
Localized-Workshop: How to Customize Your CV or Resume for the Job You Want

DATE: Tuesday, September 13th

TIME: 11:00AM ET | 15:00 GMT


EXPERT: Iyad Uakoub

General Information

Are you trying to land your dream job but you keep facing rejection before the interview process? Developing your CV is one of the key steps to landing the interview. If you’re entering your last years in university, or if you’ve just graduated this is the perfect opportunity to learn the key tips to creating a powerful resume that gets you noticed. 

In this workshop with Career Coach in residence, Iyad Uakoub, you’ll understand what makes a good resume and what makes a great resume. You’ll learn how to fill the gaps in your work experience and how to highlight your skills. 

Key takeaways include: 

  • Live session attendees receive a CV and resume template that you can use 
  • How to tailor your CV or resume for the positions you want  
  • Master your word-choice and highlight your skills 
  • Understand what makes your CV stand out and how to format the pages

Localized-Meta: What it’s Like Working at the Largest Social Network

DATE: Wednesday, Sep 21st

TIME: 9:00AM EST | 13:00PM GMT


EXPERT PANEL: Diana Andonie – Software Engineer, Gijs Weterings – Front End Engineer, Parul Upadhyay – Software Engineer, Naomi Fearnett – University Recruiter

General Information

Are you curious about the working environment at the largest social network in the world? 

Meta, formerly Facebook owns a total of 94 companies including: Facebook, Instagram, Oculus VR, WhatsApp and more! 

Facebook is where many early stage engineers got their start, whether in software development, front end engineering or data science. Facebook is home to thousands of engineers around the world! 

In this session hosted by the team at Meta, you’ll learn what it’s like to work for one of the most well known companies in the world. You’ll get insights on the day to day work for each of the employees, you’ll learn about career paths, job opportunities, internships and the best and most challenging parts of the job. 


Company culture overview [ 5-10 minutes ] 

Job application process [ 5-10 minutes ] 

Software engineering panel discussion [ 20-30 minutes ]

Live Q&A [ 20-30 minutes ]  

Localized – Landing an Internship as a Product Analyst: How I Got My Internship at Nike

DATE: Thursday, September 15th

TIME: 10:00AM PST | 12:00PM EST | 16:00PM GMT


EXPERTS: Sabrina Elouardi

General Information

Are you trying to land your dream internship while in university? Are you trying to figure out how to develop a resume and cover letter that will help you stand out without a ton of experience? 

In this webinar, Sabrina Elouardi, Product Analyst at Nike, talks about how she landed a variety of internships throughout her undergraduate years, moving from marketing to analyst to product in a variety of industries ranging from entertainment to tech to e-commerce. 

Learn how to develop your skills, tell your story and network in order to get the internship of your dreams. This webinar will cover topics including:    

  • How to land your first internship
  • How to reach out to industry leaders to grow your network
  • How to transition without tons of experience 
  • Day to day of a product analyst at Nike 
  • How to land an Apprenticeship at Google

Whether you’re a student or recent graduate looking to develop your experience, Sabrina can speak to some of the key steps you need to take to move forward in your career. 

About Sabrina Elouardi

Sabrina is an insights analyst at Nike, Inc, passionate about the intersection of technological innovation and business to build a more globalized, connected world in the media, entertainment, leisure, and retail space.

Student Voices: Featuring Finalists of the Bridging Divides Essay Contest 2022

General Information

In 2022, the Victoria Forum and the Global Business School Network have collaborated to launch the Bridging Divides Essay contest, which welcomed 300 registered individuals and teams (347 total students) from 65 institutions, 27 countries, and 6 continents! This international group of students was prompted to submit original, unpublished essays and accompanying creative pieces that share experiences and perspectives, which inspire efforts to bridge existing divides. These written pieces had to also include a subtheme of bridging social, economic, and/or environmental divides.

Through two extensive rounds of judging, the Top 5 submissions (including the essay and creative piece) were determined and the authors have been welcomed to join this esteem panel to discuss their stories and efforts when it comes to bridging divides. These authors will be joined on the panel with the second/final round judges who selected their pieces, and who will additionally discuss their comments and feedback from the submissions.

The panel will be led by the Global Business School Network’s CEO, Dan LeClair as he navigates the conversation and storytelling as they are told by both judge and student. You won’t want to miss this enriching session on how students are striving to make intentional efforts and are tirelessly working to bridge so many divides.

