
Driving Systems Change – Corporate Leadership for the SDGs

Event Details

The world is facing fundamental and interrelated systemic challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic as well as environmental and social crises and issues. Those issues cannot be solved by business as usual. Fortunately, there is a framework that can help navigate efforts to deal with them: the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Right now, the SDGs are the best agenda available to share ambitions and measure progress towards the achievement of a large number of common goals.

The private sector’s active involvement is vital in this ambition. But progress is too slow – not because of a lack of intentions, but because of the serious gap in developing advanced strategies in realising the SDGs. It’s difficult to integrate SDGs in core business. So, can corporate leaders step up to the challenge and drive systems change?

We think it is possible – and your contribution is important. Join our free, online conference in which we will exchange experiences, showcase tools and concepts, and learn from leading thinkers and experts. 


Click here to see the full programme, including all speakers and an introduction to each session. 


The email address and password you create at registration will also be needed to log in on the day of the conference. You will receive a confirmation email shortly after registration (please note that the email might be in your spam folder). Although you register for the entire event, you can then decide for yourself which day and / or session you want to attend! This means that you can attend just one day; registration for the full 3 days does not mean that you must attend all 3 days.

Although participation is free, we kindly ask you to attend the event once you have registered. Failure to show up is at the expense of someone else’s participation, as the number of tickets is limited. For questions you can send an email to ScienceWorks via assistant conference manager Karlijn van Marrewijk at

This conference is part of the project Managing the transition to sustainable business models: the role of leadership and measuring shared value creation (with project number 438-14-901 of the research programme Sustainable Business Models) which is (partly) financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). 

Think Tank: Transformational Entrepreneurship and the post Covid19 Global Economy

Event Details

The International Centre for Transformational Entrepreneurship (ICTE) believes that sharing and debating possible alternative transformational entrepreneurial ideas and solutions from a futuristic and multi-disciplinary basis, will offer opportunities that will lead to creating future sustainable socio-economic development and growth. As a result, ICTE is inviting you to participate in conversations about the formation and launching of the International Academy for Transformational Entrepreneurship (IATE). IATE will serve as the vehicle by which global leading entrepreneurship educators, researchers, practitioners, and policy makers will work together to engage in knowledge transfer, research, university entrepreneurship ecosystem development and policy formulation to promote socio-economic growth in a post-COVID world.

To foster these conversations, ICTE is leading an online Think Tank webinar on Monday 24 May 2021 at 7:30am EDT/ 12:30pm BST, with an international, diverse mix of attendees from educational institutions, policy makers and industry.


The webinar will be led by leading international experts to help stimulate conversations on how a transformational entrepreneurial philosophy can assist a post-Covid19 socio-economic development and will include:

  • Professor John Latham CBE, Vice-Chancellor and CEO, Coventry University
  • Professor Gideon Maas, Executive Director of ICTE
  • Mr Andreas Aasted Gjede, Director Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship (CSE), Denmark.
  • Professor Xi Wang,Director of Fintech Centre, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China.
  • Associate Professor Daniel Agyapong, Head of Department, Marketing and Supply Chain Management, University of Cape Coast, Ghana.


Registration is required for this event. Use the button below to access registration.

The Business Schools Will Have No Future if We Don’t Do This!


Tuesday, 4 July 10:00am – 11:00am




What would a business school look like if one started with a blank sheet of paper and did not benchmark other business schools?

What would the content be? Who would teach? What would it cost? In this session, we will look at how business schools got to be where they are because of the Ford and Carnegie reports over half a century ago, the advent in 1987 of the first of the major rankings, and the drivers of accreditation. Join one of GBSN’s new members, Coventry University Business School for this session, as Kai Peters, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Faculty of Business and Law), will make the case for a major overhaul of the structure and positioning of business schools for the future.


  • Prof. Kai Peters

    Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Faculty of Business and Law)
    Coventry University Business School
    United Kingdom


Thursday, June 24th, 2021

  • 11:00am Washington D.C.
  • 4:00 pm United Kingdom
  • 5:00pm Geneva
  • 5:00pm Cape Town
  • 8:30pm Mumbai
  • 11:00pm Singapore

Cross-Border Collab: Pedagogical Innovations in Business Schools


Thursday, 3 June, 2021


Hosted on Zoom.


Emma Martens,

In order to efficiently groom future generations to the realities of tomorrow, we need to give significantly more weight to teaching methods. Pedagogy has been an outsider to the system for way too long. It has been put aside over the years, resulting in professors relying mostly on the top down lectures, during which students are more inclined to stay passive recipients of knowledge rather than active participants.

