
Entrepreneurship: Social Innovation & Collaborative Communities


Tuesday 12 October

9:00 PT / 16:00 GMT



Collaborative communities are essential for the success of entrepreneurship and a key component in vibrant and growing ecosystems. They foster innovation, spread knowledge, and provide opportunities to share ideas by bringing together diverse people who have different perspectives, skills, and experiences that may be valuable to one another.

In this session with Besan Abu-Joudeh, Consultant at Accenture Federal
Services and Co-Founder of BuildPalestine, we will discuss:

– The importance of building and joining collaborative communities
– Social Impact, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
– International Development
– Youth Development and Engagement

Writing a Compelling Professional Summary


Sunday 10 October

17:00 GMT / 1:00 PM ET



The professional summary at the beginning of your CV is the first thing recruiters will read. In a few memorable sentences, a convincing summary highlights your relevant experience and background, describes your achievements and gives an insight into who you are as a person and what value you would bring to an organization.

When done correctly, professional summaries help your profile get noticed faster as recruiters will capture key words and make them more likely to give more attention to your CV as they have found what they are looking for at the top of the CV.

In this Career Development Workshop, our Career Coach in Residence, Iyad Uakob, will demonstrate how you can write a compelling professional summary and walk you through the dos and don’ts.

About Iyad

+12 years of global experience in building award-winning career centers, advising startups, empowering organizations with workforce learning & engagement strategies and leveraging data and technology to democratize career opportunities. 

From Product Management to CEO


Thursday 7 October

9:00 PT / 16:00 GMT



In this Expert Session with Kristin Chen, CEO at, we will be discussing career transitions, Product Management, and becoming a CEO.

Some of Kristin’s previous roles include Director of Product Management at Soundcloud, Lead Product Manager at Pinterest, Head of Developer Insights Product at Twitch, and Senior Global Insights Lead at LinkedIn. If you’re planning your next career move, join this session to learn how you can set goals and attain them.

Some of the topics that will be covered:

– Kristin’s experience and career journey
– Careers in Product Management
– Transferable skills and career transitions
– Resume building and marketing yourself
– Developing career action plans
– Interview tips
– What it means to be a CEO at a tech startup
– Essential skills for CEOs and Product Managers
– What recruiters look for when hiring fresh talents
– Any questions you may have

Becoming a Product Manager


Wednesday 6 October

11:00 PT / 18:00 GMT



Product Managers gather user data and identify their needs and the larger business objectives that their products or features will fulfill. They are responsible for defining success criteria, creating product roadmaps, and building a team to turn new features or products into a reality.

In this session with Dimah Zaidalkilani, Head of Product (Infrastructure & Security) at Asana, we will discuss what it means to be a Product Manager, career paths, essential skills, what recruiters look for, and the trends in the industry.

Some of the topics that will be covered

– What does it mean to be a Product Manager?
– How to start a career in Product Management
– Typical day for Product Managers
– Industry Trends
– What do recruiters look for when hiring fresh talents?
– Women in Engineering
– CV, Interviews, and job hunt
– Navigating career paths and development
– Up-skilling and keeping up-to-date with the market trends and needs

Post-Pandemic Innovation: Entrepreneurship and Youth Opportunities


Tuesday, 5 October

10:00 PT / 17:00 PM GMT



At the height of the pandemic, without cutting-edge solutions in the technology industry, many companies may have had to shut down operations altogether. So which solutions or technologies that emerged as a result of the pandemic will have a long or lasting impact on our lives, and what are some of the opportunities for youth entrepreneurship?

Kiki Mwiti, Founder and CEO of DYVVYD (a ​​Diversity & Inclusion Platform and Digital Community for Investors and Startups), will answer these questions and discuss how you can turn your idea into a reality and the importance of building and engaging in collaborative communities.

