Essay Submission Portal

Please follow the below instructions to properly submit your final essay and creative piece.

Essays should be submitted in PDF file format. Essay files MUST be titled according to this format: TEAMNAME_ESSAY

Creative piece submissions should be submitted as an image or graphic according to this format:

  • Images or graphics: .PNG (1900×1080 px)

Creative files MUST be titled according to this format: TEAMNAME_CREATIVE

Once you have prepared your submission files, you can submit one of the following methods:

  1. Upload your files directly to the submission portal seen below
  2. Submit your files via email
    1. The email subject line should follow this format: TEAMNAME_SUBMISSION
    2. Add both file documents as attachments to the email and send it to this address:


For any questions or technical difficulties, please email Julie LaBelle at or Maddie Handler at