
AACSB Middle East Conference (In-Person)


Conference Location

University of Bahrain, Sakhir Campus, Kingdom of Bahrain

Join us to gain insight into business education trends in the Middle East, while networking with thought leaders and peers from the region. This event will focus on quality business education through the lens of AACSB accreditation, as well as opportunities for collaboration and relationship-building with your peers in the region.

Take this opportunity to immerse yourself in an environment of strategic thinking about how your school can continuously improve. AACSB leadership and experienced accreditation liaisons will be available for questions and meetings. Donā€™t miss this chance to represent your school at this important conference.

Who Should Attend

Deans, associate deans, department chairs, and faculty at business schools in the Middle East, as well as professionals from business schools worldwide working or seeking to work with schools in the Middle East region.


By clicking to register and attend the event in-person, you agree that you have reviewed the Health & Safety Commitment and Guidelines in the Hotel and Travel section. You agree and understand the specific risks and nonetheless accept them in order to utilize AACSBā€™s services and attend an event.


Location, Hotel and Travel Information

Pricing (USD)

AACSB Annual Accreditation Conference: Asia Pacific (In-Person)

Engage with the best business schools from the Asia Pacific region to discover best practices and new innovations at the Asia Pacific Accreditation Conference at Singapore Management University!  Discuss how the 2020 Business Accreditation standards are making an impact and how we can use our assurance of learning systems to create leaders focused on generating positive societal change.


Attending the AP Accreditation Conference is your opportunity to connect to business school leaders on unique regional issues, trends, and best practices focused on quality assurance for your schoolā€”regardless of whether you are in the initial stages of accreditation or if you are getting ready for your next continuous improvement review.

Engage and discuss matters based on:

  • The continuous review process
  • Aligning your school with the 2020 business accreditation standards
  • Measuring and implementing initiatives that generate a positive societal impact
  • Networking and building connections with decision makers in business education



Location, Hotel and Travel Information

Business Accreditation Seminar

Build skills and network in interactive, workshop-style lessons focused on each accreditation standard, allowing you to create effective plan of action for your school. Click here to learn more about the Business Accreditation Seminar taking place in Singapore June 6ā€“7. 

Register now for the Business Accreditation Seminar (June 6ā€“7) and the Annual Accreditation Conference: Asia Pacific (June 8ā€“10) and pay 1,540 USD.

2022 EFMD Middle East and Africa Conference

Event Details

This conference tackles the specificities of both Africa and the Middle East regions in common plenary sessions and in separate tracks, specifically targeting relevant issues for both regions. The conference addresses topics such as ongoing trends and new developments in management education, inside, and outside of the two regions. It promotes an active debate between regional actors and participants from other regions of the world.

Business school professionals that attend the conference will develop higher levels of insights on how to approach challenges in the upcoming years, while also strengthening their networks across the regions.

Supported by EFMD steering committee members
This conference is designed with the expertise of our committee members from the following institutions:

Target Group:

Deans, Associate Deans, Directors of Programs, those in charge of External Relations or International Relations with an interest in the Middle East and Africa regions.

Strategic Partner:



Practical Information

Early Bird Fee until 28 February: 

  • EFMD Full & Affiliated member: ā‚¬ 360 plus 21% VAT
  • EFMD non-member: ā‚¬ 420 plus 21% VAT

Normal Fee from 1 March: 

  • EFMD Full & Affiliated member: ā‚¬ 510 plus 21% VAT
  • EFMD non-member: ā‚¬ 595 plus 21% VAT

Special Fee for Regional Participants:

  • ā‚¬ 180 plus 21% VAT

25% discount on the applicable fee will be available for every second and further participant from the same institution. Please contact to receive the promotional code if you are the second or third participant from your institution.

Cancellations must be confirmed in writing. If EFMD receives notice of your withdrawal before 28/02/2022, a cancellation administrative fee of (75ā‚¬ plus 21% VAT) will be charged. Thereafter, we regret that we are unable to refund any fees. However, in such cases, substitutes are welcome at no extra cost as long as EFMD receives the notification of the name, title and address of the substitute.

Please note that if we havenā€™t received your payment (or proof of payment) before the start of the conference, you will not have access to the online conference platform.

Global Impact Summit 2022

Dates: 10thĀ ā€“ 14thĀ April, 2022

Location: Woxsen University, Hyderabad, India

Over the course of five transformational days, academicians/researchers/higher education leaders from all corners of the world will come together on one forum as a first-of-its-kind initiative in India to identify, catalyze and solve for convergence and impact, and establish the pertinent actions we can all take, right now to create sustainable change and transformation. Our vision is ambitious, which is nothing less than to reshape the entire way we think about holistic development and growth.

The Global Impact Summit 2022 will be the first major event ever by an educational institution in India produced to witness some of the worldā€™s best institutions taking part with the aim of evolving together in the global community. The summit shall also feature leading Indian entrepreneurs, government officials, public figures, adding immense value to the discussions.


