
Austin Okere’s Five Forces Model for Analyzing the Future of Banking

This article is written by Austin Okere, Founder & Executive Vice Chairman, CWG Plc and Entrepreneur in Residence, Columbia Business School, New York. Austin Okere also sits on the GBSN Advisory Board. Having enjoyed centuries of monopoly, assured by the support of regulation, including through stringent requirements to new licensees, the erstwhile secured future of traditional… Read more >

Global Business School Network, Strathmore and Stellenbosch Business School Convene Roundtable on Wildlife Conservation Leadership and Management

KEY STAKEHOLDERS FROM GOVERNMENT, PRIVATE SECTOR, ACADEMIA AND CIVIL SOCIETY DISCUSSED LEADERSHIP AND ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT EDUCATION NEEDS AND OPPORTUNITIES IN WILDLIFE CONSERVATION ON THE AFRICAN CONTINENT NAIROBI, KENYA Ð On Wednesday morning stakeholders from academia, conservancies, foundations, business and government convened for an exclusive roundtable to address the management and leadership skills gaps in the… Read more >

ESCA Ecole de Management Recognized by the Moroccan State

Casablanca, Morocco — The Kingdom of Morocco has recently reached an important reform in higher education by conferring the State recognition to very few private institutions in highly regulated domains (Architecture, Health & Medicine, Engineering and Management). This institution’s level qualification was launched in 2015 in order to acknowledge the academic excellence and intellectual contribution… Read more >

How Ashesi Students are Agents of Change in Africa

Ashesi University has embarked on a mission to fundamentally change Africa. In this new video from PBS NewsHour, President Patrick Awuah shares how Ashesi is working to achieve its goal by educating students guided by the principles of ethical leadership, innovation and entrepreneurship. “We need a lot of innovation. We need people who are trained… Read more >