
American University in Cairo School Of Business International Case Competition (ICC) Fourth Edition 2022

For the fourth year in a row, The AUC School of Business Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CEI), El-Khazindar Business Research and Case Center (KCC), and Business Association (BA), a student-led organization, are organizing the online 24-hour international case competition (ICC).

The ICC brings together teams of students from all over the world to compete in solving a challenging business case. ICC was the first competition of its kind organized in Egypt and the Middle East and focusing on business challenges facing high-growth entrepreneurial ventures back in 2019.

ICC provides students with a unique learning experience to understand the business and entrepreneurship landscape in Egypt, Africa and the Middle East, including complex issues around consumer behavior, economic trends, regulatory and policy reforms, technology adoption and the supporting ecosystem. The case-solving competition aims to blend a cross-cultural understanding of working with Egyptian students and entrepreneurs with a good grasp of Egyptian culture in a well-designed process.

Every year ICC focuses on a startup in a specific sector in the Middle East. We recognize the value of such competitions to promote cultural fluency between students and introduce them to the multifaceted challenges that startups face, especially in developing countries. Startup Case Competitions are a great practical learning tool that engage students in the real world of entrepreneurship.

The competition aims at empowering international innovative students and university networks to raise their awareness of steps taken in the entrepreneurial ecosystem and engage in developing solutions to enhance the business operations of emerging startups facing the current challenges provided by the outbreak and post of COVID – 19.

Application Deadline: Feb 26, 2022 (Cairo Time)


In April 2019, 6 International and 3 national universities participated in the competition, with a total of 34 students, 8 mentors and 14 Judges to help find solutions to challenges facing SWVL; a revolutionary idea that was born from passion, loyalty, and persistence to face all challenges on the table, Swvl is not just a means to facilitate commuting, but a hunger to strive for solutions, encourage the contribution of youth in innovation and inspire change. SWVL is an Egyptian Startup, the first Middle East $USD 1.5 billion ‘unicorn’ to list on Nasdaq US and the largest African unicorn debut on any U.S.-listed exchange

However, providing the outbreak of COVID – 19, and in April 2020, the case competition was held online with 11 AUC student teams competing via Zoom on identifying challenges confronting a full-service digital agency, Robusta Studio; is a tech agency working with a diverse client base across different sectors and industries on implementing digital transformation programs.

ICC’s third run in March 2021 had a flavor from each of the last two case competitions; it was held virtually and targeted international students who wish to learn and find solutions to challenges facing rising startups in Egypt especially beyond the pandemic. ICC 21 had a total of 55 team submissions, comprising a number of 202 participants from 20 nationalities. The case of Schaduf was selected and developed in an academic framework to crack their approach and best practices to deal with the current challenges. Schaduf; one of the pioneers of sustainability in the Middle East since 2011. Schaduf believes in social responsibility towards emerging issues such as food security, food sovereignty, and the expansion of urban spaces at the expense of green spaces. They create more sustainable and eco-friendly urban cities. They specialize in diverse sections of services to make sure that they deliver the goal of sustainable urban cities, such as landscape design, urban farming, green walls, green roofs.

Despite the different structures of the 2019, 2020, and 2021 case competitions, all proved to be highly impactful and memorable to the students and the startups, mentors, judges, and the entire team. And same as ICC 21, ICC 22 will be virtual, aiming to include more international teams.


  • Help students from different majors organize their thinking around an integrative planning framework while sprinting out innovative and constructive solutions.
  • Provide incentives for students to apply their best learning practices to a real business case in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, especially after the pandemic.
  • Help rising entrepreneurial ventures solve their challenges unconventionally; while supporting their journeys.
  • Promote cultural exchange between the different teams and help to improve communication skills between the students.
  • Assist students with building an effective network with employers, moving their school–based knowledge to the labor market.


The competition aims at empowering innovative students and university networks through engaging them in developing solutions to enhance the business operations of emerging startups facing the current challenges mainly provided by the outbreak of COVID – 19. A scale-up case is selected and developed in an academic framework to crack their approach and best practices to deal with the current challenges.

