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Wharton Center Unveils Best Countries, the Most Comprehensive Evaluation Report on Nations

The SEI Center for Advanced Studies in Management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania is the first “think tank” on the future of management education. With research projects on subjects including creativity, the 21st century enterprise, and marketing and business strategy, the center is unveiling a new project in collaboration with U.S. News & World Report and WPP’s BAV Consulting.

In analyzing multiple facets, including economic strength, leadership, business and political practices and more, Best Countries, a multimedia web portal, will feature rankings that capture how countries are perceived. In other words, their brand. The new portal will be the most comprehensive global evaluation of nations that allows countries to see what they should improve on or what strengths they should play.

Journalists from around the world and leading experts in business and academia are working together on this project to communicate and humanize the report’s data.

Click here to read the original article and watch the video.

Samara Tu is a Communications and Event Planning Intern at Global Business School Network.