Woxsen University- International Partners (Higher Education Academicians and Researchers/ Senior Representatives (Deans/Directors/International Office Heads/Academic Heads), Corporate Tycoons, and Government officials).


TheĀ SummitĀ shall be the right mix of roundtable discussions, keynotes, exhibitions, debates, research symposium, cultural show, city tour, and much more. For more details, please refer to the Flyer.Ā 

Points to Note

  • Return Flights (To/From India) shall be borne by the attendees. However, Pick and Drop facilities (From/To Airport) will be taken care of by Woxsen University.
  • Food and Accommodation shall be covered by Woxsen University (Within the time-frame of the GIS). The on-campus accommodation can be provided for 2 members only. Should you decide on traveling along with your family/staff members, Woxsen will make other arrangements for stay on case-to-case basis, with at least 2 months of prior intimation.
  • They hope to want to make GIS an in-person event, However if the Covid situation continues, they may opt for a hybrid mode or online, depending on the situation in April 2022.

Questions/concerns can be directed to Chahat Mishra at

8th RMER Conference – Poverty and Prosperity: Implications for Advancing the SDGS, 2030 Agenda and Responsible Management Education in a Post-Pandemic World

The importance of achieving SDG #1: Eliminate poverty everywhere is reinforced by global increases in extreme poverty and inequality caused by the pandemic as well as by the interconnections that SDG 1 has with all other SDGs. Commitments to prosperity and a better world are even more important post-pandemic, but to achieve prosperity for all, more complex, multidimensional, multidisciplinary thinking and dialogue are needed.

The main goal of the global 8th RMER Conference is to bring together the responsible management education community and its different stakeholders to address the issues of poverty, prosperity and the SDGs in creative, innovative ways that are grounded in the six RME principles of purpose, values, method, research, dialogue and partnerships.

The 8th RMER event will be held in The Peopleā€™s Republic of China, where the successful accomplishment of the 13th National 5-Year Poverty Alleviation Plan (2016-2020) shows that high aspirations are achievable. This continues the RME tradition of holding inspirational, multidisciplinary and multicultural events that contribute to mutual sharing and learning among management educators and other stakeholders ā€“ all in service of creating a prosperous, harmonious, sustainable world.

Conference Dates

19 October- Participant arrive, get-together evening and keynote speech
20-21 October- Main Conference
22 October- Side events, study visits and social program

Conference Venue

International Business School at Xiā€™an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Suzhou, China

Co-Organizing Parterns

PRME Anti-poverty Working Group and PRME Regional Chapter DACH

Conference Keynote Speakers

Prof. Stuart Hart, one of the world’s top authorities on the implications of environment and poverty for business strategy, the Steven Grossman Endowed Chair for Sustainable Business, Professor, and Co-Director of SEMBA at the University of Vermont’s Grossman School of Business.

Ms. Violeta Bulc, EU Commissioner for Transport from 2014 to 2020. Before stepping in EU Commission, deputy Prime Minister of Republic of Slovenia in 2014, the founder and curator of #Ecocivilisation: #EcocivilisationTalks, #EcocivilisationInAction, #YearOfUbuntu, #GlobalOpenHouse.

Other keynote speakers will be announced soon…

Conference Format

The final format of the event will be decided in June or July, depending on the pandemic-related circumstances.
While hoping for the onsite conference, the event could be held in a hybrid format: onsite for the participants from China and virtual for the international participants. In either case, we warmly welcome global participation and contribution while ensuring program, organizational and infrastructural and logistic conditions for a fruitful exchange and mutual learning.

Important Dates

  • 5th September 2021 Deadline for early-bird registration
  • 10th October 2021 Deadline for regular registration

Submit contributions to

The Business Proofing of Business Schools Webinar Series

Presented by XOLAS, GBSN, EFMD Global Network, and Other Partner Organizations

ā€œThe world will be different after COVID-19!ā€ You certainly heard this statement repeatedly in recent weeks. And you and your colleagues were probably left wondering to what extent it will apply to the business school sector as a whole and your institution specifically. Around the globe, colleagues are currently celebrating the successes of switching into online instruction with ease. Business schools have demonstrated tremendous agility in the face of adversity. Equally noteworthy is the strong display of a culture of sharing best practice in our community that helped to ease the transition of many institutions into online delivery.

These remarkable positives can however not make us overlook the financial burden that COVID-19 is imposing on business schools. Many institutions have suffered heavy losses in tuition and executive education revenues that may end up being a structural level-change rather than a temporary blip. Negative economic growth in many countries will reinforce the persistence of revenue drops.

We must further assume that COVID-19 will act as an accelerator for stackability, micro-credentialing and other drivers of institutional unbundling. Technology will make more rapid inroads into business school operations, to the benefit of stakeholders, but also with tangible impact on the underlying economics of delivering management education.

