
Grenoble Ecole de Management Director Shares Thoughts on Higher Education in Emerging Countries

In his blog, Jean-franĀois Fiorina, GBSN ambassador and director of Grenoble Ecole de Management, emphasized the importance of higher education in emerging countries because these countries are now “actors in the worldwide educational ecosystem.” Fiorina discussed reasons why business educators should enter this geo-sector and the challenges that they may face in doing so. Click… Read more >

GBSN Welcomes Three New Schools

GBSN is proud to announce the acceptance of three new schools into our network. We welcome Leuphana University of LĀŸneburg, University of Management and Technology: Pakistan, and Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business to our expanding list of world-class member schools. GBSN works with our member schools to build management education capacity for the developing… Read more >

Patrick Awuah awarded MacArthur Foundation Fellowship for work at Ashesi University

Patrick Awuah, a friend of GBSN, was awarded the MacArthur Foundation Fellowship for his extraordinary originality and dedication to Ashesi University, a four-year institution that he founded in 2002. Ashesi University, which is grounded in a liberal arts curriculum, seeks to educate a new generation of ethical and entrepreneurial leaders in Africa. It is the… Read more >

New Research Sheds Light on the Positives of MOOCs

Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) have been a highly debated topic of conversation from their inception in 2008. Many have argued on both sides about how effective they really are, as well as criticized the percentage of people that use them. However, in Harvard Business Review’s recent article Who’s Benefiting from MOOC’s, and Why, we… Read more >

The Rising Entrepreneurial Spirit in Young Africa

In Walter Baets’ article, “What Young Africans want from Business Education Programmes,” he emphasizes the rising demand for “shorter, more modular business courses” that are more flexible and hands-on than the courses offered in the pursuance of the MBA. The Association of African Business Schools (AABS) recently revealed a growing interest by sub-Saharan youth in… Read more >

AABS Will Pay for 500 High-Quality Case Studies for Member Schools

A wonderful opportunity for African faculty members to get access to high-quality teaching cases at no cost to them or their schools has opened earlier this month. Through an agreement with the Wits Business School Case Centre (WBS), the Association of African Business Schools (AABS) will pay for 500 copies of WBS case studies to… Read more >

Lagos Business School Making a Case for Success 24 Years onā€¦

Twenty-four years ago, Lagos Business School (LBS) was a small institution in the Lagos metropolis offering management courses relevant to the Nigerian environment. Today, it is ranked by the Financial Times of London among globally renowned business schools in open enrolment and custom executive education. This record-breaking achievement has been possible, thanks to the Schoolā€™s… Read more >

Riding the Tide of Disruption in Higher Education

This is a modified excerpt; please find the original article here In an article posted on Dialogue Review, authors Dr. Mark Farrell and Dr. John Davis addressed the two main triggers of disruption in education: technological change and cost pressures. These disruptions are forcing universities (especially those deemed ‘non-elite’) across the world to evolve if… Read more >