Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who is eligible to register for the Africa Business Concept Challenge?

The competition is open to undergraduate and graduate students competing as a team. At least two members from each team must be currently enrolled at an African institution. The Faculty Mentor must also be from one of represented African institutions.

  1. Do students have to register in teams?

Yes. Teams of two to five students may enter the competition. Each team must designate one team leader who will be the main account holder, contact and liaison. All team members and their information must be included in the submission form. We strongly encourage interdisciplinary teams.

3. When is the registration period?

The deadline to apply is for the 2024 ABCC is Tuesday, March 5th.

4. How much does it cost to register?

Participation is free of charge. Any local expenses, if any, are the responsibility of the school. Internet access is a requirement, as all challenge submissions will take place online. Teams participating in the Finals round will need to deliver a live pitch via video conference to a panel of judges.

5. When does the competition take place?

The Africa Business Concept Challenge takes place over a six week period beginning March 12 – April 9, 2024. The Top 5 Teams will give their live pitch presentations on April 17-18. The winning teams will be announced on April 24, 2024.

6. What do I need to have prepared to register?

Teams are required to have a general idea of a business concept ready to complete the Student Team application form.

The Student Handbook contains additional information about required components at each phase.

7. How should the registration be formatted.

Each student team looking to participate must apply with all of the following information:

  • Team Name
  • Project/Concept Name
  • Geographical Location for Concept
  • Name and Email for all team members and one Faculty Mentor
  • Academic Level, and Field of Study for all student participants
  • Project Executive Summary/General Topic (500 word maximum)

The length is limited to encourage clear and direct communication of the challenge, solution, model and impact.

Any further questions or concerns can be directed to

9. What is the prize?

The first place team will win a cash prize of $5,000 USD to be used for educational / training purposes. Prize money will be sent directly to the student team’s host institution to disseminate to the students. If the funds are issued to the sponsoring university, it is up to the university/college/faculty mentor to manage disbursement of the funds to the team. Student teams are encouraged to consult with their university regarding their university’s disbursement policy. At least one team member must be present (logged-in) at the award ceremony event to win. Teams who complete all three phases and do submit a pitch video, but do not qualify in the Top 5 teams, will receive a digital badge recognizing their completion. This badge does not expire and can be used on all professional profiles.