GBSN Member Opportunities

Call for Performances: GBSN Beyond 2022

Be part of a vibrant hub of exchange, learning, collaboration and discussion by submitting a student performance for GBSN Beyond.

The arts are a universal language. While they appear in different formats and genres, the arts have the power to connect every individual, every community, every nation across the globe. The arts allow us to overcome the barriers of language and geography, and unite us around the joy it brings.

GBSN Beyond: Together In-Person & Online utilizes a versatile events platform to convene members of business, academia, and civil society to collectively tackle some of the complex problems our societies across the globe are facing.  GBSN Beyond features three parallel track experiences during the month of October leading up to a 3-day in-person & virtual conference, November 7-9. These tracks engage Learners, Educators, and Leaders. Each parallel track includes a core learning experience with various sessions, networking opportunities and workshops. The conference will offer a program of keynotes, panel discussions, lightning talks, networking activities, and more.

GBSN Beyond provides attendees numerous opportunities for engagement, and we as an organization have always prided ourselves on delivering unique and innovative experiences. Entertainment has always been a priority. This year, GBSN Beyond will feature a Performance Series designed to overcome barriers of language, religion, culture, and geography, and bring our global audience together around the joy performing arts brings.These performances will be highlighted throughout the entire GBSN Beyond event experience. This includes the parallel tracks in the month of October and during the In-Person & Virtual Conference Nov 7-9.

Help us bring performing arts to our global audience. 

Submission Categories

Because of the virtual nature of this year’s conference, artists are encouraged to submit their work in one of the following categories:

  1. Pre-Recorded Performance Collective
  2. Live Video Performance
  3. Single Location and Solo Short 
  4. Outside The Box

Submission Category Details

Performance Category 1: Pre-Recorded Performance Collective

Submissions should consider the following guidelines:

  • 20-30 minutes in length
  • Between 2-4 performances included in the collective. Diversity in talent and style is encouraged.
  • Properly edited, produced and recorded with multiple camera angles

Chosen “Category 1” performances will receive a stipend estimated between $400 – $800 for the entire team of artists and complimentary passes to the virtual conference. 

Performance Category 2: Live Video Performance

Submissions should consider the following guidelines:

  • Performances chosen will be performed via livestream from performer’s location(s) through GBSN’s conference platform
  • Performances chosen can be performed to one or multiple cameras, i.e. multiple people in multiple locations
  • 10-12 minutes or less in length

Chosen “Category 2” projects will receive a stipend estimated between $200 – $300 and complimentary all-access passes to the virtual conference.

Performance Category 3: Single Location and Solo Short 

Submissions should consider the following guidelines:

  • Projects chosen will be performed via livestream from a single location through conference platform
  • Projects chosen will be performed to one camera, i.e. a single individual or multiple people in a single location
  • 5-8 minutes maximum in length
  • Solo pieces of any format including: Stand-up comedy, Solo Performance Artist, Live Poetry, Web-Cam Style, Documentary Style, etc.
  • Multiple artist pieces of any format including: drama, comedy, musical theatre, etc.

Chosen “Category 3” performances will receive an estimated stipend between $75 – $175.

Performance Category 4: Outside the Box

  • Submitted if all three (3) other categories do not fit for your performance. 
  • If your piece doesn’t fit in any box, then submit here and create your own!

Chosen “Category 4” projects will receive a stipend commensurate with other stipends given and complimentary all-access passes to the virtual conference.

Together at Home

Meet the GBSN Beyond Team! The team danced along to The Mortimers & The Ex Vampires Group from Monash University in Australia at the Awards Ceremony during the 2020 Conference.

