
Global Impact Summit 2022

Dates: 10th – 14th April, 2022

Location: Woxsen University, Hyderabad, India

Over the course of five transformational days, academicians/researchers/higher education leaders from all corners of the world will come together on one forum as a first-of-its-kind initiative in India to identify, catalyze and solve for convergence and impact, and establish the pertinent actions we can all take, right now to create sustainable change and transformation. Our vision is ambitious, which is nothing less than to reshape the entire way we think about holistic development and growth.

The Global Impact Summit 2022 will be the first major event ever by an educational institution in India produced to witness some of the world’s best institutions taking part with the aim of evolving together in the global community. The summit shall also feature leading Indian entrepreneurs, government officials, public figures, adding immense value to the discussions.


Woxsen University- International Partners (Higher Education Academicians and Researchers/ Senior Representatives (Deans/Directors/International Office Heads/Academic Heads), Corporate Tycoons, and Government officials).


The Summit shall be the right mix of roundtable discussions, keynotes, exhibitions, debates, research symposium, cultural show, city tour, and much more. For more details, please refer to the Flyer. 

Points to Note

  • Return Flights (To/From India) shall be borne by the attendees. However, Pick and Drop facilities (From/To Airport) will be taken care of by Woxsen University.
  • Food and Accommodation shall be covered by Woxsen University (Within the time-frame of the GIS). The on-campus accommodation can be provided for 2 members only. Should you decide on traveling along with your family/staff members, Woxsen will make other arrangements for stay on case-to-case basis, with at least 2 months of prior intimation.
  • They hope to want to make GIS an in-person event, However if the Covid situation continues, they may opt for a hybrid mode or online, depending on the situation in April 2022.

Questions/concerns can be directed to Chahat Mishra at chahat.mishra@woxsen.edu.in.

Digital Transformation: Opportunities and The Employment Landscape

Event Overview

Digital Transformation enhances an organization’s operations to deliver greater value to its customers and stakeholders and it also improves the customer experience and the relationship they have with the organization’s brand. This is achieved by the integration of innovative technologies into every aspect of the business.

With Digital Transformation also comes a cultural change that requires organizations to innovate, challenge the status quo, experiment, and continually assess and monitor for improvements 🚀

What does that mean for students, recent graduates, and early career professionals? What opportunities does Digital Transformation bring and how can they enter the field? Join this Expert Session with Rami Kichli, Vice President, Gulf & Levant at Software AG to learn:

  • ✅ Digital Transformation applications, trends, impact, and opportunities
  • ✅ The employment landscape around Digital Transformation
  • ✅ How to start a career in the field and how to switch from different industries
  • ✅ Essential skills and what recruiters look for in fresh talents

About Rami Kichli:

Rami Kichli is the Vice-President for Software AG in the Gulf and Levant. He brings to Software AG a strong track record of building businesses with his strategic vision while also integrating sales and marketing to achieve revenue growth. He oversees business operations, talent and ventures and steers the profitability requirements of the business as determined by the strategic plans.

Rami also navigates the branding and marketing function for the region in tandem with its global positioning. He works closely in line with each country’s national vision across the region by developing strong alliances while also tapping into newer market segments. Prior to joining the company, he worked at leading technology firms such as SAP, Cisco and several other multinationals in the region.

Date & Time

Monday , January 24th, 2022

  • 10:00am Washington D.C.
  • 3:00pm London
  • 4:00pm Geneva
  • 5:00pm Cape Town
  • 8:30 pm Mumbai
  • 11:00pm Singapore


Login or Create a Localized Account. Click “Register” to secure your slot. When the webinar launches, that same button will say “Join with Zoom.” Click to join the event.

U.S.-India Higher Education Collaboration and Internationalization

Miami University is excited to partner with the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi to contribute to the development of internationalization leaders at Indian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and the creation of university partnerships and collaborations between India and the United States. We are seeking participants from Indian HEIs for a professional development training program in 2022. A cohort of 10 participants and 2 alternates will be selected to participate in the training course, which will require ~10 hours per month commitment from February through November 2022 (combination of synchronous virtual interactions and independent work).

Participants in the program will:

  • Become familiar with the existing scholarly literature and currently accepted best practices for internationalization and collaboration in U.S. institutions by working through an online course and engaging virtually with U.S. Senior International Officers (SIOs) and administrators in the United States
  • Participate in a virtual Association of International Education Administrator’s event in Spring 2022
  • Attend the annual NAFSA: Association of International Educators Annual Conference May 31 to June 3, 2022 in Denver, Colorado
  • Develop campus internationalization strategic plans for their own institutions
  • Help develop a model of campus internationalization specifically for the Indian context

Interested higher education leaders in India are asked to complete this interest survey by January 15, 2022.