This Cross-Border Collab will explore innovations in pedagogy. GBSN’s CEO, Dan LeClair recently participated as a Judge for LearnSpace‘s call for business education innovations. Through its call for nominations, LearnSpace was looking for world-class pedagogical innovations in business schools globally. Its initiative aims to uncover innovative pedagogical approaches, understand how they are being implemented in business schools and publish a public and global report showcasing 10 of them.

By pedagogical innovation, LearnSpace means:

The usage of a tool or method that provides a change in the professor’s posture, who would be more focused on empowering students, making them more committed, engaged and responsible for their own learning. At the heart of pedagogical innovation lies the shift from teacher-centered learning to student-centered learning.

The report will be published on June 1st, which is just in time for this June 3rd Cross-Border Collab. We will explore the LearnSpace report, hearing directly from Svenia Busson, Founder of LearnSpace, Co-founder EdtechTours, European Edtech Alliance and Author ‘Exploring the Future of Education.’

In addition, GBSN members will break into small groups of 3-4. These small groups will provide a space for members to share teaching / pedagogical innovations implemented by their institution with each other. Members will share one and leave with 4+ innovations.


Thursday, 3 June, 2021

8:00am EDT AND 7:00pm EDT

To accommodate our growing membership, spanning across different time zones, we offer two Collab sessions every first Thursday of the month. The first session is at 8:00am EDT and the second is at 7:00pm EDT. Both sessions will cover the same topic, but feature different guests. Members are invited to join whichever session is more convenient.


What are Cross-Border Collabs?

Cross-Border Collabs are exclusive gatherings for GBSN members, focused on engaging our community to tackle some of the greatest challenges of our time. Facilitated by topic experts, these session will provide a place for our members be active participants in our mission of improving management and entrepreneurship education for the developing world. Collabs are held monthly on every first Thursday of the month. Two sessions are offered to accommodate multiple time zones. Collabs are an exclusive opportunity for member school ambassadors, deans and leading faculty members.

Call for Papers: Policy & Program Learning (PPL)

The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) strengthens democracy around the world through private enterprise and market-oriented reform. CIPE is an affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and one of the four core institutes of the National Endowment for Democracy. Since 1983, CIPE has worked with business leaders, policymakers, and civil society to build the institutions vital to a democratic society. Policy & Program Learning (PPL) is CIPE’s applied research unit that explores, among others, emerging strategic issues in policy reform and models of business leadership conducive with democracy that delivers.


Over the last decade we have witnessed mounting resistance to democracy around the world. The emerging markets with their fragile institutional foundations have been especially vulnerable to such antidemocratic movements. Emboldened populist parties, autocratic regimes, and state-controlled corporate capitalism have seized the momentum to cement distrust on the legacy of liberal institutions and legitimacy of private enterprise as the generator of economic and social growth.

To deepen the discussion on these topics, PPL is issuing a call for papers that examine the evolving, but inherent relationship between private sector and democratic development. Research proposals should focus on emerging themes that reveal opportunities and barriers which strengthen and challenge the intrinsic link between market-oriented reform and equitable economic growth buttressed by an open and transparent democratic government. The following questions serve as a guide to frame the research and propose relevant topics.

I. Government Intervention & Business-government Relations

  1. What are the drivers, inherent strengths and weaknesses of state capitalism and/or oligarchic capitalism?
  2. What are the constraints on the expansion of government control over the economy in competitive authoritarian settings?
  3. Does sustained entrepreneurial activity under authoritarian regimes increase demands for political reforms and open markets? What key factors influence such demands?
  4. How has business responded to populism in emerging markets? What alternative visions or institutional reform has the private sector proposed?

II. Equality of Opportunity and Small Business Needs

  1. How does entrepreneurship contribute to inclusive economic growth and under what conditions?
  2. In economic crises, such as the one induced by COVID-19, what non-financial, non-fiscal, interventions are effective in helping small businesses survive?
  3. What are the binding policy constraints on SMEs with growth potential?
  4. What factors influence levels of policy engagement among small businesses (e.g., salience of issues, awareness of policy processes, firm size and age, membership in support organizations)?
  5. What explains differences in policy engagement by men-owned and women-owned businesses?
  6. What policy approaches or market conditions are effective against informal and prejudicial norms to women-led businesses and inclusive entrepreneurship?

III. Business Environment Reform

  1. What is the evidence on the effectiveness of new regulatory approaches that aim to encourage economic innovation (e.g., regulatory sandboxes)?
  2. What has worked to close gaps in the implementation of policy reforms related to the business environment? Implementation gaps that affect women’s economic empowerment are of particular interest.
  3. What economic reform processes have gained legitimacy in the eyes of the public?
  4. In which countries or sectors (e.g., digital) has the pandemic generated new demand for business environment reform?
  5. What role do business associations play in business environment reform?
  6. What regulatory space and attention is given to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) model of corporate reform in emerging markets?
  7. What major challenges do governments face in providing an agile regulatory environment in the face of a growing digital economy and disrupting internet technologies?

