Center for Social Sensitivity and Action: Goa Institute of Management
The year 2015 witnessed crucial shifts in the discourse on human development. The United Nations launched the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), otherwise known as the Global Goals. The 17 Goals of Sustainable Development constituted a universal call to action to end poverty, eliminate all forms of inequalities, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. While, the SDGs largely drew from the framework of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), they also included new areas of focus such as climate change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, peace and justice, among other priorities. The Global Goals are ambitious and will require collaboration between government, business, and academia.

Since 2015, sustainability has also been a key focus of higher education. With more than 190 countries pledged to meet the 17 SDGs by 2030, there has been a growing global interest among scholars to research various topics related to sustainable development. Further, as part of the mission of the higher education institutes (HEIs) to link academic knowledge to industry, the contributions of business and management scholars working on various sustainable development goals and their impact for business organizations has also grown exponentially.
With less than a decade left to realise the aspirations of the 2030 Agenda, it is the right time to review and understand the engagement of scholars in the management disciplines with SDGs, point out gaps in the research on SDGs, and identify ways in which academic research can be used by industry to effectively contribute to achieving various SDGs
With this background, The Center of Social Sensitivity and Action at the Goa Institute of Management, announces a two-day virtual Doctoral Colloquium on Driving Agenda 2030: Research for Societal and Business Sustainability
The colloquium invites doctoral students from management institutes and universities across India to share their research on topics related to SDGs. The Colloquium will be held on 18 -19 November, 2021.
The doctoral colloquium will address a variety of normative and empirical concerns pertaining to governance, finance, implementation, technology, and partnerships required for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda as well as for the localizing of SDGs in India.
The colloquium will:
- Highlight current research trends on SDGs with regard to the management discipline and discuss ways to conduct high impact research on SDGs;
- Provide interdisciplinary networking opportunities and open up possibilities for collaboration and integrated research initiatives;
- Promote sustainability-oriented research that is relevant to academia and the industry
Benefits for Doctoral Students
The colloquium will benefit doctoral students by:
- Enhancing understanding of the importance of research on SDGs
- Providing opportunities to deliberate on the complexity and interdependence among SDGs
- Exploring avenues for integrating diverse topics related to sustainability and responsibility in management research;
- Providing a platform to early career scholars to interact with experts on sustainability and SDGs for impactful research and provide networking opportunities
Call for Proposals for Paper Presentations
We welcome submissions from doctoral students for paper presentations on a wide variety of topics related to sustainability that are relevant to academia or the industry. We will give particular weight to submissions that focus on two broad themes:
1) Responsible Management and Business
2) SDGs and Social Engagements (Academia, Government and NGOs).
Further, each theme includes several sub-themes.
- Responsible Management and Business:
Today corporations have begun innovating and integrating responsible management practices throughout their entire value chain. Their efforts to strike a balance between profit and purpose helps them to address SDG 9 (Industry and Innovation) along with SDG 8 (Decent work and Economic Growth). For example, taking responsible sourcing as an aspect of responsible management, this is reflected in the way companies are adopting sustainable processes of selection, monitoring, evaluating and building long-term relations with suppliers based on their commitment to social or environmental causes. To accelerate the process of mainstreaming responsible management more broadly across industry, it is essential for research to address questions such as, “What specific process innovations have companies introduced that ensure responsible procurement? What challenges do companies encounter when adopting responsible procurement policies and practices? and How have companies addressed them? What business and social outcomes have resulted from the adoption of responsible procurement? The fashion industry is another sector where conscious effort has been made recently to integrate principles of responsible management principles into in their business operations. For example, proposal might submit proposals that address research on the kinds of new interventions undertaken by textile companies after 2015, to promote sustainable fashion, and to adopt ethical business practices.
Extended abstracts can be related to one or more of the sub-themes listed below.
