
Skills & Talent Development in FinTech


Wednesday, 20 July, 2022

8:00 – 9:00am EDT


Hosted on Zoom.


Julie LaBelle, jlabelle@gbsn.org


The digital transformation of finance is coming down in history. In this rapidly transforming environment, it is imperative to keep acquiring new skills and knowledge to stay competitive.

That is why we are pleased to partner with Centre for Finance, Technology and Entrepreneurship on the GBSN-CFTE Center for Excellence in FinTech.

As a way to launch this new initiative, we are hosting an informational session to begin discussions around incorporating FinTech education into university programming. During this discussion we will introduce CFTE’s Fintech 360 Program, which is a 6 week program that will give you the skill-set and knowledge to stay at the centre of the digital transformation of finance. Curated with leaders in the Digital Finance scene, this online program will give you the skill-set and knowledge to stay at the centre of the digital transformation of finance.

The goal of this informational session is not only to introduce the new GBSN-CFTE Center for Excellence in FinTech, but also to dissect and diversify digital technological changes impacting banking, insurance, and other sectors of the finance industry. The focus is to identify the challenges that developing countries face going from their traditional financial infrastructures, to a revolutionized one.

As a way to launch this new GBSN IMPACT Community, we invite academic faculty, administrators from institutions to join practitioners across the world to join us for this informational session on July 20th, 2022.

Date & Time

Wednesday, 20 July

  • Singapore: 8:00 PM
  • Beijing: 8:00 PM
  • Sao Paolo: 9:00 AM
  • Washington DC: 8:00 AM
  • Lagos: 1:00 PM
  • Cape Town: 2:00 PM
  • Dubai: 4:00 PM
  • Mumbai: 5:30 PM


This virtual informational session is free of charge, but seats are limited. Please secure your participation by registering using the button below.


About GBSN Impact Communities

GBSN Impact Communities bring together scholars and business practitioners to address management and entrepreneurship challenges relevant to emerging economies. This creates knowledge, experiences, and relationships. Interest in forming learning communities is growing, with new ones emerging in human rights, sustainable energy, healthcare, and community-engaged learning.

Call for Performances: GBSN Beyond 2022

Be part of a vibrant hub of exchange, learning, collaboration and discussion by submitting a student performance for GBSN Beyond.

The arts are a universal language. While they appear in different formats and genres, the arts have the power to connect every individual, every community, every nation across the globe. The arts allow us to overcome the barriers of language and geography, and unite us around the joy it brings.

GBSN Beyond: Together In-Person & Online utilizes a versatile events platform to convene members of business, academia, and civil society to collectively tackle some of the complex problems our societies across the globe are facing.  GBSN Beyond features three parallel track experiences during the month of October leading up to a 3-day in-person & virtual conference, November 7-9. These tracks engage Learners, Educators, and Leaders. Each parallel track includes a core learning experience with various sessions, networking opportunities and workshops. The conference will offer a program of keynotes, panel discussions, lightning talks, networking activities, and more.

GBSN Beyond provides attendees numerous opportunities for engagement, and we as an organization have always prided ourselves on delivering unique and innovative experiences. Entertainment has always been a priority. This year, GBSN Beyond will feature a Performance Series designed to overcome barriers of language, religion, culture, and geography, and bring our global audience together around the joy performing arts brings.These performances will be highlighted throughout the entire GBSN Beyond event experience. This includes the parallel tracks in the month of October and during the In-Person & Virtual Conference Nov 7-9.

Help us bring performing arts to our global audience. 

Submission Categories

Because of the virtual nature of this year’s conference, artists are encouraged to submit their work in one of the following categories:

  1. Pre-Recorded Performance Collective
  2. Live Video Performance
  3. Single Location and Solo Short 
  4. Outside The Box

Submission Category Details

Performance Category 1: Pre-Recorded Performance Collective

Submissions should consider the following guidelines:

  • 20-30 minutes in length
  • Between 2-4 performances included in the collective. Diversity in talent and style is encouraged.
  • Properly edited, produced and recorded with multiple camera angles

Chosen “Category 1” performances will receive a stipend estimated between $400 – $800 for the entire team of artists and complimentary passes to the virtual conference. 

Performance Category 2: Live Video Performance

Submissions should consider the following guidelines:

  • Performances chosen will be performed via livestream from performer’s location(s) through GBSN’s conference platform
  • Performances chosen can be performed to one or multiple cameras, i.e. multiple people in multiple locations
  • 10-12 minutes or less in length

Chosen “Category 2” projects will receive a stipend estimated between $200 – $300 and complimentary all-access passes to the virtual conference.

