Event Details
The world is facing fundamental and interrelated systemic challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic as well as environmental and social crises and issues. Those issues cannot be solved by business as usual. Fortunately, there is a framework that can help navigate efforts to deal with them: the UNâs 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Right now, the SDGs are the best agenda available to share ambitions and measure progress towards the achievement of a large number of common goals.
The private sectorâs active involvement is vital in this ambition. But progress is too slow â not because of a lack of intentions, but because of the serious gap in developing advanced strategies in realising the SDGs. Itâs difficult to integrate SDGs in core business. So, can corporate leaders step up to the challenge and drive systems change?
We think it is possible – and your contribution is important. Join our free, online conference in which we will exchange experiences, showcase tools and concepts, and learn from leading thinkers and experts.
- Prof. Jeffrey Sachs (Columbia University)
- Peter Bakker (President & CEO of the WBCSD)
- Robert Metzke (Global Head of Sustainability of Philips)
- Prof. Mette Morsing (Head of PRME of UN Global Compact)
- Esko Aho (Former Prime Minister of Finland)
- Paul Polman (Co-Founder of IMAGINE)
- Kailash Satyarthi (Nobel Peace Laureate 2014)
- Prof. Rob van Tulder (Rotterdam School of Management & Academic Director of the Partnerships Resource Centre)
- and more!
Click here to see the full programme, including all speakers and an introduction to each session.
The email address and password you create at registration will also be needed to log in on the day of the conference. You will receive a confirmation email shortly after registration (please note that the email might be in your spam folder). Although you register for the entire event, you can then decide for yourself which day and / or session you want to attend! This means that you can attend just one day; registration for the full 3 days does not mean that you must attend all 3 days.
Although participation is free, we kindly ask you to attend the event once you have registered. Failure to show up is at the expense of someone elseâs participation, as the number of tickets is limited. For questions you can send an email to ScienceWorks via assistant conference manager Karlijn van Marrewijk at k.vanmarrewijk@scienceworks.nl.
This conference is part of the project Managing the transition to sustainable business models: the role of leadership and measuring shared value creation (with project number 438-14-901 of the research programme Sustainable Business Models) which is (partly) financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).