Learn more at https://www.miamioh.edu/global-initiatives/about/initiatives/us-india-collaboration/index.html

Map the System 2022 – Launch Event

#MaptheSystem is back! Save the date and join us for the launch of MTS 2022 with a very special Keynote speech from Professor Yunus.

About the Event

Welcome to Map the System 2022! This workshop will welcome all of our partners and participants to this year’s competition.

Save the date and join us for the launch of ´Map the System 2022 with a very special Keynote Speech from Nobel laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus on 25th January 2022 at 2pm GMT (check your local time here).

Map the System is organised by the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. This workshop has been designed with and will be delivered by our partners at The Grameen Creative Lab.

Join us as we cover the below areas in the workshop.

  • Keynote Speech from Professor Yunus and time for Q&A.
  • What is systems thinking? Why do we need it?
  • Who applies systems thinking? Examples from organisations who use systems thinking.
  • How to apply systems thinking? Problem definition and an overview of systems mapping techniques and tools.
  • Key learnings of the workshop and next steps for the Map the System competition.

Student Registration for Map the System is open until 31st January 2022.

Date & Time

Tuesday, 25 January 2022
9:00am – 10:30am EST


Please note:
– Attendance is free but you must register in advance via Eventbrite.
– The link to access the online event will be emailed to you approximately 24 hours before the event, and a reminder on the day of the event.
– The session will be recorded.

For more information, please email mapthesystem@sbs.ox.ac.uk or visit our website at www.mapthesystem.sbs.ox.ac.uk

About Map the System

Map the System is a global competition of the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship in partnership with educational institutions across the world.

Map the System asks participants to use ‘systems thinking’ as a guiding approach to understanding complex social and environmental challenges. Participants are evaluated based not on a ‘solution’ to a problem, but rather on the depth of understanding of the problem, including an analysis of existing solution efforts, impact gaps and opportunities for positive change. Participants create systems maps as a means to articulate their findings in a way that people can meaningfully understand, share, and learn from – key skill sets for those interested in creating systemic social or environmental change.

July Cross-Border Collab


Thursday, 7 July, 2022

8:00am EDT


Hosted on Zoom.


Emma Martens, emartens@gbsn.org

GBSN Members are Invited to July’s Collab: Workforce Development in the Humanitarian Sector

The July Collab will feature a discussion with Pam Steele, the Supply Chain Transformation Director for PSA. PSA is a management consultancy specializing in supply chain transformation and workforce capacity development in the health sector in low- and middle-income countries.  

Pam has first-hand experience in how the humanitarian sector is challenged by limited access to skilled labor despite high levels of unemployment, primarily due to:

  • Rapid change within the humanitarian sector, its key players, and operations
  • Needs for updating professional skills, fueled by technological change
  • Insufficient access to educational opportunities to prepare individuals for humanitarian sector roles

Join the July Collab to explore the role of business schools in developing the humanitarian workforce of the future.

We will explore questions like:

  • How can business schools be proactive in combating this workforce discrepancy and improving workforce sustainability?
  • Why is attention to gender and inclusion in leadership so crucial to workforce development in the humanitarian sector, and how can we do so?
  • What is the importance of teaching students to identify actual beneficiaries and their needs?
  • What roles do business schools play in preparing students to create proactive humanitarian solutions?

Special Guest

  • Pamela Steele

    Supply Chain Transformation Director
    Pamela Steele Associates
    United Kingdom


Thursday, 7 July, 2022

  • 8:00am Washington D.C.
  • 2:00pm Paris
  • 1:00pm Lagos
  • 5:30pm Mumbai
  • 8:00pm Singapore


Cross-Border Collabs are not open to the public and are only open to GBSN Members. 

What are Cross-Border Collabs?

Cross-Border Collabs are exclusive gatherings for GBSN members, focused on engaging our community to tackle some of the greatest challenges of our time. Facilitated by topic experts, these session will provide a place for our members be active participants in our mission of improving management and entrepreneurship education for the developing world. Collabs are held monthly on every first Thursday of the month. Collabs are an exclusive opportunity for member school ambassadors, deans and leading faculty members.

June Cross-Border Collab: EdTech and the Future of HigherEd with Daphne Koller


Thursday, 2 June

11:00am EDT


Hosted on Zoom.


