Virtual Events

Opportunities in the New Paradigm: Finance and Sustainability

Event Overview

“Few in government or business today doubt the inherent value of nature or the importance of managing it sustainably,” assert the editors of 2020’s The Little Book of Investing in Nature, a cohort including Cornell Professor of Practice John Tobin-de la Puente. “But once economics rears its head, then the dialogue becomes muffled, and participants start shuffling papers and shifting their eyes nervously.”

At the intersection of sustainability and finance are the hot topics of impact investing, environmental finance and markets, corporate sustainability, and biodiversity investment. In this webinar, Mark Nelson, Dean of the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management, will moderate a discussion between Angela Mwanza, MBA ’00, an SVP of Evergreen Wealth Management at UBS, and Professor Tobin, on the challenges to and benefits from investing for long-term profit and sustainability rather than for short-term gain. Join us to learn how companies can generate measurable social and environmental impact while reaping real financial returns.

This event is part of the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business summer series, “Opportunities in the New Paradigm.”

What You’ll Learn

  • The many ways to understand sustainable finance
  • How impact investing is expanding its reach to new industries
  • What metrics can best define success and achieve accountability


  • Angela Mwanza, SVP Evergreen Wealth Management
  • John Tobin-de la Puente, Professor of Practice and Co-Director, Initiative on Responsible Finance
  • Mark Nelson, Anne and Elmer Lindseth Dean, Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management

Date & Time

Friday, July 16, 2021

  • 9:30am Washington D.C.
  • 2:30pm London
  • 3:30pm Geneva
  • 3:30pm Cape Town
  • 7:00pm Mumbai
  • 9:30pm Singapore

The New Rules: Redefining Global Business Leadership

Event Details

Once upon a time, there was a somewhat defined set of “how-tos” for succeeding in business. Yet today’s complex, interconnected, and often chaotic global marketplace doesn’t follow the old rules. The modern business community is being called upon to do things differently, with some of the loudest calls coming from business leaders themselves.

Join a high-level moderated discussion about the “new rules” for business and what they mean for the future of business schools and higher-education around the world. Andrew Karolyi, Dean of the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business, and Judy Samuelson, founder and executive director of the Aspen Institute’s Business & Society Program, will explore emerging priorities for business leaders as well as for those responsible for their training, development, and ultimate success. Michelle Duguid, Associate Professor and Associate Dean of Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging at the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business, will moderate.

What You’ll Learn

  • How profound shifts in attitudes and mindsets are redefining business success
  • How intangible concepts like reputation, trust, and loyalty are imposing new ways to assess risk and opportunity in investment and asset management
  • Why employees are now businesses’ best allies and newest accountability mechanism
  • How the current environment is creating important new challenges and opportunities for business education

Date & Time

Friday, July 9th, 2021

  • 9:30am Washington D.C.
  • 2:30pm London
  • 3:30pm Geneva/Cape Town
  • 7:00pm Mumbai
  • 9:30pm Singapore

Toward Successful Transitions – Economic Recovery and Democratic Renewal

The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) is pleased to invite you to join us for the inaugural, public conference of the Free Enterprise & Democracy Network (FEDN). This virtual, two-day conference will serve as a compliment to the World Movement for Democracy and convene leaders and advocates under the theme of “Towards Successful Transitions – Economic Recovery and Democratic Renewal”.

Registration is required to obtain access details.

About the Event

As economic recovery ticks up in certain countries, democracies remain under pressure. The pandemic has exposed weaknesses and disparities that challenge the credibility of democracy, while authoritarian tendencies continue to encroach on freedom. Democracies can adapt, but their prospects will look very different depending on the economic model that dominates crisis and recovery.
In its inaugural conference, which is open to the public, the Free Enterprise & Democracy Network will delve into the prospects for markets and private business to support democratic transition and resist autocracy. Can free markets create inclusive opportunity? Will business take new leadership roles in society?  And if it does, will it be trusted? FEDN members and guest speakers will explore priority policy choices to shape recovery and private sector solutions that will change the rules of the game.

