
Integrating Psychology with Economics: Chicago Booth Richard H. Thaler Delivers Nobel Prize Lecture in Sweden

Until Richard Thaler came along, economists resisted the idea of basing their models on how real people behave. The reality is people don’t always know what they want, much less what’s best for them. In October, Thaler received Svergies Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel for his pioneering scholarship in the field of behavioral economics.

Nanyang Business School and the Singapore Cooperation Enterprise to Deliver Executive Training Program for Guinean Government Officials​

[cs_content][cs_element_section _id=”1″][cs_element_row _id=”2″][cs_element_column _id=”3″][cs_text _order=”0″] The Singapore Cooperation Enterprise (SCE) signed a contract with GBSN member school, Nanyang Business School, to develop and deliver an executive training program for government officials from the Republic of Guinea. On October 3 a delegation from SCE and the Republic of Guinea, led by Mr Ibr​ahima Fofana, Minister of State for Investment… Read more >

Maastricht School of Management Joint MBA Program w CENTRUM Católica Graduate Business School in Peru

GBSN member school, Maastricht School of Management (MSM) located in The Netherlands, has a joint MBA program with CENTRUM Católica Graduate Business School, which is ranked the number one international MBA program in Latin America (Eduniversal 2015-2016). The 2-year International MBA program is the first of its kind in Peru. It is a part-time bilingual program… Read more >

Reflections: GBSN 2017 Annual Conference

With just 7 weeks in my new role as CEO of GBSN, I approached the GBSN Annual Conference with great anticipation. Since my arrival in Washington in early September I had witnessed the tremendous efforts of Fabienne Jolivert, Network Engagement Officer, and Nicole Zefran, Marketing and Communications Officer, other staff and our interns as they… Read more >

The American University in Cairo Joins CEMS Network

GBSN member school, The American University in Cairo recently joined the Global Alliance in Management Education (CEMS). AUC is the first university from the MENA region to join the global network. This new academic partnership now makes CEMS present on all continents. The CEMS network consists of 30 leading business schools, 7 NGOs and 74… Read more >