Monash University, Australia

Chor Der Leuphana University, Germany

Goa Institute of Management, India

How to Submit a Performance

Performances should be submitted through this online form. Submission must include the following:

  • Performance Title 
  • Performance Category 
  • Brief description of performance submission (500 word max)
  • Name(s), contact information of Performer(s) and name of Institution. If submitting a group performance, please indicate one main point of contact
  • Artist’s Statement describing the applicant’s philosophy and vision (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Biographies for artistic personnel (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Links to websites, as applicable
  • Performance File and/or Samples (Accepted file formats include word document for written submission, .mp4 file for video submission, .mp3 file for audio only submission)

Additional Details

  • Performers can submit more than one performance submission. Every effort will be made to ensure diversity is represented in the performances selected.
  • GBSN reserves the right to recommend changes to performances upon consultation with performers.
  • Performers must provide consent to conference organizers to publish the performance on the Hubb platform and to share the performance online.

Important Dates & Deadlines

  • 5 July, 2022 – Call for Performances Opens
  • 26 September, 2022 – Call for Performances Closes
  • 28 September, 2022 – Selected Performers are Notified


Questions regarding the Call for Performances and the submission process may be sent to

SWIFT Institute Student Challenge

In 2022,  the SWIFT Institute Student Challenge, with the support of the Global Business School Network, comes to Latin America!  Hosting the competition in Colombia, and Mexico where the challenges have been defined by and have the support of the Colombian (ASOBancaria) and Mexican (ABM) banking associations. These challenges are open to all students attending higher level education institutions not in full time employment.

There is a cash prize of for the winning team and the opportunity of a lifetime to be exposed to the leaders of the financial industry at Sibos 2022. The top three teams from each challenge will be invited to give a 10-minute presentation, in English, as part of a virtual Sibos 2022 during the week of 10-13 October 2022.

The winning entry will be selected by a panel of expert judges and Sibos audience.

Welcome to the SWIFT Institute Student Challenge Colombia! 

How to implement digital banking agents through are E-Commerce Apps?

For full details, download the Colombia Challenge Brochure here. Also available in Spanish here.

Submissions will be accepted up until 15 July 2022.

Welcome to the SWIFT Institute Student Challenge Mexico! 

How can banks foster financial inclusion in Mexico by combining remittances inflows and new technologies?

For full details, download the Mexico Challenge Brochure here. Brochure also available in Spanish here.

Submissions will be accepted up until 15 July 2022.

Previous Winners of the Student Challenge

Third Annual Virtual Regional Business Plan Competition: HACK 22

The Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CEI) of The American University in Cairo School of Business is calling all national and international undergraduate students! We’d like to invite you to participate in the Third Annual Virtual Regional Business plan competition “HACK 22” 

Through Hack22 we are looking for students who are passionate about finding and creating innovative technological solutions that inspire a more sustainable, accessible and resilient future for their communities. 

It is no secret that the world has been facing issues due to humanity’s unsustainable tendencies. Accordingly Hack 22 main target is UN SDG 13; “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts” i.e.; sustainability, solutions for the climate change crisis, and recycling/upcycling. We aim at encouraging participating teams to develop a sense of awareness and understanding of the crisis and all of the interconnected aspects that surround them in their daily lives. Teams will create solutions that would advocate for a resilient and more sustainable future for the world.

Subsequently, climate change affects every sector and industry. Hack 22 encourages participating teams to develop ideas targeting specific corporate areas and sustainability problems in order to ensure an effective learning environment. Our aim is to produce solutions that would increase regularly sustainable behavior in order to help minimize the impact of climate change. The solutions could fall under a variety of categories, which include but are not limited to:

  1. Plastic waste, reduction and recycling ie banners, sim cards 
  2. Climate changes and actions 
  3. Hospital air pollution 
  4. Overexploitation of natural resources
  5. Energy efficiency
  6. Green sustainable fintech
  7. Others 

Gather your team, sign up, and get ready for a mind-blowing experience! Monetary prizes and other exciting valuable prizes

  • Deadline for submission: June 9, 2022
  • Hack dates: June 24-29, 2022

The deadline for applications Thursday, June 9th @ 12:00 AM (Cairo local time) GMT+2

IIM invites applications for Scholar in Residence Program, Post-Doctoral Fellowship, and Faculty Positions

