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GBSN Welcomes HEC Montréal and the Goa Institute of Management to the Network

The Global Business School Network is pleased to announce the acceptance of two new member schools: HEC Montreal in Canada and the Goa Institute of Management in India. The network now consists of 73 members in 40 countries.

The Mission of the Goa Institute of Management (GIM) is to create knowledge & nurture leaders for sustainable business and an inclusive society for India and the world while maintaining strong & ongoing commitment to Goa.  As a leading business school in an emerging market, GIM is concerned about issues that are important to developing countries. GIM joins GBSN with the belief that it can contribute to the GBSN platform through its understanding and expertise in research and teaching in developing countries.

GIM joins the network to expand its cooperation with the developed world and explore opportunities to participate in research and exchange programs. The school looks forward to implementing best practices in academics and research administration under guidance from GBSN member institutions. It plans to support GBSN’s mission and engage in the network through a variety of activities under its Centre for Social Sensitivity and Action, and is especially interested in areas of research, faculty and student exchange and academics administration.

GIM promotes social responsibility and sustainability through its activities guided by its mission. The institute has mandatory courses focused on developing the students’ ability to think critically and nurture them into responsible leaders with matured social competence. GIM was also the first office of PRME in India and spearheaded the entry of PRME into India.

“GIM is looking for a platform to expand its co-operation with the developed world in a structured manner in the areas of research, faculty and student exchange and academics administration. Having studied the GSBN’s mission and activities, the institute is convinced the platform provides the best of opportunities available from high quality management institutes of the developed world to the developing world.”

– Ajit Parulekar, Director, Goa Institute of Management

HEC Montréal is a multicultural and multilingual university renown in French-speaking countries and beyond for business management and research. Drawing on a remarkable pool of world class teachers and researchers, the school plays a key role in advancing society through groundbreaking teaching that integrates innovation content and method at all levels. The university has forged fruitful relationships, encouraged the transfer of knowledge, and pioneered in research that pushes the limit of management science since its opening in 1907. HEC Montréal was the first business school in North America to be awarded the three most prestigious international accreditations in its field, EQUIS, AASCB, and AMBA.

HEC Montréal joins GBSN with an interest in participating in training and mentoring peers in the developing world, something it has been doing for many years. The university is also very interested to learn more about the challenges of management education in the developing world and aims to fully contribute to innovating and developing programs with partner institutions in different regions of the world.

“At a time when societies need to reconcile economic growth with environment protection and to align wealth creation with ethics and social justice, the future belongs to those who develop solutions to the major challenges confronting our planet. These issues are regarded as opportunities for development and progress that can be faced with creative leadership.”

– Michel Patry, Director, HEC Montréal

The mission of GBSN is to improve access to quality, locally relevant management and entrepreneurship education for the developing world.  We look forward to working with our new members to pursue this important mission.

For more information on membership, click here.