
Experiential Learning: A Vehicle to Promote Collaboration and Develop Problem Solving Skills

Learning by doing has become a powerful methodology in management education to develop in students’ competencies to adapt and make decisions in a changing context, as well as fostering innovation skills and responsible business practices.

Working towards becoming a third-generation university, Universidad de La Sabana has concentrated its efforts on working closely with companies, as well as government and private R&D, to help resolve managerial challenges and encourage the development of joint solutions. This is the case of MUUHACK, an open innovation and experiential learning exercise in which participants created solutions to contribute to the development of the value chain of the dairy sector in Colombia. This activity was organized in alliance with Asoleche, the national dairy industry association; and INNpulsa Colombia, the innovation and entrepreneurship Government Agency.


Thursday, April 8, 2021

  • 6:00am Phoenix
  • 9:00am Washington D.C.
  • 2:00pm London
  • 2:00pm Lagos
  • 3:00pm Cape Town
  • 6:30pm Mumbai



This webinar is free of charge. Click the button below to register.

SEED Awards 2021


The SEED Awards is an awards scheme designed to celebrate the most innovative and promising locally led enterprises in sustainable development. Each year, multiple award categories are offered, ranging from country- or region-specific topics. This year there are two (2) categories: SEED Low Carbon Awards and SEED Climate Adaptation Awards. SEED Award Winners and Runners-up are eligible for participation in our Accelerator and Catalyser programmes, respectively. Winners receive a matching grant up to 15,000 EUR and a 12-month support package.

The SEED Awards support established eco-inclusive enterprises that have proven market transactions (you have started selling your products/services). Applications should present a clear business case and feasible financial sustainability for its current/future revenue model. Applications that have potential to scale and can be replicated in order to maximise impact will be highly favoured.

This year there are two SEED Awards categories. Depending on your eco-inclusive enterprise and where it is operational, you may apply for only one of the categories:

  • SEED Low Carbon Awards: Ghana, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Thailand & Uganda
    • SEED Low Carbon Awards are open for eco-inclusive enterprises whose key activities, products and services contribute to a low carbon reality, climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation. The enterprises in the sectors of biodiversity, clean energy, green technologies, sustainable agriculture, waste management and resource efficiency as well as water, sanitation & health are all eligible in this Awards Scheme.
  • SEED Climate Adaptation Awards: Botswana, Malawi, Zambia
    • SEED Climate Adaptation Awards are open for eco-inclusive enterprises that prevent or minimise damages caused by global warming and fluctuating weather patterns. In other words, SEED Climate Change Adaptation Awards look for enterprises that provide solutions to respond to effects of climate change or prepare for future impacts. Examples include supporting efficient use of scarce water resources; developing drought-tolerant crops; food insecurity prevention; coastal management, natural disasters management and warning system etc.

When selecting SEED Award recipients, we look for enterprises that 1) demonstrate entrepreneurship and innovation; 2) deliver economic, social, and environmental benefits; 3) have the potential to scale-up and/or be replicated in other contexts; 4) are at early to growth stages; 5) have the intention and potential to become financially stable; 6) are in partnerships with different stakeholder groups; 7) are locally founded or locally led and 8) meet country and/or sector requirements.


The SEED Awards 2021 are open to eco-inclusive enterprises from Botswana, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Malawi, South Africa, Thailand, Uganda, and Zambia.

All eco-inclusive enterprises from eligible countries of each award category are welcome to apply.

Regardless of the entity’s legal status, eco inclusive enterprises refer to enterprises that contribute to sustainable development. They are market-driven entities that provide solutions to social and environmental problems.

They create impact in marginalised communities, and contribute to eliminating poverty through pioneer business models based on sustainability and the creation of responsible products, services and value chains. These enterprises are ideally located within communities and generate lasting social and economic opportunities. They employ and incorporate low-income or vulnerable populations, including women and unemployed youth, in their value chains as suppliers, distributors and consumers.