Emma Martens, emartens@gbsn.org

GBSN Members are Invited to June’s Collab: EdTech and the Future of HigherEd with Daphne Koller

From the role of technology to the question of what we ought to know in order to meet the global challenges ahead, discussions will explore the role if education in shaping a more inclusive and sustainable society.

Our June Member Collab will feature an intimate conversation with Daphne Koller, Professor of CS & Pathology at Stanford University, Founder and CEO of insitro, Co-founder of Coursera, and Co-Founder of Engageli. GBSN member ambassadors and leading faculty from across the globe are invited to join this Collab’s discussion around the role of technology in shaping the future of learning and teaching.

With the onset of the global pandemic, academic institutions around the world embraced flexibility, offering hybrid learning environments with both virtual and physical classrooms. The pandemic seems to have spurred a series of innovations and notable trends across the education sector. These changes might give the impression that academia is experiencing some much-needed reform. Yet, these trends don’t necessarily tackle the real challenges facing higher education like — certifying knowledge instead of cultivating the learning experience; being inaccessible to the socio-economically disadvantaged, and focusing on easily-obsolete knowledge and disregarding context. Is business education playing its role in society, and in addressing challenges to access and quality?

We will explore questions like:

  • Which higher education trends and innovations will stick?
  • What will business education look like in the next five years?
  • What are the advantages and downsides of our new, digital world and learning at a distance?
  • With so many lacking the resources or time to access such education, will technology truly deliver equality of opportunity?

Daphne Koller is a trailblazer, using the power of computing and data to transform two massive sectors, education and health. She is the Founder and CEO of insitro, which is using machine learning techniques to revolutionize the drug discovery and development process. She is also the cofounder, former co-CEO, and board member of Coursera which now reaches almost 40 million learners around the world. She has been recognized as one of Time’s Magazine 100 Most Influential People, and is the recipient of many notable awards including the MacArthur Foundation Fellowship. Join us for this closed member convening to hear Daphne’s thoughts on innovation, AI and impact.

Special Guest


Thursday, 2 June, 2022

  • 11:00am Washington D.C.
  • 5:00pm Paris
  • 4:00pm Lagos
  • 8:30pm Mumbai
  • 11:00pm Singapore


Cross-Border Collabs are not open to the public and are only open to GBSN Members. Member ambassadors and leading faculty must register to secure a seat at the table,

What are Cross-Border Collabs?

Cross-Border Collabs are exclusive gatherings for GBSN members, focused on engaging our community to tackle some of the greatest challenges of our time. Facilitated by topic experts, these session will provide a place for our members be active participants in our mission of improving management and entrepreneurship education for the developing world. Collabs are held monthly on every first Thursday of the month. Collabs are an exclusive opportunity for member school ambassadors, deans and leading faculty members. Click here for more information on Cross-Border Collabs

May Cross-Border Collab with Judy Samuelson, Aspen Institute


Thursday, 5 May, 2022

8:00am EDT


Hosted on Zoom.


Emma Martens, emartens@gbsn.org

Aligning Business with the Long-Term Health of Society

Our May Member Collab will feature Judy Samuelson, Founder and Executive Director of the Aspen Institute Business and Society Program. GBSN members are invited to join this Collab’s discussion around corporate purpose and long-term value creation. Discussions will explore Samuelson’s work in business education at Aspen and previously with the Ford Foundation.

We will discuss Judy’s book, Six New Rules of Business: Creating Real Value in a Changing World, where she describes the profound shifts in attitudes and mindsets that are redefining our notions of what constitutes business success.

Book Overview

Dynamic forces are conspiring to clarify the new rules of real value creation—and to put the old rules to rest. Internet-powered transparency, more powerful worker voice, the decline in importance of capital, and the complexity of global supply chains in the face of planetary limits all define the new landscape. As executive director of the Aspen Institute Business and Society Program, Judy Samuelson has a unique vantage point from which to engage business decision makers and identify the forces that are moving the needle in both boardrooms and business classrooms.

Samuelson lays out how hard-to-measure intangibles like reputation, trust, and loyalty are imposing new ways to assess risk and opportunity in investment and asset management. She argues that “maximizing shareholder value” has never been the sole objective of effective businesses while observing that shareholder theory and the practices that keep it in place continue to lose power in both business and the public square. In our globalized era, she demonstrates how expectations of corporations are set far beyond the company gates—and why employees are both the best allies of the business and the new accountability mechanism, more so than consumers or investors.

Samuelson’s new rules offer a powerful guide to how businesses are changing today—and what is needed to succeed in tomorrow’s economic and social landscape.

