
Case Focus: The Journal of Business & Management Teaching Cases- The Case Centre, Middle East and Africa Edition Call for Cases Issue 3

Case Focus offers a journal publication outlet for high-quality, peer reviewed teaching cases, with a focus on management and business situations in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region.

Call For Cases for Issue 3

The Case Centre are calling for high-quality, well-written teaching cases on all areas of business, management and government, that are set in the MEA region.

Cases submitted to the journal must be:

  • written by authors based in the MEA region
  • unpublished, and not under consideration. for publication elsewhere
  • from published sources or field research
  • no more than 7,500 words, excluding exhibits, appendices and references.

Key Dates

  • 21 October 2021 – Deadline for case submissions
  • June 2022 – Journal publication

Case Focus: The Journal of Business & Management Teaching Cases Middle East and Africa Edition Issue 2 is NOW AVAILABLE!

Distinguished Speakers in International Business Series: The Trade Guys

Join the Center for Global Business for the first Distinguished Speakers in International Business Series of the academic year. The center and executive director Rebecca Bellinger will host a live podcast with The Trade Guys, where trade experts Scott Miller and Bill Reinsch of the Center for Strategic and International Studies break down the buzz around trade, how it affects policy, and how it impacts your day-to-day.

Speaker Bios

Scott Miller

Scott Miller is a senior adviser with the Abshire-Inamori Leadership Academy, focusing on leadership development programs for public- and private-sector executives. From 2012 until 2017, he held the William M. Scholl Chair in International Business at CSIS. The Scholl Chair focuses on key issues in the global economy, such as international trade, investment, competitiveness, and innovation. From 1997 to 2012, Miller was director for global trade policy at Procter & Gamble, a leading consumer products company. In that position, he was responsible for the full range of international trade, investment, and business facilitation issues for the company. He led many campaigns supporting U.S. free trade agreements and has been a contributor to U.S. trade and investment policy over many years. Miller is a member of the State Department’s advisory committee on international economic policy. Earlier in his career, he was a manufacturing, marketing, and government relations executive for Procter & Gamble in the United States and Canada.

William Alan Reinsch

William Reinsch holds the Scholl Chair in International Business at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and is a senior adviser at Kelley, Drye & Warren LLP. Previously, he served for 15 years as president of the National Foreign Trade Council, where he led efforts in favor of open markets, in support of the Export-Import Bank and Overseas Private Investment Corporation, against unilateral sanctions, and in support of sound international tax policy, among many issues. From 2001 to 2016, he concurrently served as a member of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. He is also an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Maryland School of Public Policy, teaching courses in globalization, trade policy, and politics.

Reinsch also served as the undersecretary of commerce for export administration during the Clinton administration. Prior to that, he spent 20 years on Capitol Hill, most of them as senior legislative assistant to the late Senator John Heinz (R-PA) and subsequently to Senator John D. Rockefeller IV (D-WV). He holds a BA and an MA in international relations from Johns Hopkins University and the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies respectively.

Date & Time

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

  • 5:00 PM Washington D.C.
  • 10:00 PM London
  • 11:00 PM Geneva
  • 11:00 PM Cape Town
  • 2:30 AM Mumbai
  • 5:00 AM Singapore

SONJO: Minimizing the Adverse Health and Economic Impacts of COVID-19 through Social Capital in the Digital Era


Tuesday, 12 October, 2021

08:00 AM EDT/ 19:00 PM Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Pr-Recorded Webinar


Welcome to this very special humanitarian-based webinar hosted by Universitas Gadjah Mada!  Their program SONJO (Sambatan Jogja) is an inspiring humanitarian movement that has operated since 24 March 2020 and is based in a WhatsApp group (WAG).

Today, SONJO consists of 20 internal WAGs and 4 WAGs with other communities in West Java, Jakarta, and Central Java. The SONJO aims to help people at risk and vulnerable people from the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 in the Province of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. SONJO works in three sectors: health, economy, and education. UGM has developed 21 programs consisting of 6 programs in the economy and 14 programs in health. 

In this webinar, the first section will consist of a discussion regarding the health sector, presented by Professor Rimawan Pradiptyo and the second section will be a discussion on the economic sector with Professor Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo.  You won’t want to miss this motivational discussion, as it may not only stimulate student solution development, but may also inspire schools to create their own humanitarian movements!