Application Process

Entries for the SEED Awards 2021 opened on 1st Feb 2021. Applications are accepted on the SEED Platform at New users will need to register for a new account to be able to access the application form. This provides secure access to all the information you will need to submit an application.

Registration is now open. We encourage you to register early to the platform to receive updated information about the SEED Awards.

Applications are only accepted on the SEED Platform. That said, we endeavour to support all applicants as much as possible. Please contact the SEED Awards team about your situation.

Applications must be completed in English. To support non-native English speakers, we also provide pdf versions of the application form in local languages on our platform, which applicants can download as a reference.


SEED Low Carbon Awards: Ghana, South Africa, Uganda, India, Indonesia, Thailand

  • 6 Winners receive 1 year SEED Accelerator support & 10,000 EUR matching grant each
  • 24 Runners-up receive 6 months SEED Catalyser support & 1,500 EUR grant each

SEED Climate Adaption Awards: Botswana, Malawi, Zambia

  • 3 Winners receive 1 year SEED Accelerator support & 15,000 EUR matching grant each
  • 15 Runners-up receive SEED Catalyser support & 1,500 EUR matching grant each

Winners and Runners-up will also receive Support Packages containing:

  • Business capacity building through SEED Catalyser or SEED Accelerator workshops
  • Expert advisory on business and financial planning
  • SEED Enterprise Toolkit for collaborating and hands-on design thinking methods for enterprise development
  • Global profiling at high-level Awards ceremony and SEED partner events
  • Networking opportunities through global SEED communication networks and via your own SEED enterprise profile

Registration Information

To register & apply visit

Key Deadlines and Dates

  • February 1st, 2021: Registration opens
  • March 22nd, 2021: Registration closes
  • June 2021: SEED Awards winners and runners-up announcement

Contact Information



2021 International Challenge for Integrated Simulation and Decision Making in Economics

Competition Overview

The International Challenge for Data Analysis and Decision Making in Economics is an international economic event for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Teams need to pass the preliminary round before they can enter the final to compete for the top prize and have a chance to win a $10,000 cash prize.

The competition uses the Integrated Simulation Training Platform for Economics V2.2, the first part of which is Microeconomic Rational Decision Making. The business operations in this part, the vendor competition modules in the software, include cash management module, raw material and factor supply, market demand bidding, production/delivery/technology renovation, government supervision, etc. In this part the software automatically scores each group by comparing their final equity. Part two is macroeconomic regulation and forecasting. In this part each team runs for government every year, enacts macroeconomic policies, and regulates the economy to achieve desired goals. And the other non-elected groups can forecast economic indicators. The software will automatically score groups based on their achievement of macro goals or forecast accuracy.

Entry Requirements

There is no restriction on the amount of teams per university. No requirement for major, but the contestants should be postgraduate, undergraduate with relevant knowledge (each team should have at most one postgraduate). What is more, each team of 2-3 students must have 1-3 instructors, and 1 teacher can also instruct more than one team, but each student can only participate in one team.

Participating in the preliminaries need to reach 240 points through practice.

Registration Process

1. Enter the official website of the competition to register and submit your registration information online at:
2. By June 7, 2021(China time), the tournament organizers will announce the successfully registered teams on the official website.
3. Costs: There are no registration or entry fees, but if you need certificates and medals, you will pay for them.

Training Schedule

Training will take place from April to May 2021 on Online Zoom and will feature learning videos (contains a series of competition tips videos) and quick entry strategy.

Registration Information

To register, visit

Key Deadlines and Dates

  • May 31st, 2021: Registration deadline (24:00 China time)
  • April – May 2021: Online training
  • June 2021: Preliminary contest time
  • June 7th, 2021: Announce successfully registered teams
  • September – October 2021: Final competition date
  • October 2021: Award ceremony (in-person COVID permitting)

Unleashing the True Potential of Entrepreneurship

Africa Business Challenge Kick-Off Event


April 12, 2021
9:00 am–10:30 pm (EDT)


This event will be hosted on Zoom.


