
Patrick Awuah awarded MacArthur Foundation Fellowship for work at Ashesi University

Patrick Awuah, a friend of GBSN, was awarded the MacArthur Foundation Fellowship for his extraordinary originality and dedication to Ashesi University, a four-year institution that he founded in 2002. Ashesi University, which is grounded in a liberal arts curriculum, seeks to educate a new generation of ethical and entrepreneurial leaders in Africa. It is the… Read more >

Design Thinking Pedagogy and Practice Webinar Highlights

On September 9, 2015, GBSN hosted a webinar called, “Design Thinking Pedagogy and Practice,” featuring Jeanne M. Liedtka, a professor of business administration at the Darden Graduate School of Business at the University of Virginia. The webinar discussed the process of Design Thinking using a case study, and the methods in which it can be… Read more >

Riding the Tide of Disruption in Higher Education

This is a modified excerpt; please find the original article here In an article posted on Dialogue Review, authors Dr. Mark Farrell and Dr. John Davis addressed the two main triggers of disruption in education: technological change and cost pressures. These disruptions are forcing universities (especially those deemed ‘non-elite’) across the world to evolve if… Read more >

MOOCs: A Free MBA?

For many young professionals massive open online courses (MOOC) provide a viable alternative to graduate education- particularly in business and education. MOOCs, or open license online courses, let students complete full degree course loads on their own time, for free. Courses consists of lectures, online quizzes and exams compiled from compiled from top tier universities…. Read more >

Take the eLearning Africa Survey 2015

In May this year, the 4th edition of the annual eLearning Africa Report will be published. The Report is the most in-depth study of eLearning on the Continent and features the findings of a comprehensive survey into the impact of technology on education in Africa. The aim of the Survey is to show how technology… Read more >