Scholar in Residence Program Contact

Post-Doctoral Fellowship Contact

Scholar in Residence Program

IIM takes pride in active collaboration with prestigious management institutes around the world. IIM invites applications under the “Scholar in Residence” program, where a faculty member can spend about two weeks at IIM Indore for collaborative research with a host faculty member, engage in various academic & research activities such as research seminar, interaction with Ph.D. students and related area faculties. The Institute will cover the economy class flight tickets and local hospitality within the campus. Interested faculty colleagues are requested to send an email to

Post-Doctoral Fellowship

IIM is looking for young, motivated individuals for doing research in different specializations of management. A PDF will work with a mentor who is expected to provide ample opportunities to develop the fellow as an independent researcher. The fellow will be expected to conduct high quality academic research with the mentor and engage in teaching activities at the institute. Interested candidates are requested to send an email to

Faculty Positions

IIM Indore invites application for faculty position at all levels in all areas. The applications are accepted all year round and processed periodically. Interested candidate are requested to check the website for more details.

Algo Crypto Trading Challenge 2022

Algo Challenge Association (ACA) in Hong Kong is organizing Algo Crypto Trading Challenge 2022 (Global) this July. ACA would like to invite students from any business school in the world to join this competition. This online crypto contest will last from July 2022 to Jan 2023. There will be 3 stages: ideate, test, and compete. Participants will brainstorm an algo strategy, code the trading logic, test them on our back-testing platform, and then run a 2-month live paper trading to compete for best return, best Sharpe, and best strategy design awards. From the contest, they can learn more about professional industry knowledge and practical skills to qualify as a next-generation algorithmic trader.

About the Challenge

Ideate your trading algorithms, test on a robust back-testing platform, and compete to make a name for yourself! Gain professional industry knowledge and practical skills to prepare yourself as the next-gen algo-trading professional.

This Challenge is open to public. Create teams of 1~4 members with diverse skills (maths, statistics, finance, coding, presentation) and register by 17 Jul 2022.


17 Jul 2022Deadline of Registration
21 Aug 2022Deadline of 1st Round: Idea and Strategy Proposal Submission
31 Aug 2022Announcement of 1st Round Winners
23 Oct 2022Deadline 2nd Round: Back-testing Completed and Code Submission
31 Oct 2022Announcement of 2nd Round Winners
31 Dec 20222-month Live Paper Trading Completed
8 Jan 2023Final Day and Award Ceremony


There are 3 award categories: (A) Best Return, (B) Best Sharpe, and (C) Best Strategy Design.

The winning teams from each category will be entitled to:

  • Cash Prize
  • Certificate
  • Free Subscription of Back-testing Engine
  • Algo NFT
  • Internship/Full-time Employment Opportunities
  • Join Algo Challenge Association (ACA)

Call for Papers: Resilient Urban Communities Conference & PhD Seminars – Strathmore University

Important Deadlines

  • Call for Papers: 2nd May 2022
  • Submission of Abstracts Deadline: 3rd August 2022
  • Acceptance of the Abstracts Deadline: 3rd September 2022
  • Acceptance of Presentation Videos Deadline: 3rd October 2022
  • RUC Conference and Seminars: 5th to 8th December 2022

Inquires & Submissions:

PhD Seminar Call and Purpose

The PhD Seminar aims to improve the research work of current PhD students and broaden their perspectives by giving them the opportunity to discuss their research ideas and results in a supportive environment, where they receive constructive feedback from an audience consisting of peers as well as senior researchers in the field, reflect upon publication and career strategies, provide a forum for the interaction among the PhD students and an opportunity to network with the international RUC community. The PhD Seminar Call 2022 is open to all enrolled doctoral students doing research in non-profit studies, urban studies, development economics, or related fields at all stages of their doctoral studies. Those PhD students doing research on social entrepreneurship, NPOs and Philanthropy including the social economy are particularly encouraged.