Emma Martens,

GBSN, sponsored by AACSB International and Stanford Seed and supported by Peaqs and Emlyon, is pleased to present a virtual business concept competition for African undergraduate and graduate students. The competition will challenge student teams to design a viable business concept that addresses a locally-relevant challenge or problem related to sustainable development and Agenda 2063. The focus is to promote and support responsible capitalism for emerging markets and to identify high potential young people for mentorship and investment. 

Over 80 student teams from 34 institutions in 15 countries across Africa have signed up to participate. Join us as we celebrate the power of entrepreneurship in sustainable development and officially kick-off the 6-week competition.

The competition is designed with the following values in mind:

  • A commitment to the importance of responsible entrepreneurship and its role in job creation
  • An international outlook
  • A commitment to ethical business practices
  • A strong interest in young people in emerging markets and the role that business can play in creating opportunities that enable them to develop
  • A believe that business is a public trust with the obligation to improve and serve society
  • A commitment to lifelong learning and continuing education

The kick-off virtual event featured a line-up of notable speakers, an introduction to the international panel of investors and judges and previews into the Peaqs and Localized platforms. Watch a full recording of the event below.


  • Rob Vember

    Director, Programs & Partnerships
    Global Business School Network
    South Africa


  • Adetunji Adegbesan

    Founder & CEO
    Gidi Mobile Ltd
    United Kingdom
  • Austin Okere

    Founder & Vice Chairman
    Computer Warehouse Group Plc.
  • Diana Popa

    Founder and CEO
  • Dr. Rickie A. Moore

    Professor of Entrepreneurship Director, MSc in Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship
    emlyon business school
  • Tim Mescon

    Executive Vice President and Chief Officer of the Europe, Middle East, and Africa Headquarters
    AACSB International
  • Marie HĂžpfner-Dahl

    Co-founder and Director


Time Agenda
9:00am EDTIntroduction and Opening Video
Rob Vember, GBSN
Opening Welcome Remarks
Dan LeClair
Global Business School Network
9:10am EDTSetting the Stage
Rickie Moore
Professor of Entrepreneurship Director, MSc in Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship
emlyon business school
Sponsor Address: Stanford Seed
Darius Teter
Executive Director
Stanford Seed
Sponsor Address: AACSB International
Tim Mescon
Executive Vice President and Chief Officer of the Europe, Middle East, and Africa Headquarters
AACSB International
9:35am EDTPanel Discussion: The Role of Entrepreneurship in Social and Economic Development
Across Africa
Adetunji Adegbesan, Founder & CEO, Gidi Mobile Ltd
Austin Okere, Founder & Vice Chairman, Computer Warehouse Group Plc.
Diana Popa, Founder and CEO, Extensio
10:15am EDTUnleashing the True Potential of Entrepreneurship
How do we get better at fostering the entrepreneurial mindset and get game changing ideas to solve real world problems?
Marie HĂžpfner-Dahl, Managing Director, Peaqs


For any questions or concerns, please email Emma Martens at

CONVERGENCE 2020 – Winning through Service Excellence: Theory & Practice

Jagdish Sheth School of Management (formerly IFIM Business School) invites you to attend CONVERGENCE 2020, an international conference on ‘Winning Through Service Excellence: Theory and Practice.” The conference will take place on December 18th and 19th, 2020.

The steady growth of the service sector globally and increasing convergence of technology and services have brought to the fore opportunities never before witnessed in the services domain. The increasing maturity of online services along with the advent of new-age companies and business models has transformed the service delivery ecosystem to cater to the needs of a new breed of emerging consumers.

