
2023 EFMD Executive Development Conference

October 4-6 2023, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

We all know how important the link between business schools and the corporate world is for management education. As a result, we want to make this conference a one-of-a-kind forum for discussion and networking among L&D experts from both the supplier and client sides.

Engage with the authors of the EiP – Excellence in Practice award winners in intimate discussion corners, share overall sector trends in interactive panels with learning professionals, and network at the EiP Award Ceremony dinner.

This event attracts a diverse range of learning professionals from corporations and L&D providers such as business schools, executive development centers, and executive education consultancies.

“The landscape of learning & development is evolving so fast, it’s good to reflect with peers and world leading business schools on what we are contributing. EFMD facilitates that in an excellent way and provokes in using the collective brain of corporate learning & executive education. Learning and development is the most powerful way forward to contribute in a sustainable future for organisations and the individual.” – Renate Deken, Randstad, NL

Iscte 10th Responsible Management Education Research Conference

Sustainable and Responsible Management: A decade of Integrating Knowledge and Creating Societal Impact through Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The 10th RMER Conference hosted by Iscte Business School is a forum intended to engage multiple stakeholders in a dialogue around Agenda 2030 and beyond and enhance further collaborations in responsible management education and research, and sustainable business practices to advance the SDGs.

This year marks the 10thJubilee anniversary of RMER Conferences.  Across a decade of achievement, RMER Conferences have explored the complexities and global challenges involved in the transition to more sustainable production and consumption patterns. Different agents, including companies, nonprofits, governmental entities, organizations, consumers, and society at large, need to work together to effectively advance the 2030 Agenda and beyond. Through multidimensional and multidisciplinary dialogue and knowledge sharing among management educators in conversation with other stakeholders have advanced responsible management education and learning. As the challenge remains, further dialogue on how economic restructuring and social transformation on the journey to a more sustainable world is still needed.

The main goal of the global 10th RMER Conference is to bring together the responsible management education community and its stakeholders to drive societal impact through innovative and entrepreneurial ways that are grounded in the six PRME principles of purpose, values, method, research, dialogue and partnerships.

This continues the RMER tradition of holding inspirational, multidisciplinary and multicultural events that contribute to mutual sharing and learning among management educators and other stakeholders – all in service of creating positive societal impact through innovation and entrepreneurship.

Questions of Interest

  • What have we accomplished in the last decade of responsible management education? Where should we be heading?
  • What are the implications of developing entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial capabilities for sustainable businesses, economic restructuring and societal transformation?
  • How can management education and learning in social, economic and environmental responsibility transform and innovate organizations?
  • How can we integrate knowledge and create impact through innovation and entrepreneurship?
  • What strategies can be used for advancing responsible management education, research and learning?
  • How can innovation and responsible entrepreneurship, including social entrepreneurship, be encouraged?
  • How to help management educators and students cross disciplinary boundaries and engage with non-managerial disciplines to effectively deal with complex issues and challenges?
  • How to foster dialogue and partnership with other individuals, groups, organizations and other stakeholders towards creating positive societal impact?
  • How do business schools need to adapt educational approaches to tackle sustainability related business challenges?

We cordially invite you to participate in the debate about how diverse stakeholders can successfully engage, collaborate and partner towards achieving a more responsible management education for a better world.

Conference Dates

26 September – PRME-Related Meetings and Workshops and Conference Opening

27 September – Conference and Social Dinner

28 September – Conference and Closing Ceremony

Registration Dates

02 March – Call for contributions (extended abstract) (will be available soon)

02 May – Deadline for authors’ submissions

02 June – Notification of submission acceptance

30 June – Deadline for early-bird registration and author registration

04 September – Deadline for regular registration

Rotterdam 2023: 33rd Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition

Save the date for the 33rd Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition, taking place 26–29 September in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The 2023 conference theme is ‘Connecting currents’.

The Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition is a forum for networking and exchanging ideas between peers. 