Some of the topics that will be covered:

– Future of work
– Essential skills for aspiring entrepreneurs
– Tech industry trends, challenges, and opportunities caused by the
– The importance of building and joining collaborative communities
– Entrepreneurship: validating Ideas, bootstrapping and developing an
MVP on a low budget, pitching to investors and making your product
investment ready, feedback
– Is your product Silicon-Valley worthy?
– Mentorship: how to find and connect with mentors

LegalTech: Careers Where Law and Technology Intersect


Monday 4 October

11:00 PT / 18:00 GMT



LegalTech means utilizing the latest and exponential technologies to provide legal services. LegalTech has enabled legal services providers to integrate and analyze large amounts of data seamlessly, better focus on clients’ needs, and collaborate internally and externally in a more efficient manner.

In this session with Jacqueline Schafer, Founder and CEO at Clearbrief, we will dive deeper into LegalTech, its
trends, and discuss how you can enter the field as a professional or an entrepreneur.

Some of the topics that will be covered:

– What is LegalTech and why is it important?
– Technology disruption in the legal sector
– Starting a career in LegalTech
– Industry trends and future predictions
– LegalTech Entrepreneurship
– Essential skills to enter the field
– What recruiters look for when hiring fresh talents
– Any questions you may have

Effective Communication: How to Influence People


Sunday, October 3rd

17:00 GMT



You might need to use your influence to lead a team, encourage others to embrace change, work as part of a team, decide how best to communicate a strategy to a client, or convince a client to accept something they might not have considered before. The combination of communication and interpersonal skills can help you achieve the results you need.

In this Career Development Workshop, our Career Coach in Residence, Iyad Uakoub, will help you develop the skills you need to identify personal triggers and adapt your style to others in order to achieve the bestresults for the people you are trying to influence

About Iyad

+12 years of global experience in building award-winning career centers, advising startups, empowering organizations with workforce learning & engagement strategies and leveraging data and technology to democratize career opportunities. 

Strategy and M&A in Tech – Industry Specific Career Insights

Strategy and M&A are one of the largest fields in Consulting. Strategy
Consultants provide clients with strategic advice on certain management
topics. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Consultants guide clients through
M&A and other M&A related matters such as debt and equity financing.
In this session, we will look at Strategy and M&A from the perspective of
working with a Tech giant, rather than a Consulting Firm.

Our Expert, Alonso Bustamante, Head of Strategy and M&A at Cloudflare, will walk you
through his responsibilities, day-to-day activities, and the skills
necessary for this role.

Some of the topics that will be covered:

– Your experience and background
– To MBA or not to MBA?
– Transitioning from other sectors to Tech
– The benefits of internships at different career stages
– How to up-skill and stay updated on the newest trends and technologies
– Industry trends and essential skills (what do recruiters look for when
hiring fresh talents?)
– Careers at the intersection of Business and Tech
– What does it mean to be a Head of Strategy & M&A at Cloudflare?
– What does your typical day look like?
– Your advice for students and recent graduates
– Your advice for those looking to transition into a new industry
– Questions from the audience

Race2Imagine: Collaborations for Healthcare Leadership


FRIDAY, 15 October

8:00-10:00am EDT


Hosted on Zoom Events


Emma Martens,

Existing inequalities have been exposed and exacerbated by COVID–19. Our world after the global pandemic is likely to see the proliferation of these inequalities unless we focus on the inclusive management of our multiple challenges, among which is the environmental crisis. From access to healthcare and education to the all-encompassing disruptions of climate change, as leaders of management education we have to forge a response that recognizes and addresses with intent the disparate ways these issues affect various populations. GBSN and Universidad de los Andes present Race2Imagine, a joint event series designed to engage university communities across the globe during the month of October, leading up to GBSN Beyond Virtual Conference. Race2Imagine features 3 sessions focused on healthcare, climate change and humanitarian logistics. Each session is co-hosted with a different GBSN member school. The goal is to have multi-stakeholder dialogues that explore collaborations designed to produce solutions.

This first convening, Collaborations for Healthcare Leadership, will share visions of the strategies, actions and initiatives that need to be undertaken in the near future across different contexts. Co-hosted with Miami Herbert Business School, guest speakers will explore and compare approaches to university-health system collaboration to achieve impact, using the example of informing the response to COVID-19.