CONVERGENCE 2020 aims to bring researchers and practitioners together to build consensus on what it takes to win in this new, still-evolving era of services. The centerpiece of CONVERGENCE 2020 is an international conference focused on service excellence in this exciting new era. Join Jagdish Sheth School of Management virtually for insightful talks and panel discussions on ‘Service Excellence by eminent academicians. Witness paper presentations in the area of Service Excellence by the best young researchers across the globe.

The Conference will be chaired by Prof. A. Parasuraman, Professor Emeritus, University of Miami and Pro-Chancellor Academics, Vijaybhoomi University.

To learn more and register, visit:

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Global Case Writing Competition, University of Michigan

WDI Publishing and the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business are accepting submissions for the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Global Case Writing Competition. Entry forms are due by November 23, 2020, and final submissions are due by March 24, 2021.

Competition Overview

WDI Publishing and the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business and its Sanger Leadership Center are joining together to launch the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Global Case Writing Competition. Open to university students and educators from around the world, this competition is seeking academic case studies about a DEI-related business dilemma within one, or across multiple, business disciplines. It is designed as a catalyst to generate new teaching materials that increase student understanding and inspire critical thinking for implementing effective DEI within businesses and organizations across the globe.

The contest is divided into two tracks, each of which will award prize money of $10,000 for first place, $5,000 for second place and $2,500 for third place, and an honorable mention, as deemed by the competition judges. The top three winners for each track also will be honored with the publication of their cases by WDI Publishing or the Sanger Leadership Center.

The competition’s first track involves the creation of a traditional business case study and an accompanying teaching note. The second track requires a submission for the Sanger Leadership Center’s flagship Leadership Crisis Challenge. An LCC case is based on a traditional case study, however, is written and designed as a real-time, role-playing event that offers students a rigorous opportunity for action-based learning.

Details on Eligibility

  • Individual students or student teams (graduate or undergraduate) may enter but must enter in collaboration with a faculty member or instructor from an accredited university/college, in the U.S. or internationally.
  • Individual faculty/instructors or teams from an accredited university/college (in the U.S. or internationally) may enter.
  • Others may enter, but must do so in collaboration with a faculty member or instructor from an accredited university/college, in the U.S. or internationally.

Application Information

To apply, visit:

Key deadlines and dates:

  • Nov. 23, 2020: Entry forms due. (Entry form only, NOT final submissions.)
  • March 24, 2021: Final submission documents due.
  • June 2, 2021: Public announcement of winners.

More Information

VIRTUAL CONFERENCE: 18th International Conference on Private Higher Education in Africa

Theme: Invigorating African Higher Education Institutions’ Response to COVID-19 Pandemic.

Higher education is affected by coronavirus whose consequences are expected to continue for unforeseeable future. African higher education community needs to find innovative and creative ways to invigorate the response to the pandemic to mitigate the risks associated with it. St. Mary’s University will hold its 18th international conference which will bring scholars, researchers, practitioners and decision-makers together virtually to debate on the common agendum – responding to COVID-19 – on September 08, 2020.


Sub-theme 1. Higher Education Institutions’ response to COVID-19 pandemic

  • Higher Education Institutions’ response to COVID-19
  • Teaching, learning, assessment and research practices during and post-COVID-19
  • The role of indigenous knowledge in solving the COVID-19 challenges
  • The role of technology in higher education during and post-COVID-19
  • Sustaining post-COVID-19 academic quality
  • Online education and challenges in technology
  • Capacity development of teaching faculty in a post-COVID-19 transformed system

Sub-theme 2. Higher education institutions’ role toward inclusive and sustainable youth
development and employability

  • Lessons and strategies toward youth development: inclusiveness, entrepreneurship and employability during and post-COVID-19
  • African higher education towards meeting Agenda 2030 and 2063 for sustainable livelihoods, disability, gender and health
  • Importance of national strategies for regional Higher Education
  • Internationalization of Higher Education in Africa