To view the full conference schedule and speakers, visit the conference event page.

Dates & Time

Monday, June 28 – Tuesday, June 29 2021

Beginning at:

  • 8:00 AM Washington D.C.
  • 1:00 PM London
  • 2:00 PM Geneva
  • 2:00 PM Cape Town
  • 5:30 PM Mumbai
  • 8:00 PM Singapore

Online is Here to Stay: The 7 Benefits of Digital Transformation in Business Schools

Join CEEMAN for a free webinar with Nikos Mylonopoulos, EdTech Program Director and Associate Professor of Digital Business at ALBA Graduate Business School, The American College of Greece.

It is said that the pandemic has accelerated digital transformation. However, how did Business Schools transform in the past year and how should they move forward post-pandemic? It is time to take stock and reframe the agenda for the future, get your comments and questions ready!

CEEMAN has prepared a pop-up session with Nikos Mylonopoulos, EdTech Program Director, on digital disruption and the impact of the pandemic for Deans and their teams and everyone interested in the topic.

The digital transformation that will prepare Business Schools for the next wave of challenges can be outlined in 7 “battlefields” of priority for the agenda of every leader.

What are those 7 battlefields and when is the right time to act on these agenda items – to start the fight? Join the lecture and the debate!

Date & Time

Wednesday 26 June, 2021

  • 8:00am Washington D.C.
  • 1:00pm London
  • 2:00pm Geneva
  • 2:00pm Cape Town
  • 5:30pm Mumbai
  • 8:00pm Singapore


Register below for the free webinar.

9th AIM-AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium

The AIM-AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium was conceived by Prof. Jagdish Sheth to benefit doctoral scholars from emerging economies who couldn’t attend the prestigious AMA Sheth Foundation DC which has been held regularly from 1966 onwards in the US. The Doctoral Consortium brings together the very best doctoral students and faculty from business schools across the globe, exposing them to a rich diversity of topics, methodological perspectives, and theories.

JAGSOM is proud to host the 9th Edition of the Doctoral Consortium which will take place between the 25th to the 30th of June 2021. 

This year’s Doctoral Consortium will feature 80+ Leading Marketing Faculty from across the globe. Visit the agenda linked below for a full list of speakers.

The Agenda of the Consortium includes 5 Master classes, 9 Plenary sessions, and 10 Parallel track sessions. 

The Consortium also features ‘Meet the Editor’ sessions where participants can meet 17 journal editors from prestigious journals including Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, AMS Review (Academy of Marketing Science), Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), Journal of Consumer Psychology, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Service Research (JSR), to name a few. 

The Consortium will also have 3 Global Cafes for Doctoral Students to present their research and seek feedback, and 3 Global Lounges to facilitate networking for all participants. The last day of the Doctoral Consortium features a full day Simulation Workshop on Conscious Capitalism. 

Registration Fees

  • Indian Nationals:
    • Doctoral Scholars/Young Faculty of AIM Institutions: INR 3000
    • Doctoral Scholars/Young Faculty of other Institutions: INR 5000
  • Other Nationalities
    • Doctoral Scholars/Young Faculty: USD 100

Date & Time

Thursday 25, June, 2021 – Wednesday 30, June, 2021

  • Day 1 – June 25: 8:00am EST – 1:15pm EST
  • Day 2 – June 26: 7:30am EST – 1:15pm EST
  • Day 3 – June 27: 7:30am EST – 1:00pm EST
  • Day 4 – June 28: 7:30am EST – 1:30pm EST
  • Day 5 – June 29: 8:00am EST – 12:15pm EST
  • Day 6 – June 30: 7:00am EST – 1:00pm EST



Jean Monnet Module on the European Union and the Contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa – an Interdisciplinary Approach – Smart Specialisation-EUAfrica/AFROEU 

AFROEU was established by Dr Anna Masłoń-Oracz to raise the knowledge and awareness on African topics among students and young professionals. The scope of the project covers the EU-Africa relations and the situation in the member states concerning the issues connected with EU External Economic Relations, as well as related policies at the EU and country levels. In the course of development of modern countries and regions; knowledge, skill, innovation and creativity were gradually gaining the position of the most distinctive and individual resources. This transformation has caused a change in the paradigm of thinking about the competitiveness of regions and forced it to move towards tight relations with knowledge and intellectual capital in enterprises.