Please Note: This webinar is pre-recorded and will be released at the listed time and date.


  • Rimawan Pradiptyo

    PhD, Head of the Department of Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB)
    Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Dr. Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo

    Assistant Professor, Research and Teaching Staff at Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB)
    Universitas Gadjah Mada

Learn More about SONJO via the presentation linked below:


Tuesday, October 12th, 2021

  • 08:00 AM Washington D.C.
  • 13:00 PM United Kingdom
  • 14:00 PM Geneva
  • 14:00 PM Cape Town
  • 17:30 PM Mumbai
  • 19:00 PM Yogyakarta

Call for Proposals & Abstracts: VIRTUAL DOCTORAL COLLOQUIUM on Driving Agenda 2030: Research for Societal and Business Sustainability- Goa Institute of Management

Center for Social Sensitivity and Action: Goa Institute of Management

The year 2015 witnessed crucial shifts in the discourse on human development. The United Nations launched the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), otherwise known as the Global Goals. The 17 Goals of Sustainable Development constituted a universal call to action to end poverty, eliminate all forms of inequalities, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. While, the SDGs largely drew from the framework of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), they also included new areas of focus such as climate change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, peace and justice, among other priorities. The Global Goals are ambitious and will require collaboration between government, business, and academia. 

Since 2015, sustainability has also been a key focus of higher education. With more than 190 countries pledged to meet the 17 SDGs by 2030, there has been a growing global interest among scholars to research various topics related to sustainable development. Further, as part of the mission of the higher education institutes (HEIs) to link academic knowledge to industry, the contributions of business and management scholars working on various sustainable development goals and their impact for business organizations has also grown exponentially.

With less than a decade left to realise the aspirations of the 2030 Agenda, it is the right time to review and understand the engagement of scholars in the management disciplines with SDGs, point out gaps in the research on SDGs, and identify ways in which academic research can be used by industry to effectively contribute to achieving various SDGs 

With this background, The Center of Social Sensitivity and Action at the Goa Institute of Management, announces a two-day virtual Doctoral Colloquium on Driving Agenda 2030: Research for Societal and Business Sustainability 

The colloquium invites doctoral students from management institutes and universities across India to share their research on topics related to SDGs. The Colloquium will be held on 18 -19 November, 2021. 


The doctoral colloquium will address a variety of normative and empirical concerns pertaining to governance, finance, implementation, technology, and partnerships required for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda as well as for the localizing of SDGs in India.

The colloquium will: 

  • Highlight current research trends on SDGs with regard to the management discipline and discuss ways to conduct high impact research on SDGs; 
  • Provide interdisciplinary networking opportunities and open up possibilities for collaboration and integrated research initiatives; 
  • Promote sustainability-oriented research that is relevant to academia and the industry 

Benefits for Doctoral Students

The colloquium will benefit doctoral students by:

  • Enhancing understanding of the importance of research on SDGs
  • Providing opportunities to deliberate on the complexity and interdependence among SDGs
  • Exploring avenues for integrating diverse topics related to sustainability and responsibility in management research;
  • Providing a platform to early career scholars to interact with experts on sustainability and SDGs for impactful research and provide networking opportunities

Call for Proposals for Paper Presentations

We welcome submissions from doctoral students for paper presentations on a wide variety of topics related to sustainability that are relevant to academia or the industry. We will give particular weight to submissions that focus on two broad themes:

1) Responsible Management and Business
2) SDGs and Social Engagements (Academia, Government and NGOs).

Further, each theme includes several sub-themes.

  1. Responsible Management and Business:
    Today corporations have begun innovating and integrating responsible management practices throughout their entire value chain. Their efforts to strike a balance between profit and purpose helps them to address SDG 9 (Industry and Innovation) along with SDG 8 (Decent work and Economic Growth). For example, taking responsible sourcing as an aspect of responsible management, this is reflected in the way companies are adopting sustainable processes of selection, monitoring, evaluating and building long-term relations with suppliers based on their commitment to social or environmental causes. To accelerate the process of mainstreaming responsible management more broadly across industry, it is essential for research to address questions such as, “What specific process innovations have companies introduced that ensure responsible procurement? What challenges do companies encounter when adopting responsible procurement policies and practices? and How have companies addressed them? What business and social outcomes have resulted from the adoption of responsible procurement? The fashion industry is another sector where conscious effort has been made recently to integrate principles of responsible management principles into in their business operations. For example, proposal might submit proposals that address research on the kinds of new interventions undertaken by textile companies after 2015, to promote sustainable fashion, and to adopt ethical business practices.