The key themes for PhD Seminar include supportive ecosystems, participatory urban governance, management structures of SEs and NPOs, and their resilience/sustainability. Some of the seminar topics (but not limited to) are building resilience during PhD work, incorporating diverse points of view in your research, types of research approaches and designs, managing the relationships with supervisors /receiving feedback and publication of high-quality academic articles. The central attractions to this PhD Seminar are

the small group sessions: each student is allotted time to discuss her/his work and obtain feedback from peers and faculty. The PhD Seminar also includesopening and closing plenary sessionsand at least one professional development session with presentations by leading scholars in the field. Additionally, the PhD Seminar shall feature the 3-minute Thesis Competition (voluntary). The winner will be awarded a monetary prize and their presentation will be featured on the RUC website. The seminar is envisaged to take place on a face- to-face basis, but in case of restrictions due to COVID, we are prepared to switch to a virtual session. RUC shall provide limited scholarships to attend the seminar expected to take 1 and 1⁄2 days. Each application for the PhD seminar should include:

  •  A research paper not exceeding one and a half pages that refers to the stage of your thesis (e.g., proposal, literature review/ theoretical development, methods, incipient results (a proposal template will be provided).
  • A personal motivation statement of about 3⁄4 page length and what you hope to get from Seminar.
  • An official document confirming your status as a doctoral student at your University.


  • Be doctoral students, particularly at early stages of their research work. If you expect to defend your dissertation before December 2022, you do not apply as you will not likely benefit from the Seminar.
  • Be conducting research connected to non-profit-organizations and social enterprises in deprived communities and in policy fields such as housing, education, social services with a special focus on governance arrangements and business models.
  • Be able to participate in the entire PhD Seminar to be held in Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Be prepared to present and discuss their doctoral work with peers and faculty, and to participate in anactive and constructive way in group discussions.

Early Research Career (ECR) Seminar Call and Purpose:

ECRs generally face far greater difficulty at research work and even publications with often inadequate understanding of the publishing models including open access journals. The ECR Seminar shall allow you to build ideas about your research teams, establish the collaborations and networks necessary for your professional growth, establishment as independent researchers how to lead unique and innovative programmes of research within your domains. For this seminar, the ECRs are expected to have some initial but limited postdoctoral experience and not yet ready for independence or to lead their own groups but expected to have started to make important contributions to research. They will be in the initial stages of driving their own research (usually evidenced by publications) but they still require more time to consolidate their existing skills and explore new scientific realms, under the guidance of an experienced researchers or sponsors.

The seminar targets ECRs who are able to articulate and drive their own research ideas and form collaborations, but are not yet ready to lead their own independent research groups. The ECR Seminar Call is open to researchers within 5 years after their PhD qualification doing research in non-profit studies, urban studies, development economics, or related fields. The costs of research career mismanagement are high and include stagnation in growth, reduced ability to generate research funding and impact of research project completion among others. Some of the seminar topics (but not limited to) are leading research teams: the challenges, exploring the transition to research leadership, managing performance and underperformance, collaboration and fostering interdisciplinary research and publications of high-quality journal articles. The seminar is envisaged to take place on a face-to-face basis, but in case of restrictions due to COVID, we are prepared to switch to a virtual session. RUC shall provide limited scholarships to attend the seminar expected to take 1 and 1⁄2 days. Each participant application should include:

  • A research profile that includes the qualifications, your recent publications and your research summary in thearea of focus
  • A personal motivation statement of about 3⁄4 page length and what you hope to gain from the Seminar
  • An official document confirming your status as a Researcher or Faculty at your University

ECR Seminar Eligibility

  • Be researchers with at most 5 years PhD qualification and trying to set their research career on track.
  • Be conducting research connected to non-profit-organizations and social enterprises in deprived communities and in policy fields such as housing, education, social services with a special focus on governance arrangements and business models.
  • Be able to participate in the entire ECR Seminar and Conference to held in Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Be prepared to share their current research with peers for networking and identification of collaboratorsin an active and constructive way in group discussions.