The huge scale of demographic challenge, coupled with the impact of climatic changes on fragile populations, is a fundamental threat for European and African stability alike, even though rapid African economic growth bears at the same time the promise of fantastic opportunities. Indeed, 5 percent yearly growth will not be sufficient to fulfil this promise. The fertility rate will not be controlled unless decisive progress is made in educating more women. Both demographic and economic trends will need to be channelled and as soon as possible for African development to become sustainable.

The rise of a “smart”, connected Africa is allowing countries across the continent to leapfrog several stages of development in key areas such as banking and telecommunications and is reshaping business and society. Despite this, growth in several African countries has slowed in recent years after more than a decade of solid expansion. Rickety infrastructure, skills shortages, weak governance and a reliance on commodities continue to plague the continent, underscoring the need for economic diversification for sustained, inclusive growth in areas such as agriculture, manufacturing, healthcare, education and banking. Agenda 2063 is the African Union’s blueprint for the future based on inclusive growth and sustainable development. It calls for an integrated Africa guided by Pan-African ideals: an Africa shaped by good governance, democracy, respect for human rights, justice and rule of law; a peaceful and secure Africa; an Africa with a strong cultural identity, common heritage, shared values and ethics; an Africa whose development is people-driven with a key role for women and the youth; a strong, united Africa that can be an influential global player. Smart Specialization underlines the importance of the preparation process which occurs at the regional/country level of the research and innovation strategies.

Leading Questions:

Leading Questions:

  • How can we address the governance, political and stability challenges facing Africa and the EU?
  • How can we develop policies to encourage female leadership and participation in politics, business and society?
  • How can we mobilise investment for structural transformation Africa?
  • What can we do to foster business in Africa including in areas such as health and agriculture?
  • Kenya—the silicon savannah
  • EU-Africa relations
  • EU – Economic Partnership Agreement – how to enhance its effectiveness 
  • The African Union: Autocracy, Diplomacy and Peacebuilding in Africa
  • Compact with Africa: fostering private long-term investment in Africa 