Date & Time

Monday, August 29, 2022 from 6:30-8:00pm EST

Victoria Forum 2022 Bridging Divides: Turf, Truth and Trust

Top Five Essays

(In no particular order)

These Top Five Submissions have been invited to join a panel of elite judges to discuss their essays at the Victoria Forum.

“Of Highways and Byways- How People Have Used Resources to Divide Africa”

Mufudzi Chihambakwe

University of Cape Town
South Africa

“The Plight of Hijab-Wearing Women”

Zainab Siddiqi

Institute of Business Administration, Karachi

“A Promising Heritage at the Age of a Divided but Interdependent World: Conversation”

Duygu Tan

Koç University Graduate School of Business

“Connecting Women to Abundant Education”

Panharoth Meas

University of Houston

“Personalized Experiences and Future Outlook of a Growing Problem in the Digital Age”

Anne Venema & Andrew Sahaydak

Johannes Kepler University Linz & University of Victoria
Austria & Canada

Final Judges Panel

About the Victoria Forum

The inaugural Victoria Forum took place on November 2017, and brought together approximately 500 participants, representing different levels of governments, business, academia and civil society, to take stock of the state of diversity and inclusiveness in Canada on its 150th anniversary, and to look to the future.

The Forum reflected a Canadian narrative that pluralistic societies require inclusive institutions, where power and benefits are widely held, in order to create the conditions for inclusive and sustainable socio-economic progress.

The final report included thirty-eight constructive recommendations and was widely distributed to leaders at different levels of government, business, and civil society.

Access Free Registration to the Victoria Forum 2022

ISDSI Global Conference 2022ďżź

Location: Electronic City, Bengaluru, India.
Event Start & End Date: 27-29 December, 2022

Event Description

Jagdish Sheth School of Management (JAGSoM) is hosting the ISDSI (International Society for Data Science and Innovation) – Global Conference 2022 at its Bengaluru Campus (Electronic City) from the 27th to the 29th of December 2022. 

The Theme of the conference is ‘Building sustainable businesses in the phygital world’

In the context of building successful phygital businesses enabled by data science and innovative practices, and to discuss the sustainability of such businesses in the long run, the conference will feature theme-based workshops for faculty and doctoral students, parallel technical tracks, Directors’ Panel, Editors’ Panel, networking with senior scholars, and many more sessions.

The ISDSI-G International Conference will witness discussions on 11 key tracks, i.e., Business Responsibility and Sustainability, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science Applications, FinTech, Industry 4.0, Digital Economy, Cyber Security for Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Design Thinking, Future of Management Education and Future of Work.

Paper Submission Information

The Conference will feature Best Paper Awards to recognize the top 6 high impact papers (3 doctoral researc​h papers + 3 regular submission research papers) from the conference. Please note that only full papers will be eligible for the Best Paper Awards.

Conference Leadership & International Advisory Board

Jobs That Don’t Yet Exist: Urban Air Mobility


Online, Zoom

Date & Time

Wednesday, 27 July | 9:00am ET


Emma Martens,

Session #2: Urban Air Mobility

The task of universities and business schools is “to prepare graduates for jobs that do not yet exist.” These jobs of the future are being created right now by leading businesses worldwide.

In the second session of this Innovation Series Korn Ferry and GBSN are excited to host Esina Alic, CEO of Res Novae Group and former President and CEO of Insitu Inc, an unmanned aviation company, to explore the urban air mobility jobs that don’t exist yet. We will discuss how this industry developed, the current landscape of the unmanned industry, and how companies are continuing to innovate. Additionally, we will consider the hard and soft skillsets business schools need to equip their student with to help them be competitive in the urban air mobility sector. We encourage business students and alumni, as well as the staff and faculty who are helping them navigate careers in a rapidly changing world to join us for this interactive session.


  • Esina Alic

    Res Novae Group
  • Grace Chew

    Principal, Regional Account Lead and Program Director
    Korn Ferry

Date & Time

Wednesday, 27 July

9:00am – Washington DC
8:00am – Lima
2:00pm – London
3:00pm Geneva /Cape Town
4:00pm Nairobi
6:30pm Mumbai
9:00pm Singapore
10:00pm Tokyo

About the Partner

About Korn Ferry

Korn Ferry is a global organizational consulting firm that works with its clients to design optimal organization structures, roles, and responsibilities. Korn Ferry helps them hire the right people and advise them on how to reward and motivate their workforce while developing professionals as they navigate and advance their careers.

