GBSN Events

Emotional Labor as a Leadership Skill: The Good, Bad & The Ugly


Thursday, 30 Sept

9:00 AM EST / 14:00 PM BST


Zoom Webinar


Emotional labor is the ability to manage one’s emotions to affect the way others feel. This presentation will introduce the theoretical concept of emotional labor before exploring how and why it is a key leadership skill that is vital in developing high performing teams, emotional resilience and an ability to influence. However, having the ability to perform emotional labour, or the lack thereof, can be difficult, damaging and dangerous. Drawing on examples and research from a range of sectors and experience of managing in a variety of business school contexts across the UK, they will also take a critical look at both the importance but also the dark side of emotional labor.


  • Jenna Ward

    Academic Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law
    Coventry Business School
    United Kingdom


Thursday September 30th, 2021

  • 09:00 AM Washington D.C.
  • 02:00 PM United Kingdom
  • 03:00 PM Geneva
  • 03:00 PM Cape Town
  • 06:30 PM Mumbai
  • 09:00 PM Singapore

Cross-Border Collab: Job-Focused Education in a Post-COVID Economy


Thursday, 2 September, 2021

8:00am EDT


Hosted on Zoom.


Emma Martens,

Students consider many factors before pursuing graduate management eduction. The annual Corporate Recruiters Survey published by GMACĀ® found that career advancement is a prime motivator for pursuing graduate management education and that corporate recruiters project a robust demand for business school graduates, with nine in ten of them expect it to increase or remain stable in the next five years.

Given the anticipated growth in demand for graduate business school there is an increased need for business school leaders to examine the hiring trends for MBA students and understand how they can expand relevant students offerings. In the September Collab we will explore questions like: What are recruiters looking for when hiring graduate business school students? How can we position our graduates for success? What skills do employers value in our students? and How can we keep MBA programs relevant for students working in a post COIVD-19 world?

The conversation will be led by Rahul Choudaha, Director of Industry Insights & Research Communications at Graduate Management Admission CouncilĀ® (GMACĀ®) who will discuss the findings of their latest Corporate Recruiters Survey.


Thursday, 2 September, 2021

8:00am EDT


What are Cross-Border Collabs?

Cross-Border Collabs are exclusive gatherings for GBSN members, focused on engaging our community to tackle some of the greatest challenges of our time. Facilitated by topic experts, these session will provide a place for our members be active participants in our mission of improving management and entrepreneurship education for the developing world. Collabs are held monthly on every first Thursday of the month. Two sessions are offered to accommodate multiple time zones. Collabs are an exclusive opportunity for member school ambassadors, deans and leading faculty members.

GBSN for Business and Human Rights Impact Community Annual Meeting

The NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights, the Alliance Business School at the University of Manchester, the Geneva School of Economics and Management at Geneva University, and the Global Business School Network invite individuals at business schools who are interested the integration of human rights in business school curriculum to the GBSN for BHR Impact Community 5th Annual Meeting.

The annual meeting will focus on the advancement of human rights research and teaching at business schools. Participants will discuss new initiatives and issues pertaining to business and human rights, discuss the implementation and use of the toolkit and discuss updates and activities within the group’s research clusters. 

The meeting will take place virtually on Wednesday, November 17 at 9:00am EST / 3:00pm CET.

The 5th Annual Meeting is scheduled on the final day of GBSN’s signature event, GBSN Beyond: Virtual Conference Reimagined. More information will be sent on both events closer to date.


Wednesday, November 17 at 9:00am EST / 3:00pm CET

Interested in joining the GBSN for BHR Impact Community?

Individuals interested in joining the Global Business School Network for Business and Human Rights should complete the online sign-up form below. To attend the 5th Annual Meeting, please sign up for the Impact community.