General paper guidelines

Applicants are free to propose research on a single topic or multiple topics. Papers submitted must be original work and previously unpublished. All research and data analysis should rely on sound methodology, supported by quantitative and qualitative evidence and based on credible sources of information and case studies in developing/emerging markets. Researchers should present the information with a general audience in mind. The writing should be clear and efficient, free of excessive jargon, bureaucratese, legalese and/or academese. Use of graphical/visual presentation of data is expected, but they should be illustrative, making it easier for readers to follow. Overly technical models, if any, (i.e., regression, spatial analysis, etc.) should be placed in a technical appendix.

Following these guidelines, please submit these documents by May 31, 2021.

  1. An abstract (approximately 300 words) of the proposed topic and research methodology.
  2. A CV and a sample of research paper, preferably written for a general audience.
  3. A budget proposal that includes a daily rate, number of billable days, and other expected related expenses incurred during research. The entire cost proposal should not exceed the maximum available funds of 15,000 USD.

Selected applicants will be notified by July 1, 2021.

To submit, please send all requested materials to Mikra Krasniqi at

Minimum Qualifications

  • Post-graduate degree, from an accredited institution of higher learning, in economics, public policy, business, international relations or other related fields
  • A minimum of six years of research and writing experience in policy or economic reform, markets, entrepreneurship, democratic governance, corruption, etc., with a focus in emerging and/or transition economies.
  • Strong commitment to ethical and professional standards of research.

Review process

The final research topic(s) will be determined through agreement between the selected researcher and PPL. Full terms, including scope of research, deliverables, and compensation will be specified in a contract or honorarium letter.

Researchers must submit their final papers by December 1, 2021.

About the Organization

The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) strengthens democracy around the globe through private enterprise and market-oriented reform. CIPE is one of the four core institutes of the National Endowment for Democracy. Since 1983, CIPE has worked with business leaders, policymakers, and journalists to build the civic institutions vital to a democratic society. CIPE’s key program areas include anti-corruption, advocacy, business associations, corporate governance, democratic governance, access to information, the informal sector and property rights, and women and youth.

Africa Business Challenge Awards Ceremony: The Role of Entrepreneurship in Development Across Africa


May 14, 2021
9:00 am–10:30 pm (EDT)


This event will be hosted on Zoom.


Maddie Handler,


GBSN, sponsored by AACSB International and Stanford Seed and supported by Peaqs and Emlyon, is pleased to present a virtual business concept competition for African undergraduate and graduate students. The competition challenged student teams to design a viable business concept that addresses a locally-relevant challenge or problem related to sustainable development and Agenda 2063. The focus of the competition was to promote and support responsible capitalism for emerging markets and to identify high potential young people for mentorship and investment. 

Over 80 student teams from 34 institutions in 15 countries across Africa have signed up to participate. Join us as we celebrate the power of entrepreneurship in sustainable development and celebrate the work of all the student teams as well as announce the winning project.

The competition was designed with the following values in mind:

  • A commitment to the importance of responsible entrepreneurship and its role in job creation
  • An international outlook
  • A commitment to ethical business practices
  • A strong interest in young people in emerging markets and the role that business can play in creating opportunities that enable them to develop
  • A believe that business is a public trust with the obligation to improve and serve society
  • A commitment to lifelong learning and continuing education

The awards ceremony virtual event will feature a line-up of notable speakers, an introduction to the international panel of investors and judges and announcement of the winning team. The awards ceremony event will be open to the public.


  • Rob Vember

    Director, Programs & Partnerships
    Global Business School Network
    South Africa


  • Dan LeClair

    Dan LeClair, Ph.D

    Global Business School Network
  • Dr. Rickie A. Moore

    Professor of Entrepreneurship Director, MSc in Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship
    emlyon business school


Registration is open to all Africa Business Challenge participants and the general public.


For any questions or concerns, please email Maddie Handler at

Business Schools and the Democratization of Artificial Intelligence


May 18, 2021

10:00 am–11:00 am (EDT)

4:00pm – 5:00pm (CEST)


This event will be hosted on Zoom.


Maddie Handler,

Artificial intelligence (AI) holds a lot of promise. But although AI has all the potential of a new general-purpose technology, it also has the potential to create new problems, cause accidents, and to be misused. The latter has in recent years led to various global initiatives to establish common frameworks for the ethics, regulation and governance of AI. Business schools can make a valuable contribution to these, as this webinar, looking at AI from both scholarly and practitioner perspectives, argues. 

Under the term ‘democratization’ of AI, three challenges for the governance of AI stand out wherein business schools can, through their teaching, applied research and broader business-community engagement, contribute. The first is to help accelerate the diffusion of human-centered AI. The second is to contribute to the debate on the design of appropriate and strong incentives for adherence to ethical and fair AI development, and the third is to pursue green AI. If these three challenges can be addressed, it may help ensure that the benefits of AI be broadly shared.

