GBSN Member Schools

New Member Spotlight: Universidad de La Sabana

GBSN promotes the expertise and interests of our members by providing a platform to communicate news and open opportunities to global audiences and share how they are innovating in management education to the benefit of their colleagues around the world. The New Member Spotlight series serves as a way for new member schools to introduce themselves to the network.

New Member Spotlight: Geneva School of Economics and Management

GBSN promotes the expertise and interests of our members by providing a platform to communicate news and open opportunities to global audiences and share how they are innovating in management education to the benefit of their colleagues around the world. The New Member Spotlight series serves as a way for new member schools to introduce themselves to the network.

New Member Spotlight: Stanford Seed, Stanford Institute for Innovation in Developing Economies

GBSN is pleased to welcome one of our newest members, Stanford Seed, Stanford Institute for Innovation in Developing Economies. Stanford Seed is a Stanford Graduate School of Business initiative that partners with entrepreneurs in emerging markets to build thriving enterprises that transform lives, with the ultimate vision of ending the cycle of global poverty. The program was established in 2011, implemented in West Africa in 2013, in East Africa in 2016, and expanded to India and Southern Africa in 2017.

GBSN Highlights from 2020 and Looking Ahead to 2021

We held our annual Members Meeting last Thursday, 3 December, with more than 50 participants from 30 countries. As with anything that GBSN does, the meeting was designed to be interactive and thought provoking. The agenda included a pre-meeting for Asian members, two networking breakout groups, an insightful presentation on “Skill, Reskill and Upskill –… Read more >

ESCA Named Top Business School in 2020 Eduniversal Ranking

ESCA Ecole de Management, a GBSN member school, has been ranked as the top business school in Morocco by Eduniversal, an international rating agency that specializes in higher education. Headquartered in Paris, Eduniversal conducts a ranking of the top 1,000 business schools around the world every year. According to the agency, “The ranking recognizes the… Read more >

Sustainability Expert Appointed LUMS’ Pentland Centre Director

The Pentland Centre for Sustainability in Business of Lancaster University Management School (LUMS), a GBSN member school, is set to welcome a new Director in the upcoming year. Jan Bebbington, a Professor of Accounting and Sustainable Development, joins the Pentland Centre from the University of Birmingham. She was Head of the School of Management at… Read more >

Reflecting on GBSN Beyond

Objective of the Conference As CEO Dan LeClair previously noted, the Global Business School Network planned its 2020 Annual Conference, GBSN Beyond, with three main objectives in mind: Inclusivity: We wanted to be more inclusive by engaging business students and faculty in addition to business school leaders. By reimagining the conference, we were also able… Read more >

Chairman’s Corner: A Crisis is a Terrible Thing to Waste

This current year certainly has been a very special year – one which I am confident no one anticipated. The global economy is trying to cope with a unique pandemic and educational institutions are at the heart of the challenge. Business school leaders have to deal with the complexities of a multi-faceted crisis – affecting the health of our communities, the core operations of learning and the finances of our institutions. With a possible vaccine in sight over the next six months, some are hopeful in seeing a small beam of light at the end of the tunnel. However, much uncertainty reigns as the second wave of the pandemic has recently triggered a series of second lockdowns in multiple countries.