    Extended abstracts can be related to one or more of the sub-themes listed below.
    • Decent Work and Sustainability Practices in Organisations
    • Engagement of Industry with Diversity, Inclusion and Human Rights in
    • Role of Business in Responsible Production (e.g Responsible Sourcing, Circular Economy, Green Financing, Green Marketing)
    • Innovation for Responsible Production and Consumption in Industries
    • Reducing Waste Generation (e.g. food waste, plastic waste)
    • Marketing Sustainable lifestyle

  2. SDGs and Social Engagement (Academia, Government and NGOs):
    It is widely acknowledged that the SDGs are interlinked, and that success in achieving one SDG is often dependent on addressing issues related to other SDGs. It has also become evident that an effective response to SDGs requires the involvement of multiple stakeholders, i.e government, NGOs, civil society, academia, and industry. The sub-themes included in this broader theme explore how academia, government and NGOs have conceptualised responsible management; what kind of administrative structures, systems and processes have evolved to promote a culture that facilitates these shareholders in pursuing the various goals of sustainable development. Also included in this theme are topics related to the critical challenges involved in creating appropriate governance structures and mindsets for implementation of SDGs.

    Extended abstracts can be related to one or more of the sub-themes listed below.
    • Health, Well-being and SDGs
    • Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development
    • ICT for Sustainable Development
    • Capacity Building for Localizing SDGs at the grassroot level
    • Partnerships for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals
    • Sustainable Development and Government policies
    • International Sustainability Standards and Relevance of ESG Reporting

Call for Extended Abstracts

The papers for presentation in the Doctoral Colloquium would be selected through extended abstracts. The extended abstract should be a summary of a research and is expected to meet the academic standards.

  • Cover Page of the Extended Abstract should include:
    • Theme: As per the suggested two themes
    • Sub-theme (as mentioned under each theme)
    • Title of the paper
    • Names of Author(s): First author’s First Name, First Author Last Name; Second author’s First name, second author’s Last Name; and so on
    • Name of the university/institute you are pursuing your doctoral thesis: Department, University/Institute, Country
    • Contact details of the Author(s): email addresses
  • Your Extended Abstract should consist of:
    • Purpose/Rationale
    • Methodology
    • Brief Literature Review
    • Empirical/Theoretical results
    • Managerial Implications
  • Font & size: Times New Roman, size 12
  • Line Space: Single space
  • Word count: 1500-2000 words

Guidelines for Submissions

Abstracts (in English) should be submitted via e-mail as an attachment in word format.

  • Share you biographic (within 50 words)
  • Notification of acceptance/rejection of the abstracts will be sent to you via e-mail
  • The colloquium committee reserves the right to decide on the acceptance/rejection of the abstract and the method of presentation
  • By submitting an abstract you grant permission to the organizers to publish the abstract in electronic format or in print format
  • Payment of registration fees is necessary to participate or to present at the colloquium or to publish your abstract in the compendium

The committee will review the extended abstracts and send all decision letters by 30 September, 2021. The evaluation will be based on the relevance of submission to the colloquium theme, originality, academic rigour. Accepted abstracts will be published as proceedings in the form of a colloquium compendium. Scholars invited for presentations must register by 20 October, 2021, in order to secure their position in the program.

Submit your extended abstract to –

Important Dates

Submission Deadline of Extended Abstracts 05 October 2021 
Notification of Acceptance of Extended Abstracts 10 October 2021 
Registration Deadline 25 October 2021 
Date of the virtual doctoral colloquium 18 – 19 November 2021 

Registration Fees

INR 750 for Indian Scholars (Fee paid before 05 October 2021)
INR 1000 for India Scholars (Fee paid after 05 October 2021)
USD 25 (Fee paid before 05 October 2021)
USD 50 (Fee paid after 05 October 2021



The Risk, Uncertainty, and Decisions (RUD) group at IE University (Spain) is hosting its 1st Autumn Doctoral Consortium on Behavioral Decision Making. PhD scholars, 3rd year and above, are invited to submit an abstract of their work related to decision-making, broadly defined. Open for scholars from business schools in the fields of Decision Sciences, Entrepreneurship, Marketing & Organizational Behavior.

