Enase Okonedo Appointed to Global Business School Network Board of Directors

Dean of Lagos Business School appointed to the GBSN Board of Directors Washington, DC Ð The Global Business School Network (GBSN) announces the appointment of Enase Okonedo to the Board of Directors effective January 1, 2020. GBSN is a nonprofit organization that partners with business schools, industry, to improve access to quality, locally relevant management… Read more >

GBSN Welcome’s 7 New Member Schools

The Global Business School Network is proud to welcome seven new member schools: Peking University HSBC Business School in Shenzhen, the University of Macau in Zhuhai, IE Business School in Spain, Ashesi University in Ghana, Cornivus Business School as its first member school in Hungary, NUCB Business School, Nagoya University of Commerce and Business as… Read more >

The Craft of Doing Research

In the framework of my PhD project, I undertook a research stay at Middlesex University Mauritius (www.middlesex.mu) at the beginning of 2019. In return for the university’s hospitality, I agreed to develop a research workshop series and thus to contribute to the university’s research goals. Together with Adeelah Kodabux and Denisha Seedoyal-Seereekissoon (current PhD students at Middlesex University Mauritius), we designed five workshops on the “Craft of Doing Research.” The workshops were targeted at current and future PhD students from Middlesex University Mauritius to provide valuable inputs on designing research projects successfully. Thanks to the support of the Global Business School Network, four of the five sessions were conducted by experienced scholars from different GBSN member universities.

University of St. Gallen Provides 10 Scholarships to its Global School in Empirical Research Methods 2017

GBSN works with our member schools to offer opportunities for international exchange, support and development within the network. These member-led initiatives enrich faculty, students and campuses with cross-border connections and help to spread best practice throughout the network. Member Initiatives can include doctoral dissertation mentoring, scholarships for faculty or students, research or teaching fellowships, faculty… Read more >

Greetings from Guy: The Power of Working Across Borders

Abuja, Nigeria Spoke at BAZE University   Bangalore, India Visit to Indian Institute of Management and Infosys. Attended the Confederation of Indian Industry Conference Berlin, Germany Attended Online Education Berlin conference and hosted GBSN Experiential eLearning Summit: Shaping Global Leaders Through Practice &Partnership Brazzaville, Republic of Congo Discussion with Government officials about creating a new… Read more >

GBSN Fellow: Where are the Students? My Open University UK Fellowship Experience

GBSN Member, The Open University Business School is hosting four faculty fellowships from Lagos Business School. The fellows are Ogechi Adeola, Yetunde Anibaba, Nubi Achebo and Obinna Muogboh. The four of them are staying with at the university for 6 weeks during November and December of 2016. This is the first guest blog from fellowOgechi… Read more >

Should Universities and Business Schools Focus on the Present or the Future?

This blog was written by Jon Foster-Pedley, Dean and director, Henley Business School Africa. Jonathan Foster-Pedley recently participated as a panelist in the Parliamentary Debate at the GBSN/EFMD Joint Conference in Africa. Four panelists were to argue for or against the following statement: “the house believes that the business schools should serve as visionaries shaping… Read more >

Graduate Degree Courses on Mobile Phones, A Worldwide First

I have bored audiences for years now, repeating that scaling management or any other kind of higher education in low-income regions would only be achieved via mobile phones. That is because relatively few people in Africa, India and other parts of the developing world have computers, but virtually everyone has access to mobile phones. What… Read more >

Patrick Awuah awarded MacArthur Foundation Fellowship for work at Ashesi University

Patrick Awuah, a friend of GBSN, was awarded the MacArthur Foundation Fellowship for his extraordinary originality and dedication to Ashesi University, a four-year institution that he founded in 2002. Ashesi University, which is grounded in a liberal arts curriculum, seeks to educate a new generation of ethical and entrepreneurial leaders in Africa. It is the… Read more >