5 Ways B-Schools Can Accelerate SDG Progress in the Context of Covid-19

Itā€™s not as if the world was on track to achieve the by 2030. Of the 38 targets assessed in, the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development declared we hadnā€™t made sufficient progress on 37 of them. Now, the Covid-19 pandemic is having a devastating impact across all 17 Goals and threatens to turn back progress by years in several areas, such as poverty, hunger, education, and justice.

Meanwhile, in business schools, scholars have been engaged in an epic struggle to replace the dominant intellectual foundations of business with new ones that better reflect the needs of society and the changing rules of business. While there has been steady progress, anyone familiar with higher education knows that paradigm shifts can be painfully slow. Itā€™s not just about what we should start teaching, it is especially challenging to identify and remove the content we should stop teaching.

Time to go Back to the Basics of African Nutrition to Solve the Continentā€™s Food Insecurity Problemļæ¼

Lumumba was speaking at a webinar commemorating Africa Day on Thursday, 26 May hosted by the Centre on African Philanthropy and Social Investment (CAPSI) at Wits Business School, in partnership with the Mandela Institute for Development Studies (MINDS), the Southern Africa Youth Forum, (SAYoF), the Philanthropy Circuit, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Harvard… Read more >

2024 ABCC Top 5 Student Projects

This year’s Top 5 ABCC projects reflect a passion to improve communities’ economies, sustainability, and well-being through creative and viable business concepts. The following teams will move on to the final stage of the competition to present their business concepts LIVE to our international panel of judges on April 17th and 18th, competing for a… Read more >


Engage in collaborative leadership opportunities, help your school or organization make a positive impact in the developing world, strengthen your international network, and develop new skills. GBSN offers a wide range of opportunities for leaders in business schools and other organizations that focus on learning and development.

Cross-Border Collabs

Facilitated by topic experts, these session will provide a place for our members be active participants in our mission of improving management and entrepreneurship education for the developing world. Topics will be guided by feedback from our network and will range from current topics of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic to automation and emerging economies. We encourage our GBSN members to suggest topics for upcoming Collabs below!

Carl Manlan

Prior to Visa, Carl served as the Chief Operating Officer at Ecobank Foundation where he led the bankā€™s social impact work in 33 markets in Africa. Before Ecobank Foundation, Carl held various leadership roles at the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD), Economic Commission for Africa, The Global Fund and UNDP. Carl holds an undergraduate degree… Read more >

Announcing Winning Teams for GBSN Inaugural Africa Business Challenge

This past March 12 – May 14, GBSN hosted its first regionally focused virtual student competition, the GBSN Africa Business Challenge, supported by Peaqs, em lyon business school and Localized. Over the course of 6 weeks, student teams across the African continent worked hard to develop and illustrate a business concept that addressed a locally-relevant challenge or problem related to sustainable development and Agenda 2063. Over 80+ teams from 15 countries registered to compete for a chance to win the $5,000 cash prize, sponsored by AACSB International and Stanford Seed.

Africaā€™s Talent Challenges in a Changing World

This week, GBSN and Ecobank Academy launched the Talent for Africa Virtual Forum — the first of many partnership projects.  The first session, entitled, ā€œAfricaā€™s Talent Challenges in a Changing Worldā€ launched the series by covering thought-provoking topics such as talent challenges, the growth of the informal economy, and what type of education is truly… Read more >

American University in Cairo (AUC) Top African University That Produces Startup Founders, New Research

According to recently published research compiled by Antler, a Singapore-based venture capital (VC) firm, out of all African universities the American University in Cairo produced the highest proportion of individuals who went on to found highly successfully startups. More specifically, the report referred to growth-stage startups (ones that raised more than $10 million), soonicorns (raised… Read more >