We must all think beyond our own institutions and develop collaborative solutions and more robust and resilient systems. And we must explore the longer-term implications of the covid-19 outbreak for business and society.


Friday, 15 October, 2021

7:00 am Bogotá

8:00 am Washington D.C.

  • 2:00pm Paris
  • 5:30pm Mumbai
  • 8:00pm Singapore
  • 11:00pm Melbourne


  • Veneta Andonova

    Universidad de los Andes School of Management
  • The Honorable Alex M. Azar II

    24th Secretary of the
    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • Dan LeClair

    Dan LeClair, Ph.D

    Global Business School Network
  • Dr. Chad A. Perlyn

    Nicklaus Children’s Pediatric Specialists (NCPS)
  • Donna E. Shalala

    Trustee Professor of Political Science and Health Policy, University of Miami
    Former Member of the U.S. House of Representative from Florida (2018 – 2020)
  • Simon Turner

    Associate Professor and Director of Organization's Area
    Universidad de los Andes School of Management
  • Estefanía Hernández

    PhD student in Management; Research Assistant
    Universidad de los Andes
  • Dr. Gabriel Carrasquilla

    Vice President
    Academy of Medicine
  • Dr. Natalia Mejía

    Universidad de los Andes School of Medicine
  • Eduardo Wills

    Universidad de los Andes School of Management

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Race2Imagine: Collaborations in Healthcare Leadership

8:00 I Opening Welcome + Cultural and contextual specificities 

  • Dan LeClair, CEO, Global Business School Network, USA
  • Veneta Andonova, Dean, Universidad de los Andes School of Management, Colombia

8:40 I Impact Stories: Student Perspective

An Impact Project that Transcends Disciplines and Communities

Estefanía Hernández, PhD Student; Research Assistant, Universidad de los Andes School of Management, Colombia

The COVID-19 has imposed multiple challenges that transcend the health system, one of them being the COVID-19 vaccination roll-out. This work introduces the importance of collaborative and multidisciplinary work for responding successfully to this crisis. From my perspective as a PhD student in Management, I aim to share the key-aways that have emerged from the research projects in which I have participated during the pandemic and the contribution achieved in the process.

Leading a Pediatric Physician Team through the Pandemic

  • Dr. Chad Perlyn, President, Nicklaus Children’s Pediatric Specialists, USA
  • Dr. Perlyn is a student in Miami Herbert’s executive MBA program and will talk about leading his specialty pediatric physician team through the COVID-19 pandemic.


Conducting Research on Wellbeing and Mental Health in an Academic Setting

  • Eduardo Willis, Professor, Universidad de los Andes School of Management, Colombia

Operation Warp Speed, Delivering COVID-19 Vaccines and Therapeutics in Record Time in the U.S.

  • The Honorable Alex M. Azar II, 24th Secretary of the, U.S. Department of Health and Human Service, USA

9:00 I Panel Discussion: Collaborations to achieve more impact in healthcare

  • Moderator: Simon Turner, Associate Professor and Director of Organization’s Area, Universidad de los Andes School of Management, Colombia
  • Panel: Dr. Natalia Mejía, Dean, Universidad de los Andes School of Medicine, Colombia
  • Dr. Gabriel Carrasquilla, Vice President, Academy of Medicine, Colombia
  • Donna E. Shalala, Trustee Professor of Political Science and Health Policy, University of Miami, Former Member of the U.S. House of Representative from Florida (2018 – 2020), USA

The panel discussion will explore and compare approaches to university-health system collaboration to achieve impact, using the example of informing the response to COVID-19. Discussion questions will include:

  • What role did your organization play in the response to COVID-19? What role did academia-health system partnerships have? 
  • What enabled your organization to play that role and have influence, e.g. human resources; financing; flexibility about repurposing roles / workload / functions; existing health system relationships; ability to strike up new ones?   
  • How distinctive was that approach to the typical role of universities, and the relationship between universities and the health system, in approaching health policy and improvement? 
  • What lessons can be learnt from the experiences of collaboration in response to COVID-19? What challenges remain? 