  • 9:00am CEST – Welcome Address
    • Professor Piotr Wachowiak – Rector, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
    • Phd Michal Matusewicz – Dean of Collegium Management and Finance
  • 9:20am CEST – Opening Guest Speech
    • His Excellency Ambassador Jacek Jankowski – Head of the EU Delegation to Zambia
  • 9:40am CEST – Opening Discussion
    • Moderated by PhD Anna Maslon-Oracz, Rector’s Plenipotentiary for Africa, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Vice-President of Polish European Community Studies Association
    • Her Excellency, Madame Fatoumata Jallow-Tambaiang, Former Vice-President, Republic of Gambia
  • 10:00am CEST – Panel I: Governance for growth and inclusive development versus the African Private Equity and Venture Capital
    • Moderated by Fatoumata Diaraye Diallo, Programme Development Manager, Justina Mutale Foundation
    • Katarzyna Kacperczyk – former Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and former Chief Advisor to the Prime Minister of Poland
    • Maurice Dezou – Founder and Chair of the Tees Valley BME Network 
    • Professor Radosław Miskiewicz – CEO Luma Holding, University of Szczecin
    • Professor MP Kilion Munyama – Member of Polish Parliament
    • Dr. George Njenga – Executive Dean Strathmore University
  • 11:30am CEST – Panel II: Women – political representation and successful development in Africa
    • Moderated by professor Aleksandra Szczerba – Zawada, professor of law at the Jacob of Paradies University in GorzĂłw Wielkopolski
    • HE Phd Justina Mutale – the African Women of 2012, Justina Mutale Foundation
    • Macdella Cooper – Political Leader at the Movement For One Liberia (MOL)
    • Anna Maria Rozek – Political leader
    • PhD Tomasz Gigol – SGH Warsaw School of Economics
  • Virtual Coffee Break
  • 1:15pm CEST – Panel III: Smart specialization strategies and their applicability to sustainability
    • Moderated by PhD Aleksandra Borowicz – Faculty of Economics, University of Gdańsk
    • Phd Mafini Dosso –  Project Leader “Smart Specialisation in Innovative & Informal African Economies” at European Commission’s JRC
    • Professor Anna Visvizi – SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, Poland
    • Ewa Osuch-Rak, PhD Candidate, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, Poland
    • Professor Jose Mella – Universidad AutĂłnoma de Madrid, Coordinator of AMENET
  • 2:45pm CEST- Panel IV: A digital economy in Africa. -building innovation ecosystems
    • Moderated by Phd Maria Pietrzak – SGH Warsaw School of Economics
    • Ayo Eso – PhD Candidate Lead City University, Nigeria
    • Ewa Geresz – Director Program and Global Partnerships, VENTURE CAFÉ WARSAW FOUNDATION, CIC
    • Aleksandra Gadzala Tirziu, PhD – Head of Research, The Singularity Group, Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council
    • Kari Mruz – Chief Operating Officer, Nairobi Garage 
    • Phd Tomek Pilewicz – SGH Warsaw School of Economics
  • 4:15pm CEST- Closing Remarks
    • Dan LeClair, CEO GBSN and Anna Maslon-Oracz

Date & Time:

Friday, 25 June, 2021
9:00am CEST – 4:15pm CEST

Chartered ABS Taskforce Launch: Business Schools and the Public Good

Event Details

CABS is proud to publish their Taskforce report on ‘Business Schools and the Public Good’. Join us for the launch event on 14 June.

The Taskforce was set up to consider how business schools understand and deliver ‘public good’, and sought to:

  • Map approaches to public good in UK business schools.
  • Suggest ways to develop and support the spread of promising practices.
  • Expand the public narrative on the purpose of business schools.

The Taskforce reviewed how business schools deliver public good through teaching, research, internal operations, and the ways in which they engage with the world around them. The final report of the Taskforce presents 20 case studies of promising practices from a diverse range of Chartered ABS member schools, and makes recommendations as to how business schools, together with students, policymakers and industry can can go further in delivering public good across society.

The launch event will discuss the contribution business schools make to public good, including the examples highlighted by the taskforce report, and hear perspectives from business schools and external stakeholders on what more business schools can do.

Registration is required for the event.


  • Tom Levitt, Author and Co-Chair of Taskforce for business schools and the public good
  • Professor Martin Kitchener, Cardiff Business School and Co-Chair of Taskforce for business schools and the public good
  • Lisa McIlvenna, Deputy Managing Director, Business in the Community, Northern Ireland
  • Professor Hongwei He, School Director for Social Responsibility, Alliance Manchester Business School
  • An additional panellist will be announced in due course

Date & Time

Monday, June 14th, 2021

  • 8:00am Washington D.C.
  • 1:00pm United Kingdom
  • 2:00pm Geneva
  • 2:00pm Cape Town
  • 5:30pm Mumbai
  • 8:00pm Singapore

Cross-Border Collab: 21st Century Skills


Thursday, 1 July


Hosted on Zoom.


Emma Martens,

COVID-19 has created an opportunity for learning—about how we work, what we need and how we can work better. Every business school can act now to capture insights in the form of new curriculum content for the future we are building. Let’s translate current experiences into the lessons for sustainable development. 