The writing is on the wall: The ā€œbusiness of business schoolsā€ will not be ā€œbusiness as usualā€ anymore.

This webinar series will provide guidance on how to adjust most effectively to this new environment. Sector and topical experts will get at the core of key issues and suggest a way forward. As a participant, you can challenge your own thinking and contribute to the debate.

The series will initially consist of five webinars. The first two webinars will deal with the most challenging financial issues facing business schools right now, how to cushion the downturn of executive education (#1) and how to cope with the drop of tuition revenues from international enrollments (#2). #3 will explore how business schools can become more resilient (i.e. strengthen their ability to ā€œbounce backā€). #4 will take a critical look at risk management practices in business schools (and their parent institutions); it will examine how risk management can be moved beyond compliance thinking to serve as a strategic decision-making tool. Finally, #5 will address funding issues that may present themselves nowadays in an exacerbated form, especially for stand-alone business schools or institutions transitioning into a semi-public status with enhanced financial autonomy.

We kindly request that you register for the webinars individually. Participation is free of charge.


Moving Executive Education Online: How Much and for How Long?
1 JULY 2020, 14:00 CEST ā€“ 8AM EDT
GBSN, EFMD Global Network, ESMT Berlin, XOLAS

Moderator: Ulrich Hommel, Founding Partner of XOLAS

Panelists: Martin Mƶhrle, Director Corporate Services, EFMD Global Network, Belgium
Jƶrg Rocholl, President, ESMT Berlin, Germany
Dominique Turpin, Former President & Dean of External Relations, IMD Business School, Switzerland

Executive education is treated by many companies as discretionary spending that gets cut back in bad times and the reactions to COVID-19 seem to confirm this conjecture. Business schools are currently challenged to fulfill existing commitments in times of social distancing. In addition, they are struggling to refill their pipeline with new contracts. A range of questions needs to be addressed in this context: How can business schools maintain their attractiveness as an education provider in recessionary times? How can executive education be delivered effectively in virtual learning space and how can clients be convinced of its value-added? And, most importantly, will COVID-19 ultimately change the role of executive training provided in an academic setting?

Participants will be able to explore these issues with a panel of executive education and talent management experts.


How to Reposition International Student Recruitment After COVID-19?

8 JULY 2020, 14:00 CEST ā€“ 8:00AM EDT

Partners: EFMD Global Network, GBSN, studyportals, XOLAS

Moderator: Ulrich Hommel, Founding Partner of XOLAS
Panelists: Andrea Longaretti, Global Head of Recruitment & Admissions, IE University, Spain
Jerker Moodysson, Dean, JIBS, Jƶnkƶping University
Thijs van Vugt, Director Analytics/Consulting Team, studyportals, Netherlands

The University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, prophetically purchased a 3-year insurance against a drop in Chinese enrollment with a coverage of USD 60 million and a premium of USD 424K. Many other universities (and their business schools) were left ā€œholding the bagā€ and the reported losses are staggering. Most of them identified the diversification of student intake as a priority item of their risk registers, but it was not followed up by tangible action. The future certainly has to be different.

This webinar will look at international student recruitment from a business perspective by putting the focus on recruitment cycles and international study motives. How much international diversification is desirable and needed? And how can international recruitment and diversification targets be effectively balanced?


How to Make Business Schools More Resilient?
26 AUGUST 2020,  11:00 AM CEST
Partners: EFMD Global Network, GBSN, studyportals, XOLAS


Ulrich Hommel, Founding Partner of XOLAS


Robina Xavier, Deputy Vice Chancellor and Vice President (Education), Queensland University of Technology (QUT), former Executive Dean, QUT Business School
John Vargo, Resilient Organisations NZ
Baback Yazdani, Dean of Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University

COVID-19 lets the future appear ever more uncertain. Will there be a second or third infection wave and, if so, will it trigger another lock-down? To what extent will the pandemic crisis shift learning behavior and, in the process, accelerate the switch to online provision? And finally, how will the impending economic recession impact demand for business schools and will displacement pressures by higher-ranked institutions seeking new revenue sources play an important role in this context?

Under the guidance of an expert panel, participants will explore the benefits of a proactive posture when dealing with these environmental uncertainties. Should it involve the deliberate build-up of resilience (ability to ā€œbounce backā€) or even anti-fragility (ability to profit from uncertainty)? What does this concretely imply in terms of pricing policies, degree delivery choices, etc?

More Details->

Reconfiguring Risk Management of Business Schools: How to Move Beyond Registers and Other Compliance Rituals


How to Manage the Institutional Funding Gap


IMTA Russian: Latest Experience and Trends in Management Education

CEEMAN is glad to support IMTA Alumni Russia Club in organization of the online meet-up of Russian-speaking IMTA alumni and their colleagues (not only from Russia but also from other countries) interested in teaching.

Overall topic: transition to distance and online: reflections and experience exchange; trends in management education.


Please write to if you would like to share your experience.

Click here for more information.
