Happy Birthday Lagos Business School: Management Education in 21st Century Africa

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Lagos Business School! The first time you and I met you were a vivacious thirteen year old living on Victoria Island, and what a lovely young adult you have become, and on such a beautiful campus. I also love your oldest child, the Enterprise Development Center, and admire your dad, the Pan-Atlantic University,… Read more >

GBSN Impact Community Chairs

What are Chairs? The role of Lead Chairs within GBSN Impact Communities are to collectively work together with community members. By taking initiative, effective Lead Chairs are innovative and have the ability to inspire collective action within their community. Lead Chairs help mobilize and guide the community by facilitating the relationship between problem solving and… Read more >

2022 Top 6 Student Projects

Final Pitch Presentations The 2022 Top 6 Teams will present business concepts that stood out from competitive and diverse submissions. Breaking out from an initial 293 students in 78 teams from 46 schools in 17 countries across Africa, we are proud to share the Final Pitch Presentations from our Top 6Teams. Each team prepared a… Read more >


GBSN Student Competitions are designed to develop valuable knowledge and skills that are relevant to international development and emerging economies. Student Competitions are just one of a set of student centered learning experiences that include, company projects, simulations, and Global Treks, which are signature GBSN travel programs.

Education is Critical in Innovation

On November 7 Ð 9, 2018, the Global Business School Network held its 13th Annual Conference on “Transforming Traditional Sectors: Educating Entrepreneurial Leaders to Drive Systemic Change” co-hosted by Strathmore Business School and the Chandaria School of Business, USIU. The conference, held in Nairobi, Kenya, focused on how innovative, interdisciplinary and collaborative ways of educating… Read more >

5 Tips on How to Thrive in a Virtual Classroom

What does it take to thrive in a virtual classroom? At the William Davidson Institute, we’ve had plenty of opportunity to explore this question in the past couple of years, as our Global Virtual Learning Center has been busily running online management programs. Even pre-Covid, we were running many virtual programs — the pandemic put that into high gear. Here are some things that will help students in online programs, based on our experiences.

Hybrid by Default: The Future of Education has Changed

The Covid crisis has forced colleges and universities to move to fully online instruction over the last months. Some may yet continue in a fully online mode for parts of the next academic year. However, looking ahead beyond the pandemic, it is very likely that education will not revert back to the “way it was before the pandemic”. Education will evolve to become hybrid in nature integrating the best what in-person instruction can offer and the unique aspects of what online education can provide. Some of these changes, such as flipped classrooms were already starting to appear before the Covid pandemic but these trends will accelerate now. While a small minority of faculty were doing flipped classes before, the vast majority of faculty will integrate such approaches and shift to a different mode of learning and class discussion.

Business Education and the Inevitable Change

Just like in business, in business education the winds of change are always blowing. Unlike business, however, these winds usually seem to pass without significantly impacting the industry. In recent years, however, the pressures have been mounting. And the Covid-19 pandemic has spread the view that profound change is inevitable.

Dean’s Networking Session

On November 4th, Dan LeClair, CEO of the Global Business School Network (GBSN), Soumitra Dutta, GBSN Chairman and former Founding Dean of the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business, and Sangeet Chowfla, President and CEO of the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), a sponsor of GBSN Beyond, hosted a deans’ networking session to discuss the global impact of both the COVID-19 pandemic and the potential of a new US presidential administration.