GBSN Member Schools

Interdisciplinary Teams Developing Solutions for a More Sustainable City – Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick

Developing more sustainable cities require interdisciplinary solutions. It is this mindset that has framed the Heath Futures Lab, a five-week long interdisciplinary unit focused on ‘Innovations in Health and Well-Being for Limerick City’. The lab utilises design principles to organise the interaction between 14 recent graduates across a range of disciplines including Economics, Marketing, Architecture,… Read more >

ESSEC Business School and Keio University, Faculty of Business and Commerce in Japan Sign a Double Degree Agreement

GBSN member school, ESSEC Business School, signed a Double Degree agreement with Keio University, Faculty of Business and Commerce at the French Embassy in Tokyo on April 12th. ESSEC Business School was represented by Prof. Christian Koenig, Director of International Affairs and Keio University, Faculty of Business and Commerce was represented by Dean Kengo Sakakibara…. Read more >

ESCA Ecole de Management Recognized by the Moroccan State

Casablanca, Morocco — The Kingdom of Morocco has recently reached an important reform in higher education by conferring the State recognition to very few private institutions in highly regulated domains (Architecture, Health & Medicine, Engineering and Management). This institution’s level qualification was launched in 2015 in order to acknowledge the academic excellence and intellectual contribution… Read more >

Member Spotlight: HEC Paris Launches Cutting Edge Online Master’s in Innovation & Entrepreneurship on Coursera

In collaboration with Coursera, GBSN member school, HEC Paris has launched its first entirely online international degree program, the online Master’s in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (OMIE). The online program is designed for both present and future business leaders who wish to set up new ventures or inspire innovation within their organizations. HEC Paris partnered with… Read more >