Keynote Speaker:

Professor Gerben A. van Kleef, University of Amsterdam, Associate Editor at OBHDP

Selected participants will present their research in a 20-minute talk. Dedicated faculty panel will provide feedback. Best Student Paper prizes will be awarded.

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

• Deadline for submission: 31st August, 2020, 5 pm Madrid time.
• Extended abstract (single-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point type, left-aligned, and in PDF format only) of no more than 1000 words.
• Include names of all co-authors and their university affiliations. Clearly identify the presenting student author.
• Research work should be ongoing and not published.
• Email your submissions to

CapsimInbox Development Lab Informational Webinar and Q&A Session


Tuesday, September 28

9:00-10:00 AM EDT


Zoom Webinar


Welcome to the 2021 Microsimulation Development Lab Informational Webinar and Q & A Session! This webinar is designed to be informative to professors who have already registered to participate and to those professors who are interested in participating in this year’s Microsimulation competition. This session will be led and moderated by two representatives from the CapsimInbox Team, Matt Shell and Kelsey Zimermann.

Matt Shell from Capsim will open this session with an overview of the CapsimInbox program as well as describing the focus and format of this year’s Microsimulation Development Lab. Matt and Kelsey will moderate a discussion with the authors from last year’s simulation competition, Professor Mino, Thompson, and Seely as well as Professor Baumann-Pauly, who has experience using the simulation, Ethics in International Mining, in the classroom. Hear about the experience of developing the simulation and the experience with using it in the classroom with students. The session will end with all four professors.


Guest Speakers

  • Dr. Takako Mino

    Lecturer, Humanities and Social Sciences
    Ashesi University
  • Jewel Thompson

    Adjunct Lecturer, Business Administration
    Ashesi University
  • Jennifer Seely

    Associate Professor of Politics
    Earlham College
  • DorothĂŠe Baumann-Pauly

    Director, Center for Business and Human Rights
    Geneva School of Economics and Management; NYU Stern School of Business


Tuesday, September 28th, 2021

  • 09:00 AM Washington D.C.
  • 02:00 PM United Kingdom
  • 03:00 PM Geneva
  • 03:00 PM Cape Town
  • 06:30 PM Mumbai
  • 09:00 PM Singapore

The 2021 Gothenburg International Research Conference on SDG 8

Event Overview

The 2021 Gothenburg International Research Conference on Sustainable Development Goal 8 will take place in a blended form (physically and virtually) 26-27 August. International and Swedish researchers will gather to discuss Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8 in the 2030 Agenda; to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth, employment and decent work for all.

At the core of SDG 8 is the great challenge of achieving economic growth without compromising the environment while also ensuring respect for human rights, and labour rights in particular. We need to make sure that economic progress is inclusive and creates decent and fulfilling jobs for everyone – reflecting the UN principle of Leaving No One Behind â€“ while not harming the environment. The impacts of the COVID pandemic on economies and people has caused lasting damage to long-term growth prospects and eroded living standards for hundreds of millions of people, especially in developing countries. The need to pursue further research in areas such as economic growth, work conditions and labour market with a global perspective has become increasingly critical. Although the pandemic has slowed down development, this is also the chance of building back better. COVID recovery and our planet’s repair must be the two sides of the same coin, as expressed by AntĂłnio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, during a speech in December 2020.

As part of the International Association of Universities (IAU) Cluster on Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development, the University of Gothenburg has taken a lead specifically on Sustainable Development Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. Within the cluster each SDG has its lead university, resulting in a global network of universities. The purpose of the SDG 8 Initiative at University of Gothenburg is to mobilise academic work and policy interaction in local and global contexts, together with eight satellite universities globally. The satellite universities, located in low- and middle income countries, provide opportunities for dynamic research collaboration by addressing the challenges of SDG 8 from the various geographical and methodological perspectives represented.

At the beginning of this year, a number of thematic reviews and discussion papers were initiated – each one pointing at research that is directly linked to one specific target within SDG 8, and in particular research focused on issues that can contribute to the attainment of the target. These papers will form the basis for research and policy interaction as well as collaboration with other stakeholders. The Gothenburg International Research Conference on SDG 8 is the main forum for disseminating the results.