Its 10,000 experts in more than 50 countries deliver on five core areas: Organization Strategy, Assessment & Succession, Talent Acquisition, Leadership & Professional Development and Total Rewards.

More information visit

Call for Performances: GBSN Beyond 2022

Be part of a vibrant hub of exchange, learning, collaboration and discussion by submitting a student performance for GBSN Beyond.

The arts are a universal language. While they appear in different formats and genres, the arts have the power to connect every individual, every community, every nation across the globe. The arts allow us to overcome the barriers of language and geography, and unite us around the joy it brings.

GBSN Beyond: Together In-Person & Online utilizes a versatile events platform to convene members of business, academia, and civil society to collectively tackle some of the complex problems our societies across the globe are facing.  GBSN Beyond features three parallel track experiences during the month of October leading up to a 3-day in-person & virtual conference, November 7-9. These tracks engage Learners, Educators, and Leaders. Each parallel track includes a core learning experience with various sessions, networking opportunities and workshops. The conference will offer a program of keynotes, panel discussions, lightning talks, networking activities, and more.

GBSN Beyond provides attendees numerous opportunities for engagement, and we as an organization have always prided ourselves on delivering unique and innovative experiences. Entertainment has always been a priority. This year, GBSN Beyond will feature a Performance Series designed to overcome barriers of language, religion, culture, and geography, and bring our global audience together around the joy performing arts brings.These performances will be highlighted throughout the entire GBSN Beyond event experience. This includes the parallel tracks in the month of October and during the In-Person & Virtual Conference Nov 7-9.

Help us bring performing arts to our global audience. 

Submission Categories

Because of the virtual nature of this year’s conference, artists are encouraged to submit their work in one of the following categories:

  1. Pre-Recorded Performance Collective
  2. Live Video Performance
  3. Single Location and Solo Short 
  4. Outside The Box

Submission Category Details

Performance Category 1: Pre-Recorded Performance Collective

Submissions should consider the following guidelines:

  • 20-30 minutes in length
  • Between 2-4 performances included in the collective. Diversity in talent and style is encouraged.
  • Properly edited, produced and recorded with multiple camera angles

Chosen “Category 1” performances will receive a stipend estimated between $400 – $800 for the entire team of artists and complimentary passes to the virtual conference. 

Performance Category 2: Live Video Performance

Submissions should consider the following guidelines:

  • Performances chosen will be performed via livestream from performer’s location(s) through GBSN’s conference platform
  • Performances chosen can be performed to one or multiple cameras, i.e. multiple people in multiple locations
  • 10-12 minutes or less in length

Chosen “Category 2” projects will receive a stipend estimated between $200 – $300 and complimentary all-access passes to the virtual conference.

Performance Category 3: Single Location and Solo Short 

Submissions should consider the following guidelines:

  • Projects chosen will be performed via livestream from a single location through conference platform
  • Projects chosen will be performed to one camera, i.e. a single individual or multiple people in a single location
  • 5-8 minutes maximum in length
  • Solo pieces of any format including: Stand-up comedy, Solo Performance Artist, Live Poetry, Web-Cam Style, Documentary Style, etc.
  • Multiple artist pieces of any format including: drama, comedy, musical theatre, etc.

Chosen “Category 3” performances will receive an estimated stipend between $75 – $175.

Performance Category 4: Outside the Box

  • Submitted if all three (3) other categories do not fit for your performance. 
  • If your piece doesn’t fit in any box, then submit here and create your own!

Chosen “Category 4” projects will receive a stipend commensurate with other stipends given and complimentary all-access passes to the virtual conference.

Together at Home

Meet the GBSN Beyond Team! The team danced along to The Mortimers & The Ex Vampires Group from Monash University in Australia at the Awards Ceremony during the 2020 Conference.

Monash University, Australia

Chor Der Leuphana University, Germany

Goa Institute of Management, India

How to Submit a Performance

Performances should be submitted through this online form. Submission must include the following:

  • Performance Title 
  • Performance Category 
  • Brief description of performance submission (500 word max)
  • Name(s), contact information of Performer(s) and name of Institution. If submitting a group performance, please indicate one main point of contact
  • Artist’s Statement describing the applicant’s philosophy and vision (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Biographies for artistic personnel (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Links to websites, as applicable
  • Performance File and/or Samples (Accepted file formats include word document for written submission, .mp4 file for video submission, .mp3 file for audio only submission)

Additional Details

  • Performers can submit more than one performance submission. Every effort will be made to ensure diversity is represented in the performances selected.
  • GBSN reserves the right to recommend changes to performances upon consultation with performers.
  • Performers must provide consent to conference organizers to publish the performance on the Hubb platform and to share the performance online.

