Thought Leadership

Are Skills Gaps Global?

The World Economic Forum recently issued The Future of Jobs Report 2018. The report is based largely on the views of business executives – mainly Chief Human Resources Officers in 20 countries. One of the key questions relates to what the authors call “emerging skills.”

Top 10 Business Schools in Africa

The business sector in Africa has improved significantly over the course of time and universities throughout the continent have continued to expand and have more opportunities to students. The African Exponent, a reliable online outlet for African news and in depth analysis of developments in business, finance, markets, politics, culture, science and technology, recently ranked… Read more >

The Innovation Process: A Socio-Cognitive Analysis

Nowadays, innovation is a key dimension in the performance of business organizations. In contexts that are more and more dynamic and competitive, and where clients have become more demanding, firms need to distinguish themselves by developing new products and services, and/or improving their processes to gain in terms of productivity. Through innovation, they are asked to build a competitive advantage by meeting new expectations from customers and entering new markets or adopting more effective practices and technologies. For organizations, it is a matter of survival. Innovation gives them an effective solution to deal with sectors convergence, technological dynamism and market globalization. For entrepreneurs, innovation is the key factor to overcome market barriers and create new value or new industries. As Peter Drucker (1985, p. 19) stated: « Innovation is the specific tool of entrepreneurship, the means by which they exploit change as an opportunity for different business or a different service.».

Do You Know the Next GlobalGiving CEO?

Mari Kuraishi announced recently that she will be stepping down as chief executive of GlobalGiving, where she has spent the last 18 years of her career.

A Parting Lesson on the Universal Need for Management Skills

Last week I had the opportunity to visit one of GBSN’s newest member schools, IMT Dubai, while I was attending the Global Education and Skills Forum on behalf of GBSN. It is always enlightening to interact with educators who are putting into practice the principle of quality, locally relevant education. IMT Dubai is no exception…. Read more >

Developing Deans: Combining International Best Practice with Innovation

Business school deans and directors face similar challenges when first assuming their positions: setting strategy, managing risks, supporting faculty, and leading a diverse group of stakeholders. For institutions in the developing world, these tasks require resourceful leadership that combines international best practice with locally relevant solutions. GBSN hosted a Cross-Border Coffee Break on Developing Deans:… Read more >

Reflections – Digitalization is Here

As I reflect on the last six months at GBSN, one of the high points of my position is when I can participate in conferences that are addressing topical issues in our field. I recently had the opportunity to attend the EFMD Deans and Directors General Conference hosted by the TUM School of Management, Technical… Read more >