Now is the time to work on creating better working conditions, work place culture and better work experiences. Join this Collab as we explore questions like: how can we improve work, workplaces, leadership and cultural approaches?  What will the leaders, culture and the workplace need to offer? How do we upskill, collaborate, and innovate across sectors with a need so urgent and vast? How are universities, businesses, and governments preparing for a new age of lifelong learning?

The conversation will be lead by Jeanne C. Meister, Founding Partner of Future Workplace, an HR Advisory and Research firm dedicated to educating HR leaders on what’s next in preparing for the future workforce and workplace.


Thursday, 1 July, 2021

8:00am EDT AND 7:00pm EDT

To accommodate our growing membership, spanning across different time zones, we offer two Collab sessions every first Thursday of the month. The first session is at 8:00am EDT and the second is at 7:00pm EDT. Both sessions will cover the same topic, but feature different guests. Members are invited to join whichever session is more convenient.


What are Cross-Border Collabs?

Cross-Border Collabs are exclusive gatherings for GBSN members, focused on engaging our community to tackle some of the greatest challenges of our time. Facilitated by topic experts, these session will provide a place for our members be active participants in our mission of improving management and entrepreneurship education for the developing world. Collabs are held monthly on every first Thursday of the month. Two sessions are offered to accommodate multiple time zones. Collabs are an exclusive opportunity for member school ambassadors, deans and leading faculty members.

GBSN Annual Members Meeting: Leading with Impact

In place of GBSN’s monthly Cross-Border Collab, we invite you to join us for our Members Meeting. The GBSN Members Meeting is an annual closed convening of GBSN members from across the globe. Deans, directors, administrators and leading faculty convene once a year in December to reflect on the year’s accomplishments and to look ahead to the next.

Discussion will center around our network’s role in addressing social problems like, access to education, clean energy, good governance, ethical AI, etc. through our work. The Members Meeting is a place for members to discuss how pedagogy at their institutions is reinventing itself, how are we collectively experimenting with new ways to train and coach the leaders of tomorrow in a changing and complex environment. What does the future of higher education look like? Members will participate in small group discussions, networking activities, panel discussions, and more.

The GBSN Members Meeting is closed to the public. If you are a GBSN Member, please use the link below to register.

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Making Black Lives Matter in Business

Event Details

Although Dr. Martin Luther King is remembered for the March on Washington, few people remember that the full title of that iconic march was The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Dr. King was both a fervent supporter of racial harmony and a strong proponent of equal economic opportunity for Black Americans. Many years after the death of Dr. King and the passage of the Civil Rights Act, Black Americans still suffer from large economic disparities, employment discrimination, and a higher unemployment rate. The deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and others galvanized the Black Lives Matter movement resulting in many corporations issuing statements and financial pledges in support of racial equity. Yet, a year later, so many of those pledges remain unfulfilled. Beyond corporate statements for solidarity, what is needed is true organizational change that will grant more equal opportunity to Black Americans and to Black people all over the world. A world in which all human beings have true equal access to economic mobility is how we will all live in peace.

Dr. Ajunwa will look back and assess how corporations have tried to respond to the injustice of racism in the US economy, and what they can and should do to bring us closer to achieving Dr. King’s dream of equal economic opportunity for all Black Americans.” This would follow the line in the synopsis, “A world in which all human beings have true equal access to economic mobility is how we will all live in peace.”


Opening remarks:
Christina Bache, Chair, UN PRME Working Group on Business for Peace and Research Affiliate, Queen’s University

Robert McNulty, Founding Chair, UN PRME Working Group on Business for Peace and Just Business, LLC

Dr. Ajunwa is a tenured law professor at the UNC School of Law and an adjunct Associate Professor at the Kenan-Flagler School of Business where she is a Rethinc. lab Fellow.

Date and Time

Thursday, May 27th, 2021

  • 10:00am Washington D.C.
  • 3:00pm London
  • 4:00pm Geneva
  • 4:00pm Cape Town
  • 7:30pm Mumbai
  • 10:00pm Singapore


Registration is required for this event. Use the button below to access the registration page.