• Decent Work and Sustainability Practices in Organisations
• Engagement of Industry with Diversity, Inclusion and Human Rights in
• Role of Business in Responsible Production (e.g Responsible Sourcing, Circular Economy, Green Financing, Green Marketing)
• Innovation for Responsible Production and Consumption in Industries
• Reducing Waste Generation (e.g. food waste, plastic waste)
• Marketing Sustainable lifestyle - SDGs and Social Engagement (Academia, Government and NGOs):
It is widely acknowledged that the SDGs are interlinked, and that success in achieving one SDG is often dependent on addressing issues related to other SDGs. It has also become evident that an effective response to SDGs requires the involvement of multiple stakeholders, i.e government, NGOs, civil society, academia, and industry. The sub-themes included in this broader theme explore how academia, government and NGOs have conceptualised responsible management; what kind of administrative structures, systems and processes have evolved to promote a culture that facilitates these shareholders in pursuing the various goals of sustainable development. Also included in this theme are topics related to the critical challenges involved in creating appropriate governance structures and mindsets for implementation of SDGs.
Extended abstracts can be related to one or more of the sub-themes listed below.
• Health, Well-being and SDGs
• Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development
• ICT for Sustainable Development
• Capacity Building for Localizing SDGs at the grassroot level
• Partnerships for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals
• Sustainable Development and Government policies
• International Sustainability Standards and Relevance of ESG Reporting
Call for Extended Abstracts
The papers for presentation in the Doctoral Colloquium would be selected through extended abstracts. The extended abstract should be a summary of a research and is expected to meet the academic standards.
- Cover Page of the Extended Abstract should include:
- Theme: As per the suggested two themes
- Sub-theme (as mentioned under each theme)
- Title of the paper
- Names of Author(s): First author’s First Name, First Author Last Name; Second author’s First name, second author’s Last Name; and so on
- Name of the university/institute you are pursuing your doctoral thesis: Department, University/Institute, Country
- Contact details of the Author(s): email addresses
- Your Extended Abstract should consist of:
- Purpose/Rationale
- Methodology
- Brief Literature Review
- Empirical/Theoretical results
- Managerial Implications
- Font & size: Times New Roman, size 12
- Line Space: Single space
- Word count: 1500-2000 words
Guidelines for Submissions
Abstracts (in English) should be submitted via e-mail as an attachment in word format.
- Share you biographic (within 50 words)
- Notification of acceptance/rejection of the abstracts will be sent to you via e-mail
- The colloquium committee reserves the right to decide on the acceptance/rejection of the abstract and the method of presentation
- By submitting an abstract you grant permission to the organizers to publish the abstract in electronic format or in print format
- Payment of registration fees is necessary to participate or to present at the colloquium or to publish your abstract in the compendium
The committee will review the extended abstracts and send all decision letters by 30 September, 2021. The evaluation will be based on the relevance of submission to the colloquium theme, originality, academic rigour. Accepted abstracts will be published as proceedings in the form of a colloquium compendium. Scholars invited for presentations must register by 20 October, 2021, in order to secure their position in the program.
Submit your extended abstract to –
Important Dates
Submission Deadline of Extended Abstracts | 05 October 2021 |
Notification of Acceptance of Extended Abstracts | 10 October 2021 |
Registration Deadline | 25 October 2021 |
Date of the virtual doctoral colloquium | 18 – 19 November 2021 |
Registration Fees
INR 750 for Indian Scholars (Fee paid before 05 October 2021)
INR 1000 for India Scholars (Fee paid after 05 October 2021)
USD 25 (Fee paid before 05 October 2021)
USD 50 (Fee paid after 05 October 2021)
About Goa Institute of Management
Goa Institute of Management (GIM) is one of the leading B-School in India and has been instrumental in shaping future leaders. While the institution offers academic excellence to students, it has also aligned its vision and mission to being socially responsible.
Vision of GIM: To be a preeminent business school at the forefront of management education and research. We will create transformative leaders focused on responsible, ethical and sustainable business practices
Mission of GIM: To develop responsible and agile leaders at the forefront of cutting-edge business practices
As a committed member of UN PRME, UN SDSN and GBSN, institute is taking several steps through its teaching, research and outreach activities to contribute towards creating an impact and translating the vision into reality.
Following the principles of 2030 Agenda and drawing from the mission and purpose of PRME, GBSN and UNSDSN; GIM established two centers to create social impact by integrating issues related to sustainability in teaching, research and outreach activities.