The 2023 EAIE Conference theme ‘Connecting currents’ celebrates the maritime history of Rotterdam and embodies the importance of water to the city, providing economic opportunities as well as existential threats. Rotterdam is the gateway to Europe, a place where river meets sea, ships reach the shore and people from all walks of life come together. In similar ways, international education actively connects ‘currents’ of thought, areas of expertise, disciplines and cultures. From virtual learning to climate action, multilingualism to geopolitics, the currents we navigate as international educators are fast-moving and unpredictable, exciting and important. ‘Connecting currents’ is about making sense of the complex world around us and drawing energy and insight from our diverse and vibrant community.

About the Program

The Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition will include:


  • Sessions give participants a quick overview – 30 or 60 minutes – of a particular subject. As well as knowledge-sharing, sessions should offer enough room for discussion.

Ignite© sessions

  • Ignite© sessions are a fast-paced first glance at different topics, intended to fire up discussions. Speakers have just five exciting minutes in which to present an idea.

Poster sessions

  • Poster sessions combine graphic and text elements into a poster to display a specific topic. Presenters are allocated a 90-minute slot in which to discuss their work with participants.


  • Workshops are a training experience available to conference participants at an additional fee. They should be highly interactive and provide networking opportunities.

Important Dates

31 March – Exhibition early-bird discount ends

1 May – Registration opens

26-29 September – Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition

Business School Educators’ Technical Workshop on Forced Labor in Fishing


The University of Geneva (UNIGE) School for Economics and Management (GSEM) is hosting a technical  workshop for business school educators to develop a standard teaching tool on forced labour in fishing. This  activity is organized with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Global Business School Network (GBSN). It is the first concrete output of the newly signed Memorandum of Understanding between ILO-GBSN 

GSEM, designed to further integrate labour rights and human rights in business education.  

The activity draws on the expertise of all three partners and notably: 

– The technical expertise of ILO on the fisheries sector, fundamental principles and rights at work including forced labour. 

– The participation of several business school lecturers coming from the GBSN for Business and Human Rights  impact community. 

– The experience of the Geneva Centre for Business and Human Rights, hosted by GSEM, in developing  standard case studies and pedagogic material on pressing business and human rights issues. 

Why focus on forced labor in fishing?

The activity is organized with support from the 8.7 Accelerator Lab, an initiative of the ILO designed to  accelerate progress in the fight against forced labour and child labour, key elements of the United Nations SDG  Target 8.7. 

Forced labour and child labour are two of the five ILO Fundamental principles and rights at work and the 187 ILO  member states are bound to respect, promote and realize these principles and rights, whether they have ratified  the related conventions or not. However, despite the centrality of fundamental rights, recent estimates on forced  labour and child labour illustrate that we are not making the needed progress to achieve our global targets as per  the 2030 Agenda: the elimination of child labour by 2025 and the elimination of forced labour by 2030. 

With regards to forced labour, the latest estimates published by the ILO in September 2022 suggest that there  are currently 27.6 million workers currently entrapped in forced labour situations, a rise of 2.7 million since  2016. Forced labour in fishing has been singled out as a persistent and underestimated problem. 

Concomitantly, it appears that the fishing industry, including the working and living conditions of fishers, is  rarely used in business school education as a topic to be discussed in the classroom. This is surprising  considering the economic size of the fishing industry and how important fish and fish-based products are  globally. According to the FAO 2022 edition of the State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture, an estimated 600  million people rely on the fisheries and aquaculture sector for their livelihoods.  

Practical Information

The workshop will take place at UNIGE, in the premises of the Geneva School of Economics and Management. 

Uni Mail – Boulevard du Pont d’Arve 40, 1205 GenĂšve – Switzerland 

Coffee-breaks will be organized in the meeting room and covered by the  organizers. Lunches will be taken near the university and will be at the expense of each participant.