Performance Category 3: Single Location and Solo Short 

Submissions should consider the following guidelines:

  • Projects chosen will be performed via livestream from a single location through conference platform
  • Projects chosen will be performed to one camera, i.e. a single individual or multiple people in a single location
  • 5-8 minutes maximum in length
  • Solo pieces of any format including: Stand-up comedy, Solo Performance Artist, Live Poetry, Web-Cam Style, Documentary Style, etc.
  • Multiple artist pieces of any format including: drama, comedy, musical theatre, etc.

Chosen “Category 3” performances will receive an estimated stipend between $75 – $175.

Performance Category 4: Outside the Box

  • Submitted if all three (3) other categories do not fit for your performance. 
  • If your piece doesn’t fit in any box, then submit here and create your own!

Chosen “Category 4” projects will receive a stipend commensurate with other stipends given and complimentary all-access passes to the virtual conference.

Together at Home

Meet the GBSN Beyond Team! The team danced along to The Mortimers & The Ex Vampires Group from Monash University in Australia at the Awards Ceremony during the 2020 Conference.

Monash University, Australia

Chor Der Leuphana University, Germany

Goa Institute of Management, India

How to Submit a Performance

Performances should be submitted through this online form. Submission must include the following:

  • Performance Title 
  • Performance Category 
  • Brief description of performance submission (500 word max)
  • Name(s), contact information of Performer(s) and name of Institution. If submitting a group performance, please indicate one main point of contact
  • Artist’s Statement describing the applicant’s philosophy and vision (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Biographies for artistic personnel (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Links to websites, as applicable
  • Performance File and/or Samples (Accepted file formats include word document for written submission, .mp4 file for video submission, .mp3 file for audio only submission)

Additional Details

  • Performers can submit more than one performance submission. Every effort will be made to ensure diversity is represented in the performances selected.
  • GBSN reserves the right to recommend changes to performances upon consultation with performers.
  • Performers must provide consent to conference organizers to publish the performance on the Hubb platform and to share the performance online.

Important Dates & Deadlines

  • 5 July, 2022 – Call for Performances Opens
  • 26 September, 2022 – Call for Performances Closes
  • 28 September, 2022 – Selected Performers are Notified


Questions regarding the Call for Performances and the submission process may be sent to beyond@gbsn.org.

Webinar: The Impact of Covid-19 on Staff in UK Higher Educationďżź

Date & Time

Thursday, July 28, 2022 – 10:00 to 13:00 BST/ 5:00am EST

General Info

During this webinar, we will present the findings of a recently funded research study by The Open University exploring the impact of COVID-19 on professional and academic staff in UK Higher Education. The research covers and conducts a comparative analysis across the four UK nations and provides recommendations to alleviate the impact of COVID-19 on staff in HE.

The webinar will be hosted via MS Teams.

We would like to engage participation throughout, with plenty of time for discussion and feedback. If you have any colleagues that you think might also be interested in attending, please share this information with them and we hope to see them online.

Principal Investigator:
Dr Rasha Kassem, Senior Lecturer, School of Business & Law, The Open University


  • Dr Shraddha Verma, Head of Accounting & Finance Department, School of Business & Law, The Open University
  • Dr Kerry Jones, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Wellbeing, Education & Language Studies, The Open University
  • Dr Soraya Kouadri Mostefaoui, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, The Open University
  • Ms Ruth Whitney, Access, Participation & Success Manager, The OU in Scotland

30th CEEMAN Annual Conference

Date & Location

Come and celebrate the 30th anniversary of CEEMAN with us! The 30th CEEMAN Annual Conference is taking place on 21-23 September 2022 in Bled, Slovenia.


Let’s meet in person to mark the 30 years of CEEMAN and try to understand the big picture surrounding the future of management education. Geopolitics, environment and sustainability, multiple social issues – all add up to unprecedented challenges we face on business and society level. How can management education support the new leadership that is needed to navigate successfully in these new times? How the management education curriculum and processes should be changed? And what can we do – together?

CEEMAN Annual Conference traditionally includes a series of events in order to get to know the business, political and social realities of the host country and to discuss implications, best practices and collaboration in the area of management development through keynotes, international panels, roundtable discussions and workshops. Several side events are also organized, such as CEEMAN IQA Quick-Scan Session, poster session for faculty and researchers, CEEMAN Annual Meeting, and CEEMAN Awards Ceremony.

