GBSN member schools are invited to participate in a worldwide Cross-Cultural Wireless Business Growth Challenge organized by the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business. The competition will begin in late January 2018 and take place over the course of two months.
What Teams Will Do
University teams from around the world will compete via an on-line platform in a two month cross-cultural business simulation. The simulation will increase their global mindset and test a wide array of the students’ business skills. The on-line simulation is focused on financial decision-making and forecasting in cross-cultural environment.
Team Requirements
Each team will consist of 4-5 students from your university. Each university must be a GBSN member school and may register one team. Students must be MBA students at the time of the competition. A faculty advisor from each university must advise their students. By taking on this role, the faculty advisors will develop skills and knowledge related to on-line simulations. All teams participating will receive a certificate of completion after the competition. A prize will be awarded to the winning team.
The Robert H. Smith School of Business will offer an orientation to the simulation and a professional development workshop on the use of simulations in business education for those schools that will participate in the simulation, at the GBSN members meeting on November 1, 2017. The GBSN members meeting will take place during the GBSN 2017 Annual Conference, Intersections of Business Education and Economic Development, in Washington D.C.
Registration for the 2018 Cross-Cultural Wireless Business Growth Challenge is open until August 10, 2017.
For more detailed information on the competition and information on how to register please click here. For any questions regarding the simulation please contact
GBSN works with our member schools to offer opportunities for international exchange, support and development within the network. These member-led initiatives enrich faculty, students and campuses with cross-border connections and help to spread best practice throughout the network. Click here to view current member-led initiatives.
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