Resilient Urban Communities (RUC) Conference

The programme focuses on social enterprises (SEs) and non-profit organizations (NPOs) as subsidiary social service providers and vehicles for participation and integration in African mega cities that contribute to the resilience of urban communities. Organizations of the civil society or development space, such as social enterprises (SEs) and non-profit organizations (NPOs) are important players in the labour market of African economies. The presentations for the Conference shall majorly be from the research being undertaken though the organizers will allow exceptional research contributions closely related to the research domain, including invited speakers. The PhDs and ECRs with close related researches shall be invited to make presentations after reviewing their extended individual abstracts. The full research papers fof the accepted presentations by the PhDs and ECRs, that meet individual journal requirements shall be forwarded for publication in different journals that RUC Consortium team subscribe within the research domain.

Proposed Programme for the Conference and Seminars

  • Monday, 5th December 2022 (RUC Consortium Meeting and Visit to Social Enterprises)
  • Tuesday, 6th December 2022: (Whole Day) PhD and ECR Seminars
  • Wednesday, 7th December 2022: (Morning) PhD and ECR Seminars
  • Wednesday, 7th December 2022: (Afternoon) Peer Mentor Sessions and Visit to National Park
  • Thursday, 8th December 2022: (Whole Day) Resilient Urban Cities ConferenceConference Deadlines:

Conference Deadlines

  • Call for Papers: 2nd May 2022
  • Submission of Abstracts Deadline: 3rd August 2022
  • Acceptance of the Abstracts Deadline : 3rd September 2022
  • Acceptance of Presentation Videos Deadline: 3rd October 2022
  • RUC Conference and Seminars: 5th to 8th December 2022

Fulbright-Hanken Distinguished Chair in Business and Economics

The Fulbright-Hanken Distinguished Chain in Business and Economics Award provides U.S. scholars with the opportunity to guest lecture and conduct research at Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki, Finalnd.

Purpose of the Grant Program

Hanken School of Economics is a research-intensive business school with a program portfolio covering the whole range from BSc to Ph.D. and Executive Education.

The Chair conducts research in the area of specialization and contributes to Hanken’s knowledge dissemination to academia and the corporate world and/or teaches in Hanken’s degree programs and Executive Education.

In addition to guest lecturing at Hanken School of Economics the Fulbright-Hanken Distinguished Chair is encouraged to network and create linkages throughout Finland and give occasional guest lectures at other Finnish universities. The Chair and Hanken faculty at the department work together in designing the Chair’s activities.

The Fulbright-Hanken Distinguished Chair is jointly funded by Hanken and the Fulbright Finland Foundation.

The Chair Position

The Chair is available to full professors and associate professors in Business and Economics. The Chair conducts research in the area of specialization and contributes to Hanken’s knowledge dissemination to the corporate world and/or teaches in Hanken’s degree programs and Executive Education.

In addition to lecturing at Hanken School of Economics the Fulbright-Hanken Distinguished Chair is able to network and create linkages throughout Finland and give occasional guest lectures at other Finnish universities. The Chair and Hanken faculty at the department will work together in designing the Chair’s activities.

Applicants may but are not required to include a letter of invitation from Hanken School of Economics in their applications. However, assistance in connecting with Hanken School of Economics is available from Fulbright Finland if needed.


The Fulbright-Hanken Distinguished Chair in Business and Economics is available for visits of 3–6 months. It includes:

  • Monthly allowance of 5,600 EUR (approx. 6,200 USD*). A total stipend for 6 months is 33,600 EUR (approx. 40,285 USD*).
  • Travel allowance of 2,000 USD.
  • Residence permit allowance (based on the actual permit fees, including grantee and accompanying family members).
  • Housing is arranged and payed for by the host institution for the scholar.**
  • Work facilities and administrative support.
  • The award can be split into two segments within one or two academic   years. Each segment must be a minimum of two months and together the two segments cannot exceed six months. 
  • Orientation and support services provided by Fulbright Finland in Helsinki. For example, Fulbright Finland will arrange a four-day arrival orientation in Helsinki for all American Fulbright grantees at the end of August each year.
  • Fulbright Finland mid-year activities and networking opportunities (such as the American Voices Seminar at the University of Turku) each year.
  • Possible guest lecturing opportunities in other Finnish higher education institutions and in other European countries.