Monday 28 – Tuesday 29 November 2022  

Arrival of participants. Some participants might wish to combine the activity with a participation in the 11th UN  Forum on Business and Human Rights which will be taking place on 28-30 November in Geneva. 

Wednesday 30 November 2022 – Room M 3250  

9:00-9:30 Introduction  

9:30-10:30 Key information on labour in capture fisheries  

Presentation by Brandt Wagner, Head of Maritime and Transport Unit of ILO + discussion 10:30-11:00 Coffee-break 

11:00-12:30 Collective work on the teaching material 

12:30-13:30 Lunch 

13:30-14:30 Linkages between labour challenges and other fisheries issues: biodiversity, IUU, climate change Presentation by Philippe Cacaud, Independent fisheries expert (remotely) + discussion 14:30-15:30 Collective work on the teaching material 

15:30-16:00 Coffee-break 

16:00-17:30 Collective work on the teaching material 

18:00- 20:00 Social event in the evening with participants of the UN forum on BHR, Le Scandale restaurant 

Thursday 1 December 2022 – Room M5250  

9:00-10:00 Forced labour in commercial fishing: key data, indicators, and challenges  Presentation by MichaĂ«lle de Cock, Head of Research Unit on Fundamental Rights of ILO and Alix Nasri, 8.7 Accelerator Lab Global Coordinator + discussion 

10:00-10:30 Coffee-break 

10:30-12:30 Collective work on the teaching material  

12:30-13:30 Lunch 

13:30-14:30 Focus on finance: how can investors take into consideration human rights and social issues? Presentation by RĂ©mi Fernandez, Social issues specialist at PRI (remotely) + discussion 14:30-15:30 Collective work on the teaching material 

15:30-16:00 Coffee-break 

16:00-17:30 Collective work on the teaching material  

Friday 2 December 2022 – Room M3250 

9:00-12:00 Finalization of the teaching material and conclusion of the technical workshop 12:00-15:00 Light lunch, networking and GBSN for BHR 6th annual meeting  

Saturday 3 December 2022  

Departure of participants from Geneva. 

GBSN for Business and Human Rights Impact Community 6th Annual Meeting

The NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights, the Alliance Business School at the University of Manchester, the Geneva School of Economics and Management at the University of Geneva, PRME and GBSN invite you to participate in the 6th annual meeting focused on the advancement of human rights research and teaching at business schools.

The meeting will take place in-person in Geneva, Switzerland and online, Friday, 2 December. We hope to talk about new initiatives and issues pertaining to business and human rights and discuss updates, activities, and collective action within the research clusters. 

For those in need of immediate assistance, please contact Pascale Chavaz at +41. 078.649.7272.


Uni-Mail, 40 Boulevard du Pont d’Arve, GenĂšve, Room M 3250

12.00 – 13.00 – Light lunch and networking
13.00 – 13.05 – Opening of the meeting
Michael Posner, Director, NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights & Dorothée
Baumann-Pauly, Director, Geneva Center for Business and Human Rights

13.05 – 13.15 – Video: why should labour rights be mainstreamed into business education?
Testimonies from various stakeholders

13.15 – 13.20 – ILO-UNIGE-GBSN partnership: presentation of the MoU
Manuela Tomei, Assistant Director-General on Governance, Rights and Dialogue, ILO
Stéphane Berthet, Vice-rector, UNIGE
Dan LeClair, CEO, GBSN

13.20 – 13.30 – First Technical workshop, with lecturers on forced labour in fishing: illustrating
the work of the Global Supply Chains & Modern Slavery research cluster in collaboration with
Charles Autheman, Lead of the cluster
Alix Nasri, Accelerator Lab 8.7 Programme Coordinator, ILO

13.30 – 14.15 – Updates from all other research clusters 

14.15 – 14.25 – Mainstreaming sustainable business with human rights in business school
Nicholas Igneri, Global chief product officer, AACSB

14.25 – 14.50 – Discussion and planning of future work: what does it take to grow the network
and advance mainstreaming BHR in business education?

