
The Concept of Open Learning – Lessons from The Open University

GBSN Member, The Open University Business School hosted two faculty fellows from Strathmore University and the Asian Institute of Management. The fellows were Dr. Wilfred Manuela, Asian Institute of Management and Ian Wairua, Strathmore University. The two of them stayed at the university for 6 weeks during November and December of 2017. This is a… Read more >

Celebrating 20 years of Progress, Partnerships and Accomplishments

GBSN member, Nanyang Business School (NBS) is celebrating 20 years of their Nanyang Fellows MBA program. The Nanyang Fellows MBA is a one-year, full-time program designed for senior executives from public and private sectors. The program has generated over 400 graduates from more than 35 countries that hold influential positions worldwide. Fellows are typically mid-career… Read more >

Reflections from MDI 2018: Solving Africa’s Health Challenges

[cs_content][cs_element_section _id=”1″][cs_element_row _id=”2″][cs_element_column _id=”3″][cs_text _order=”0″] As part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), UN members have committed to achieving Universal Health Coverage by 2030.  How will African countries reach this goal? Johnson & Johnson’s Management Development Institute (MDI) believes that by providing health workers with the management and leadership skills and tools, the efficiency and… Read more >