Papua New Guinea Entrepreneurship Education Development Workshop

The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) began programming in Papua New Guinea (PNG) in 2013 with the understanding that improving the conditions for women’s economic empowerment in PNG requires a supportive ecosystem of interconnected institutions that possess both the gender lens to identify the unequal barriers faced by women and the commitment to proactively democratizing opportunities for all. Through ongoing partnerships with the Australian and U.S. governments, CIPE is implementing a cutting-edge women’s economic empowerment program in a country where women face daunting obstacles. To help create a broader “entrepreneurial ecosystem,” CIPE is operating the Women’s Business Resource Centre (WBRC) in Port Moresby, working with PNG universities to integrate entrepreneurship into formal curriculum, and providing technical assistance and advocacy trainings to women’s business organizations.

To support the CIPE PNG Grant Program, GBSN is organizing a workshop that includes three interactive modules designed to explore mini-case studies completed by GBSN based on the work of its member schools that are relevant to the small grant projects of Papua New Guinea schools.

Papua New Guinea Universities

Three following three schools partaking in this initiative have developed their own programs.

The Pacific Adventist University (PAU)

Program: Company Directors Training and Compliance Workshop

Program Goals:

  • To create of awareness about entrepreneurship among the university students 
  • To support them to develop entrepreneurial aptitude through their own innovative ideas
  • To help them to translate the innovative ideas into viable business proposals. 


Program: The Students Entrepreneurship Program (StEP)

Program Goals:

  • To provide opportunities for interested students, in particular women, who are in the entrepreneurship and business program. 
  • To provide an opportunity for participating groups to support their start-up ideas.
  • To incubate the start-ups until they become sustainable and independent.  

University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG)

Program: Innovative Business & Entrepreneurial Ideas Competition

Program Goals:

  • To create of awareness about entrepreneurship among the university students 
  • To support them to develop entrepreneurial aptitude through their own innovative ideas
  • To help them to translate the innovative ideas into viable business proposals. 

Development Workshop

Three interactive modules will be tailored to illustrate cases with reference to the small grant project offered by the CIPE team to its partners. Each of the mini-case studies will serve as examples from GBSN Member schools of entrepreneurship related programs or activities that are relevant to the PNG projects. The mini-case studies will be provided to workshop participants. GBSN CEO, Dan LeClair will facilitate three interactive modules within a larger workshop umbrella. Each module will feature 1-2 guest speakers representing one of the mini-case examples. The length of each module will be between 60 and 75 minutes.

The three modules will have the following themes:

  1. Generating interest and helping students to build ideas/concepts and make pitches (including basics of a pitch competition)
  2. Helping students to convert ideas/concepts to viable business plans (education modules, mentoring and basics of a business plan competition)
  3. Helping students go to market / move from plans to implementation (registering your business, business incubation, mentoring, and funding connections)

GBSN Members Schools Leads the Way with Innovative Entrepreneurship Initiative:


Guest Speakers

  • Mahreen Mamoon

    Assistant Professor
    BRAC Business School
  • Joshua Ault

    Assistant Professor of Global Entrepreneurship
    Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona State University
  • Rob Mitchell

    Associate Professor
    Colorado State University
  • John Williams

    Director of the Bachelor of Entrepreneurship
    Otago Business School
    New Zealand

About the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)

The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) is a business-oriented NGO working at the intersection of democratic and economic development and partnering with business associations, chambers of commerce, think tanks and other civil society organizations to implement homegrown, business-led solutions to local development challenges. CIPEā€™s mission is to strengthen democracy through private enterprise and market-oriented reform, fulfilling a vision of a world where democracy delivers the freedom and opportunity for all to prosper. CIPE is active in 20 countries through its field offices and representatives and has a network of partners in more than 60 countries. It carries out programs in the following focus areas: Anti-Corruption and Ethics; Business Advocacy; Democratic Governance; Enterprise Ecosystems; Trade; and Womenā€™s Economic Empowerment.


Cross-Border Collab: 21st Century Skills


Thursday, 1 July


Hosted on Zoom.


