Innovative and mission-oriented financing of renewable energy in Sub-Saharan Africa: A review and conceptual framework

Notwithstanding the high levels of renewable energy resources across Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), modern energy use based on these abundant natural resources remains negligible. Furthermore, the current electrification rates and reliability of available power supply in the region have consistently remained significantly lower than the global average over the last three decades. This article, published in Wires Energy and Environment, was written by Prof Ogundiran Soumonni and Prof Kalu Ojah from Wits Business School

Reflections from MDI 2018: Solving Africa’s Health Challenges

[cs_content][cs_element_section _id=”1″][cs_element_row _id=”2″][cs_element_column _id=”3″][cs_text _order=”0″] As part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), UN members have committed to achieving Universal Health Coverage by 2030.  How will African countries reach this goal? Johnson & Johnson’s Management Development Institute (MDI) believes that by providing health workers with the management and leadership skills and tools, the efficiency and… Read more >

Why A Corporate University Is Invited to Join the Global Business School Network

We are excited to announce that Ecobank Academy has joined the Global Business School Network (GBSN) to pursue our shared vision for Africa to have the talent it needs to generate prosperity. Our aim is to work together over the long term to build a stronger connection between business and business schools—to develop the talent to achieve the Africa we want.

eLearning Africa Takeaway

The three-day eLearning Africa networking event that took place in Cairo, Egypt this May was a success. With GBSN being proud partner at this event, we were glad to know that over 1,045 delegates attended the event. There was 204 conference speakers, who gave presentations exploring latest innovations, best-practice examples and issues regarding technology and… Read more >

The Rising Entrepreneurial Spirit in Young Africa

In Walter Baets’ article, “What Young Africans want from Business Education Programmes,” he emphasizes the rising demand for “shorter, more modular business courses” that are more flexible and hands-on than the courses offered in the pursuance of the MBA. The Association of African Business Schools (AABS) recently revealed a growing interest by sub-Saharan youth in… Read more >

Top African Schools to Collaborate on Entrepreneurship

Press release from ESCA ecole de Management A consortium of leading African business schools from five major countries have signed a novel partnership agreement, which commits them to sharing resources, expertise and research to give a much-needed boost to entrepreneurship, job creation and economic development on the continent.The newly formed African Academic Association on Entrepreneurship… Read more >

Top African Schools to Collaborate on Entrepreneurship

Press release from ESCA ecole de Management A consortium of leading African business schools from five major countries have signed a novel partnership agreement, which commits them to sharing resources, expertise and research to give a much-needed boost to entrepreneurship, job creation and economic development on the continent.The newly formed African Academic Association on Entrepreneurship… Read more >