Co-Hosted by

A vibrant hub of exchange, learning, collaboration and discussion.
The COVID-19 pandemic compelled us to acknowledge a global need for cooperation as existing inequalities present multiple challenges. In order to create a space to tackle these critical challenges, GBSN Beyond was born in 2020. As GBSN enters the 20th year since its founding, we continue to learn, grow, and evolve through partnership with our members. GBSN Beyond –– an evolution of The Annual GBSN Conference –– is in its third year and served as a premier international forum that convened over 2,500+ registrants online and over 150 participants in-person from over 35+ countries. With an innovative approach to what a conference can be, GBSN Beyond provided a variety of engaging learning experiences, knowledge exchanges, and opportunities to network and connect with colleagues from across the globe.
GBSN Beyond featured three parallel track experiences delivered virtually during the month of October, leading up to a 3-day conference. This year, the parallel track experiences were held virtually and the 3-day conference November 7-9, 2022, was presented in-person and accessible online. These track experiences were designed to engage Learners, Educators, and Leaders. The conference offered a program of keynotes, panel discussions, lightning talks, networking activities, and more.
University leaders, including Rectors, Deans, Directors and Administrators from developed, emerging and frontier markets.
Professionals from industry dedicated to addressing economic and social challenges effectively and efficiently.
Professionals from industry, aid organizations, and civil society dedicated to addressing economic and social challenges effectively and efficiently.
November 7-9, 2022 I Amsterdam & Rotterdam, The Netherlands
GBSN Beyond delivered a variety of engaging learning experiences, knowledge exchanges, and opportunities to network and connect with colleagues from academia and industry from across the globe though an innovative hybrid environment. Historically, GBSN’s Annual Conference has been hosted at member institutions around the world. Our pivot to a virtual conference in 2020 allowed us to be more inclusive and engage a wider and diverse audience. As travel restrictions begin to ease around the world, we assembled everything we learned from our past virtual conferences and in-person conferences to deliver GBSN Beyond Together In-Person & Online.
The in-person conference was hosted in the cities of Amsterdam and Rotterdam, co-hosted by the Rotterdam School of Management and LUISS Business School. Leading academic faculty, leaders and administrators, professionals from industry and civil society were invited to join us in-person in The Netherlands.
Explore our Sessions
Core Experiences
Members were invited for an exclusive meeting at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. This session included engaging ice breakers, group dialogue, and showcase presentations.
All aboard the Raderstoomboot De Majesteit! Great conversation, dinner and drinks were enjoyed at the GBSN Beyond Welcome Reception in Rotterdam.
The conference offered a variety of program sessions, including keynotes, panel discussions, lightning talks and breakout rooms. Sessions were held at the ARTIS Koningszaal in Amsterdam and Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub.
cocktail reception & Gala Dinner
Conference attendees gathered at the Het West-Indisch Huis in Amsterdam to celebrate a successful day of sessions and engaging conversation.
Colleagues convened for the final day of the GBSN Beyond at the LUISS Business School’s Amsterdam Hub with a delicious buffet breakfast and networking session.

Three Parallel Track Experiences

Thank you to our Sponsors!
Leadership Circle Sponsors

Impact Circle Sponsors

Community Circle Sponsors

Mission Circle Sponsors