Sub-theme 3. The profile of Private Higher Education in Africa

  • Access, relevance, quality, challenges and opportunities
  • Accreditation practices of Higher Education institutions in Africa
  • Research and technology in private Higher Education in Africa
  • Strategies to minimize PHEIs’ dependence from tuition fees
  • Public-Private partnership in the African HE space
  • The profile of PHEIs in a specific regional or national context

Sub-theme 4. Lessons and strategies towards effective networking and global engagement

  • policies, strategies and practices for effective linkage between higher education, business/industry, and other key stakeholders
  • collaborations, joint research and innovation in Africa
  • Knowledge management in Africa
  • Effective use of media in Higher Education

Sub-theme 5. The role of higher education institutions in ensuring serene Africa

  • Issues of identity, diversity and gender
  • Multiculturalism and green environment for prosperous and peaceful Africa
  • Democracy and rights in multicultural societies
  • Higher Education Institutions’ social climate
  • Climate change and its effects on education


The Business Proofing of Business Schools Webinar Series

Presented by XOLAS, GBSN, EFMD Global Network, and Other Partner Organizations

“The world will be different after COVID-19!” You certainly heard this statement repeatedly in recent weeks. And you and your colleagues were probably left wondering to what extent it will apply to the business school sector as a whole and your institution specifically. Around the globe, colleagues are currently celebrating the successes of switching into online instruction with ease. Business schools have demonstrated tremendous agility in the face of adversity. Equally noteworthy is the strong display of a culture of sharing best practice in our community that helped to ease the transition of many institutions into online delivery.

These remarkable positives can however not make us overlook the financial burden that COVID-19 is imposing on business schools. Many institutions have suffered heavy losses in tuition and executive education revenues that may end up being a structural level-change rather than a temporary blip. Negative economic growth in many countries will reinforce the persistence of revenue drops.

We must further assume that COVID-19 will act as an accelerator for stackability, micro-credentialing and other drivers of institutional unbundling. Technology will make more rapid inroads into business school operations, to the benefit of stakeholders, but also with tangible impact on the underlying economics of delivering management education.

The writing is on the wall: The “business of business schools” will not be “business as usual” anymore.

This webinar series will provide guidance on how to adjust most effectively to this new environment. Sector and topical experts will get at the core of key issues and suggest a way forward. As a participant, you can challenge your own thinking and contribute to the debate.

The series will initially consist of five webinars. The first two webinars will deal with the most challenging financial issues facing business schools right now, how to cushion the downturn of executive education (#1) and how to cope with the drop of tuition revenues from international enrollments (#2). #3 will explore how business schools can become more resilient (i.e. strengthen their ability to “bounce back”). #4 will take a critical look at risk management practices in business schools (and their parent institutions); it will examine how risk management can be moved beyond compliance thinking to serve as a strategic decision-making tool. Finally, #5 will address funding issues that may present themselves nowadays in an exacerbated form, especially for stand-alone business schools or institutions transitioning into a semi-public status with enhanced financial autonomy.

We kindly request that you register for the webinars individually. Participation is free of charge.


Moving Executive Education Online: How Much and for How Long?
1 JULY 2020, 14:00 CEST – 8AM EDT
GBSN, EFMD Global Network, ESMT Berlin, XOLAS

Moderator: Ulrich Hommel, Founding Partner of XOLAS

Panelists: Martin Möhrle, Director Corporate Services, EFMD Global Network, Belgium
Jörg Rocholl, President, ESMT Berlin, Germany
Dominique Turpin, Former President & Dean of External Relations, IMD Business School, Switzerland

Executive education is treated by many companies as discretionary spending that gets cut back in bad times and the reactions to COVID-19 seem to confirm this conjecture. Business schools are currently challenged to fulfill existing commitments in times of social distancing. In addition, they are struggling to refill their pipeline with new contracts. A range of questions needs to be addressed in this context: How can business schools maintain their attractiveness as an education provider in recessionary times? How can executive education be delivered effectively in virtual learning space and how can clients be convinced of its value-added? And, most importantly, will COVID-19 ultimately change the role of executive training provided in an academic setting?