14.50 – 14.55 – Closing remarks
Yves FlĂŒckiger, Rector, UNIGE

14.55 – 15.00 – Closing
Michael Posner, Director, NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights & Dorothée
Baumann-Pauly, Director, Geneva Center for Business and Human Rights

*This schedule is tentative and is subject to change.

Interested in joining the GBSN for BHR Impact Community?

Individuals interested in joining the Global Business School Network for Business and Human Rights should complete the online sign-up form below. To attend the 5th Annual Meeting, please sign up for the Impact community.

Skills & Talent Development in FinTech


Wednesday, 20 July, 2022

8:00 – 9:00am EDT


Hosted on Zoom.


Julie LaBelle,


The digital transformation of finance is coming down in history. In this rapidly transforming environment, it is imperative to keep acquiring new skills and knowledge to stay competitive.

That is why we are pleased to partner with Centre for Finance, Technology and Entrepreneurship on the GBSN-CFTE Center for Excellence in FinTech.

As a way to launch this new initiative, we are hosting an informational session to begin discussions around incorporating FinTech education into university programming. During this discussion we will introduce CFTE’s Fintech 360 Program, which is a 6 week program that will give you the skill-set and knowledge to stay at the centre of the digital transformation of finance. Curated with leaders in the Digital Finance scene, this online program will give you the skill-set and knowledge to stay at the centre of the digital transformation of finance.

The goal of this informational session is not only to introduce the new GBSN-CFTE Center for Excellence in FinTech, but also to dissect and diversify digital technological changes impacting banking, insurance, and other sectors of the finance industry. The focus is to identify the challenges that developing countries face going from their traditional financial infrastructures, to a revolutionized one.

As a way to launch this new GBSN IMPACT Community, we invite academic faculty, administrators from institutions to join practitioners across the world to join us for this informational session on July 20th, 2022.

Date & Time

Wednesday, 20 July

  • Singapore: 8:00 PM
  • Beijing: 8:00 PM
  • Sao Paolo: 9:00 AM
  • Washington DC: 8:00 AM
  • Lagos: 1:00 PM
  • Cape Town: 2:00 PM
  • Dubai: 4:00 PM
  • Mumbai: 5:30 PM


This virtual informational session is free of charge, but seats are limited. Please secure your participation by registering using the button below.


About GBSN Impact Communities

GBSN Impact Communities bring together scholars and business practitioners to address management and entrepreneurship challenges relevant to emerging economies. This creates knowledge, experiences, and relationships. Interest in forming learning communities is growing, with new ones emerging in human rights, sustainable energy, healthcare, and community-engaged learning.

Webinar: The Impact of Covid-19 on Staff in UK Higher EducationïżŒ

Date & Time

Thursday, July 28, 2022 – 10:00 to 13:00 BST/ 5:00am EST

General Info

During this webinar, we will present the findings of a recently funded research study by The Open University exploring the impact of COVID-19 on professional and academic staff in UK Higher Education. The research covers and conducts a comparative analysis across the four UK nations and provides recommendations to alleviate the impact of COVID-19 on staff in HE.

The webinar will be hosted via MS Teams.

We would like to engage participation throughout, with plenty of time for discussion and feedback. If you have any colleagues that you think might also be interested in attending, please share this information with them and we hope to see them online.

Principal Investigator:
Dr Rasha Kassem, Senior Lecturer, School of Business & Law, The Open University


  • Dr Shraddha Verma, Head of Accounting & Finance Department, School of Business & Law, The Open University
  • Dr Kerry Jones, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Wellbeing, Education & Language Studies, The Open University
  • Dr Soraya Kouadri Mostefaoui, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, The Open University
  • Ms Ruth Whitney, Access, Participation & Success Manager, The OU in Scotland

30th CEEMAN Annual Conference

Date & Location

Come and celebrate the 30th anniversary of CEEMAN with us! The 30th CEEMAN Annual Conference is taking place on 21-23 September 2022 in Bled, Slovenia.