This webinar, organised by Cork University Business School at University College Cork, Ireland in collaboration with the Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa (MIIA) will provide an introduction and overview of the current initiatives and thinking in this regard. 



Tuesday, May 18th, 2021

  • 10:00am Washington D.C.
  • 3:00pm London
  • 5:00pm Geneva
  • 7:30pm Mumbai
  • 10:00pm Singapore

Entrepreneurship World Cup

All entrepreneurs. All stages. Everywhere. Whether you are dreaming about launching a startup or you already have a Series A round, the Entrepreneurship World Cup can help you take your next big step.

The Entrepreneurship World Cup is more than just a pitch competition. It gives everyone who enters access to the knowledge, networks, and for some, the capital they need to start and scale a company.

The EWC started out as an idea- and now supports 175,000 entrepreneurs in 200 countries. It is made possible by three co-host organizations – Misk Global Forum, Global Entrepreneurship Network and The Global Education & Leadership Foundation.


Idea Stage
Do you have an idea for a new company, but aren’t sure how to start or find the resources you need to take the next step? EWC helps you unleash your idea with free on-demand training and $10,000 in perks – just for signing up.– Plus, you have a chance to win $50,000 in cash prizes and to meet and network with and top investors locally and internationally. Being an EWC alumni will give you access to an international community.

Early Stage
Do you have an emerging startup and want to accelerate its trajectory? EWC empowers early-stage founders with access to world-class educational resources, training and up to $750,000 in perks — as well as a chance to sharpen your skills through a global pitch competition and win up to $500,000 in cash prizes. You will also have a chance to meet and network with peers and top investors locally and internationally. Being an EWC alumni will give you access to an international community.

Growth Stage
Have you already found your market fit, started gaining serious traction and have an initial round of funding secured? EWC provides you with a global network of potential collaborators and expert mentors to help you achieve exponential growth – and a chance to win a no-strings attached check for $500,000. Plus, a chance to meet and network with peers and top investors locally and internationally. Being an EWC alumni will give you access toan international community.

Cash Prizes

EWC is all about the entire experience – training, resources, connections, mentorship and more. But on top of that, we have some amazing, impactful prizes – more than $1 million in cash total for the global winners plus $75 million worth of in-kind support for the top 100 global finalists, not to mention investment opportunities and awesome resources and perks from our leading partners. In addition to these global prizes,many EWC national competitions offer their own prizes.


  • February – May 2021, Accelerate 1: Startups are put through a series of education and virtual training opportunities to sharpen their skills around areas such as customer & industry knowledge; personal & team skills; creativity & problem solving, and business acumen.
  • May – July 2021, National Competition: Competitions happening simultaneously in 100+ countries, virtually and at in-person live events. Winners receive national prizes and advance to stage 3.
  • August – September 2021, Accelerate 2: Startups are put through a series of education and virtual training opportunities to sharpen their skills around areas such as customer & industry knowledge; personal & team skills; creativity & problem solving, and business acumen.
  • November 2021, Global Finals: The top 100 global finalists travel to the EWC Global Finals for a bootcamp and the finals round of the competition where they can network with potential investors and compete on stage for cash prizes and support services.

Learn More

To learn more about the Entrepreneurship World Cup including benefits, judges, events, new +updates, overview and partner application, use the button below.

Internationalize Your Business Degree Program Through Virtual Exchange – Webinar

Virtual exchange – enabling students to get cross-cultural exposure without leaving their homes … an affordable way to “travel” across the globe!

To succeed in the global workplace means having a global mindset—the cultural awareness and cultural consciousness which a global economy demands —and educational exchanges are an effective method to nurture this mindset. The pandemic has revealed a significant limitation of traditional educational exchanges: geography. But even before the pandemic, traveling across borders to seek a cross-cultural experience was not possible for many students. Enter virtual exchanges, which connect students across countries via technology, allowing them to learn together and collaborate on projects in cross-cultural teams. Join our webinar and hear from two professors at the forefront of virtual exchange. We’ll explore the unique role a virtual exchange can play. You’ll find out about the benefits students experience as being part of a virtual exchange. Join us to find out more about this innovative format and determine if it’s right for your curriculum.

Two professors from the Business & Culture virtual exchange program organized by the William Davidson Institute will be speaking at this interactive event. If you are interested in learning about our successful experience connecting students across countries to learn how to do business together, please register to join us.


Tuesday May 4, 2021

  • 10:00am Washington D.C.
  • 3:00pm London
  • 4:00pm Geneva
  • 7:30pm Mumbai
  • 10:00pm Singapore