Emma Martens,

COVID-19 has created an opportunity for learningā€”about how we work, what we need and how we can work better. Every business school can act now to capture insights in the form of new curriculum content for the future we are building. Letā€™s translate current experiences into the lessons for sustainable development.Ā 

Now is the time to work on creating better working conditions, work place culture and better work experiences. Join this Collab as we explore questions like: how can we improve work, workplaces, leadership and cultural approaches? Ā What will the leaders, culture and the workplace need to offer? How do we upskill, collaborate, and innovate across sectors with a need so urgent and vast? How are universities, businesses, and governments preparing for a new age of lifelong learning?

The conversation will be lead by Jeanne C. Meister, Founding Partner of Future Workplace, an HR Advisory and Research firm dedicated to educating HR leaders on what’s next in preparing for the future workforce and workplace.


Thursday, 1 July, 2021

8:00am EDT AND 7:00pm EDT

To accommodate our growing membership, spanning across different time zones, we offer two Collab sessions every first Thursday of the month. The first session is at 8:00am EDT and the second is at 7:00pm EDT. Both sessions will cover the same topic, but feature different guests. Members are invited to join whichever session is more convenient.


What are Cross-Border Collabs?

Cross-Border Collabs are exclusive gatherings for GBSN members, focused on engaging our community to tackle some of the greatest challenges of our time. Facilitated by topic experts, these session will provide a place for our members be active participants in our mission of improving management and entrepreneurship education for the developing world. Collabs are held monthly on every first Thursday of the month. Two sessions are offered to accommodate multiple time zones. Collabs are an exclusive opportunity for member school ambassadors, deans and leading faculty members.

GBSN Annual Members Meeting: Leading with Impact

In place of GBSN’s monthly Cross-Border Collab, we invite you to join us for our Members Meeting. The GBSN Members Meeting is an annual closed convening of GBSN members from across the globe. Deans, directors, administrators and leading faculty convene once a year in December to reflect on the year’s accomplishments and to look ahead to the next.

Discussion will center around our network’s role in addressing social problems like, access to education, clean energy, good governance, ethical AI, etc. through our work. The Members Meeting is a place for members to discuss how pedagogy at their institutions is reinventing itself, how are we collectively experimenting with new ways to train and coach the leaders of tomorrow in a changing and complex environment. What does the future of higher education look like? Members will participate in small group discussions, networking activities, panel discussions, and more.

The GBSN Members Meeting is closed to the public. If you are a GBSN Member, please use the link below to register.

Sponsored by

The Business Schools Will Have No Future if We Don’t Do This!


Tuesday, 4 July 10:00am – 11:00am




What would a business school look like if one started with a blank sheet of paper and did not benchmark other business schools?

What would the content be? Who would teach? What would it cost? In this session, we will look at how business schools got to be where they are because of the Ford and Carnegie reports over half a century ago, the advent in 1987 of the first of the major rankings, and the drivers of accreditation. Join one of GBSN’s new members, Coventry University Business School for this session, as Kai Peters, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Faculty of Business and Law), will make the case for a major overhaul of the structure and positioning of business schools for the future.


  • Prof. Kai Peters

    Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Faculty of Business and Law)
    Coventry University Business School
    United Kingdom


Thursday, June 24th, 2021

  • 11:00am Washington D.C.
  • 4:00 pm United Kingdom
  • 5:00pm Geneva
  • 5:00pm Cape Town
  • 8:30pm Mumbai
  • 11:00pm Singapore

Cross-Border Collab: Pedagogical Innovations in Business Schools


Thursday, 3 June, 2021


Hosted on Zoom.


Emma Martens,

In order to efficiently groom future generations to the realities of tomorrow, we need to give significantly more weight to teaching methods. Pedagogy has been an outsider to the system for way too long. It has been put aside over the years, resulting in professors relying mostly on the top down lectures, during which students are more inclined to stay passive recipients of knowledge rather than active participants.