The CEEMAN’s extensive programs provide an excellent platform for discussions and thinking about how the improved quality of management and management schools can be the catalyst to drive urgently needed changes, innovation and creativity.
Matej Potokar,
General Manager, Microsoft Services CEE

11th UN Forum on Business and Human Rights


  • Rights Holders at the Centre: Strengthening Accountability to Advance Business Respect for People and Planet in the Next Decade.
  • Taking Stock of Efforts at Securing Accountability and Access to Remedy, to Focus on how the Implementation of the UNGPs can be Accelerated from a Rights Holder Perspective.

The 2022 UN Forum

The United Nations hosts its Forum for the world’s largest annual gathering on Business and Human Rights with 2,000+ participants. Registrants will partake in panel discussions regarding guiding principles as well as current business-related human rights issues.

Date & Location

Monday-Wednesday, 28-30 November, 2022

Virtual and In Person

Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland)

Participating in the 2022 Forum

The Forum will take place in a hybrid format, which will include in person and virtual participation, as the situation allows. Information about the agenda, registration process, and any other relevant information will be posted on the Forum dedicated webpage in due course.

Registration & Program Information Coming Soon

FinTech Week | London | The Flagship Conference 2022

The Big Picture: City to City with FinTech at its Heart

Fintech Week London 2021 shined a light on the most interesting topics in financial technology, with a 2-day conference at its core. Traditional financial institutions came together with fintechs and other financial services companies, in one of the world’s oldest leading financial districts: London. From high-street banks to challengers, technology giants to disruptors, this five-day event showcased some of the best that London and global fintech has to offer. We would like to thank our partners, speakers, hosts and attendees for making Fintech Week London 2021 a huge success. Mark your calendars for the second edition on July 11-15, 2022. 


Registration closes 10 July, 2022 at 11:59pm

Key Topics

Open Banking / Banking as a Service
Explore the momentum and future potential of open banking in the UK and beyond as it hits its 4-year milestone in the UK, as well as understand what Banking as a Service and embedded finance can enable for your customer journeys

Digital Sovereignty
In a world that is ever more digital and data orientated, explore the importance of cybersecurity, privacy and fraud prevention in the quest for digital sovereignty. Understand how digital identity and biometrics can keep you, your customers and your businesses secure.

Big Tech and Big Banks: Coopetition
With so many mergers, acquisitions and partnerships taking place, the “coopetition” (collaboration vs competition) between big tech and big banks has never been more relevant as the fintech industry comes of age. Understand the rise in neobanks and the potential for new fintech communities as tech giants work to keep up and break new ground in the world of finance.

Trending in Fintech
From Buy Now Pay Later to Web 3.0, explore the hot topics in fintech to understand how now is the time of innovation and the levelling up of the fintech world. 

Dive into the world of cryptocurrency to explore crypto and payments, as well as the ever-popular NFTs that show no signs of slowing down. Analyse the arguments for Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) and examine the opportunities and challenges a UK CBDC would bring.

Fintech for good
Explore the advancements in climate and ethical finance in an ESG focused world, as well as understand the need for further change. With the potential to make a better future with tech and finance, ask the question: what does real transformation look like? Rest assured, it won’t be a one-sided story, with a panel battle between the good and the bad 


Future of Digital Learning: Where Tech Meets Instructional Design




June 22 I 11am EDT


Julie Labelle, jlabelle@gbsn.org

In 2016, there were 3.7 billion smartphone subscriptions worldwide, today there are nearly 6.3 billion and, by 2026, that number will top 7.5 billion. Smartphones have been revolutionizing many industries, including health, travel, and music. Yet, they have not yet made a major difference in education, especially in higher education and in environments where access to education has been low. Even when mobile learning is applied, it is often under-utilized relative to its potential, especially to support social (peer-to-peer) learning, experiential learning, gamification, and virtual/augmented reality. 

That is why GBSN and Gnowbe are partnering to empower up to 2,000 business and management professors with microlearning instructional design skills. Participants in the program will learn the principles of instructional design and how to apply that in a microlearning format for blended or asynchronous learning experiences. Upon successful completion of the programs, participants will earn a Microlearning Instructional Design (MID) Level 1 Certification, which can be applied to their LinkedIn profile.

Participants in the Gnowbe-GBSN program will also earn a certificate of completion from GBSN, which signals preparedness teaching specifically within the context of business and management schools. GBSN believes that the microlearning instructional design skills can be applied to increase inclusiveness and belonging, expand lifelong learning and executive education, generate additional value from case studies and simulations, make research more accessible to practicing managers, and increase the impact of business schools as catalysts for sustainable development. 