Participants will be able to explore these issues with a panel of executive education and talent management experts.


How to Reposition International Student Recruitment After COVID-19?

8 JULY 2020, 14:00 CEST – 8:00AM EDT

Partners: EFMD Global Network, GBSN, studyportals, XOLAS

Moderator: Ulrich Hommel, Founding Partner of XOLAS
Panelists: Andrea Longaretti, Global Head of Recruitment & Admissions, IE University, Spain
Jerker Moodysson, Dean, JIBS, Jönköping University
Thijs van Vugt, Director Analytics/Consulting Team, studyportals, Netherlands

The University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, prophetically purchased a 3-year insurance against a drop in Chinese enrollment with a coverage of USD 60 million and a premium of USD 424K. Many other universities (and their business schools) were left “holding the bag” and the reported losses are staggering. Most of them identified the diversification of student intake as a priority item of their risk registers, but it was not followed up by tangible action. The future certainly has to be different.

This webinar will look at international student recruitment from a business perspective by putting the focus on recruitment cycles and international study motives. How much international diversification is desirable and needed? And how can international recruitment and diversification targets be effectively balanced?


How to Make Business Schools More Resilient?
26 AUGUST 2020,  11:00 AM CEST
Partners: EFMD Global Network, GBSN, studyportals, XOLAS


Ulrich Hommel, Founding Partner of XOLAS


Robina Xavier, Deputy Vice Chancellor and Vice President (Education), Queensland University of Technology (QUT), former Executive Dean, QUT Business School
John Vargo, Resilient Organisations NZ
Baback Yazdani, Dean of Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University

COVID-19 lets the future appear ever more uncertain. Will there be a second or third infection wave and, if so, will it trigger another lock-down? To what extent will the pandemic crisis shift learning behavior and, in the process, accelerate the switch to online provision? And finally, how will the impending economic recession impact demand for business schools and will displacement pressures by higher-ranked institutions seeking new revenue sources play an important role in this context?

Under the guidance of an expert panel, participants will explore the benefits of a proactive posture when dealing with these environmental uncertainties. Should it involve the deliberate build-up of resilience (ability to “bounce back”) or even anti-fragility (ability to profit from uncertainty)? What does this concretely imply in terms of pricing policies, degree delivery choices, etc?

More Details->

Reconfiguring Risk Management of Business Schools: How to Move Beyond Registers and Other Compliance Rituals


How to Manage the Institutional Funding Gap


MIT Sloan Visiting Fellows Program

The MIT Sloan School of Management is offering a special tuition rate to students currently studying at or alumni of GBSN member schools to its Visiting Fellows Program.

The MIT Sloan Visiting Fellows Program is a non-degree, customized course of study for individuals who wish to focus on specific topics in management. It is a great opportunity for students looking for an exchange-type experience, earning credits towards their home school degree.  It is also a unique option for executives, government or NGO leaders, entrepreneurs, and others looking for an “academic sabbatical” to drive career goals forward.

In this period of uncertainty, MIT understands you may be adjusting your plans when it comes to investing in your education. 


The MIT Sloan Visiting Fellows Program, is a customized, non-degree course of study providing the freedom to explore all that MIT Sloan has to offer. This is an open invitation for all ambitious, innovative applicants from the GBSN school members (current students and alumni) to join the fall 2021 at a special partners tuition rate.

This fall provides an exceptional moment in time to come to MIT to explore cutting-edge insights on the knowledge, tools, skills, and strategies required for organizations and humans to recover and thrive in a post-pandemic world. 

2021 is the perfect time to join MIT to learn cutting-edge insights, develop new skills, and explore innovative strategies to help you and your organization recover and thrive in our rapidly changing, post-pandemic world. Plug in to the MIT and Kendall Square ecosystem to:

  • Recharge and re-engage;
  • Expand your professional knowledge and leadership skills;
  • Energize your network by connecting with industry leaders, global innovators, and world-renowned faculty. 

