GBSN Member Schools

MIT Sloan School of Management’s Healthcare Lab Focuses on Transforming the Industry

NEWS PROVIDED BY MIT Sloan School of Management MIT Sloan School of Management’s Healthcare Lab focuses on transforming the industry Enrollment in action learning course increased by 45% CAMBRIDGE, Mass., March 16, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The healthcare industry is going through a massive transformation as its emphasis shifts from transactional care for sick patients to… Read more >

Member Spotlight: UVA Darden Launches New MOOC on Financial Accounting Fundamentals

GBSN member school, The University of Virginia Darden School of Business has recently launched a new MOOC, “Financial Accounting Fundamentals,” a five-week beginner level course taught by Luann Lynch, Almand R. Coleman Professor of Business Administration. Beginning on March 27, 2017, the course will be available to a global audience via the Coursera platform. The… Read more >

GBSN Welcomes New Schools from Ghana and Kyrgyzstan

The Global Business School Network welcomes two new member schools: The Ghana Institute of Management and Public and Administration (GIMPA) in Ghana and the American University of Central Asia (AUCA) in Kyrgyzstan taking the network to 73 schools in 36 countries. These two schools become the first GBSN members from Ghana and Kyrgyzstan. GBSN looks… Read more >

MIT Offers Lag-User Method Course Developed by Nova SBE Researchers

The Lag-User Method, developed by researchers Sara Jahanmir and Professor Luis Filipe Lages from the Nova School of Business and Economics, will be the core of the MIT course, LAG-USER METHOD: USING LATE ADOPTERS AS A SOURCE OF INNOVATIVE IDEAS. The course will be offered in the MIT-SUTD program, collaboration between MIT and Singapore University… Read more >

Member Spotlight: AUN Youth Entrepreneurship Boot Camp

This blog was written by Ahmad Hosseini, Dean of American University of Nigeria School of Business and Economics. He reflects on his experience participating in the AUN Entrepreneurship Boot Camp. In this five days of event I had extraordinary opportunity to meet and work with about 200 young high school students from seven different high… Read more >

GBSN Grants Membership to Kardan University – 1st Member School in Afghanistan

The Global Business School Network welcomes Kardan University’s admittance as its newest member school. Kardan University is the first member school from Afghanistan, taking our network to 74 members in 37 countries. GBSN continues to the expand its global network and looks forward to engaging Kardan University in various network activities with the aim to… Read more >

A Development University Joins GBSN

An hour’s flight from Nigeria’s capital, Yola is close to Boko Haram insurgent territory. Atiku Abubakar, a wealthy businessman and former Vice President of Nigeria, is the American University of Nigeria’s founder and main funder. The University adheres to the strictest American academic standards. Many students receive scholarships. AUN facilities are as spick-and-span as a… Read more >