Special Guest

  • Judy Samuelson

    Vice President, Founder & Executive Director, Business and Society Program
    The Aspen Institute


Thursday, 5 May, 2022

  • 8:00am Washington D.C.
  • 2:00pm Paris
  • 1:00pm Lagos
  • 5:30pm Mumbai
  • 8:00pm Singapore


Cross-Border Collabs are not open to the public and are only open to GBSN Members. 

What are Cross-Border Collabs?

Cross-Border Collabs are exclusive gatherings for GBSN members, focused on engaging our community to tackle some of the greatest challenges of our time. Facilitated by topic experts, these session will provide a place for our members be active participants in our mission of improving management and entrepreneurship education for the developing world. Collabs are held monthly on every first Thursday of the month. Collabs are an exclusive opportunity for member school ambassadors, deans and leading faculty members. For more information on upcoming and previous Collabs, visit gbsn.org/collabs

April Cross-Border Collab


Thursday, 7 April, 2022

8:00am EDT


Hosted on Zoom.


Emma Martens, emartens@gbsn.org

GBSN Members are Invited to April’s Cross Border Collab

Join us Thursday, April 7th for GBSN’s April Cross-Border Collab. This month’s unique conversation will be an opportunity to learn about  new opportunities for your students, faculty, and administrators to engage with the network. GBSN’s CEO Dan LeClair will be announcing the start of several new programs with our corporate partners and will be available to take any questions you may have about membership.  

The strength of the network comes from diversity and size, but also the connectivity achieved between members. This Collab will also include some time for participants to connect with old and meet new member colleagues.


Thursday, 7 April, 2022

  • 8:00am Washington D.C.
  • 2:00pm Paris
  • 1:00pm Lagos
  • 5:30pm Mumbai
  • 8:00pm Singapore


Cross-Border Collabs are not open to the public and are only open to GBSN Members. 

What are Cross-Border Collabs?

Cross-Border Collabs are exclusive gatherings for GBSN members, focused on engaging our community to tackle some of the greatest challenges of our time. Facilitated by topic experts, these session will provide a place for our members be active participants in our mission of improving management and entrepreneurship education for the developing world. Collabs are held monthly on every first Thursday of the month. Collabs are an exclusive opportunity for member school ambassadors, deans and leading faculty members.

Capability Development for Sustainable Finance & ESG Investments Roundtable


Thursday, 5 May, 2022

6:00 – 7:30am EDT


Hosted on Zoom.


Emma Martens, emartens@gbsn.org

Session Recording


Sustainable Finance & ESG Investment are amongst the most potent tools to help address some of the fundamental challenges that modern society is facing.

We are pleased to share the launch of the GBSN for Sustainable Finance & ESG Investment IMPACT Community to serve as a forum for taking Sustainable Finance to the next level. The goals of this new Impact Community are to improve the perception and the management of risks and opportunities associated with ESG factors, contribute to unlocking sustainable financial flows and positively impact the societies in the developing world, and making local businesses more perennial and sustainable. With the GBSN mission in mind, this Impact Community aims to increase awareness and support from a North to South perspective and to increase cooperation from a South to South perspective.

As a way to launch this new IMPACT Community, we invited academic faculty and administrators from institutions across the world, and practitioners from organizations which have domain expertise to join us for this inaugural roundtable discussion on May 5th, 2022. Developing the capability in local society and business comes as a result of developing the capacity of business schools to provide the kind of education that will enable students to have an impact on their communities. This could be through executive education or undergraduate education, or if research has an impact on the teaching. The Roundtable discussion covered the following questions:

  • How can we develop Sustainable Finance & ESG Investments capability through sharing resources, exchanging information, and facilitating collective action? 
  • What are the capacity and capability barriers and knowledge gaps preventing the development of Sustainable Finance and ESG Investment? 
  • How could business schools contribute to a better evaluation and management of local implications of the SFI/ESG agenda?
  • How can business schools better articulate and integrate students and professionals; companies, governments and society; local and global interests; to provide capacity, capability and knowledge in SFI/ESG with ultimate positive impact in the real world?