This Cross-Border Collab will explore innovations in pedagogy. GBSN’s CEO, Dan LeClair recently participated as a Judge forĀ LearnSpace‘s call for business education innovations. Through its call for nominations, LearnSpace was looking for world-class pedagogical innovations in business schools globally. Its initiative aims to uncover innovative pedagogical approaches, understand how they are being implemented in business schools and publish a public and global report showcasing 10 of them.

By pedagogical innovation, LearnSpace means:

The usage of a tool or method that provides a change in the professorā€™s posture, who would be more focused on empowering students, making them more committed, engaged and responsible for their own learning. At the heart of pedagogical innovation lies the shift from teacher-centered learning to student-centered learning.

The report will be published on June 1st, which is just in time for this June 3rd Cross-Border Collab. We will explore the LearnSpace report, hearing directly from Svenia Busson, Founder of LearnSpace, Co-founder EdtechTours, European Edtech Alliance and Author ā€˜Exploring the Future of Education.ā€™

In addition, GBSN members will break into small groups of 3-4. These small groups will provide a space for members to share teaching / pedagogical innovations implemented by their institution with each other. Members will share one and leave with 4+ innovations.


Thursday, 3 June, 2021

8:00am EDT AND 7:00pm EDT

To accommodate our growing membership, spanning across different time zones, we offer two Collab sessions every first Thursday of the month. The first session is at 8:00am EDT and the second is at 7:00pm EDT. Both sessions will cover the same topic, but feature different guests. Members are invited to join whichever session is more convenient.


What are Cross-Border Collabs?

Cross-Border CollabsĀ are exclusive gatherings for GBSN members,Ā focused on engaging our community to tackle some of the greatest challenges of our time.Ā Facilitated by topic experts, these session will provide a place for our members beĀ active participants in our mission of improving management and entrepreneurship education for the developing world.Ā Collabs are held monthly on every first Thursday of the month.Ā Two sessions are offered to accommodate multiple time zones. Collabs are an exclusive opportunity for member school ambassadors, deans and leading facultyĀ members.

Africa Business Challenge Awards Ceremony: The Role of Entrepreneurship in Development Across Africa


May 14, 2021
9:00 amā€“10:30 pm (EDT)


This event will be hosted on Zoom.


Maddie Handler,


GBSN, sponsored by AACSB International and Stanford Seed and supported by Peaqs and Emlyon, is pleased to present a virtual business concept competition for African undergraduate and graduate students. The competition challenged student teams to design a viable business concept that addresses a locally-relevant challenge or problem related to sustainable development and Agenda 2063. The focus of the competition was to promote and support responsible capitalism for emerging markets and to identify high potential young people for mentorship and investment. 

Over 80 student teams from 34 institutions in 15 countries across Africa have signed up to participate. Join us as we celebrate the power of entrepreneurship in sustainable development and celebrate the work of all the student teams as well as announce the winning project.

The competition was designed with the following values in mind:

  • A commitment to the importance of responsible entrepreneurship and its role in job creation
  • An international outlook
  • A commitment to ethical business practices
  • A strong interest in young people in emerging markets and the role that business can play in creating opportunities that enable them to develop
  • A believe that business is a public trust with the obligation to improve and serve society
  • A commitment to lifelong learning and continuing education

The awards ceremony virtual event will feature a line-up of notable speakers, an introduction to the international panel of investors and judges and announcement of the winning team. The awards ceremony event will be open to the public.


  • Rob Vember

    Director, Programs & Partnerships
    Global Business School Network
    South Africa


  • Dan LeClair

    Dan LeClair, Ph.D

    Global Business School Network
  • Dr. Rickie A. Moore

    Professor of Entrepreneurship Director, MSc in Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship
    emlyon business school


Registration is open to all Africa Business Challenge participants and the general public.


For any questions or concerns, please email Maddie Handler at