Important Dates & Deadlines

  • 5 July, 2022 – Call for Performances Opens
  • 26 September, 2022 – Call for Performances Closes
  • 28 September, 2022 – Selected Performers are Notified


Questions regarding the Call for Performances and the submission process may be sent to

SWIFT Institute Student Challenge

In 2022,  the SWIFT Institute Student Challenge, with the support of the Global Business School Network, comes to Latin America!  Hosting the competition in Colombia, and Mexico where the challenges have been defined by and have the support of the Colombian (ASOBancaria) and Mexican (ABM) banking associations. These challenges are open to all students attending higher level education institutions not in full time employment.

There is a cash prize of for the winning team and the opportunity of a lifetime to be exposed to the leaders of the financial industry at Sibos 2022. The top three teams from each challenge will be invited to give a 10-minute presentation, in English, as part of a virtual Sibos 2022 during the week of 10-13 October 2022.

The winning entry will be selected by a panel of expert judges and Sibos audience.

Welcome to the SWIFT Institute Student Challenge Colombia! 

How to implement digital banking agents through are E-Commerce Apps?

For full details, download the Colombia Challenge Brochure here. Also available in Spanish here.

Submissions will be accepted up until 15 July 2022.

Welcome to the SWIFT Institute Student Challenge Mexico! 

How can banks foster financial inclusion in Mexico by combining remittances inflows and new technologies?

For full details, download the Mexico Challenge Brochure here. Brochure also available in Spanish here.

Submissions will be accepted up until 15 July 2022.

Previous Winners of the Student Challenge

Lessons from Europe: Deployment of Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sphere Webinar



June 9, 2022

10:00am – 11:30am ET


The application of AI has been largely a private sector phenomenon. The public sector has advanced regulatory questions, especially in Europe, but struggled to find its own role in how to use AI to improve society and well-being of its citizens. The Wilson Center invites you to take a critical look at the use of AI in public service, examining the societal implications across sectors: environmental sustainability, finance, and health. Where are the biases in the design, data, and application of AI and what is needed to ensure its ethical use? How can governments utilize AI to create more equitable societies? How can AI be used by governments to engage citizens and better meet societal needs? The webinar aims to engage in a dialogue between research and policy, inviting perspectives from Finland and the United States.

This webinar has been organized in coordination with the Finnish-American Research & Innovation Accelerator.

Third Annual Virtual Regional Business Plan Competition: HACK 22

The Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CEI) of The American University in Cairo School of Business is calling all national and international undergraduate students! We’d like to invite you to participate in the Third Annual Virtual Regional Business plan competition “HACK 22” 

Through Hack22 we are looking for students who are passionate about finding and creating innovative technological solutions that inspire a more sustainable, accessible and resilient future for their communities. 

It is no secret that the world has been facing issues due to humanity’s unsustainable tendencies. Accordingly Hack 22 main target is UN SDG 13; “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts” i.e.; sustainability, solutions for the climate change crisis, and recycling/upcycling. We aim at encouraging participating teams to develop a sense of awareness and understanding of the crisis and all of the interconnected aspects that surround them in their daily lives. Teams will create solutions that would advocate for a resilient and more sustainable future for the world.

Subsequently, climate change affects every sector and industry. Hack 22 encourages participating teams to develop ideas targeting specific corporate areas and sustainability problems in order to ensure an effective learning environment. Our aim is to produce solutions that would increase regularly sustainable behavior in order to help minimize the impact of climate change. The solutions could fall under a variety of categories, which include but are not limited to:

  1. Plastic waste, reduction and recycling ie banners, sim cards …..etc.
  2. Climate changes and actions 
  3. Hospital air pollution 
  4. Overexploitation of natural resources
  5. Energy efficiency
  6. Green sustainable fintech
  7. Others 

Gather your team, sign up, and get ready for a mind-blowing experience! Monetary prizes and other exciting valuable prizes

  • Deadline for submission: June 9, 2022
  • Hack dates: June 24-29, 2022

The deadline for applications Thursday, June 9th @ 12:00 AM (Cairo local time) GMT+2
