2020 will be known as the year of realization. The COVID-19 pandemic compelled us to acknowledge a global need for communication and cooperation as existing inequalities present multiple challenges. In order to create a space to tackle these critical challenges, GBSN hosted the second virtual annual conference GBSN Beyond.
GBSN Beyond featured three parallel track experiences during the month of October, leading up to a 3-day virtual conference, November 15-17, 2021. These tracks engaged Learners, Educators, and Leaders. The virtual conference offered a program of keynotes, panel discussions, lightning talks, networking activities, and more, that generally focused on four themes: humanitarian logistics, climate change, healthcare, and human rights.
Explore highlight reels from GBSN Beyond’s overarching themes.
Humanitarian Logistics
Climate Change
Human Rights
3 Parallel Tracks

Educators Track
Featuring the Capsim Microsimulation Competition
Congratulations to Jagdish Sheth School of Management for their winning microsimulation MakhanChor Milk!

Learners Track
Featuring the HUMLOG Challenge Student Competition
Congratulations to Team Colorado State University and their winning solution addressing natural disasters in Mozambique!

Leaders Track
Featuring the GBSN-EFMD Going BEYOND Awards
Congratulations to the winning award nomination, Lagos Business School Sustainability Centre at Pan-Atlantic University!