Access the Agenda and Speakers


Registration closes August 24, 2021 at 5pm CEST

Deans Networking Session, Sponsored by GMAC

This invitation only* session, sponsored by GMAC, will convene Deans from leading schools across the globe to engage in conversations around the challenges and opportunities for business schools in our current environment. 

In this 75-minute session Deans will reconnect with peers and discuss key issues that matter most to you. This session offers a place to share creative thinking and innovative solutions your school is implementing to overcome obstacles. 

University of Leeds: Research Fellow in Supporting Decision-Making for Manufacturing Employment Opportunity

Are you an ambitious researcher looking for your next challenge?   Do you have a background in manufacturing, software development and/or decision-making?  Do you want to further your career in one of the UK’s leading research-intensive Universities?

This post is funded by the EPSRC project “FLEXICHEM: Flexible Digital Chemical Manufacturing Through Structure/Reactivity Relationships”. You will join an applied team of researchers, where you will focus on the development of software for supporting decision-making in chemical manufacturing. Holding a PhD (or close to completion) in Computer Science, Operational Research, Chemical Engineering, or Analytics, you will have research experience in manufacturing, software development and/or multi-criteria decision-making. Additionally, you will have a track-record of high-quality peer-reviewed publications, commensurate with experience and the ability to undertake independent research. You will conduct research from inception to publication, delivering against deadlines.

Location: Leeds – Main Campus
Faculty/Service: Faculty of Business
School/Institute: Leeds University Business School
Category: Research
Grade: Grade 7
Salary: ÂŁ33,797 to ÂŁ40,322 p.a.
It is likely that an appointment will be made no higher than ÂŁ38,017 p.a due to the funding limitations which dictate the level at which the appointment can start.
Post Type: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed Term (3 years)
Release Date: Wednesday 11 August 2021
Closing Date: Sunday 05 September 2021
Reference: LUBSC1531

To explore the post further or for any queries you may have, please contact:
Dr. Richard Edgar Hodgett, Associate Professor, Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, 
Dr. Natalie Fey, Associate Professor – University of Bristol,

Fulbright Open Call: Strengthening of Corporate Knowledge Management Process Project

The Fulbright Specialist Program (FSP) is seeking a highly qualified professional to serve as a Specialist for the approximately four-week project “Strengthening of Corporate Knowledge Management Processes” to take place in Bogotá, Colombia before November 30th, 2021.

The Fulbright Specialist Program (FSP), part of the larger Fulbright Program, was established in 2001 by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA). The program pairs highly qualified U.S. academics and professionals with host institutions abroad to share their expertise, strengthen institutional linkages, hone their skills, gain international experience, and learn about other cultures while building capacity at their overseas host institutions. Grant benefits include international round-trip economy class airfare, transit allowance, all applicable visa fees, a daily honorarium, enrollment in a limited health benefits program, lodging, meals, and in-country transportation.

Host Institution: Servicio Nacional De Aprendizaja (SENA)
Proposed Timeframe: To be determined by selected finalist and host but project must be completed prior to November 3oth, 2021.
Location of Project: BogotĂĄ, Colombia

Project Activities

The Specialist would collaborate with faculty to support the strengthening of SENA’s processes on corporate knowledge management, organizational transformation, and human talent management.

Preferred Qualifications

Candidates should have experience related to the implementation of strategies in human talent management and corporate knowledge management, with experience in organizational transformation for adaptability to meet challenges such as digital transformation, identification of human talent gaps and global crises such as COVID-19. Candidates should be familiar with the region of Latin America and have full professional proficiency in Spanish.

How to Apply

Applicants must meet all program eligibility criteria, including U.S. citizenship. A complete list of U.S. applicant eligibility criteria can be found here.

During the four-week visit, the Specialist will engage in activities that include but are not limited to:

  • Design and conduct lectures and seminars on the strengthening of methodologies, tools, and best practices on corporate knowledge management and organizational transformation;
  • Design and Conduct lectures and seminars on human talent management and organizational transformation strategies within the framework of the COVID-19 crisis.

If interested, please send your CV/resume and a personal statement by Wednesday, August 18 explaining why you believe that you could effectively serve as the Fulbright Specialist for this project.

Please limit your statement to no more than 400 words and include information regarding your availability. A copy of the full project description is available, upon request, to aid in the development of CVs and personal statements.

Additionally, please note that if you are selected as a potential candidate for this project, you will be required to submit an official application to join the Fulbright Specialist Roster.
