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Academic Careers and Research Culture in Africa

Date: Monday, 27 November, 2023

Time: 8:00am ET / 2:00pm CET

Location: Online

Contact: Emma Martens, emartens@gbsn.org

While the number of PhD faculty in African institutions has been steadily increasing, institutional systems and cultures have been slow to change and very few offer meaningful support for the kind of research needed for successful academic careers. What does this mean for African scholars? How do they balance career ambitions and institutional priorities? What strategies can professors at any career stage use to advance their research agendas and, at the same time, contribute to transforming their institutions? How can schools both inside and outside of Africa work together to improve the research culture at African institutions? This webinar will address these and other questions.


  • Dan LeClair

    Dan LeClair, Ph.D

    Global Business School Network
  • Olof Brunninge

    Academic Director of International Development Collaboration, Associate Professor Business Administration
    Jƶnkƶping International Business School
  • Theresia Busagara

    Lecturer, Department of Finance & Coordinator Internationalization
    University of Dar es Salaam


Monday, 27 November, 2023

  • 8:00am Washington D.C.
  • 2:00pm Paris
  • 2:00pm Lagos
  • 6:30pm Mumbai
  • 9:00pm Singapore


African Academy of Management

The mission of Africa Academy of Management (AFAM) is ā€œto foster the general advancement of knowledge and scholarship in the theory and practice of management among African scholars and/or academics interested in management and organization issues in Africaā€. This exciting organization brings together people with an interest in management in Africa. Membership in AFAM provides a platform for building collaborative and supportive relationships for and with African and other scholars in the Diaspora who engage in, or who have an interest in research on management and organizations in Africa.