in an area related to one of the School’s disciplines, and a record of recognized scholarly research and teaching accomplishments sufficient to merit appointment as a full professor in one of the school’s departments
  • Solid record of extensive leadership experience in academic environments fostering a culture of shared governance, working collaboratively with faculty from a multitude of disciplines
  • A leader who fosters inclusive consultation and decision-making
  • A record showing collaborative working relationships with business and industry partners, agencies, community organizations and/or education institutions.
  • A record demonstrating creative thinking and the ability to make clear, informed decisions
  • A record demonstrating superior communication skills and the ability to articulate a compelling message to diverse audiences
  • Financial acumen and proven abilities in budget and financial management
  • A strong, unwavering commitment to the primacy of the liberal education mission
  • A leader with a proven track record for bringing groups together to meet objectives
  • A record demonstrating the ability to come up with innovative solutions for the increasing risks facing college education from industrial alternative programs.
  • Should be able to demonstrate an awareness of the forces shaping higher education by 2030 and provide a proactive vision for SSE internationalization
  • Experience with student recruitment and retention
  • Experience with faculty recruitment and retention
  • Experience in strategic planning and the ability to work collaboratively with faculty and academic leaders to identify the academic priorities of the school and develop strategies and tactics for achieving them
  • A commitment to and evidence of securing external support through fundraising and development
  • A commitment to professional, community-based, applied, and innovative education and scholarship
  • Experience living and working in the region is a plus
  • Experience in supporting entrepreneurial activities for faculty
  • Experience in supporting faculty in scholarly research, teaching, and service
  • Experience in supporting student achievement and student success
  • A clear awareness of innovative pedagogical practices in STEM education and the use of instructional technologies to support teaching and learning
  • An ability to provide civic leadership and to successfully work with professionals in industry and academic, community, and governmental organizations
  • Familiarity with the U.S. Higher Education System
  • Familiarity with the Middle East and North America cultures and contexts

Additional Information

Salary and benefits are competitive, based on qualifications and professional experience.

Appointment will start July 1, 2021


Confidential review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Full consideration will be given to applications submitted by January 10, 2021.

Application Instructions

All applicants must submit the following documents via the online system:

a) an updated curriculum vitae; b) a letter of interest; c) a completed AUC Personnel Information Form (PIF); and d) names and contact information for at least three references familiar with the candidate’s academic and professional background.

Cover letter should address your ability to lead a multi-disciplinary school and create a collaborative and inclusive environment.


Contact: American University in Cairo

Online Application Form: through Institution’s Website