Social Media Exposure

An intensive social media campaign will be run, using Business Association, Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and El-Khazindar Business Research and Case Center, as well as, School of Business official media channels, which cultivate following of over 30,000 national and international students, faculty and staff, and the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Egypt and globally.


All ICC sessions will be recorded for fair use purposes. CEI may use your photos, videos, or quotes for promotional purposes, and these may be circulated in the CEI printings, website, and social media accounts. This right may be used by the CEI partners and sponsors, including but not limited to, KCC, BA, and the AUC School of Business. Judges will have access to these recordings for evaluation purposes. We rely heavily on these recordings to promote further ICC versions among the interested individuals, and your mandatory acceptance to release them will be highly appreciated.

By participating in ICC, you acknowledge and agree that CEI and its partners and sponsors have the irreversible unconditional right to use these recordings under the fair use rules.

Generally speaking, this right is NOT negotiable. However, if you have concerns about the use of the mentioned recordings, please contact before applying to the competition. Such cases will be resolved on a case-by-case basis.

Competition Timeline

Application Open

Feb 2, 2022, at 12:00 Mid-night (Cairo Local Time)

Application Closed

Feb 26, 2022, at 12 Mid-night (Cairo Local Time)

Acceptance Email

Feb 28, 2022: Check your email regularly on this day

Opening Ceremony

March 2, 2022: Orientation session and students on-boarded

Case Crack

March 4, 2022: Case is announced, competition started, and teams are working for 24 hours

Competition Day

March 5, 2022: Students present presentations

Second Round

5-top-winner presentations and winner is announced.

Localized- Careers with Social Impact Solving Regional & Global Problems


15 February, 2022

11:00 ET



Have you ever thought about a career in an international non-governmental organization? Independent global organizations like the World Economic Forum are dedicated to improving the state of the world by engaging leaders in the business, political and cultural spheres.  

A role in the World Economic Forum would give you the unique opportunity to be a part of projects that involve collaboration with different stakeholders across different regions to deliver projects and own initiatives that make a real difference by solving regional and global challenges. 

In this session with Mahmoud Jabari, Community Manager, Africa & Middle East, at the World Economic Forum will discuss his career journey, experience, background. He’ll tell you how he was able to land a job at one of the world’s most well known non-governmental organizations. He’ll share his advice and tips for students and recent grads and talk about what he does on a daily basis, what his career path has been and what his career trajectory could look like. Gain insights through someone who actually works in the field and develop a deeper understanding of whether a role in economic and international development is right for you. Learn: 

  • Are you a good fit for a role in international and economic development
  • What does the World Economic Forum do? 
  • What projects do social impact teams own 
  • What kind of impact can you make in a role like this
  • What does the day-to-day of a community manager look like?

About Mahmoud:

Mahmoud Jabari is an accomplished young professional who works across sectors, regions and platforms to shape regional collaboration and inform public policy agendas. His professional expertise includes private-sector diplomacy, public-private partnerships and strategic communication. 

At the World Economic Forum, he works with government and business leaders in Africa and the Middle East to amplify their impact and bring their expertise to new communities. He spearheaded the Forum’s engagement in Kenya’s Kakuma Refugee Camp, including the planning and implementation of the first-ever Executive Leadership Education Module in 2019. 

Prior to the Forum, Mahmoud was an Economic Development Associate at the Jerusalem-based Quartet Mission where he managed political and economic engagement to inform the product development of an economic mapping platform. He has spoken at the Annual Conference of the US World Affairs Councils, TEDx Tufts and TEDx Teen New York City.

Localized- Educational Landscape: Online Programs, Accreditation, and Opportunities


Monday February 14th, 2022

7:00am ET | 12:00 GMT



The digitization of the students’ learning experience has enabled learners to access material, resources, and connect with instructors and other learners wherever they are. This ease of access enabled working professionals to pursue a Masters Degree without the need to commute to campus, travel abroad, or quit their jobs.

The digitization of the students’ learning experience has enabled learners to access material, resources, and connect with instructors and other learners wherever they are. This ease of access enabled working professionals to pursue a Masters Degree without the need to commute to campus, travel abroad, or quit their jobs.

