
New Resource for Students: Learning with Cases An Interactive Study Guide

Learning with cases can be a challenging experience for students. The interactive study guide will take your students through the process, providing practical tips, tricks and tools. What will students learn? Along with understanding more about cases and the case method, they’ll learn how to: analyze a case quickly and thoroughly using our practical Case… Read more >

Four GBSN Members Re-Accredited by EQUIS

Congratulations to the Open University Business School, United Kingdom, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, Nova School of Business and Economics (Nova SBE), Portugal, and Universidad de los Andes, Colombia for being re-accredited by EFMD EQUIS. The University of St. Gallen holds both the EFMD EQUIS and AACSB accreditation. The university has been EQUIS accredited since… Read more >

Do You Know the Next GlobalGiving CEO?

Mari Kuraishi announced recently that she will be stepping down as chief executive of GlobalGiving, where she has spent the last 18 years of her career.

GBSN Welcomes Three New Member Schools from Peru, Finland and Lebanon

The Global Business School Network is proud to announce the acceptance of three new member schools: American University of Beirut Suliman S. Olayan School of Business in Lebanon, CENTRUM Catolica Graduate Business School in Peru, and Hanken School of Economics in Finland. The network now consists of 75 members in 40 countries. American University of… Read more >