* amounts are subject to change due to currency fluctuations.
** should be confirmed in the letter of invitation. 


This prestigious appointment in the Fulbright Scholar Program is available for scholars specialized in Business or Economics who are full or associate professors.

Distinguished Chair eligibility guidelines and review criteria are published on the Council for International Exchange of Scholar (IIE/CIES) website.

In Finland the applications are evaluated according to the evaluation criteria set by the Fulbright Finland Foundation Board.

Applicants residing in Finland are not eligible for a Fulbright grant.

Scholar selected for this award can choose to:

  • Advise and/or mentor students
  • Assist in faculty, curriculum, and/or program development
  • Conduct a research project designated by the host institution
  • Conduct a research project of the applicant’s choosing
  • Teach graduate and/or undergraduate courses designated by the host institution
  • Teach graduate and/or undergraduate courses of the applicant’s choosing

AWARD LENGTH: 3 months – 6 months

AWARD START PERIOD: August 2023 or January 2024

Hanken School of Economics

Hanken is a leading, internationally accredited university with over one hundred years of experience in education and research in economics and business administration. Hanken School of Economics, one of the oldest business schools in the Nordic countries, was established in 1909 as a Swedish speaking school. Today, Hanken is the only stand-alone business school in Finland.  The research and study environment is international, and there are campuses in Helsinki and Vaasa, Finland. Classroom instruction is conducted in both Swedish and English.

Research at Hanken is carried out within all departments, with a special focus on four interdisciplinary areas of strength: 1.) Competition Economics and Service Strategy, 2.) Financial Management, Accounting, and Governance, 3.) Responsible Organizing and 4.) Leading for Growth and Wellbeing. Hanken has also identified the following three high-potential research areas: Digitisation and Sustainability in Intellectual Property; Humanitarian and Societal Logistics; and Strategic and Entrepreneurial Praxis.

Many of Hanken faculty members are at the forefront of their research areas and publish in top tier academic journals. Hanken also cooperates with the corporate world, which is reflected in joint research projects, active interaction through our partner programs as well as generous support in fundraising.

Hanken is the first university in Finland to introduce a mandatory period abroad as an integrated part of the curriculum. The students are thus offered a unique opportunity to create their own international networks for life through an exchange or internship period abroad. These lifelong networks are created both internationally and at Hanken. They permeate the studies and play an important role in the excellent placement of alumni in the international job market.

Through the Hanken alumni network and activities, the network built while at Hanken and the ties to the School are maintained and broadened after graduation. Hanken has more than 14,000 alumni, working in leading positions in more than 70 different countries. Hanken alumni are highly competitive and appreciated on the job market; 95% have a job within three months of graduation. In addition to getting a high-quality degree, Hanken alumni become part of a lifelong network with excellent opportunities for both professional and personal development.

The application period for the 2023-24 academic year closes on September 15, 2022.

The U.S. program partner in the Fulbright Distinguished Chairs Program is the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (IIE/CIES). Applications are submitted through IIE/CIES, which pre-screens the applications in the United States and forwards the recommended dossiers to the Fulbright Finland in Helsinki for final selection.

Additional information, including detailed application instructions is available from the IIE/CIES website and Fulbright U.S. Scholar Catalog of Awards.

Fulbright Finland encourages potential applicants to contact the office directly with any questions.

**NOTE: Late June, July and early August are traditionally summer vacation months in Finland and responses to inquiries may be delayed. Applicants are advised to contact the Finnish host institution well ahead of time to solicit an invitation letter for their application. Please note that the Fulbright Finland Foundation office observes the summer Finnish holiday season and is closed in July. If you have urgent inquiries, kindly contact us prior to July. 

Resources for Hosts

Click here for instructions for writing invitation letters and a checklist for a U.S. scholar’s host.

Contact Information

Fulbright Finland Foundation

Hanken School of Economics

Mrs. Jenny Lundén-Morris,
Scholarship Liaison Officer, Research and University Services
+358 40 3521 235


Application period start: Early February, 2022

Application period end: September 15, 2022

Earliest possible starting date: August 2023

Mandatory orientation: TBC ((expected in mid-August 2023 or mid-January 2024)

What is the Fulbright Finland Foundation?