Join this session with Ahmed Ali, Director of International Digital Enrollment at EdPlus at Arizona State University, to learn about:

The value of a graduate degree to employers and your options after graduation How to choose the right program for you How to pursue a Masters degree while being employed ASU’s admission’s criteria, programs, and application process

About Ahmed Ali:

As the Director of International Digital Enrollment at EdPlus at Arizona State University, Ahmed is responsible for the graduate degree program Enrollment & Outreach efforts in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) region. Currently based in the United Arab Emirates, Ahmed has worked in higher education for over 12 years. His key focus areas are outreach, counseling, and student recruitment.

Prior to joining EdPlus at ASU, Ahmed was the Client Relationship Director at Thunderbird School of Global Management, responsible for the executive education activities in the MENA region. He has also worked at Hult International Business School, formerly known as Arthur D. Little School of Management, where he oversaw the Recruitment and Marketing efforts in the Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia.

Localized: How to Start a Career in Cryptocurrency After Graduation


8 February, 2022

1:00pm ET



Are you driven by tech? Are you searching for a role in a fast growing and rapidly advancing industry? Have you thought about a career in crypto? 

Are you driven by tech? Are you searching for a role in a fast growing and rapidly advancing industry? Have you thought about a career in crypto? 

Cryptocurrency’s hype goes beyond coin investments and NFTs. Governments, organizations, and even financial institutions and regulators are realizing the benefits of going digital and adopting cryptocurrencies as an official payment method. The top tech companies are already looking at creating their own currencies, while other more traditional companies like Nike, and Coca-Cola have entered the NFT space. 

The good news is many of these jobs are still developing, meaning in some cases they require absolutely no experience. The even better news is that with such large adoption and advancements the hunt for fresh talent is  at an all-time high. 

But how can you take advantage and prepare yourself to enter a career in such a transformative industry without any formal education? And how can you possibly know if a career in cryptocurrency would suit you? 

In this session with Estaban Castano, Co-founder and CEO at TRM Labs, we will discuss: 

  • How you can upskill during university or after graduation
  • Where to look to develop essential knowledge about the industry
  • What technical and non technical jobs are available for graduates
  • What makes the crypto space interesting 
  • How you can transition into crypto from a different industry.

About Esteban:

Esteban Castaño is co-founder and CEO of TRM Labs, a blockchain intelligence firm that helps governments, financial institutions and cryptocurrency businesses manage risk and prevent financial crime. Prior to TRM, Esteban led the technology team at Generation, the largest education-to-employment non-profit, and worked as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company where he focused on the fintech sector. Esteban holds a BA in Government from Dartmouth.

WAIFC Young Academic Award 2022: World Alliance of International Financial Centers

We invite young academics to submit papers or essays on the future of a sustainable and inclusive financial sector.

The global financial sector continues to undergo rapid evolution with new technologies enabling the digitization of money, innovative trends involving artificial intelligence and DLT, and a greater focus on financing SMEs and financial inclusion.  We see a long-term transition toward a sustainable financial industry, while in the short-term there is a need to support the economic recovery from the pandemic.

We invite young academics to submit papers or essays addressing one of the following topics:

  • The future of finance, or what will financial centers look like in 2030
  • How the financial sector can contribute to a sustainable economic recovery from the current pandemic
  • Innovations in sustainable finance and their impact on the financial industry
  • How financial centers can promote inclusive finance
  • New ways of successfully financing small and medium-sized enterprises

We will also consider papers on topics not mentioned above, but relevant to the work of international financial centers.

The top three finalists will have the unique opportunity to present their research at WAIFC’s Annual General Meeting to be held in Casablanca, Morocco in October 2022.  Our Chair will announce the winner of the best paper and award a prize of €3,000.  The runners-up will be awarded prizes of €2,000 (2nd place) and €1,000 (3rd place).

Who can enter?