Let’s meet in person to mark the 30 years of CEEMAN and try to understand the big picture surrounding the future of management education. Geopolitics, environment and sustainability, multiple social issues – all add up to unprecedented challenges we face on business and society level. How can management education support the new leadership that is needed to navigate successfully in these new times? How the management education curriculum and processes should be changed? And what can we do – together?

CEEMAN Annual Conference traditionally includes a series of events in order to get to know the business, political and social realities of the host country and to discuss implications, best practices and collaboration in the area of management development through keynotes, international panels, roundtable discussions and workshops. Several side events are also organized, such as CEEMAN IQA Quick-Scan Session, poster session for faculty and researchers, CEEMAN Annual Meeting, and CEEMAN Awards Ceremony.

The CEEMAN’s extensive programs provide an excellent platform for discussions and thinking about how the improved quality of management and management schools can be the catalyst to drive urgently needed changes, innovation and creativity.
Matej Potokar,
General Manager, Microsoft Services CEE

FinTech Week | London | The Flagship Conference 2022

The Big Picture: City to City with FinTech at its Heart

Fintech Week London 2021 shined a light on the most interesting topics in financial technology, with a 2-day conference at its core. Traditional financial institutions came together with fintechs and other financial services companies, in one of the world’s oldest leading financial districts: London. From high-street banks to challengers, technology giants to disruptors, this five-day event showcased some of the best that London and global fintech has to offer. We would like to thank our partners, speakers, hosts and attendees for making Fintech Week London 2021 a huge success. Mark your calendars for the second edition on July 11-15, 2022. 


Registration closes 10 July, 2022 at 11:59pm

Key Topics

Open Banking / Banking as a Service
Explore the momentum and future potential of open banking in the UK and beyond as it hits its 4-year milestone in the UK, as well as understand what Banking as a Service and embedded finance can enable for your customer journeys

Digital Sovereignty
In a world that is ever more digital and data orientated, explore the importance of cybersecurity, privacy and fraud prevention in the quest for digital sovereignty. Understand how digital identity and biometrics can keep you, your customers and your businesses secure.

Big Tech and Big Banks: Coopetition
With so many mergers, acquisitions and partnerships taking place, the “coopetition” (collaboration vs competition) between big tech and big banks has never been more relevant as the fintech industry comes of age. Understand the rise in neobanks and the potential for new fintech communities as tech giants work to keep up and break new ground in the world of finance.

Trending in Fintech
From Buy Now Pay Later to Web 3.0, explore the hot topics in fintech to understand how now is the time of innovation and the levelling up of the fintech world. 

Dive into the world of cryptocurrency to explore crypto and payments, as well as the ever-popular NFTs that show no signs of slowing down. Analyse the arguments for Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) and examine the opportunities and challenges a UK CBDC would bring.

Fintech for good
Explore the advancements in climate and ethical finance in an ESG focused world, as well as understand the need for further change. With the potential to make a better future with tech and finance, ask the question: what does real transformation look like? Rest assured, it won’t be a one-sided story, with a panel battle between the good and the bad 


Microlearning Instructional Design Level 1 Certification Workshop

MID Live Workshop

Wednesday June 1, 2022

12PM – 3 PM

Join the MID Live Workshop to be certified in Microlearning Instructional Design Level 1 for free!

While the program is self-guided and can be completed in an average of 2-3 hours, Gnowbe’s goal is to help you set aside a three-hour block of time to sit down and complete it in one sitting, with Gnowbe facilitators available to help you along the way with any questions you may have.

Don’t put it off another day – sign up now to join a community of content creators from around the world and complete the certification together!


Make a free Gnowbe account before jumping on, then you will receive a link to Gnowbe’s FREE MID Level 1 Scholarship at the beginning of the workshop on June 1st. Be sure to get there on time!
