New Member Spotlight: Coventry Business School

GBSN promotes the expertise and interests of our members by providing a platform to communicate news and open opportunities to global audiences and share how they are innovating in management education to the benefit of their colleagues around the world. The New Member Spotlight series serves as a way for new member schools to introduce themselves to the network.

Design Thinking Pedagogy and Practice Webinar Highlights

On September 9, 2015, GBSN hosted a webinar called, “Design Thinking Pedagogy and Practice,” featuring Jeanne M. Liedtka, a professor of business administration at the Darden Graduate School of Business at the University of Virginia. The webinar discussed the process of Design Thinking using a case study, and the methods in which it can be… Read more >

Reflections: Bangladesh and Romania – A Common Goal but Worlds Apart

In the early 1990s, I was working for a non-profit public health management consulting organization. Although based in the US, I spent most my time conducting short-term assignments that aimed to strengthen management systems of public, private and NGO providers of health services all over the world. By coincidence, I started two, multi-year engagements with… Read more >

Highlights from GBSN Webinar: Tips and Traps of Using Student Teams

GBSN’s latest webinar, Tips and Traps of Using Student Teams presented by Margaret Andrews was wonderfully informative. As a third year undergraduate student, I wish some of my professors employed the techniques discussed by Prof. Andrews. At one point or another during our academic careers we have all been forced into group projects, and if… Read more >

5 Tips on How to Thrive in a Virtual Classroom

What does it take to thrive in a virtual classroom? At the William Davidson Institute, we’ve had plenty of opportunity to explore this question in the past couple of years, as our Global Virtual Learning Center has been busily running online management programs. Even pre-Covid, we were running many virtual programs β€” the pandemic put that into high gear. Here are some things that will help students in online programs, based on our experiences.

Climate Series: Embedding Sustainability in the Curriculum

A Business School initiative with the aim of embedding sustainability in the curriculum has been recognized by Net Natives’ Think Student Awards. The β€˜Water Bottle Brief’ poster design competition, devised and delivered by Sally Chan to MA Advertising and Marketing / Design students was shortlisted in the β€˜Best Campaign Supporting Sustainability’ category. The brief β€˜Go Plastic Free…. Read more >

As a New Academic Year Begins, is a Mandatory Return to the “Old Normal” the Only Choice?

Last year at this time, we were entering a new school year with the full wrath of the Covid upon us. Now as we start the new academic year, we do so in a markedly different context. The Covid vaccines have been available for about 6 months and by most measures have been a success… Read more >

Women and Business Education: It’s About Realizing Our Full Potential

When I was a teenager one of the popular television news magazines aired a segment about women who wanted to become firefighters. Although I’ve lost track of the details, I will never forget my reaction. It was nothing short of a profound awakening. In the segment, women candidates were shown doing physically demanding tests, such… Read more >