We invite young academics from around the world to make a submission. WAIFC is a global organization, and we aim to make this a global competition. The Award is open to all countries, including non-WAIFC member countries.  As our focus is on finance, we particularly encourage submissions from Ph.D. students in finance, economics, mathematics, computer science, or other similar fields to participate. We are, however, seeking new ideas, so a background in any field of study is welcome as long as your paper or essay relates to finance and meets our submission criteria. Submissions are welcome from those in universities, research institutes, think tanks, and other similar institutions.

Multiple authors can contribute to a paper or essay, but as we are seeking ideas from bright young minds, at least one author must be under the age of 35 as of 15 June 2022.

How will the winners be selected?

We will assess the papers against the following criteria: (1) novelty, (2) topicality, (3) innovative thinking, (4) scientific merit, (5) relevance for financial centers, and (6) practical applicability.

How to apply?

Applications to submit your paper or essay may be made no later than 15 May 2022 via our submission form.  Your final paper or essay must be submitted no later than 15 June 2022.

Full details on who can enter, how to enter, assessment criteria, etc. are detailed within our Award Handbook.  If you have any further questions, please email

We look forward to receiving your submissions and hopefully meeting you in Casablanca later this year.

About the WAIFC

The World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) is a non-profit association registered in Belgium, representing 21 leading international financial centers across four continents.  WAIFC members are governments agencies, associations, and similar institutions developing and promoting their financial centers.  WAIFC facilitates cooperation between its members, exchanging best practices and communication with the general public.

Entrepreneurship: Finding Problems & Creating Solutions-Localized

Date: Wednesday, Feb 2nd 

Time: 3:00 pm GMT 

Expert Panel: Maggie Goff & Mercy Erhiawarien & Erna Redzepagic

Title: Maggie – Intensives Manager at Halcyon, Mercy & Erna- Program Coordinators at Halcyon

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur? Do you have an impact-driven idea that could solve regional and global challenges? Join Mercy, Maggie and Erna for an interactive session to learn:

  • Introduction to the Halcyon incubation program
  • What is social entrepreneurship
  • How to develop a problem-solving mindset 
  • Defining the value proposition and customer pain points 101 
  • How to understand your market and potential customers
  • Live Q&A from the audience

This session is organized by Halcyon, a community supporting impact-driven businesses and their founders through space, community, and access. Their programs offer fellowships for social entrepreneurs and funding vehicles to help them scale their ventures.

About Maggie Goff:

Maggie (she/her) believes anyone, anywhere, from any background can change the world with an innovative idea and the right support. In her role as Program Coordinator, she supports day to day operations of the incubator program with current fellows and alumni, and the application process. She also writes grants and co-authors the Social Enterprise Ecosystem Report. Prior to joining Halcyon, she was a Research Analyst at Urban Institute’s Justice Policy Center; where she conducted program evaluations related to reentry, work readiness for returning citizens, and victim services for incarcerated women. She holds a Master’s degree in Justice Studies from Arizona State University and a Bachelor’s degree in Youth Advocacy, a major she self-designed at Manhattanville College. When she’s not working, she can be found doing yoga, reading, or playing with her mischievous cat.

About Mercy Erhiawarien:

At Halcyon, Mercy supports the daily operations, design and implementation of Halcyon domestic and international intensives ensuring that Halcyon’s Fellows have the resources that they need to thrive. Her passion is to mobilize people to transform and impact their own communities. She is a social innovator and organizer with a mission to broker partnerships to strategically address development challenges by enhancing development focused organizational capacity in sub-Saharan Africa and mobilizing others to work towards African led social impact in Africa. Prior to Halcyon, Mercy worked as an international development and project management practitioner, with her field experience spanning Africa and the United States. In doing so, she leveraged her extensive experience to help build programs, policies, and processes that help organizations raise funds and improve program performance. Mercy has a MPhil in Public Policy from Cape Town University in South Africa and a B.A. in International Development from Queen’s University in Canada.

Energy Access on the African Continent

Event Overview

In Africa, the number of people gaining access to electricity rose from 9 million a year between 2000 and 2013 to 20 million people between 2014 and 2019, outpacing population growth. Despite that fact, in Sub-Saharan Africa, just 46.7% of the population had access to electricity in 2019.