The Fulbright Finland Foundation is a private, independent, not-for-profit organization based in Helsinki, Finland. The Foundation’s aim is:

  • to promote a wider exchange of knowledge and professional talents through educational contacts between Finland and the United States, and
  • to support the internationalization of education and research in Finland, and help U.S. and Finnish institutions create linkages.

What Makes the Fulbright Finland Foundation Program Unique?

In addition to the grant, the Fulbright Finland Foundation offers the grantees several additional benefits and free support services, as well as an access to a global, multi-professional network.

We are looking for applicants who want to impact the future and to make a difference – applicants who want to facilitate positive change, develop and advance their own profession or discipline, and find solutions to national and international challenges in their field.

The grantees also act as ambassadors for the Fulbright Finland Foundation, their home country, and their home organization and, in this way, do their part in sharing their home country and culture and contributing to the relations between Finland and the U.S.


GBSN Scholarships: Gnowbe Microlearning Instructional Design Program Level 1 Certification

Introducing The World’s First Microlearning Instructional Design (MID) Accreditation Program

In 2016, there were 3.7 billion smartphone subscriptions worldwide, today there are nearly 6.3 billion and, by 2026, that number will top 7.5 billion. Smartphones have been revolutionizing many industries, including health, travel, and music. Yet, they have not yet made a major difference in education, especially in higher education and in environments where access to education has been low. Even when mobile learning is applied, it is often under-utilized relative to its potential, especially to support social (peer-to-peer) learning, experiential learning, gamification, and virtual/augmented reality. 

That is why GBSN and Gnowbe are partnering to empower up to 2,000 business and management professors with microlearning instructional design skills. Participants in the program will learn the principles of instructional design and how to apply that in a microlearning format for blended or asynchronous learning experiences. Upon successful completion of the programs, participants will earn a Microlearning Instructional Design (MID) Level 1 Certification, which can be applied to their LinkedIn profile.

Participants in the Gnowbe-GBSN program will also earn a certificate of completion from GBSN, which signals preparedness teaching specifically within the context of business and management schools. GBSN believes that the microlearning instructional design skills can be applied to increase inclusiveness and belonging, expand lifelong learning and executive education, generate additional value from case studies and simulations, make research more accessible to practicing managers, and increase the impact of business schools as catalysts for sustainable development. 

To be eligible for the Gnowbe-GBSN program, participants must be employed on a full-time or part-time basis by a GBSN member institution at the time of application. GBSN is particularly interested in applicants from developing countries and least developed countries.

Applications will be first come first serve on a rolling basis until all scholarships are taken. Please indicate you are from a GBSN member institution in the application form.

There is a FAQ section under the landing page applicants can refer to, which includes the commonly asked questions about the scholarship.

What is the Scholarship about?

To support creators globally, Gnowbe is launching $10 million in scholarships which entitle recipients to earn a Microlearning Instructional Design (MID) Level 1 Certification (worth $497!) for FREE. Recipients will learn the principles of instructional design and the know-how to apply that in a microlearning format for blended or asynchronous learning experiences.

Upon certificate completion, recipients will ‘pay-it-forward’ by equipping others on MID skills and techniques.

The Microlearning Instructional Design Accreditation program is designed for trainers, educators, and instructional designers who are looking to increase the value of their training programs for their clients through a new mode of content authoring known as Microlearning Instructional Design. Through this program, you will witness learning translate into application and business performance.

Are you ready for the next level of learning and design?

Join learning experts impacting innovation in instructional design and the future of education. With the rise of mobile microlearning, a new generation of instructional design calls for the most advanced and creative learning designers to rethink content authoring and disrupt learning design for modern learners. Learn more about the MID accreditation program and be empowered to rewrite history with pioneering instructional design frameworks curated by experts.