Unlike a traditional degree program, there are no course requirements –– Visiting Fellows may pursue their professional goals and interests at MIT Sloan, across MIT, and at Harvard University. Upon completion of the program, Visiting Fellows receive a certificate from MIT Sloan and alumni affiliate status.

Students and professionals ready to engage with MIT’s vibrant and inspiring community can find more information and apply at

Program Details

The MIT Sloan Visiting Fellows Program is a non-degree, customized course of study for individuals who wish to focus on specific topics in management. Upon completion of the program, each Visiting Fellow receives a certificate from MIT Sloan.Unlike a traditional degree program, there are no course requirements. Visiting Fellows come to MIT Sloan with the freedom to pursue their academic and professional goals. Those goals may be to develop skills in global entrepreneurship, to broaden their understanding of strategic innovation, or to explore international finance and capital markets. As a Visiting Fellow, you are free to explore what MIT Sloan has to offer.

Visiting Fellows take MIT Sloan courses with world-renowned faculty; collaborate, study, and network with other MIT students; and participate in student clubs, conferences, and special seminars. In addition, Visiting Fellows have access to a wealth of cultural, social, and recreational activities, both on campus and in Cambridge and Boston. Visiting Fellows enroll as full-time students for either one or two semesters. In consultation with an MIT Sloan faculty advisor, Visiting Fellows choose courses to meet their academic and professional goals.

In addition, Visiting Fellows may also participate in an independent study with a faculty member on a specific topic of their interest. They may take courses throughout MIT and enjoy cross-registration privileges at Harvard University. Visiting Fellows take between 36 and 54 credit units, or about four to six courses, per semester.

Admissions Criteria

Enrollment in the Visiting Fellows Program does not imply subsequent admission into an MIT degree program. Visiting Fellows typically have one or more university degrees and several years of work experience before they apply to the program. However, outstanding undergraduate students may apply. Visiting Fellows who successfully complete their course of study will receive a program certificate from MIT Sloan.

The Visiting Fellows brings together cohorts from various backgrounds and walks of life. We take great care to make sure that students are prepared for the high level of academic rigor experienced in the Sloan classroom and are capable of keeping up with other Sloan students.

To be eligible for the GBSN tuition rate you must be currently enrolled at a GBSN member school or be an alumni of a GBSN member school. 

There are two key steps to the admissions process:

  1. Application Review

    The admissions committee reviews your application materials. Should your application be recommended for admission, the committee will submit your application to faculty advisors who are experts in your areas of interest. Acceptance by an Advisor: Faculty advisors review applications recommended by the committee and make the final decisions on admission to the Visiting Fellows Program. As stewards of your academic experience at Sloan, faculty advisors will recommend courses as well as extracurricular academic activities such as seminars and conferences that correspond with your area of study.

  2. Acceptance by an Advisor

    Faculty advisors review applications recommended by the committee and make the final decisions on admission to the Visiting Fellows Program. As stewards of your academic experience at Sloan, faculty advisors will recommend courses as well as extracurricular academic activities such as seminars and conferences that correspond with your area of study.

GBSN members should indicate GBSN as source of information during the application process. GBSN members can indicate this under the field â€œhow did you learn about the program.” 

Application Materials

A complete application consists of the following materials:

  • Application form
  • Official academic transcripts
  • One letter of recommendation
  • RĂ©sumĂ© or CV
  • Statement of purpose and study objectives
  • English Proficiency Test for
  • International Applicants, with a minimum Test of English as a
  • Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of 95, and minimum
  • International Language Testing System (IELTS) score of 7.5.

English Proficiency: If your native language is not English, you must demonstrate proficiency by taking either the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the test provided by the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Candidates who have attended an academic program conducted in English for one year may request a TOEFL waiver. If you qualify for this waiver, please email before you submit your application.