How do we make sure that energy is more widely accessible in Africa in a world becoming more conscious about climate change? How should we balance Africa’s rising energy needs and the world’s increasing need for clean energy generation?

Join Stanford Seed for a thought provoking discussion with our panel of experts on the topic of Energy Access in Africa.


Date & Time

Saturday, January 29, 2022

  • 9:00am PST
  • 5:00pm GMT
  • 7:00pm CAT
  • 8:00pm EAT

Questions? Please email

Localized: Become a CEO for One Month


Wednesday 26 January 2022

9:00 AM / 14:00 GMT



Have you ever thought about what it would take to be in a leadership role? What if that leadership role involved managing over 30,000 employees?! The Adecco Group program, CEO for 1 month will offer you the unique experience to get a feel for what it’s like to run a multinational company. This program selects qualified candidates from 60 countries to get hands-on experience in the highest role of the company.

Are you curious?

In this session, you’ll hear from Mani Makkar, the chosen candidate for 2021 Global CEO for One Month! Mani will share his experience, his tips and advice for the application and give you an opportunity to ask specific questions about his experience and what he learned so far.

Bonus: This program is completely free and the winner will receive a salary during work placement!

You will learn:

  • ✅ About the Adecco CEO for One Month Program
  • ✅ How to qualify to be a top ten candidate
  • ✅ Benefits of joining the program
  • ✅ About the experience of the winner of CEO for One Month

Who is this for? Individuals who answer yes to the following:

  • ✅ Do you want hands on experience?
  • ✅ Are you an enthusiastic thinker with a genuine personality?
  • ✅ Can you adapt to change quickly?
  • ✅ Are you willing to step outside of your comfort zone?

About Mani Makkar:

A 2017 Batch MBA Gold Medalist from MICA, Mani believes in the power of stories. He shifted from telling stories in the glorious world of media to making stories in the SaaS world glorious. He currently leads product marketing initiatives for Netomi, an AI for customer service startup, based out of Silicon Valley. Mani was selected out of 147k+ applicants as Adecco Group’s Global CEO for One Month 2021. During weekends, he mentors B-school students & young professionals to help them transition careers & also regularly speaks at marketing events.

Click “Register” to secure your slot. When the webinar launches, that same button will say “Join with Zoom.” Click to join the event.

Localized Workshop: How to Highlight Transferrable Skills


Sunday 23 January 2022

1:00 PM / 18:00 GMT



Are you looking to transition to a new field? Are you looking for a new opportunity but not sure what existing skills that you have are relevant? Join us in this Career Development Workshop with our Career Coach in Residence, Iyad Uakoub, to learn:

  • Applying for opportunities by their job description and not title
  • Understanding transferable skills and how to pivot into a new industry
  • Building functional resumes that better highlight your capabilities and skills

About Iyad:

+12 years of global experience in building award-winning career centers, advising startups, empowering organizations with workforce learning & engagement strategies and leveraging data and technology to democratize career opportunities. Learn more about Iyad here.

Click “Register” to secure your slot. When the webinar launches, that same button will say “Join with Zoom.” Click to join the event.

Workplace Readiness: Essential Skills


Sunday 23 January 2022

1:00 PM / 18:00 GMT



Your university courses and activities have played an integral role in building your foundational functional performance and academic knowledge to prepare you for the workplace.

In order to succeed in your career and achieve your goals, you will need people skills and professional skills such as teamwork, communication, initiative-taking, responsibility, work-ethics and other skills that are unique to the workplace. In this session with our Career Coach in Residence, Iyad Uakoub, we will demonstrate how you can build these skills to ensure that you are ready to transition from the classroom to the workplace.

About Iyad:

+12 years of global experience in building award-winning career centers, advising startups, empowering organizations with workforce learning & engagement strategies and leveraging data and technology to democratize career opportunities. Learn more about Iyad here.

Click “Register” to secure your slot. When the webinar launches, that same button will say “Join with Zoom.” Click to join the event.
