Tracks: Oct 4-29
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Educators Track
Learners Track
Leaders Track
GOING beyond awards
Taking you BEYOND the classroom, the Educators Track is designed for scholars, lecturers, trainers, and university faculty across disciplines who want to connect with like-minded colleagues on teaching innovations, research and pedagogy needed serve communities and develop talent the world needs now.
GBSN and Capsim have joined forces to help bring quality and experiential business learning to communities worldwide. Building on our experience from last year, we’re inviting scholars, lecturers, trainers, and academic faculty to design and develop an inbox simulation using current data, research, cases, and personal experiences.
As part of the Educators Track for GBSN Beyond, teams of 1-4 will design and build a 15-30 minute inbox simulation experience. These microsimulations will immerse learners in real-world scenarios and evaluate essential skills in a realistic context.
Congratulations to the Winning Microsimulation!
In first place, and winning the $5,000 award, Jagdish Sheth School of Management India’s microsimulation MakhanChor Milk! Congratulations MakhanChor Milk!! Everyone is welcome to experience all of the microsimulations via our webpage here.

Check out this year’s competing microsimulations!
Team 1: Lithium Feasibility
Category: Business and Environmental Security
Institution(s): Coventry Business School
Country(ies): United Kingdom
Team Members: Daniel Johnson, Simon Huston, Jaliyyah Ahmadu-Bello, Uchenna Tony-Okeke
Industry: Mineral Mining Sustainable Mining
Team 2: Hindipa Motors India Ltd.
Category: Business and Human Rights
Institution(s): HEC Montreal and Goa Institute of Management
Country(ies): Canada, India
Team Members: Hinrich Voss, Divya Singhal, Padhmanabhan Vijayaraghavan
Industry: Automotive
Team 3: Vaccine in the Times of Pandemic
Category: Business and Human Rights
Institution(s): Ahmedabad University
Country(ies): India
Team Members: Siddhartha Saxena
Industry: Pharmaceutical Distribution
Team 4: MakhanChor Milk
Institution(s): Jagdish Sheth School of Management
Country(ies): India
Team Members: Ganes Pandya, Aditi Dang, Debasmita Dey
Industry: Food Safety and Regulations
Team 5: Sustainability in the Fashion Industry
Institution(s): ISCTE- Lisbon University Institute
Country(ies): Portugal
Team Members: Ana Margarida Simaens, Marjan Jalali
Industry: Fashion/Sustainability
Team 6: Safe Drivez- Opportunity for Women Empowerment
Category: Business and Human Rights
Institution(s): Jagdish Sheth School of Management
Country(ies): India
Team Members: Pooja Gupta, Mafruza Sultana
Industry: Safety
What’s an Inbox Simulation?
Students want engaging learning experiences, and employers want career-ready graduates.
Completion of empirical and applied learning experiences provide applicants an advantage in the recruitment process.
CapsimInbox offers a validated, day-in-the-life microsimulation platform to help educators bring real-world learning experiences into any environment — giving students the practice and feedback they need to develop essential career skills in an authentic business context.
Students enter a familiar email environment and assume an employee’s role at a fictitious company. As they navigate real scenarios and make decisions by responding to emails and instant messages, CapsimInbox evaluates skill levels and provides immediate, actionable feedback for meaningful development.

How does the Microsim Development Lab work?
As part of the Educators Track for GBSN Beyond, teams of 1-4 will design and build a 15-30 minute inbox simulation experience. These microsimulations will immerse learners in real-world scenarios and evaluate essential skills in a realistic context.
We are looking for creative and innovative geographic locations, cultures, scenarios, and skillsets not usually found in typical curricula and aligned with our chosen themes.
- Business in Health Studies
- Business in Environmental Security
- Business and Human Rights
- General / Miscellaneous
Business in Health Studies
The health studies dimension aims to facilitate and promote cross-sector collaboration by developing simulations that deliver scenarios where business, government, NGOs and educational institutions are working together on developing innovative solutions to complex health-related problems.
Business and Environmental Security
This dimension focuses on the role and responsibility of business towards achieving environmental security. Each industry has a responsibility to make a significant reduction in their carbon footprint. Businesses must demonstrate environmental awareness and involve all stakeholders in implementing its sustainability strategy.
Business and Human Rights
Business and Human Rights includes gender equality, anti corruption, vulnerable population protections, etc. The modern business environment must work as a representative and protector for human rights.
General / Miscellaneous
This dimension is for scholars, lecturers, trainers and academic faculty who are looking to develop a globally, yet locally relevant microsimulation that does not necessarily fit into any of the above categories.
1st Place Prize
The winning team receives $5,000 and recognition as a CapsimInbox author with the opportunity to bring their simulation to market and earn royalties.
In addition to developing the timely skills of building meaningful, online teaching tools, each team that completes their version will have the opportunity to work with Capsim to bring their version to market and earn royalties
Capsim Representatives
Kelsey Zimmermann
Learning Experiences Coordinator
Capsim Management Solutions
We are pleased to welcome back the winning team of the 2020 CapsimInbox Faculty Simulation Lab: Ethics in International Mining from Ashesi University
Dr. Takako Mino
Lecturer, Humanities and Social Sciences
Ashesi University
Jewel Thompson
Adjunct Lecturer, Business Administration
Ashesi University
Jennifer Seely
Associate Professor of Politics
Earlham College
How can you participate?
Register Your Team.
Complete the registration form by clicking the button below. We encourage teams of 2-3 members to help break up the work.
Registration is now closed.
Submit your concept.
Complete the concept form and we will review all concepts to ensure alignment and viability.
Concept forms deadline: Sept 29
Build your microsim.
Start building your concept in the CapsimInbox Authoring Platform. Complete our certification course to hone your skills.
Microsims deadline: Oct 29

Team Formation and Registration
A team’s institution must be registered for GBSN Beyond to participate. Once, the institution is registered, each individual team member must complete an individual registration for GBSN Beyond. The simulation sign-up link will be included in the registration confirmation email. Only one team member will register the team for the simulation. The individual who submits the team registration will be the designated Team Captain.
Click here to see if your institution is registered.
Any questions?
Please join our CapsimInbox Development Lab Informational Webinar and Q&A Session Tuesday September 28th at 9:00 AM EDT.