At this webinar, hear from Gnowbe’s CEO So-Young Kang, and Creator Engagement Manager Nicola all about Microlearning Instructional Design and the $10M Scholarship application process. Find out more about the $10M Scholarship here: https://hubs.li/Q015M36C0

Learn more about the GBSN-Gnowbe Scholarships here.

Date & Time

Wednesday, 22 June

11:00am – 12:00pm EDT

  • 8:00am Los Angeles
  • 10:00am Lima
  • 4:00pm London
  • 5:00pm Geneva / Cape Town
  • 6:00pm Nairobi
  • 8:30pm Mumbai
  • 11:00pm Singapore



Please register for this event via the button below.

It’s Great to be Back | Let’s Celebrate @ AIB Annual Meeting



Julie LaBelle

Attending the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting this year? The Sonoco Department of International Business at the Darla Moore School of Business invites you to a Networking Affair at the Hard Rock Miami. Join our post-dinner event and enjoy live entertainment with colleagues from across the globe.

Date & Location

Thursday, 7 July @ 8:00pm – 11:00pm

The Hard Rock

401 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132

We ask you to submit an RSVP for this event to attend.

About the Sonoco International Business Department

The Sonoco International Business Department at the Moore School is widely recognized within the field of international business. The IB department offers an undergraduate degree, a master’s, and two Ph.D. programs: international business and international finance. Combined with the international expertise of our functional departments, the Sonoco International Business Department provides the Moore School with unparalleled competence in the critical area of the conduct of business across national boundaries and diverse cultures. The department emphasizes understanding cross-border inter- and intra-organizational relationships comprising the modern multinational enterprise, as well as the institutional, financial, sociocultural and sociopolitical contexts within which the multinational enterprise is embedded.The department offers an undergraduate international business major that has been consistently ranked as No. 1 by U.S. News & World Report. The department also offers a highly regarded international business major at the doctoral level and contributes extensively to the international master’s and executive programs of the Moore School. The department’s commitment to excellence in the classroom is evidenced by the faculty’s numerous outstanding teacher awards at all levels. Learn more

Call for Preliminary Judges: The Victoria Forum Student Essay Competition | PhD Students and Research Assistants

We are excited to announce the launch of our first Victoria Forum Student Essay Challenge, in partnership with the Victoria Forum. This international competition is open to all undergraduate and graduate students and invites and challenges individuals/teams to write original, unpublished essays sharing actual experiences and stories of courage, grit, and transformation, to inspire efforts to bridge existing divides.

Essays should focus on one of the following sub-themes:

  • Bridging Economic Divides
  • Bridging Social Divides
  • Bridging Environmental Divides

Thus far, this international competition has submissions from 15 countries ranging across 6 continents. 


At this time, we would like to formally invite network members interested in becoming Preliminary Judges who would help determine the Top 10 essays.  These Top 10 essays would then go to the Victoria Forum final judging panel to award the winning essay.  We welcome you to please share this opportunity with your network of academic professionals.  We especially welcome PhD students, research assistants, graduate assistants, and professors who would be willing to assist us in judging the submitted essays and accompanying creative pieces. 

In addition to technical aspects, such as mechanics, organization, and narrative, essays will be judged for inspiration—the extent to which they have potential to tilt the conversation and inspire action towards a more inclusive and sustainable future. Preliminary Judges would read the essays and score them and the creative piece on a 100 point scale in four simple categories.

Preliminary Judges will be publicly acknowledged on the GBSN website and other external communications. In order to facilitate this, for those interested please email Julianna LaBelle at jlabelle@gbsn.org your preferred full name, official title and a brief bio with your confirmation of participating as a preliminary judge.

Lessons from Europe: Deployment of Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sphere Webinar



June 9, 2022

10:00am – 11:30am ET


The application of AI has been largely a private sector phenomenon. The public sector has advanced regulatory questions, especially in Europe, but struggled to find its own role in how to use AI to improve society and well-being of its citizens. The Wilson Center invites you to take a critical look at the use of AI in public service, examining the societal implications across sectors: environmental sustainability, finance, and health. Where are the biases in the design, data, and application of AI and what is needed to ensure its ethical use? How can governments utilize AI to create more equitable societies? How can AI be used by governments to engage citizens and better meet societal needs? The webinar aims to engage in a dialogue between research and policy, inviting perspectives from Finland and the United States.

This webinar has been organized in coordination with the Finnish-American Research & Innovation Accelerator.