  • Edith Aldewereld

    Sustainable Finance Advisor
    ACATIS Fair Value Investment AG
  • Giles Cuthbert

    Managing Director
    Chartered Banker Institute
    United Kingdom
  • Clemente del Valle

    Director, Center for Sustainable Finance
    Universidad de Los Andes
  • Lyn Javier

    Assistant Governor of the Policy and Specialized Supervision Sub-Sector
    Bangko Sentral Ng Pilipinas
  • Rui Zhu

    Professor of Marketing, Director of Social Innovation and Business for Good Center, Director of Common Prosperity and Social Innovation Center
    Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business


  • Felipe Calderon

    Head, Washington SyCip Graduate School of Business
    Asian Institute of Management (AIM)
  • Ivan Diaz-Rainey

    Associate Professor of Finance; Director of the Climate and Energy Finance Group (CEFGroup)
    Department of Accountancy and Finance, University of Otago
    New Zealand
  • Dan LeClair

    Dan LeClair, Ph.D

    Global Business School Network
  • Aditya Singh

    Athena School of Management
  • Viviane Torinelli

    Co-Founder Brazilian Alliance of Sustainable Finance and Investments (BRASFI)
    Guest Professor FDC for Sustainable Finance and Investment


Thursday, 5 May

  • Singapore: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
  • Beijing: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
  • Sao Paulo: 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM
  • Washington DC: 6:00 AM – 7:30 AM
  • Lagos: 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
  • Cape Town: 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
  • Dubai: 2:00 PM – 2:30 PM
  • Mumbai: 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM


5 minsIntroduction & Welcome
Dan LeClair, CEO, Global Business School Network, USA
Goals of the Impact Community 
Aditya Singh, Director, Athena School of Management, Chair, Sustainable Finance & ESG Investments Impact Community, India
Edith Aldewereld, Founder, Women in Sustainable Finance and Partner, Sonnenberg Wealth Management AG, Switzerland
Lyn Javier, Assistant Governor of the Policy and Specialized Supervision Sub-Sector Bangko Sentral Ng Philipinas, Phillipines
20 minsBreakout #1
What is happening in Sustainable Finance in your local systems?
10 minsReport Back & Discussion
Key Takeaways from groups.
How institutions can help businesses incorporate ESG and what have been the outcomes of the CKGSB project.

Rui Zhu, Professor of Marketing, Director of Social Innovation and Business for Good Center, Director of Common Prosperity and Social Innovation Center, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, China
Clemente del Valle, WEF; Director, Center for Sustainable Finance, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia
20 minsBreakout #2
What is your institution doing and what would you like to do?
What would you like to do as part of the Impact Community?
10 minsReport Back & Discussion
Key Takeaways from groups.
Giles Cuthbert, Managing Director at Chartered Banker Institute, United Kingdom
5 minsClosing and Call to Action
Aditya Singh, Director, Athena School of Management, India

About GBSN Impact Communities

GBSN Impact Communities bring together scholars and business practitioners to address management and entrepreneurship challenges relevant to emerging economies. This creates knowledge, experiences, and relationships. Interest in forming learning communities is growing, with new ones emerging in human rights, sustainable energy, healthcare, and community-engaged learning.

February Cross-Border Collab


Thursday, 3 February, 2022

8:00am EDT


Hosted on Zoom.


Emma Martens, emartens@gbsn.org

Prioritizing People, Planet, and Purpose in Business Education: A Conversation with Andrew Jack of the Financial Times 

There is little doubt that media rankings have an enormous influence on business education. They assess school performance and serve as a benchmark for students, employers, and school leaders. And they offer an entry point for reporting on trends and innovations in business education. Join the February Member Collab for an intimate conversation with FT Education Editor, Andrew Jack, about ESG in business education globally, especially as a catalyst for international development. We’ll talk about the role of FT rankings and its inaugural Responsible Business Education Awards, which is designed to “showcase strong examples of work by business schools seeking to focus on people and planet alongside profit.” 
Collabs are exclusive to GBSN member institutions. For this edition, members representatives are encouraged to invite their colleagues responsible for rankings and directors of MBA programs and other programs that are ranked internationally. Academic leaders and faculty from member schools can secure a spot by registering below.


  • Andrew Jack

    Global Education Editor
    Financial Times Editorial
    United Kingdom


Thursday, 3 February, 2022

  • 8:00am Washington D.C.
  • 2:00pm Paris
  • 2:00pm Lagos
  • 6:30pm Mumbai
  • 9:00pm Singapore


Cross-Border Collabs are not open to the public and are only open to GBSN Members. 

What are Cross-Border Collabs?

Cross-Border Collabs are exclusive gatherings for GBSN members, focused on engaging our community to tackle some of the greatest challenges of our time. Facilitated by topic experts, these session will provide a place for our members be active participants in our mission of improving management and entrepreneurship education for the developing world. Collabs are held monthly on every first Thursday of the month. Collabs are an exclusive opportunity for member school ambassadors, deans and leading faculty members.
