Cross-Border Collab: Job-Focused Education in a Post-COVID Economy

DATE & TIME Thursday, 2 September, 2021 8:00am EDT LOCATION Hosted on Zoom. CONTACT Emma Martens, Students consider many factors before pursuing graduate management eduction. The annual Corporate Recruiters Survey published by GMAC® found that career advancement is a prime motivator for pursuing graduate management education and that corporate recruiters project a robust demand for… Read more >

Higher Education in sub-Saharan Africa: Why the Neglect?

Our CEO and founder, Guy Pfeffermann, recently contributed an opinion piece to the 2015 eLearning Africa Report. He focused on the challenges facing higher education in sub-Saharan Africa and explored possible solutions. Below you can find screenshots of Guy’s opinion piece, to read the entire eLearning Africa Report please click here. Guy Pfeffermann is the… Read more >

V-Lab Named Best Accelerator Program in North Africa

“We are honored to be recognized as the best accelerator in North Africa, as it only means that our startups will also be the best in the region,” said Ayman Ismail,  Abdul Latif Jamil Endowed Chair of Entrepreneurship and AUC Venture Lab Director. The award came just as the lab graduates another cohort of 20 innovative tech-based startups… Read more >

GBSN Brings the J&J Management Development Institute (MDI) to Lusophone Africa

As part of our work with Johnson & Johnson (J&J) on the Management Development Institute (MDI) for healthcare professionals, we are expanding the program to Lusophone Africa with GBSN member school Nova School of Business and Economics as the implementing partner. I had the opportunity to travel to Maputo, Mozambique for a week with our… Read more >

GBSN Adviser Speaks on Consolidating Africa‘s Banks

Arnold Ekpe, Chairman Atlas Mara and Honorary President, Business Council for Africa speaks with This is Africa Editor Adrienne Klasa about the potential need for bank consolidation in Africa‘s major markets. Ekpe acknowledges that with an excess of banks, suffering markets and currencies under pressure bank consolidation is a logical option. Despite successful conversations with… Read more >

Call for Investors for the Africa Business Concept Challenge

We are proud to announce the second annual Africa Business Concept Challenge (ABCC) in partnership with Peaqs. This virtual business concept competition for African undergraduate and graduate students will challenge teams to design a viable business concept that addresses a locally-relevant challenge or problem related to Agenda 2063, and inclusive and sustainable development. As part of this experience, teams… Read more >

Makerspaces in North Africa: A solution for unemployment and the informal sector?

The global maker movement is on the rise across the globe, and it has subsequently mirrored in North Africa. The number of makerspaces in Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco Ð though still sparse Ð has been remarkably growing in recent years, particularly following the so-called Arab spring in 2011. In their working paper, professor of economics… Read more >

UCT Graduate School of Business brings African Context to Global Sustainability Conversation

An international sustainability project that is co-hosted by the UCT Graduate School of Business (GSB) and the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University, Canada has won a significant global award – recognising its impact in the world of business. The Embedding Project, a global public-benefit research project that helps companies embed social and… Read more >

Markets Shaping Management Education in Africa: Join GBSN and EFMD in Ghana

The theme of the upcoming GBSN/EFMD Joint Conference in Africa – Markets Shaping Management Education Ð touches on a question of huge global concern: why do so many of the world’s employers have such a hard time finding the talent they need, while massive unemployment persists? One of the answers is that in all too… Read more >