
Management Students Tackling Climate Change With Paintbrushes

Hence, it remains to be seen how this adaptation will take place: whether it is replicating the old models that brought us here – or whether to a rupture that will lead us towards fairer, more inclusive, and more resilient societies, with the final comprehension that we are nature, affecting and being affected by Earth’s complex dynamics.

And what do business schools have to do with all this? Everything! As educators, we cannot continue to fail to educate future managers and leaders to understand that planetary boundaries exist, and that companies and organizations need to operate within them. Furthermore, we cannot be satisfied with teaching “new” sustainability-oriented management tools or with how to design a good ESG strategy in companies. This is not enough in the face of a hotter, more unequal, more violent, and less democratic world.

Western Governors University Launches One-year, Affordable, Online, Competency-based Graduate Business Degrees

In an effort to continue to expand access and equitable attainment of high quality business credentials, Western Governors University (WGU) recently launched one-year paths for its MBA, MBA Information Technology Management, MBA Healthcare Management, and MS Management & Leadership programs. At a cost of around $9,000 and an average salary increase ranging from $10,000-$16,200 depending… Read more >

Celebrating the Spirit of GBSN Beyond

Nine years ago I read about a $150 million gift to start an innovation center at Stanford University. What’s special about an innovation center in Silicon Valley? Well, the gift was specifically to alleviate poverty by creating the Stanford Institute for Innovation for Developing Economies. The institute, known as Stanford Seed, would bring together scholars… Read more >

New Member Spotlight: Zhejiang University International Business School

GBSN promotes the expertise and interests of our members by providing a platform to communicate news and open opportunities to global audiences and share how they are innovating in management education to the benefit of their colleagues around the world. The New Member Spotlight series serves as a way for new member schools to introduce themselves to the network.

Welcoming New Members to the Board of GBSN

I have had the privilege of serving as the Chair of the Board of GBSN over the last four years. One of the important tasks of the Chair and the Board is to recruit new members to the Board, a task that we take very seriously. I am delighted to share that in the meeting… Read more >

Art as a Vehicle for Social Change

The year 2021 is declared the International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development at the 74th United Nations General Assembly.  The creative economy –which includes audio-visual products, design, new media, performing arts, and visual arts– is a highly transformative sector of the world economy in terms of income generation, job creation and export earnings…. Read more >

Gies Business Awarded IDEAS Grant to Pilot Sophomore Year of Purpose

Gies is one of 26 colleges and universities from across the United States, selected from 132 applicants, to create, expand, and/or diversify American student mobility overseas in support of U.S. foreign policy goals. This U.S. Government program is funded by the U.S. Department of State and supported in its implementation by World Learning. “We are… Read more >

Sasin Transforms with Major Renovations

Sasin School of Management, the first internationally accredited business school in Thailand, recently renovated the first and second floors of its main building. The new world-class, participant-oriented facilities provide flexible, reconfigurable workspaces to meet the needs of the entire Sasin community. The renovations were made possible by a generous donation from an anonymous Sasin alumnus…. Read more >