Due to test center closures during the COVID-19 pandemic, you may apply without the English as a Second Language score.

Please contact MIT via to have your application fee waived.

We understand you may have questions about this opportunity and whether the MIT Visiting Fellows program is the right fit for you. Below are additional resources to help you learn more:

Email and the MIT team will promptly respond to your questions.

Schedule a one-on-one call with an Admissions Representative. Sign up for a time by clicking the button below.

Due to test center closures during the COVID-19 pandemic, you may apply without the English as a Second Language score.

Please contact MIT via to have your application fee waived.

We understand you may have questions about this opportunity and whether the MIT Visiting Fellows program is the right fit for you. Below are additional resources to help you learn more:

Email visitingfellows.mitsloan@mit.eduand the MIT team will promptly respond to your questions.

Deadlines & Decision Schedule

The Admissions Committee carefully reviews the application of each individual and will notify applicants of their decision by the deadlines listed below. Interview invitations will be extended up until the final decision date. Please note that in the interest of confidentiality, we will only deliver official decisions via email.


As part of the admission process, interviews are by invitation only and do not guarantee admission. Candidates will be invited by email to interview up until the notification date. Interviews are conducted via Skype. 

Applicant Profile

Who may apply to MIT Sloan’s Visiting Fellows Program:

  • Professionals with a minimum of five years of professional experience, or a mix of academic and professional experience.
  • MBA students enrolled in one of MIT Sloan’s international collaborative universities.  These students attend the Visiting Fellows Program for one semester to attain academic goals via a specific set of courses focusing on finance, leadership, entrepreneurship and innovation, or other concentrations specific to their needs.
  • Exceptional undergraduate students with a proven academic record

Key Attributes

The Visiting Fellows Program is an opportunity for you to build your skills, expand your global leadership network, and define your place in the world. The following are a few attributes that we would like to see in candidates:

  • Work in a global environment or demonstrated commitment to a global perspective.
  • Pushing boundaries and tackling challenges others might think too difficult to achieve.
  • An undergraduate degree (or currently pursuing a masters’ or PhD) or at least five years of professional work experience, or an appropriate mix of both.
  • Commitment to a full semester immersion at MIT Sloan, actively engaging with students from other programs.
  • Capability and interest to master a rigorous curriculum.
  • Effective English communication, both oral and written. Candidates who have attended an academic program conducted in English for one year may request a TOEFL waiver.

Course Registration

MIT Sloan Visiting Fellow students may register between 36 – 54 units, which is usually 4 –  6 courses during your semester. MIT Sloan manages class enrollments by having students “bid” for courses. Bidding allows students to rank their top choices, and indicate how much they want a particular class over another.

The course bidding is broken up into Round I, Round II, Add/Drop, and Waitlist. The mechanics of bidding for courses are the following:

  • Every student receives 1000 points to spend, and the minimum bid is 1 point, and maximum bid is 1000 points.
  • Students should bid more points on courses you have higher desire to enroll.
  • You will be allowed to modify your bids and enrollment throughout an open round.
  • All bids are resolved at the end of each round.
  • The Add/Drop Round is the only time-sensitive round.
  • As a non-degree student, Visiting Fellows don’t have priority to bid for courses; you will only be allowed to bid in Round II, during the Add/Drop period and add your name to the Waitlist.
  • Round I is reserved for degree seeking students who may require registration in core courses. This may result in a limited availability in course selection.
  • When bidding for courses, you will be able to note the number of seats filled vs. capacity for that particular class.
  • There are typically more entrepreneurship and innovation courses available during the spring term.

Certification and Course Credits

All students who successfully complete the program are issued a certificate from MIT Sloan at the end of the program. If you are a current degree student at another school, upon successful completion of the Visiting Fellows Program, MIT Sloan will issue a certified transcript for your school.



Phone: +1 617.253.7168

1 Main Street, E90-9th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02142

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