To help stimulate the debate, reach the journal article authored by Universidad de los Andes School of Management professors.

The integration of health services with other sectors is hypothesised to support adaptation of health systems in response to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This study identified barriers and enablers associated with intersectoral coordination at an early stage of the pandemic. The study focused on the roles played by the academic and private sector in different areas of public health planning and delivery concerning COVID-19 in Colombia. Read the article

9:30 I Small Group Discussions

Eduardo Wills & Simon Turner will prepare a workshop for debate in breakout rooms on wellbeing and mental health in places of work and study. Each small group will have access to a Miro board for recording a summary of their discussion. Themes for discussion will include:  

  • What impact has COVID-19 had on your wellbeing? What helped you to respond? What organizational support did you receive?  
  • How is the nature of work, and career development, changing in light of the pandemic? 
  • What skills / capacities will we need to develop to face new challenges? 
  • How should our places of work and study change to promote wellbeing? 


Please contact Emma Martens at for any technical issues or questions.

Cornell SC Johnson College of Business’ Emerging Markets Institute 5th Annual Emerging Markets Case Competition

The Cornell SC Johnson College of Business’ Emerging Markets Institute invites your students to participate in our 5th Annual Emerging Markets Case Competition, October 4th -11th with the final round on November 5th.

This year, participants in the 5th Annual Emerging Markets Case Competition come from business & policy schools in the United States and around the globe. The growing role of Emerging Multinationals in the business world continues to evolve and this case competition seeks to challenge students to come up with win-win solutions for expanding stakeholders. The goal of the case competition is to identify and answer questions that real businesses and managers are posing today in relation to Emerging Markets. 

Where: The conference this year will be hybrid, teams can choose to attend in person at Roosevelt Island, New York City – Cornell Tech Campus or virtually. 

Theme: Emerging Markets Multinationals: Building the Future on ESG Excellence 

Format: Up to 3 teams per school comprised of 3 to 5 students will have one-week in early October to create and submit their case solution and presentation via a PowerPoint deck. Four final teams will present during the 11th Annual Emerging Markets Institute Conference on November 5, 2021. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top 3 teams. 

Information: The Cornell SC Johnson College of Business’ Emerging Markets Institute is launching our 11th Emerging Markets Conference at the Cornell Tech Campus on Roosevelt Island, New York City, NY on November 5th, 2021. Under the theme ‘Emerging Markets Multinationals: Building the Future on ESG Excellence,’ we will explore the impact of Environmental Social Governance (ESG) on global trade and emerging multinationals.

This year, the conference will hold its 5th Annual Emerging Markets Case Competition. The case competition committee invites your school to participate to gain the following benefits:

  • Meeting high-profile representatives from industry and academia. 
  • Networking with conference participants and business executives.
  • Exposure to conference and case competition sponsors.
  • Free admission to the conference (for finalists). 
  • Cash prizes for the top three teams. 

General Information

  • Registration of the teams by October 1st – 11:59 PM EST at the EMI Conference website – there are no registration fees for participants 
    • To register, please use the conference registration button and in the drop down indicate registration for the case competition. You will then be directed to add in your team’s name. Each member of the team must register separately. 
  • Each school sends up to three representative team of 3 to 5 students (it is recommended, but not required that at least one student per team is enrolled in an MBA program)
    • If more than 3 teams are registered the school will be contacted and responsible for providing the final three teams for official registration. 
  • All teams once registered will receive the case by October 4th and must submit their team’s response by 11:59 PM EST on October 11th 
    • Please see our attached rules and regulations for more guidance if needed. 
  • Announcement of finalists will be made by October 18th
  • Final presentations either in person or virtually will occur on November 5th


For any questions or clarifications, please feel free to reach out to us at We look forward to hearing back from you!