MIT Careers: Assistant Director, Communications and Marketing, Global Programs

  • Job Number: 20867
  • Functional Area: Communications
  • Department: MIT Sloan Office of Global Programs

School Area: Sloan School of ManagementEmployment Type: Full-Time
Employment Category: Exempt
Visa Sponsorship Available: No

Working at MIT offers opportunities, an environment, a culture – and benefits – that just aren’t found together anywhere else. We value diversity and strongly encourage applications from individuals from all identities and backgrounds, like yours. If you’re motivated, want to be part of a unique, multicultural, collaborative, and inclusive community, and help shape the future – then take a look at this opportunity.

Information on MIT’s COVID-19 vaccination requirement can be found at the bottom of this posting.

 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, COMMUNICATONS AND MARKETING, GLOBAL PROGRAMSSloan School of Management, to write, edit, and develop creative content and collateral for internal and external audiences, including formatting and editing presentations for meetings and events and developing content for print and digital communications and campaigns across multimedia.  Will handle strategic planning for and implement routine and non-routine activities publications, social media, newsletters, advertising campaigns, annual reports, websites, and other outreach activities; identify and organize projects and events, including logistics and materials; manage copyright requirements, including requesting and obtaining appropriate permissions; interact with vendors (e.g., agencies, graphic artists, film production) to produce content and ensure that deadlines are met; research and recommend areas to explore in developing original content; track budget for programs/projects; compile data and metrics for input into measuring campaign performance; provide recommendations on new standards, technologies, and trends in online communities; and focus on creating specific program and GP-wide branding, marketing, and messaging. 

A full job description is available at  

Job Requirements
REQUIRED:  bachelor’s degree; at least three years of communications experience; proficiency using Adobe Creative Suite, Canva, etc.; photography and videography skills; interest and experience in education, economic development, entrepreneurship, international business environments, and/or public policy and infrastructure investment; strong project management and leadership skills, including scoping and managing complex projects, setting priorities, meeting deadlines, motivating teams, and managing budgets; ability to manage and collaborate across teams; excellent presentation skills; Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) and video proficiency; and experience and comfort with domestic and international travel. PREFERRED: master’s degree, university-based global communications experience, and familiarity with MIT Sloan and MIT education offerings.  Job #20867-7     

MIT Careers: Assistant Director, Global Programs

Job Number: 20948
Functional Area: Administration
Department: MIT Sloan Office of Global Programs
School Area: Sloan School of Management

Employment Type: Full-Time
Employment Category: Exempt
Visa Sponsorship Available: No

Working at MIT offers opportunities, an environment, a culture – and benefits – that just aren’t found together anywhere else. We value diversity and strongly encourage applications from individuals from all identities and backgrounds, like yours. If you’re motivated, want to be part of a unique, multicultural, collaborative, and inclusive community, and help shape the future – then take a look at this opportunity.

Information on MIT’s COVID-19 vaccination requirement can be found at the bottom of this posting.

ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, GLOBAL PROGRAMSSloan School of Management, to direct international programs and partnerships, specifically the newly signed agreement with the University of Naples Parthenope, and continue to support collaborations in China (Tsinghua and Fudan), including outreach as part of the strategic mission of MIT Sloan Global Programs (GP).  Will act as point of contact for program partners, effectively communicating program goals and activities and posting course syllabus and required reading materials to online teaching platforms; work closely with GP staff to coordinate program activities and operations, improving efficiencies and promoting cross-program collaboration; maintain compliance with visa application policies and procedures by working closely with internal multistakeholders to successfully onboard international scholars and/or visiting faculty; and develop and maintain program budgets.

Additional information about the current collaborations and academic impact of MIT Sloan’s Global Program is available here

A full job description is available here.

Job Requirements
REQUIRED:  bachelor’s degree; at least two years of administrative and/or project/program management experience; strong project management skills, including ability to scope and lead complex projects, set priorities, meet deadlines, motivate teams, and manage budgets; and discretion and judgment with confidential information/issues.  PREFERRED:  master’s degree; experience and comfort with domestic and international travel; proven ability to support a culture of experimentation; and ability to effectively coach, develop, and influence others. Job #20948-6
